David Dutch, 57 of New Kensington, PA, and James Copenhaver, 74 of Moon Township, PA, have serious injuries following the shooting by Thomas Matthew Crooks at the Trump rally on July 13, 2024
One can only hope that what happened has gone unnoticed by Xi, Zelensky, Kim Jong Un, Maduro, al-Qaeda and ISIS et al and that they have not concluded that in America even a purported lone wolf zit faced psycho adolescent can turn up at rallies of aspirants for POTUS including former presidents and pass through security with a range finder and AR 15 and then take up position at the best site with a clear view of the target and let off a few rounds and hit the target without anybody stopping them. Hopefully this demonstration of American competence does not inspire copy cat attacks.
Interesting to read the commentary on proposed solutions in Newsweek:
"if the secret service can't or won't secure trump's rallies, then they should issue formal notice to the GOP that trump's rallies will no longer be federally protected so that the Republican party can make other security arrangements in order to protect the audiences in attendance."
"How about the Republican Party declaring that Trump rally goers can all bring their firearms including AR-15's to Trump rallies? It would be a great pro-2nd Amendment statement, and security should be better than ever because if there's anything better than just one good guy with a gun it's thousands of good guys and gals with guns!"
He needs his own private praetorian guard, vetted by him or his team. SS is either compromised or incompetent and possibly both. But to place your safety into the hands of Mayorkas/Cheatle is insane.
Please allow me to pay my respects to FF CORY COMPERATORE, as a retired Professional Fire Fighter, once a volunteer myself. The inclination to protect others is instinctive, and Cory is to be admired for his innate courage under fire. I would be remiss to fail to mention the others who were injured while boldly exercising their RIGHT to be at a political event, and went there knowing the abuse and danger that followers of Donald Trump face daily, and, using their courage to make their statement, attended, as they should. The intimidation of voters has never been this bad, and the Democrats act with impunity and disrespect, in spite of the clear end of their party and their way of doing business. Judgement day is on the horizon.
And still those that caused the attempted death of our President are still walking around! There was a second shooter at least! The proof is in the audio, 2 distinct sounds of different guns followed by the last shot of the kill by our sniper! Just listen to audio! And yet again a cover up by this administration, the secret service, even the media, it drops out of news? AGAIN! I love Trump and his compassion that was shown for our hero fireman and the two severely injured. But, the other shooter is out there, why was a picture shown of darker colored person and shown as supporter of Biden and a part of ANTIFA, WHO WAS THAT PERSON IDENTIFIED AS SHOOTER? Then much later we see white kid, a skinny white kid as shooter? Who was first picture? WHO WAS FIRST PICTURE AND WHERE DID THAT STORY GO?
It was the very first picture shown, I am sorry I cannot help more. Dark skinned man, not black, ? Arab? Muslim? claimed to be Biden supporter and belonged to ANTIFA. That is what was reported and shown was this picture. Then about an hour later, skinny pimple faced white kid suddenly a Republican but supports left wing fanatics? Sounds like a demoncrat to me, shows up all over the place?
You have to wonder how bad can it get. You also have to be sacred sh*tless of how stupid the human race has become. They forced essentially a potentially deadly bio weapon on the public (at the threat of taking away your job) and the public shrugs. In fact about a third of the public still idolizes the murderers. Tens of millions of illegals pour across the border, some of them lowlife criminals. And now we get another JFK like act, foiled by luck, and the public is more concerned about some low rent "reality show" on Bravo. Is the human race, specifically the "West" doomed?
What is there to say? Who is there to blame? I have not seen identified the true ogre that is responsible though there is one group of identifiable profligates guilty. Its name is deception, and while working yesterday, I spoke to a client who unloaded her anger that indicated the actual people responsible. She was railing against Donald Trump, lies, defamatory misinformation, and total inaccuracies courtesy of the main stream media liars and whores up here, there and everywhere who had concocted fables calculated to mislead people.
Everything she said was a lie but she had embraced them all while watching TV, driving with her radio on, and going online. It comes from the perennial liars here of leftist media sources. CBC primarily, but also talk show profligates such as the "Spew, the "Morning Joe," and numerous other murderers of the Truth. These criminals exist in droves in the ranks worldwide of the LIEberal Party of Canuckistan, the demoCRAP party of liars in the USA, and a world wide network of a consortium that has caused millions of deaths due to their fake jab that has caused millions of deaths and serious adverse ailments.
We hear liars of false religions, political hacks like turdo, bilious bureauCRAPS, an education CYSTem with one foot in hell and numerous other liars that would take pages to list. Lies and liars are everywhere in the CYSTem, false religions, entertainment industry, politics, MEDIA, etc.
These are the villains responsible for lies that saturate the minds of terrorists, criminals, the INJUSTICE CYSTem, and the attempted murderer of Donald Trump.
Even here a fool has been arguing with me for months. To demonstrate what lies and liars do, this fool has defended hamASS in gang raping little Jewish girls, in process breaking their pelvises, and jamming knives and other sharp objects in their vaginal and anal areas. This is demonstrative of the damage of lies. He actually defended these profligates!!! The proof is right here with many witnesses.
Decades ago the Marmalade recorded a song with the reference to the world being a terrible place to live in, and Johnny Cash recorded another with the words clearly identifying the Truth of this problem by stating, "I can hear the voice of youth asking, what is truth?
Truth clearly is a rare entity anymore and is/has been the biggest problem since the first lie was told to Adam and Eve by the Father of Lies, Satan. Lies cause more deaths and pain than any other cause, and effectively cause more harm than any other singular cause. It is the reason one of the Ten Commandments says, "Thou shalt not lie."
Three decades ago I sat listening to a minister who started a sermon that was titled, "The Biggest Problem Is Deception." The biggest liar in Canuckistan is Trudope, the grade 5 ASSistant drama teacher and his ASSministration of bobble headed liars and fools. His first lie was, "The budget will balance Itself." His father was a liar. Ovomit and the demonCRAPS are liars. biDUMB is a liar.
A few days ago I walked into the local OPP office requesting five full OIPRD complaint forms which I will file against five liars, mostly senior officers of the OPP, but in the fiasco started by a compulsive lying delusional bureauCRAP. there were and are also liars and bigots in the injustice CYSTem, which depicts Madam Justice as blindfolded that is, symbolic of fairness and truth. I demand all statues be torn down here of Madam Justice because the court CYSTem is prejudicially biased, a fact I can and will prove by saying MANY officers of the court told me and others in the know.
Hell hath truly enlarged itself many times over and I believe the biggest group hell bound are liars. I am in process of estranging almost all cousins and all sibblings because of their lies propping up fraud based on their love of money. They have sold their miserable souls for thirty pieces of silver. Judas will welcome them to hell.
I say in all Truth, the biggest lie told that will damn most to hell is the lie pushed by fake ministers that "there are many ways to salvation" when in fact, there is Only One Way and that through Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God who alone took on the sin of the world as Savior for humanity. What has happened in religion? Lies abound with lying ministers sealing their eternal fate, by preaching the lie there are many ways to salvation. It is a damned lie and any who say it will know one second after they decease that they were wrong and will be damned for that lie eternally and have the greater damnation for those they led astray.
Sound funny to read the words of a rough man who has used rough language and is condemned by religious hypocrites for "F bombing" the corrupt OPP. The same religious hypocrites that condemn me for my rough language are the same who lied, colluded, conspired and defrauded a man all because of their love of money. Not a one of these religious hypocrites can show me where it is written, "Thou shalt not "F bomb."
But I can tell every one of the 14 where it clearly states, "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not lie" etc
Tomorrow this bunch of lying defrauding hypocrites will sit in churches singing Jesus Loves Me to start the week thereafter where they will lie, defraud, steal, etc the other six days ahd continue their current fraud.
The world is corrupt. Almost 90% of religions, and much of politics, education, etc is corrupt. Things are fine for the criminal relatives I have but they will have to not only live with but die with what they have done, and untold billions in the past have been judged and damned by the Son of God unto whom all power has been given.
Time passes quickly but in my existence I am aware of my purpose. It is not to wear lace covered underwear and preach lies from hell to a trusting congregation each Sunday. It is to confront and expose lies and liars as I pass through this temporal existence and damn the consequences. I note as an encouragement that amongst the chosen disciples Jesus picked were the roughest men of the time, fishermen.
I do not condone my rough language but I do not fear crooked cops, liars, fraudsters, the injustice CYSTem, or any other damned denizen liar existing out there. I have fought lies and liars all my life and will not stop now.
Everything is corrupt, always was and always will be. I will expose those who are guilty. I have fought for many and won, though all I did was set the Truth free, stand back, and watch it destroy liars.'
Beware liar and deceiver T.T, you are the first one up and as I promised, for "fu***** with my family, I will take you down." That was not a threat, it was a promise and you will reap in this world the consequences of your lies and deceptions but it is the spiritual dimension where you will really be punished.
I start with the OIPRD, TT but it will end win or lose in this dimensional existence with the moment He decides your time is up and moves His hand back to let death take you. You now stand condemned, but two people in this whole situation have died. One was the ringleader, and the other was one close to you. Coincidence? You decide. You are accused by me of several serious charges. One is "reckless endangerment" I will prove. Fool. That on at least four counts and one, a 99 year old WW2 veteran woman you disrespected. There are those who say she died because of your disrespect to my war veteran mother. There are also those who say that the ringleader died suddenly because of his bigotry, hatred, abuse of power, etc. The reason is listed in Proverbs 6. The following describes six things that God hates and seven are an abomination to Him.
-a wicked man
-he deviseth mischief continually (he did for over two decades)
-his calamity shall come suddenly (it did)
-lying tongue
-hands that shed innocent blood
-heart that deviseth evil imaginations
-feet that run to mischief
-false witness that speaketh lies
More than seven of these that God hates were of that individual!
This whole escapade start to finish will be publicized if there is no justice imposed on the perps and in that case I expect it to reach the USA. Yes, the devil gets his dues old Claxton said, and long past the time the pride within the guilty perps destroyed them, as it is written.
Marmalade also in a line of their song stated, "but I do not want to due." I say free is the man who does not fear death and in that reality, if he represents Truth and Justice, he is adamant and fearless in confronting evil people.
Just saying. Hatred of injustice is a huge motivator. All I need to not only rock the boat, but tip the damned thing over, is two hours to speak Truth to Justice. It is here with the OIPRD it begins, but with the arrogant corrupt proud CYSTem, it is there it will end.
I fully intend to fight the good fight!!! The good news is proof is undeniable.
(in my investigation I found somevicious dirt I could use to destroy the memory of a liar, but in its collateral reach it would also destroy others not to mention children. One person panicked when I mentioned my investigation publicly and in his/her vapidity, erred in thinking the damned CYSTem would protect him/her. That is not true. The CYSTem has brought itself now to its knees in trying to hide the Truth that can never be suppressed. I have decided to not utilize this tactic that the CYSTem would use at will if it had it on me. Child destruction is a game the corrupt CYSTem uses but while I am rough, I decline to utilize the info provided me by an officer of the court. That bent is way too rich for me!!!!)
One can only hope that what happened has gone unnoticed by Xi, Zelensky, Kim Jong Un, Maduro, al-Qaeda and ISIS et al and that they have not concluded that in America even a purported lone wolf zit faced psycho adolescent can turn up at rallies of aspirants for POTUS including former presidents and pass through security with a range finder and AR 15 and then take up position at the best site with a clear view of the target and let off a few rounds and hit the target without anybody stopping them. Hopefully this demonstration of American competence does not inspire copy cat attacks.
Interesting to read the commentary on proposed solutions in Newsweek:
"if the secret service can't or won't secure trump's rallies, then they should issue formal notice to the GOP that trump's rallies will no longer be federally protected so that the Republican party can make other security arrangements in order to protect the audiences in attendance."
"How about the Republican Party declaring that Trump rally goers can all bring their firearms including AR-15's to Trump rallies? It would be a great pro-2nd Amendment statement, and security should be better than ever because if there's anything better than just one good guy with a gun it's thousands of good guys and gals with guns!"
someone has to protect them...SS cannot
He needs his own private praetorian guard, vetted by him or his team. SS is either compromised or incompetent and possibly both. But to place your safety into the hands of Mayorkas/Cheatle is insane.
excellent analysis and statement here...I agree that the rally goers should come fully armed today
it seems
Agree, arm everyone for best right's protection. Condolences to those hurt and to family and friends of the deceased fireman and a USA true hero. 😪
Please allow me to pay my respects to FF CORY COMPERATORE, as a retired Professional Fire Fighter, once a volunteer myself. The inclination to protect others is instinctive, and Cory is to be admired for his innate courage under fire. I would be remiss to fail to mention the others who were injured while boldly exercising their RIGHT to be at a political event, and went there knowing the abuse and danger that followers of Donald Trump face daily, and, using their courage to make their statement, attended, as they should. The intimidation of voters has never been this bad, and the Democrats act with impunity and disrespect, in spite of the clear end of their party and their way of doing business. Judgement day is on the horizon.
And still those that caused the attempted death of our President are still walking around! There was a second shooter at least! The proof is in the audio, 2 distinct sounds of different guns followed by the last shot of the kill by our sniper! Just listen to audio! And yet again a cover up by this administration, the secret service, even the media, it drops out of news? AGAIN! I love Trump and his compassion that was shown for our hero fireman and the two severely injured. But, the other shooter is out there, why was a picture shown of darker colored person and shown as supporter of Biden and a part of ANTIFA, WHO WAS THAT PERSON IDENTIFIED AS SHOOTER? Then much later we see white kid, a skinny white kid as shooter? Who was first picture? WHO WAS FIRST PICTURE AND WHERE DID THAT STORY GO?
I missed that first story with picture. Do you recall where you once saw it before it was scrubbed?
It was the very first picture shown, I am sorry I cannot help more. Dark skinned man, not black, ? Arab? Muslim? claimed to be Biden supporter and belonged to ANTIFA. That is what was reported and shown was this picture. Then about an hour later, skinny pimple faced white kid suddenly a Republican but supports left wing fanatics? Sounds like a demoncrat to me, shows up all over the place?
You have to wonder how bad can it get. You also have to be sacred sh*tless of how stupid the human race has become. They forced essentially a potentially deadly bio weapon on the public (at the threat of taking away your job) and the public shrugs. In fact about a third of the public still idolizes the murderers. Tens of millions of illegals pour across the border, some of them lowlife criminals. And now we get another JFK like act, foiled by luck, and the public is more concerned about some low rent "reality show" on Bravo. Is the human race, specifically the "West" doomed?
What is there to say? Who is there to blame? I have not seen identified the true ogre that is responsible though there is one group of identifiable profligates guilty. Its name is deception, and while working yesterday, I spoke to a client who unloaded her anger that indicated the actual people responsible. She was railing against Donald Trump, lies, defamatory misinformation, and total inaccuracies courtesy of the main stream media liars and whores up here, there and everywhere who had concocted fables calculated to mislead people.
Everything she said was a lie but she had embraced them all while watching TV, driving with her radio on, and going online. It comes from the perennial liars here of leftist media sources. CBC primarily, but also talk show profligates such as the "Spew, the "Morning Joe," and numerous other murderers of the Truth. These criminals exist in droves in the ranks worldwide of the LIEberal Party of Canuckistan, the demoCRAP party of liars in the USA, and a world wide network of a consortium that has caused millions of deaths due to their fake jab that has caused millions of deaths and serious adverse ailments.
We hear liars of false religions, political hacks like turdo, bilious bureauCRAPS, an education CYSTem with one foot in hell and numerous other liars that would take pages to list. Lies and liars are everywhere in the CYSTem, false religions, entertainment industry, politics, MEDIA, etc.
These are the villains responsible for lies that saturate the minds of terrorists, criminals, the INJUSTICE CYSTem, and the attempted murderer of Donald Trump.
Even here a fool has been arguing with me for months. To demonstrate what lies and liars do, this fool has defended hamASS in gang raping little Jewish girls, in process breaking their pelvises, and jamming knives and other sharp objects in their vaginal and anal areas. This is demonstrative of the damage of lies. He actually defended these profligates!!! The proof is right here with many witnesses.
Decades ago the Marmalade recorded a song with the reference to the world being a terrible place to live in, and Johnny Cash recorded another with the words clearly identifying the Truth of this problem by stating, "I can hear the voice of youth asking, what is truth?
Truth clearly is a rare entity anymore and is/has been the biggest problem since the first lie was told to Adam and Eve by the Father of Lies, Satan. Lies cause more deaths and pain than any other cause, and effectively cause more harm than any other singular cause. It is the reason one of the Ten Commandments says, "Thou shalt not lie."
Three decades ago I sat listening to a minister who started a sermon that was titled, "The Biggest Problem Is Deception." The biggest liar in Canuckistan is Trudope, the grade 5 ASSistant drama teacher and his ASSministration of bobble headed liars and fools. His first lie was, "The budget will balance Itself." His father was a liar. Ovomit and the demonCRAPS are liars. biDUMB is a liar.
A few days ago I walked into the local OPP office requesting five full OIPRD complaint forms which I will file against five liars, mostly senior officers of the OPP, but in the fiasco started by a compulsive lying delusional bureauCRAP. there were and are also liars and bigots in the injustice CYSTem, which depicts Madam Justice as blindfolded that is, symbolic of fairness and truth. I demand all statues be torn down here of Madam Justice because the court CYSTem is prejudicially biased, a fact I can and will prove by saying MANY officers of the court told me and others in the know.
Hell hath truly enlarged itself many times over and I believe the biggest group hell bound are liars. I am in process of estranging almost all cousins and all sibblings because of their lies propping up fraud based on their love of money. They have sold their miserable souls for thirty pieces of silver. Judas will welcome them to hell.
I say in all Truth, the biggest lie told that will damn most to hell is the lie pushed by fake ministers that "there are many ways to salvation" when in fact, there is Only One Way and that through Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God who alone took on the sin of the world as Savior for humanity. What has happened in religion? Lies abound with lying ministers sealing their eternal fate, by preaching the lie there are many ways to salvation. It is a damned lie and any who say it will know one second after they decease that they were wrong and will be damned for that lie eternally and have the greater damnation for those they led astray.
Sound funny to read the words of a rough man who has used rough language and is condemned by religious hypocrites for "F bombing" the corrupt OPP. The same religious hypocrites that condemn me for my rough language are the same who lied, colluded, conspired and defrauded a man all because of their love of money. Not a one of these religious hypocrites can show me where it is written, "Thou shalt not "F bomb."
But I can tell every one of the 14 where it clearly states, "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not lie" etc
Tomorrow this bunch of lying defrauding hypocrites will sit in churches singing Jesus Loves Me to start the week thereafter where they will lie, defraud, steal, etc the other six days ahd continue their current fraud.
The world is corrupt. Almost 90% of religions, and much of politics, education, etc is corrupt. Things are fine for the criminal relatives I have but they will have to not only live with but die with what they have done, and untold billions in the past have been judged and damned by the Son of God unto whom all power has been given.
Time passes quickly but in my existence I am aware of my purpose. It is not to wear lace covered underwear and preach lies from hell to a trusting congregation each Sunday. It is to confront and expose lies and liars as I pass through this temporal existence and damn the consequences. I note as an encouragement that amongst the chosen disciples Jesus picked were the roughest men of the time, fishermen.
I do not condone my rough language but I do not fear crooked cops, liars, fraudsters, the injustice CYSTem, or any other damned denizen liar existing out there. I have fought lies and liars all my life and will not stop now.
Everything is corrupt, always was and always will be. I will expose those who are guilty. I have fought for many and won, though all I did was set the Truth free, stand back, and watch it destroy liars.'
Beware liar and deceiver T.T, you are the first one up and as I promised, for "fu***** with my family, I will take you down." That was not a threat, it was a promise and you will reap in this world the consequences of your lies and deceptions but it is the spiritual dimension where you will really be punished.
I start with the OIPRD, TT but it will end win or lose in this dimensional existence with the moment He decides your time is up and moves His hand back to let death take you. You now stand condemned, but two people in this whole situation have died. One was the ringleader, and the other was one close to you. Coincidence? You decide. You are accused by me of several serious charges. One is "reckless endangerment" I will prove. Fool. That on at least four counts and one, a 99 year old WW2 veteran woman you disrespected. There are those who say she died because of your disrespect to my war veteran mother. There are also those who say that the ringleader died suddenly because of his bigotry, hatred, abuse of power, etc. The reason is listed in Proverbs 6. The following describes six things that God hates and seven are an abomination to Him.
-a wicked man
-he deviseth mischief continually (he did for over two decades)
-his calamity shall come suddenly (it did)
-lying tongue
-hands that shed innocent blood
-heart that deviseth evil imaginations
-feet that run to mischief
-false witness that speaketh lies
More than seven of these that God hates were of that individual!
This whole escapade start to finish will be publicized if there is no justice imposed on the perps and in that case I expect it to reach the USA. Yes, the devil gets his dues old Claxton said, and long past the time the pride within the guilty perps destroyed them, as it is written.
Marmalade also in a line of their song stated, "but I do not want to due." I say free is the man who does not fear death and in that reality, if he represents Truth and Justice, he is adamant and fearless in confronting evil people.
Just saying. Hatred of injustice is a huge motivator. All I need to not only rock the boat, but tip the damned thing over, is two hours to speak Truth to Justice. It is here with the OIPRD it begins, but with the arrogant corrupt proud CYSTem, it is there it will end.
I fully intend to fight the good fight!!! The good news is proof is undeniable.
(in my investigation I found somevicious dirt I could use to destroy the memory of a liar, but in its collateral reach it would also destroy others not to mention children. One person panicked when I mentioned my investigation publicly and in his/her vapidity, erred in thinking the damned CYSTem would protect him/her. That is not true. The CYSTem has brought itself now to its knees in trying to hide the Truth that can never be suppressed. I have decided to not utilize this tactic that the CYSTem would use at will if it had it on me. Child destruction is a game the corrupt CYSTem uses but while I am rough, I decline to utilize the info provided me by an officer of the court. That bent is way too rich for me!!!!)