Kennedy called this out at the beginning. We see this on the elderly that get vaccinated and especially with flu shots (another reason they're worthless). Aside from stroke or MI, it's a good bet that ADE killed many seniors through infection enhancement.

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All the i believe ferrets upon rechallenge with a variant died from ade. All of them. I knew that in 2020 and I was like the vaccine failed in animal trials. Why are they going forward.....

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When I read that I thought about my sister who is boosted and wants me to die too. I’m taking the long way home

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Interesting, isn't it? It SOUNDS like they may be making progress toward developing a REAL vaccine against COVID, i.e. NOT a gene-transfer drug that turns people into spike-generating bioweapon machines. BUT, considering all the fake research trials, all the lies, all the concealment of data, etc., it would be a "Cold Day In Hell" before I would EVER take ANY "vaccine" again!!!! And are they even TRYING to study the phenomenon of "antigenic priming"? The best vaccines in the world are still prone to THAT immunological disaster! As are (apparently) ALL flu vaccines. Bottom line? DON'T TAKE THEM! Stay healthy instead and let your immune system do what it is supposed to do.

ONE EXCEPTION: if you have a pet domestic ferret, you HAVE to vaccinate it for Canine Distemper . . . it is highly contageous, they can get it from dogs or even just from walking outside where dogs may have been recently, and it is 100% fatal with no effective cure. It is a terrible disease, and unfortunately I've seen three ferrets with it. The vaccines actually work! Conversely, wild Blackfooted ferrets are also highly susceptible, but distemper vaccine will KILL THEM!!!!

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Thank you. A non sterilising vaccine is not a good start. 1 vaccine resistance. 2. repeat - ineffective vaccine- negative efficacy. 3. Another booster - Disease enhancement. 4. boost again - anti body dependant enhancement. That’s the way it goes in a failed vaccine experiment

5. Denial where the vaccinated are now more infectious than the non vaccinated. 6. A pandemic of ADE (and adverse effects) 7. Vaccine well out of date, consequently subverting and misdirecting the vaccine and innate/adaptive immunity through targeting the Wuhan spike which no longer exits. Thats not all - the spike protein is synthetic, cytotoxic and enters the nucleus of the cells, down regulating DNA repair and subverting the immune system.

In the latest shot (the eight mice shot), they have concocted the Wuhan spike with the Omicron spike.

I gather from all this, since there now appears no longer such thing as “medical experimentation”, therefore no more emergency use authorisation - what are implications now for informed consent?

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"As such, the vaccine was recommended only for children greater than 9 years of age who had already been exposed to the virus."

??? Recommend a 'vaccine' for someone who had already had the infection and been exposed to the actual virus? MADNESS 😠

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We rarely discuss natural immune system enhancement by incorporating detox and natural extracts and formulated supplements to balance out our perspective on immunology. I suggest an evolving boilerplate of resources being used to counter pathogens and vaccine damaged immune systems as a footnote.

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They knew this could happen. Quote from the EUA documents December 2020: "Available data do not indicate a risk of vaccine-enhanced disease, and conversely suggest effectiveness against severe disease within the available follow-up period. However, risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing clinical trials and in observational studies that could be conducted following authorization and/or licensure."

Safe and Effective™.

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In Vladimir Zelenko's interview with Highwire in Sep 2021 he says the COVID Vaccines cause ADE. He tried to warn Israel, as they were being kept filled with propaganda and the truth about vaccines was suppressed. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iaLlZN0q8rjk/

NIH, NIAID knew the mRNA Vaccine for SARS COV would cause ADE. NIAID paid for a study done prior to 2019, and the results were published to the web in Jan 2019. At the end of the document where Funding is mentioned, the NIH adds a disclaimer that "the content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the views of the NIH." Why pay for a study just to say the results are "views" of an author.


The next to last sentence of Para 2.2 of the study: "However, despite these promising results, antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of infection was previously noted in the context of vaccination with full-length SARS-CoV S protein vaccine [62]. "

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The only purpose of any vaccine or mRNA injection is to interfere with the natural process your body undertakes every second of your life attempting to ensure your survival. The idea that you can pre-prime your body's defenses is akin to mumbo-jumbo invented to inspire fear of death that is the foundation of most big pharma drugs use.

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“Scientists say that with ADE, after people get vaccinated “

“Scientists say” -- the credibility kiss of death, whether or not I agree with the premise.

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Let's wait until "could" becomes "will".

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From vaccine OR past infection?

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Sep 5, 2022Edited
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This is a curious aspect of the whole thing, and no one ever discusses it or brings it up: Why did China refuse the mRNA vaccines?????

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Because they didn't have Doctor Death Fraudchi who was just waiting for a plandemic so that he could introduce the mRNA crap. He even admitted it beforehand, search for "universal influenza vaccine c-span October 2019".

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There are no live attenuated vaccines against the coof. The Chinese vaxxines contain inactivated viruses.

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