excellent work by Dr. James Hill: "Harmful intent for vaccines: a review"; Could vaccines or their mandates be intentionally designed to harm people? I say YES!!!!! Credit: Miri Anne
Read the comment I just made on your Stack from an hour ago. Yes, intentional harm and death, intentionally fucking with our DNA, rationalized by their godless global views and agenda.
This Sage Hana person - what the F is going on with them? Stirring the pot of anger and racism, in the guise of truth-telling, and with a false sense of intellectual superiority. A person like that is not seeking the truth, they are involved in something else, and a selfish pursuit at that.
I am no longer reading their multiple stacks each day, but I am filing them in a folder.
The lack of recognition that we are in a Democide is astounding. An analogy to what is taking place now is we are already in the showers breathing in the poisonous gas and we are asking each other... are they trying to kill us
It's not really so astounding that the Democide is unrecognized when you consider that the typical American, raised on a diet of propaganda, believes his or her feelings are facts. The mean IQ of non-Jewish Americans is low compared to the mean IQ of Jewish Americans and that of people in many other countries. There may not be much that can be done about this. You can't put a pint of milk in a half pint bottle. However, the propaganda dumbs down non-Jewish Americans even further from their low baseline. The propaganda is disseminated through many sources including the Fake News but mostly through the education system. It's through the education system that the majority population of low IQ Americans are taught successfully to be snowflakes and to deny reality.
The Coddling of the American Mind
In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health.
100% YES! Think about it Dr Alexander, look at the 55 undeclared newly found metals and chemicals inside these “Bioweapon Injections”! Peer reviewed as well!
And let’s not forget about Dr Francis Boyle who wrote the “Bioweapons Treaty of 1985” signed off by Senior Bush President and both houses of Congress. In fact it’s still in effect today.
Dr Boyle called both covid and the bioweapon injections a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”!
How much more does
“We The People” need to understand? I know two people close to me “DEAD” because of these shots and five other associates also “DEAD”!
Seven people in three years? AYKM? Never before in my lifetime have I been so close to so many people who have “DIED”!
Oh there’s more, lots more I could write about this. I’m limited for time.
The bottom line is “YES”! These shots were designed to “KILL”!
Thank you Dr. as always, thank you for keeping the
“COVID-FIRES” burning! We cannot let these people off the HOOK! Not now, NOT EVER! Until Justice is served!
The fluoride issue is all about the money. Aluminum producers had to pay a lot to get this poison, a by product of aluminum production, disposed of until someone came up with the idea to sell it as a commodity to reduce tooth decay. But I have a good idea too. Why not set up leftists to consume arsenic to kill parasites they have? Side effect of course is it kills the patient. KInda like what the fake jab does.
I do not want to hear anyone who criticizes Adolph is also pro euthansia...such people are damned hypocrites because this is where we are at now...only under Adolph the targets were Jews, now it is anyone they can get and soon there will be organ harvesters to murder victims and sell the organs to the highest bidder as in Red China.
Why are people so damned stupid. I read that 33% of the population actually still support the spawn of a hippie witch and a commie pos. How ignorant and useless can so many people be?
Now I do not know who POLITICO are but allegedly they wrote an article about a meeting that was called by FACEBOOK in FEBRUARY 2020 and what I read made me think this is the ramping up by SECRET POWERS THAT BE to control free speech!? YES/NO?
Just read the following paragraph that I have taken from the article! Then think about and have a debate with family, friends, MSM or at least in your own head!?--- --- ---- In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.
What drew my attention to this is that I stuck a song ( https://rumble.com/v5d4805-mask-by-roy-mcintosh-video-banned-on-youtube-and-facebook..html ) on FACEBOOK with my take on the world in 2020/21 and got a 3 day ban from making comments and posting on FACEBOOK! My first reaction is that this is like being at school and being stuck in the 'NAUGHTY CORNER'! I also GOOGLED FACEBOOK and the one heading that caught my eye was the POLITICO one--- How Nick Clegg is trying to fix Facebook's global image. YOUTUBE also deleted my videos so I have stopped using FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE!
Mask by Roy McIntosh - video banned on YouTube and Facebook.
Mask by Roy McIntosh Mask, mask, mask with the mighty covid, The Chinese Wizard is on the prowl, Not sure where he his flu tae, But wir telt he'll be back again. Waiting, waiting, waiting fir the seco
MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! My mother used to say that to me and sure she had taken it from the bible or religious mags she used to read! So when I saw the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION being allegedly involved right away I thought that the EVIL TENTICLES of THE SATANIC GATES FOUNDATION shall be well into this and all the SATANIC FOLLOWERS in the fold. That being WEF/UN/ROYALS/UNIS/COUNCILS/MSM etc and even the tiddlers in media such as THE FERRET of Scotland and the TASMANIAN TIMES in Aus. Look at the funding that GATES gives to UNIS/MSM etc and that shall trickle down the SATANIC TENTICLES and be drip fed to to the tiddlers and there shall be many round the world as how do they survive. Sure isn't from sales--YES/NO!?
It is strange but no great shock that this is hardly spoken about by MSM and smaller media outlets. I have only seen the POLITCO article!? Clear that the NARRATIVE has to be followed and step over the line and the funding is chopped!?
Yes, MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, my Auld Maw sure got that right!
Dr. James Hill and I share the same view...Europeans and Americans...(plus Canadians, Australians,...) are targeted apparently, but why?... well, because they are genetically the same folk. Why kill them off? Because they are in fact the brothers and sisters of the hated Jewish people...one of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. Let's face facts...Generally, the Europeans were the well spring from which the West was drawn from...and where did the Europeans come from...the Middle East...dispersed throughout every nation, the "lost tribes" of Israel. White folk in particular, please, take note...look at the photos from the Holocaust...what do you see...Chinese? NO. Do you see indigenous natives? NO. Were the people who were hated and murdered in the death camps Blacks from Africa? NO. Indeed, they were white folk...and because they, the "Jews" were white, it follows that their 11 ethnic brothers were white also...the 12 Tribes of Israel are white folk, scattered, and they became "the West"...along with their cultural and religious beliefs...Christianity...carried over from the Law given to all 12 tribes of Israel by God through Moses, while in the Exodus from Egypt. The genome project from the 90's has made it possible to identify us, and target us. Population replacement is being executed in every country in the West...currently, in real time, and dramatically. Depopulation is also real, is happening, and is cruelly immoral, with cleverly devised plans being forcefully mandated by the dark forces, the spiritually wicked in high places. Let's be frank about this...it's true. Dr. James Hill's observations are real and true. I've given the motive here, briefly, for the genocide...I learned about it from the Bible decades ago. This was prophesied thousands of years ago, and confirmed by Jesus about 2000 years ago...and here we are. Trust Jesus while it is called Today. There is life after death...Jesus proved it. P.s. It makes no difference to the murderers if you are not white...if you accept that Jesus is the son of God, and confess that with your mouth, you are a target as well...because you too are Israeli...graffed in to the Commonwealth of Israel, under Scriptural law, you are an Israelite, with all the privileges and responsibilities to serve God. They are targeting you too, black brothers and sisters, Arabic, Native, Oriental...if you are a Christian, they are aiming at you too. We are commanded to watch, and to endure. Let's all do this, in Jesus' name.
He needs to be defrocked and a new leader named who ascribes to the Holy Bible. This enemy of God needs to be exposed and dumped. He is leading his people into apostasy.
Dr. Hill is perfectly correct!!! All he says is accurate. And he is proof of the reasons that white people are targeted. He is way ahead of them and they fear a people who they cannot fool. NOTE THIS ALSO MAKES THEM RACISTS AND BIGOTS. hmmmmm I thought they wanted to eliminate racism and here the lying bastards are white people bigots.
Sowell is a giant. I have tried to meet him in person but seems he is living a reclusive life...he has earned it but what a giant.
Read the comment I just made on your Stack from an hour ago. Yes, intentional harm and death, intentionally fucking with our DNA, rationalized by their godless global views and agenda.
This Sage Hana person - what the F is going on with them? Stirring the pot of anger and racism, in the guise of truth-telling, and with a false sense of intellectual superiority. A person like that is not seeking the truth, they are involved in something else, and a selfish pursuit at that.
I am no longer reading their multiple stacks each day, but I am filing them in a folder.
thanks for sharing...I dont read their work 6 months now...I think they are a bit unsettled and deranged and combative...as if they own the space.
people can write what they think but dont go attacking people for they will do same to you.
I refer to SAGE here
lol, you said it well, good take on them.
The lack of recognition that we are in a Democide is astounding. An analogy to what is taking place now is we are already in the showers breathing in the poisonous gas and we are asking each other... are they trying to kill us
very excellent sharing.
It's not really so astounding that the Democide is unrecognized when you consider that the typical American, raised on a diet of propaganda, believes his or her feelings are facts. The mean IQ of non-Jewish Americans is low compared to the mean IQ of Jewish Americans and that of people in many other countries. There may not be much that can be done about this. You can't put a pint of milk in a half pint bottle. However, the propaganda dumbs down non-Jewish Americans even further from their low baseline. The propaganda is disseminated through many sources including the Fake News but mostly through the education system. It's through the education system that the majority population of low IQ Americans are taught successfully to be snowflakes and to deny reality.
The Coddling of the American Mind
In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health.
By Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt
100% YES! Think about it Dr Alexander, look at the 55 undeclared newly found metals and chemicals inside these “Bioweapon Injections”! Peer reviewed as well!
And let’s not forget about Dr Francis Boyle who wrote the “Bioweapons Treaty of 1985” signed off by Senior Bush President and both houses of Congress. In fact it’s still in effect today.
Dr Boyle called both covid and the bioweapon injections a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”!
How much more does
“We The People” need to understand? I know two people close to me “DEAD” because of these shots and five other associates also “DEAD”!
Seven people in three years? AYKM? Never before in my lifetime have I been so close to so many people who have “DIED”!
Oh there’s more, lots more I could write about this. I’m limited for time.
The bottom line is “YES”! These shots were designed to “KILL”!
Thank you Dr. as always, thank you for keeping the
“COVID-FIRES” burning! We cannot let these people off the HOOK! Not now, NOT EVER! Until Justice is served!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
With the detrimental affects of Flouride on a child's developing Brain, no wonder why the Dumbing down of our Society continues.....
very very good point Michael...often overlooked.
The fluoride issue is all about the money. Aluminum producers had to pay a lot to get this poison, a by product of aluminum production, disposed of until someone came up with the idea to sell it as a commodity to reduce tooth decay. But I have a good idea too. Why not set up leftists to consume arsenic to kill parasites they have? Side effect of course is it kills the patient. KInda like what the fake jab does.
I donated to FLCCC. We need good clean products and services to help people who have been jabbed!
Flouride, is a strong Neurotoxin, the FDA when questioned said " We didn't know"...
As usual, Sowell knows the real problem. A thinking man is poison to any government.
I do not want to hear anyone who criticizes Adolph is also pro euthansia...such people are damned hypocrites because this is where we are at now...only under Adolph the targets were Jews, now it is anyone they can get and soon there will be organ harvesters to murder victims and sell the organs to the highest bidder as in Red China.
Why are people so damned stupid. I read that 33% of the population actually still support the spawn of a hippie witch and a commie pos. How ignorant and useless can so many people be?
Now I do not know who POLITICO are but allegedly they wrote an article about a meeting that was called by FACEBOOK in FEBRUARY 2020 and what I read made me think this is the ramping up by SECRET POWERS THAT BE to control free speech!? YES/NO?
Just read the following paragraph that I have taken from the article! Then think about and have a debate with family, friends, MSM or at least in your own head!?--- --- ---- In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.
What drew my attention to this is that I stuck a song ( https://rumble.com/v5d4805-mask-by-roy-mcintosh-video-banned-on-youtube-and-facebook..html ) on FACEBOOK with my take on the world in 2020/21 and got a 3 day ban from making comments and posting on FACEBOOK! My first reaction is that this is like being at school and being stuck in the 'NAUGHTY CORNER'! I also GOOGLED FACEBOOK and the one heading that caught my eye was the POLITICO one--- How Nick Clegg is trying to fix Facebook's global image. YOUTUBE also deleted my videos so I have stopped using FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE!
Mask by Roy McIntosh - video banned on YouTube and Facebook.
Mask by Roy McIntosh Mask, mask, mask with the mighty covid, The Chinese Wizard is on the prowl, Not sure where he his flu tae, But wir telt he'll be back again. Waiting, waiting, waiting fir the seco
MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! My mother used to say that to me and sure she had taken it from the bible or religious mags she used to read! So when I saw the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION being allegedly involved right away I thought that the EVIL TENTICLES of THE SATANIC GATES FOUNDATION shall be well into this and all the SATANIC FOLLOWERS in the fold. That being WEF/UN/ROYALS/UNIS/COUNCILS/MSM etc and even the tiddlers in media such as THE FERRET of Scotland and the TASMANIAN TIMES in Aus. Look at the funding that GATES gives to UNIS/MSM etc and that shall trickle down the SATANIC TENTICLES and be drip fed to to the tiddlers and there shall be many round the world as how do they survive. Sure isn't from sales--YES/NO!?
It is strange but no great shock that this is hardly spoken about by MSM and smaller media outlets. I have only seen the POLITCO article!? Clear that the NARRATIVE has to be followed and step over the line and the funding is chopped!?
Yes, MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, my Auld Maw sure got that right!
Dr. James Hill and I share the same view...Europeans and Americans...(plus Canadians, Australians,...) are targeted apparently, but why?... well, because they are genetically the same folk. Why kill them off? Because they are in fact the brothers and sisters of the hated Jewish people...one of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. Let's face facts...Generally, the Europeans were the well spring from which the West was drawn from...and where did the Europeans come from...the Middle East...dispersed throughout every nation, the "lost tribes" of Israel. White folk in particular, please, take note...look at the photos from the Holocaust...what do you see...Chinese? NO. Do you see indigenous natives? NO. Were the people who were hated and murdered in the death camps Blacks from Africa? NO. Indeed, they were white folk...and because they, the "Jews" were white, it follows that their 11 ethnic brothers were white also...the 12 Tribes of Israel are white folk, scattered, and they became "the West"...along with their cultural and religious beliefs...Christianity...carried over from the Law given to all 12 tribes of Israel by God through Moses, while in the Exodus from Egypt. The genome project from the 90's has made it possible to identify us, and target us. Population replacement is being executed in every country in the West...currently, in real time, and dramatically. Depopulation is also real, is happening, and is cruelly immoral, with cleverly devised plans being forcefully mandated by the dark forces, the spiritually wicked in high places. Let's be frank about this...it's true. Dr. James Hill's observations are real and true. I've given the motive here, briefly, for the genocide...I learned about it from the Bible decades ago. This was prophesied thousands of years ago, and confirmed by Jesus about 2000 years ago...and here we are. Trust Jesus while it is called Today. There is life after death...Jesus proved it. P.s. It makes no difference to the murderers if you are not white...if you accept that Jesus is the son of God, and confess that with your mouth, you are a target as well...because you too are Israeli...graffed in to the Commonwealth of Israel, under Scriptural law, you are an Israelite, with all the privileges and responsibilities to serve God. They are targeting you too, black brothers and sisters, Arabic, Native, Oriental...if you are a Christian, they are aiming at you too. We are commanded to watch, and to endure. Let's all do this, in Jesus' name.
You set yourself up for this one lol. Think, Paul
Here is another problem...
He needs to be defrocked and a new leader named who ascribes to the Holy Bible. This enemy of God needs to be exposed and dumped. He is leading his people into apostasy.
Dr. Hill is perfectly correct!!! All he says is accurate. And he is proof of the reasons that white people are targeted. He is way ahead of them and they fear a people who they cannot fool. NOTE THIS ALSO MAKES THEM RACISTS AND BIGOTS. hmmmmm I thought they wanted to eliminate racism and here the lying bastards are white people bigots.
Roman Bystrianyk SUBSTACK
Dissolving the Vaccine Illusion
Part 5: Deadly Medicine