This is an evil, fallen world

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yes it is

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How will we ever know what happened? Hired killers at this level are too "professional" to get caught. And will we ever know how the two Boeing whistleblower "suicides" were murdered?

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"Nothing is off the table"...(Klaus Schwabb). They will do anything to intimidate us Doc, if they failed to kill us outright. I have experienced the visit of an as yet unidentified helicopter in my back forty twice in two weeks, and two FOILED attempts by the federal revenue agency in one twelve month period to get more tax money to which they were not entitled. Doctors seem very interested in doing "tests" these days as well. Frankly, I'm on high alert daily, and expect they will keep at it till they accomplish their goals. We do feel that we are protected by God however, and have seen some interesting "coincidences" which we call miracles, oddly enough in January survived a total wreck of our car, without a scratch, and in April both of us were taken to hospital by ambulance after donating blood...both of us lost consciousness within minutes of each other. One of us died briefly and revived spontaneously en route to hospital. Jesus said He would watch over us, and that all things work together for good to those that love God and do his commandments. Some of us are going to be killed, some imprisoned, all of us persecuted, but we are to endure, and maintain our testimony of truth, and faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. Our prayers are with the Donato family and the brave Members of European Parliament who have spoke out against the Covid Cartel.

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These Evil beings love and live Murder !!

Any prominent person coming against their evil money making murder machine, needs to be extra Vigilant!!! And Pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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It was known in 2020 prior to the jabs rollout that people with blood type O, the most common blood type in the US, are less susceptible to contracting Covid, and those with blood type A are more likely to get it and this finding has been replicated many times so why were blood type O people mandated to have the jabs? Where is the evidence that the short lived purported protection from the jabs is greater than the protection from blood type O? Unfortunately blood type O may not provide any protection from myocarditis and other jab injuries.

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serious risk even

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I think many of us are at risk

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Paul you have seen and know a lot of which you do not speak.

You know we are dealing with extreme evil, an evil that enjoys killing, suffering and chaos.

An evil that never ever tells the truth, or does anything out of compassion, love or kindness.

Paul this death cult, the governments of the world, with their puppet masters, are hell bent on death and destruction. Tragedy like this one, or the millions killed by the death jab, or the millions killed by the made up wars, on and on, screams of mass planned genocide.

Paul I know you have committed yourself to 45, being our ace in the hole, that he is our best shot at the present time. Paul please consider that the death cult would never allow 45 to stop them from their agenda, if he did, or was even close he would disappear.

You witnessed 45 creating, backing, and marketing the genocidal jab. His advisers are waste deep in the deep state, pharma, defense etc..

Paul I pray I am wrong and you are correct. But while praying I am getting locked and loaded.

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yes, his advisors but not he, you got to understand, it is he who lost an all but certain re-election...it is he who sits in those court rooms...he represents a threat unlike may...he is a dufus and needs to stfu at times but he is a good man...fundamentally...in a cesspool of filth

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Trump's personality has enabled him to withstand everything the corrupt Left has thrown at him. By comparison, Nixon crumpled under much less pressure and resigned.

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Brent - exactly. Trump was born for this time, and he NEVER quits or gives up the fight. He is NOT one of the global cabal, he loves his country, and has morals.

Trump will emerge the victor, as will the American people.

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Agree with you 100%. Why would a good man if he is would encourage the people to take the vaccine and even say it is safe and effective’ 45 has not publicly acknowledged that these vaccine are not safe and is continue to be used and harm people! The GENOCIDE continues.

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Merck had a former employee murdered for speaking out on the public stage. She knew they were hunting her down.

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Big Pharma has been infiltrated by the mafia of all types for the last 40 yrs.....they have taken advantage of naive mankind and their doctors to push their bad drugs. Big Pharma will have to be burned to the ground, they cannot be sanitized.

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As I’ve noted often… when people lose everything and have nothing else to lose…they lose it. The folks that have foisted this evil upon us are eventually going to be subject to mob rule (and deserve what they get). The global elite have played loose and fast for too long hurt/killed/and generally destroyed people for too long that not to receive retribution from those impacted is all but possible. Pax

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You mean this guy, who is quite obviously doing everything he can to promote freedom and oppose the left-fascist onslaught?


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I just can’t see past the walk” perp walk “down the house stairs with Paul Ryan

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It’s disgusting and a disgrace at this point!

Why does 45 stand steadfast with Johnson?

I found it strange. I get wanting the unified look for time being. Although this would have neeen forgotten if he was replaced swiftly. My guess is nobody can get the votes so stay unified , why the platform at Marla go though. Keep you friends close, enemies closer??? What say you Dr Alexander

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