This reminds me of when I went to the CDC (2006) and met with the folks at the Environmental Health Lab. The lab was run by Jim Pirkel, PhD and he gave me the lowdown. All the money the CDC gets comes to the Infectious Disease Division, which is a subsidiary of Big Pharma. If you say anything to upset the Infectious Disease Division they could kill your budget. So, the folks at the Environmental Health Labs jobs were reduced to cataloging the toxins we were all being exposed to but they couidn't suggest policy changes or solutions.

I met with them because I wanted to show them how if lead was reduced in school age children I had created a means of following them during the process with a computerized neurocognitive test, which showed how much they improved when they had the lead chelated from their bodies. I did not dare talk about mercury at the CDC, because I know how much they love the good mercury found in vaccines.

Be that as it may, I was rushed by several scientists as I was leaving who told me mercury was far more a concern to them than lead, which was when it hit me how helpless these folks were because they were not allowed to say anything untoward about mercury because of the Infectious Disease Division.

So that is why the CDC acts the way it does... all the power is centralized with the infectious Disease Division which is completely controlled by Pharma.

This is why it must be taken down and pulled out by the roots. Then and only then can it be reformed assuming there is a USA left after what is coming.

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thank you for sharing...and CDC et al. must be taken down to the studs...Trump was actually in 2nd term going to move it from Atlanta

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Thanks for printing this. All information on this problem keeps coming in and can be used for those who actually have the wherewithall to, indeed, take them down.

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Thanks for the honest testimonial Doc...I surmised about as much...they did not like to have you in their way. I hope we collectively arrive at a point where the real men who stood up and held to the truth can be passing sentence on those cowards who lied, caved, or were bought off. I don't know what your plans are for the future, but I hope you will consent to an administration position in a government agency that has the power to jail all these crooked, lying, murderous, miscreants who tried to screw you over. I'm upgrading my subscription to 'founding' right now. Thanks Doc.

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we will jail them. thank you for you excellent post, what amazes me is the goodness here in stack and these voices, you are a real hero of mine, many of you...I am so honored.

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Do you think RFK JR would be a good choice to be Director of HHS and clean house

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I think RFK wants the CIA directorship...but he would be an asset anywhere. I think the HHS is so bad at this point, that Dr. Paul Alexander would be my choice to mind the housekeeping chores coming up at the agency.

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You are impressive, Dr. Alexander. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm hoping Trump consults you first, and often.

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Look at the interview between Tucker & Dr. Michael Nehls again. It is on Rumble

Read "The Indoctrinated Brain."

EVERYTHING WAS INTENTIONAL. Read Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova, Naomi Wolf, Dr. James Thorp & Dr. Peter Breggins.

Humanity is under attack by the WEF, the WHO, the DoD, the NSA, the CIA, and a whole host of violent, unsavory Sociopaths, within these organizations, & others & because of the way good, nice & basically sane people function under tremendous duress, (watch the Milgram Experiment one more time,) they all mostly went along. Now many are literally brain damaged from the fear, the terror, the virus & the ModRNA LNP spiked vaccine which invades the blood brain barrier.

This is an out and out ATTACK on the human race. Call it that. Repost the work of those digging out the plans, the facts, & the results.

Everyone who can "WAKE UP" needs to do so & NOW!

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Only when the COVID regime faces capital punishment (definitely for Fauci) and life in prison will this evil end.

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"He [Trump] was however, devastatingly misled and betrayed and deceived by most around him} I expect that would never happen again. He wasn't a politician. Now he is. But, I worry about him leaning too heavily on RFK Jr, whom I don't trust at all, and for good reasons.

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This is great inside info!

Dr. Alexander, you should write a book about the vaxx scam and explain all that background. It would be an important historical document. Doesn't need to be very long, and it could help compensate you for all the work you put in.

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And if you get blacklisted by Amazon etc because you're dissenting from the ruling cabal's narrative, publish and sell it yourself via some place like lulu.com that lets you upload a PDF, print, and sell directly. You'd have lower sales numbers, but a much larger profit on each book.

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Good advice. His potential "lower sales" under this arrangement could, would, be augmented by his loyal and newby followers herein. The least resistance to Amazon, the better.

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You mean "The more resistance to Amazon, the better" right?

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Fauci is a fraud and mass murderer.

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