As someone who received the drug and is now living with the consequences, I know this message must be sent out far and wide. My heart failed - cardiogenic shock, and yet most of my doctors act like they have no idea why my heart failed or that this is all Covid.

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Heather, this is so catastrophic and we are very sorry you endured this. Thank you for sharing and thank God you lived to tell. Help us share this message, your story.

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Dr. Alexander, coming from you, that means a lot; thank you. I wish I had the funds to sue. Not for the money because nothing will "fix" me, rather for others to know- 1. They are not alone and 2. This was NOT an unfortunate and unavoidable event. I praise God I am alive. I have trust issues with the medical community. No one seems to understand why. Until discovering you, The Wellness Company, and reading Dr. Atlas's book, I felt like I was losing my mind. Now I know I am nor the crazy one!

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May God heal you completely...

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Are we going back to a sign language? It might be a progress from the globalists' view point.

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Thank you, Martha. God has healed my heart. I am a miracle. I trust God has His reasons for not healing my legs. It has changed me in profound ways. It has made me sing His praises more loudly and ask to pray with people I would have been too shy to before. God is good and uses our weaknesses to His glory! For that I am truly grateful and blessed.

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Heather I will keep you in my prayers I am glad you were stronger than the evil doers! That you lived to tell the nightmare and are courageous enough to speak out! Thank you

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Praying for your recovery 🙏🏼

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That is really inexcusable. I advocate for myself. I am not jabbed nor will I be. No flu shot either. My husband is injection crazy. He actually asked the Dr for a shot.

Family Dr that I have backed into the corner with righteous indignation over the idea I was going to get a flu shot

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Dr. Ardis was the first person I heard warn about the death drug Remdesivir. And this was very early on. I believe his father-in-law was killed in the hospital after he was administered Remdesivir.

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yes, he is a good friend of mine when the damn Freedom Movement tried to destroy him, I fought for him and will do it again...he is smart, passionate, and sought to help. he helped save lives

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I think it may have been who coined the term

“RunDeatIsNear” as a good reminder to stay away

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Yes, he did save lives.

I sent all my friends the first video that I watched with him warning about Remdesivir.

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Ditto to all that...and more, he was the only one shouting this from the rooftops, a true marathoner, still going too

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Yes, he was shouting the warning from the rooftops.

I am forever indebted to him.

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I did not hear his remdezavir info until 2 months after my husband was nearly killed by it. He’s lucky to be alive. Hopefully no permanent damage 3 yrs later.

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Prayers for your husband.

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It is hard to know what the long term problems are with this drug. I am sorry you and your husband had to endure this. I went into the ER complaining of heart failure. My family was not allowed with me. My husband was kept out of the hospital. The protocol then, in Maine, was to "treat" for COV!D first and everything else after. I never consented to the treatment (I knew it was bad). I don't know when they gave it to me- I woke up 10 days later in the ICU. I only found out about the use of the drug after reading my medical records.

I don't know you and it is hard to tell someone's feelings from a comment. I told you what happened to me so you remember where the blame lies- with the people's whose job it is to know better.

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Thankfully those of us who researched & read the wonderful knowledge shared by you and Dr. Artis and all of the other brave drs, we knew enough NOT to take Paxlovid…We knew of Fauci’s hype of the money maker Paxlovid. Just another lie by Faux Fauci… Regis HS should be so proud of their lying alumn. Can’t wait till June 3rd when he answers to Congress.. although we know he will just continue his lies because he has no conscience. He is responsible for the death of many. When will he pay for what he has done?

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thank you for this and thank you for being strong and a critical thinker, huge hugs

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At the very end of his term on earth. Pretty sure it's not angels he will hear

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When will he pay? When we, the people, place him at execution wall and pull the triggers...

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Margaret, he may get away with it now, but unless he repents, he will suffer the consequences of the wrath of God. I hope he repents because it is my duty to do so. But I also hope a jury of his peers finds him guilty and justice is served.

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Recycling toxic and deadly Remdesivir was almost identical to Fauci and the Science Establishment recycling (toxic and deadly) AZT to "treat" AIDS/HIV patients in the 1980s.

BTW, Fauci's replacement - Dr. Jean Marrazo - previously was director of Infectious Diseases at UAB in Birmingham. One of her last big jobs in that position was supervising the safety trials for ... remdesivir.

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thank you Bill, Fauci killed thousands of gay men by denying them Bactrim and pushing toxic AZT...Fauci is a real criminal decades in the making but a baby to Francis Collins the guitar man

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And they no doubt picked Fauci's successor. UAB made a killing (no pun intended) from all the grants Fauci steered to that "research" hospital and Dr. Marrazo.

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Paxlovid is a combination of 2 drugs and one of them has a black box warning.

Your doctor won't tell you.

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You have a good point Kathy! I would like an answer to that as well.

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If you listen to Amazing Polly, she has a lot to say about "the wellness co"....You are right to question who they are and who their backers are. Once I investigated them, I unsubscribed from their newsletters....they're a front for Big Pharma IMO

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Yup. The way it was and is a friend who drove a truck for a living took the jab to be able to cross into the USA and caught covid and lasted 8 days on a ventilator until he died. Same old same old.

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devastating keg, simply devastating and it is why I went to Ottawa with Bridle Hodkinson etc. Ponesse to battle the beasts...what was done was monstrous and the truckers were the real freedom fighters...thank you

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How awful. I’m so sorry for your tragic loss.

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My condolences to his family.

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The kicker here was that his wife was a retired nurse and must have had so much trust in the corrupt CYSTem to question what was going on.

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When I was young wanted to become a nurse. Now I am glad I didn't. Would have been out of work or unemployed.

Cause I could not force a shot on anyone

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I highly recommend listening to America Outloud with The Breggin’s and Zowe Smith it is an incredible interview as it further illustrates the evils of our government the hospitals who were complicit and the intentional harms done to innocent people all so that these people without conscience could enrich the bank accounts! Zowe was a coder at a hospital and her message is sobering!

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Thanks for America Outloud, never heard of them. Will follow up on Smith interview

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Your welcome Dr Breggin introduced me to Dr Alexander on one of their interviews Breggin and his wife wrote the book The Global Predators We are the Prey They are fierce voices against tyranny Dr Breggin is a psychiatrist who has done much to rail against Prozac ECT he is a fine patriot

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One of my daughters was prescribed Prozac. She did not stay on it. Did not like how it made her feel


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There should be a study of giving people pharmaceuticals that are conducive petrochemicals and chalk VGCC in an EMF-free environment. Moe studies with RFR and the other with ELF, and then the two combined. In the UK, we have metal-covered roofs on many hospitals and allow people to use phones a carcinogen (stupid right), or try us their phone to as no signal and god forbid it is unearthed as this is why we have flight mode on an airplane and to protect the wires and you from your phone signals bouncing until it can escape the unearthed faraday effect through a window. NO SIGNAL only increases the radiation from the phone [by] 10x with 1 bar of signal compared to a full signal. Therefore, if there are a lot of people in a hospital, it could react further with conductive chemicals like pharmaceuticals. Respirators create an electric field ELF and the physics sum needed to allow RFR to penetrate your body more efficiently.

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Nerumberg 2.0 is due

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They are still hung up on the bullshit lab leak. Its physics Conductive + electric field = antenna/receiver. We need to look to physics not medicine for this. YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE LAWS OF PHYSICS. People still can't believe 1918 was pneumonia caused by mold GN bacteria exacerbation and conductive shots and the prolific use of DDT With inferior electricity ( electric flows round wires not through them) https://normanjames.substack.com/p/electricity-flows-around-the-wires?utm_source=publication-search and RFR from national public radio created the reaction. We have conductive food chemtrails water food laden with calcium carbonate round up all sorts of shite and 1 quintillion fold MM RFR EMF in 20 years from 2000 -2020. in seconds that 30 billion years 2x the existence of the universe

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Yes Martha, actually overdue!

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I have a good friend a dialysis nurse who say first hand what Remedeathsevere was doing to peoples kidneys. She was the nurse who dug into those charts. I went and read the trial myself after he made mention of it early on. I have a cousin who lost a grand daughter who was admitting to a hospital with covid. Turns out Remdesivir was the only approved treatment for children. I'm guessing she died of organ failure. Her mom a nurse trusted those doctors and didn't do her own research. Trusted them like every one else did.

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Remdesivir is now approved for babies.

They are calling it by its trade name Veklury.

Here is a link to the horror:


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TY for that info on Veklury, I'm gonna spread the word too!!

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The biomedical security state is probably upset that it is called "run death is near" so they figured they would use the trade name to fool people, and to kill them.

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So sad... May God deal with these monsters who conjured this PlanDemic, then activated it by lockdowns, CDC procedures, FDA banning of the Therapeutic Dugs that would've cured our loved ones, and punish those who knowingly enriched themselves, knowing what they were doing, was murder. And may God deal with them now, not later...

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Not I. Never get. A flu shot. They used (supposedly) inactive virusfor the shot.


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So many died ony small city after given Remdisiver...My sister-in-law included.

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so sorry Martha, so sorry, please accept our sympathies. we will punish them, if its the last breath I take personally

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Thank you. My beautiful, Christian baby sister died in a TX Hospital bcuz of CDC protocols. My husband's sister died in a local hospital after Remdisiver. I don't know if my sister was given Remdisiver but she died after being forced on a vent against her will. They even put a nurse in her room to keep it on her. She'd texted her husband to come get her or she'd be dead by morning, but he was sick to, and he didn't get her text until the next day. By the time he got to the hospital, she was gone...I prayed to God He'd punish them all ..

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yes, pray and our Lord will help...the actions they took on us were monstrous all uninformed and misguided and many deliberate and they knew...

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They knew, still went ahead eventhough the entire medical staff had noticed the fatal consequences of neglect, ventilators, administration of killing drugs, and refusal of the effective ones. Plus an automatic DNR on the most fragile groups of people. What do you call that? any sugar coated name for this intentionnal rampage ?

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Ivir. I'll never trust a drug ending with ivir. Thank you for the heads up.

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Double death with Paxlovid.

PAXLOVID is nirmatrelvir tablets co-packaged with ritonavir tablets.

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