This is why we must stop the FAA and airlines agreeing to allowing single pilot flight decks!

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I'd like to see the airlines go back to the old EKG cardiovascular fitness requirements also.

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Then there probably wouldn't be enough pilots left to keep the airlines operating?

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I presume single pilot flight decks are 100 or 1000 times as dangerous as dual pilot flight decks.

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Why would that be?

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Pre mRNA vaccine, let’s say that a pilot could become incapacitated every million flight hours. Under the stressful conditions of a pilot being incapacitated, perhaps a copilot would become incapacitated every 100,000 hours. Post mRNA, perhaps those numbers go to 100,000 and 100 or 1000.

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How was incapacitation defined and how was it caused in the cited statistics?

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Good question. It's unclear if a consistent and precise definition is being used in the cited statistics.

Nevertheless, I found this discussion, which looks good: https://skybrary.aero/articles/pilot-incapacitation

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Which airliner ever has a single pilot deck?

I would expect the FAA to start mandating that the fly by wire capabilities of modern airliners be connected to the air traffic control computers to insure landability with an empty cockpit.

Am I the only one with Shelly Berman's airline routine playing in my head?

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Keep pointing out what we know to be the obvious. All these people know damned well what happened but are too frightened to look further into it for fear of having to face the reality they wish would simply go away. We know damned well the media is 99% state run so it’s up to each and every one of us to make the world see.

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I, unlike you, never assume that anyone else knows more than me, because based on my decades of experience in life, I know it it is not provably true.

Any kind of Marxist has to be less educated, by default.

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At this point their families are not asking why! Why is that ? Paid off? Government? Big pharma? Who?

Apparently life itself is worth $0 to all involved and I’m getting frustrated to this fact. I have lost no one thankfully and I’m fucking pissed and yelling , talking and posting daily. People lost someone and say absolutely nothing ffs 🤦‍♀️ I’m finding this very very difficult to understand.

Almost losing my empathy for people ffs 🤦‍♀️

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It’s amazing to me that passenger planes aren’t falling from the sky yet. I used to have nightmares about that. Maybe it was a premonition.

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Thank God he’s more merciful than we deserve.

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On page 71 of Eben Alexander's Proof of Heaven, he discusses the beautiful butterfly that greeted him at the beginning of his NDE and told him that:

You are loved and cherished.

You have nothing to fear.

There is nothing that you can do wrong.

I would expect nothing more or less from a truly loving creator.

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I had an NDE, never felt so much love and contentment.

Had a life review, I was the only evaluator.

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The butterfly wasn't an "evaluator," just a greeter.

If it ever happens to me and I'm given the choice to stay or return, it will be easy to decide for the former.

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How has the experience changed you?

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I've had two OBE's (out of body experiences): the two most profound experiences of my life. You will never be the same again, and neither will you accept ANY religious "teaching" as "Truth" because they are not! Religions want you to "believe because we say so", but they are all human-contrived belief systems, mere ideas, that have no relationship to Reality!

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By the literal definition of NDE, I had one; however, I was far too young to remember anything of it.

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"Thank God he’s more merciful than we deserve."

Please take Vonu's response seriously: THAT is the Reality! Your "we don't deserve mercy" statement is straight out of the early Christian church distortion- and brainwashing campaign from the fourth century trying to convince people of such falsehoods as "we are all undeserving sinners who will go to eternal Hell" if we don’t believe and do exactly like the church tells us to, and we have "just one shot at getting it right" so we had better take no chances and just "obey".

Everyone who has been on "The Other Side" knows that that is utter nonsense and just an evil church's control trip!

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I'll stick with the historic Christian faith over some testimonies about out of body experiences or near death experiences, which I believe are strongly influenced by the hopes and desires of those experiencing them. My NDE came before my first birthday, so I have no recollection of it.

Nevertheless, I root for John 3:17 to be the most important verse of John 3:16-18. My desire is not universalism, i.e. a belief that all or many religions are equally valid, but rather that God applies the atonement of Jesus's sacrifice with great liberality.

There is a good discussion of how one of my favorite authors thought about the subject in the answer portion of https://literature.stackexchange.com/questions/3701/how-does-emeths-presence-in-aslans-country-in-the-last-battle-fit-in-with-the

Also, I expect that a positive OBE or NDE is a good sign, since it shows some positive things about the orientation of the person blessed by the experience.

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The Narnia books are fun to read, but just more religious ideology. Not Reality.

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Nearly-dying is not at all the same as an NDE.

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Maybe they are using more fly by wire than they are admitting.

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Thanks for asking. I’m no longer very afraid of death. It reduced the impact of my ego ruling my life and I try a lot harder to be kind. I also worked for IANDS (international Association Of Near Death Studies). There are many consistent reports. I guess it can be summed up as there is no real dying- as our soul lives forever. And that choosing love is the best for our mutual souls.

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This is very sad. I retired from this unit in 2004, and I think it’s safe to say that the jab caused the condition that led to his death. Although I did not know him, his passing has hit home. I’m sorry for his family, such a terrible loss.

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yes another Bio Weapon death until Proven otherwise

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Thanks for your comment.

Mine was meant more as a general note. Some people might expect a judgmental being of some kind. I wasn’t intending to imply that the butterfly he experienced was playing that role.

As far as staying or going- I agree, Earth is a tough place to be. Some think it’s an “advanced school.” I have OCD and every day is usually full of anxiety and angst. Most times the best I can hope for is to help someone else that day.

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Helping someone else each day (or some days) is awesome!

BTW, you may want to consider https://www.youtube.com/@metabolicmind or Dr. Chris Palmer's work as discussed on various channels like https://www.youtube.com/@lowcarbdownunder. I started pursuing a low carb high healthy fat diet and then a keto diet primarily to control hereditary hypertension. It took almost 2 years to achieve the blood pressure goals, but in the meantime I experienced more than 10 other major health benefits, including eliminating all prescription and OTC meds for chronic conditions.

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Yes, much of anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. is physiological and related to toxicities AND nutritional deficiencies. Gut health is a huge factor because an unhealthy microbiome produces brain-affecting toxins from Candida and many other "nasties", plus "leaky gut" that allows entry of those toxins and toxic bacterial particles that cause body-wide inflammation including in the brain, as well as only partially-digested food particles that trigger food allergies. (Brain allergies are also responsible for a large array of "behavioral" mental problems)

And brains need lots of nutrients that tend to be lacking in the modern diet, plus impaired guts can't absorb them well. Extra vitamins C and D, Omega 3's from fish oil, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, iodine, and high-dose B-complex are especially important including the usable form of B 12, methylcobalamine. Plus get your "methylation status" checked: you may need other types of folate besides folic acid, and other adjustments for optimum metabolic functioning. It is almost all correctable— even severe "mental health" problems have strong metabolic bases. But allopathic (Western-medicine) doctors are almost universally "clueless" about nutrition.

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Yet another "Died Suddenly" victim of the greatest and most evil medical crime in history.

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About pilot mandates-- this protest video may have been pounded down by the algos, but it's still on YT. Check out the spirit!


March 3, 2022 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA



Josh Yoder is co-founder of US Freedom Flyers www.usfreedomflyers.org. This was a rally speech he gave for the The People's Convoy of truckers, which protested the covid vaccine mandates with a convoy and series of rallies from California to Washington DC.



JOSH YODER: Hi, good evening. I'm so happy to see all of you here this evening. It absolutely warms my heart every time that I'm in a group of patriots like this.

The reason everyone's here tonight is because you're standing up. Finally. We've been waiting for so long across this country for people to stand up.


For me this journey started in August, August 6th, sitting in a hotel room in Chicago. United Airlines had just come out with a mandate for their employees. They said, you're going to get this jab or lose your job.

At that point there was no federal mandate. I spoke to a couple of friends and decided we had to do something about it. So we stood up and formed an organization known as US Freedom Flyers.


You may have seen the meltdowns that happened at Southwest and American Airlines.


JOSH YODER: They blamed it on clear weather in Florida.


JOSH YODER: You know it's really pesky. But it turns out, when you mistreat your employees, you take their rights for granted and you think you're going to bring tyranny into the workplace and to people's lives, they don't take it well.

And I'm happy to say, we still have a lot of patriots in this country who stood up and didn't just say no, they said, hell no, we're not going to take it!


That, hands down, is the most effective thing that we ever did.

On November 22nd we filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration. We're suing them.


This is the federal contractor clause that mandate that all these airlines, large trucking companies, sea shipping and rail, they're hiding behind it, they're saying, hey, it's not us, it's the government, they're making us do it.

So we said, OK, no problem. We're going to help you out, we're going to get rid of that and see what you do when you stand on your own.

We're currently out of 27 airlines, 5 rail companies, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, most of them have backed down. They've accepted relations to medical exemptions but to this day we do still have 4 airlines who have stood on these, so we're going to have a mandate regardless of what the federal government says and we're getting ready to file lawsuits against them as well.



That part of this trip across the country with these truckers is that the American Spirit is not dead. It has been amazing. I'll be honest, I've been really concerned over the past six months, especially. I was afraid that the American Spirit was dead. But I can tell you, driving from California—


JOSH YODER: —all the way out here to Indy [Indianapolis] I think I counted less than seven overpasses they didn't have Americans standing on them with flags.


This is one of the most powerful things I have ever been part of!

[Applause, standing ovation]

I can't even tell you how proud I am to be an American right now, the fact that you're all here.

[crowd chanting, inaudible]

This is the people's convoy, it's about you! We are going to take this country back! [inaudible] is just like you standing up with us.


I want to give a huge shout out to the truckers. I'm obviously not a trucker, I'm an airline pilot. I actually come from a family of truckers, that's one of the ways I got involved in this. I have a lot of faith in this nation, all the citizens of the United States. You know we see what Canada did, they're standing up. This is happening all around the world. So many people are fed up. This is about all of us—

MAN'S VOICE: We're fed up!

JOSH YODER: —humanity, standing up for human rights for each other. And I would just encourage you, never underestimate the power that you make or have as an individual. When you stand up and when you do the right thing, you never know who you're going to influence around you. And that's what you're seeing, you're seeing people who stood up, and everyone's rallying around those people, and we're changing the world.

Thank you so much for coming out this evening.




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The pilots that become incapacitated are probably the ones that didn't die.

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I suspect the FAA is trying to act like Pontius Pilot I washing their hands of the situation.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write these great ideas! I’m taking some of these supplements but will ask my naturopath MD about the methylation test and leaky gut issues.

Thanks again, Gary

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They don't want the plebians flying so a few jet liner crashes because of dead pilots should do that.

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