I don't think Mr. Trump will have any alternative but to remove the mRNA shots from the market. There has to be a ground swell of opposition to the technology now that Dr. Naomi Wolf and her team of 3,250 researchers have revealed what Pfizer and the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years.

Please take a few minutes and listen to this interview with Del Bigtree and Naomi Wolf. At the 11 minute mark of this interview Dr. Wolf discloses that Pfizer knew within three months of rollout that the shot didn't work. At the 13 minute mark she also reveals that Pfizer and the CDC etc. knew the shots caused heart problems by April 2021. At the 19 minute mark she talks about the major concerns for reproduction and since over 70 percent of adverse events were from woman they may have been targeted. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/dr-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers-2/ I may be misinterpreting the information revealed at the 19 minute mark but if I was a woman I would feel abused and violated by what the shots might be doing to me. Similarly the new self-replicating vaccines are they also likely to head to the ovaries? Why are the women's groups so silent?

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all things you said are true, the beasts knew that it was ineffective and deadly, day 1

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I had shedding issues, not jabbed, had bleeding in menopause. Took ivermectin every other week because we didn’t know what to do. Don’t know if it helped but it made me feel proactive.

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nice sharing. dont set aside your own natural immunity

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Sorry to hear of your problem. Hopefully it worked. This is the issue, in my opinion, no one knows the consequences nor the long term impacts. To think that Pfizer seemed to know this is criminal.

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Just like the Religious Hierarchy,Paid For their Silence.

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Trump would have to admit he was wrong. I cant see that happening unless theres a whole other explanation we dont yet know about.

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Indeed, I second the question: "Will Trump remove ALL mRNA bioweapons from the market?"

This is one of several areas that I personally am anxiously waiting to see what Trump does.

What Trump does, and fails to do, will be VERY revealing. Stay tuned ...

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It all depends if Pfizer gives Trump another $1 million for his inauguration ball like they did eight years ago.

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Which is why what Trump does, and fails to do, will be VERY revealing. Eyes wide open!

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Many thought the Sun shone out of Mr Malone, I like Janet Ruby's Terminology,( Bullshit Artist) very Australian. We have our Bullshit Artist in Australia too. Politicians ( Federal, State and Local , Health? Professional.all Tared with the same Brush.

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nice sharing, let us resolve to wage this battle for it is far form over...we must get gain of function research banned, and full removal of all mRNA vaccine and products

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I never liked Malone's indignant demeanor since the round table discussions with Senator Ron Johnson.

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It might be because he knew Ron Johnson couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it.

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Please, we must work to remove all mRNA products (covid shot, flu shot, animal inoculations, etc.), currently existing, in process and/or in trial, or some future aberration, as well as those gene slicing unnatural CRISPR creations which enable, for example, a plant to be ‘RoundupReady’. And they wonder why wild animals exhibit increased prion diseases (so let’s cull the wild animals, like was done to the population with the covid shots?). Mess with nature much? Think you are above the most high? Think again.

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The big concern is Trump’s largest financial backers are all down for this new technology. They see huge profits & lucrative deals going into the future. This may tie his hands. He can’t betray his financial supporters, now can he?

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Interesting comment by oncologist Professor David Gorski, editor of Science Based Medicine, vaccine defender, "debunker" and fiece critic of vaccine sceptics:

"One interesting conflict to look for: Will Trump listen to RFK Jr. regarding the FDA, or will he in the end bow to the billionaires whose profits might be harmed?

I think I know the answer, but that’s not to say that RFK Jr. can’t do a lot of damage before this conflict comes to a head."

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Wasn't it Trump who got us out of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP)? That was a big deal. I am still mad as hell about him endorsing this warp speed death shots long after he should have known better, but him getting us out of the TTP does mean he was trying to get us out of the NWO fiasco.


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Provided Speaker Johnson does not betray him, it is within Trump's power to ensure that the appointments of RFK Jr, Matt Gaetz and Tulsi Gabbard go ahead. If Johnson cooperates he can push through recess appointments even if Thune fails to cooperate. The appointments of RFK Jr, Gaetz and Gabbard are crucial for calling to account those who MTG says are responsible for "crimes against humanity," just as Gaetz's appointment is also crucial for going after those who improperly waged lawfare against Trump. Vivek Ramaswamy (aka Vivek Pharmasmarmy), JD Vance, Peter Theil and others who may have a vested interest in the promotion of mRNA tech, or in GoF, must stay in their lanes. There is incredible pressure being exerted to stop the appointments of RFK Jr, Gaetz and Gabbard. Much of it is coming from Pence and Fauci, from other RINOS and Dems and from the media and from DS spooks. Some of it is coming from the "no virus" people who do the work of the DS spooks. They want Gabbard sidelined because she is fair and objective on Ukraine, rather than a Zelenskyy worshipper. Trump knew what he was doing when he announced his appointments. If Trump does not cave in then there will be a red wave at the midterms and the Dems will not regain control of Congress or retake the White House for generations.

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Hey Doc, you know that I supported Malone early in the "pandemic" (the fake pandemic), along with several other individuals who were abused by the 'authorities'. As the facts came out, (much thanks to you), I saw that Malone was not genuine at all, and relegated him to the dust bin, along with Tapper and Lemon. Thankfully the others I supported still remain true, and especially Sasha Latypova, who has demonstrated that everything she asserts to be true actually dwells in the realm of reality, not fiction, and can be trusted, if not proven...(some things cannot be proven). Malone, however, has given much evidence of his duplicity, and I am ashamed to have been taken in by his doubletalk, however briefly. Any one bad mouthing Sasha is clearly not on the side of true and right. Thanks for standing up for her...we love her too.

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Mrna has already damaged our future- how many people have died or are now injured beyond repair?

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Everyone is having gut issues lately. Jabbed and not .

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True, I think the food supply has gone downhill plus the constant stress, & who knows what else- thatll do it.

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Never forget who was Trump's Covid Czar. Michael "mRNA Judas" Pence, the man who appointed Scarf Lady. mRNA Judas oversaw OWS. He was responsible for the mRNA jabs. The release of the virus was timed to coincide with Impeachment Hoax 1. mRNA Judas wanted Biden to win in 2020.

Trump announces Pence will be 'coronavirus czar'

 February 27, 2020


Pence Panned As Corona Czar-Adds Physician Debbie Birx To Team


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But Pence was under Trump's supervision, so anything he did should have been signed off by Trump. Pence had to answer directly to Trump. If Trump didn't monitor or stop that then it's on him. The man in charge is ultimately responsible for what happens under his watch. Too many are too quick to excuse Trump of that responsibility. I'm not.

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"All your allies will force you to the border; your friends will deceive and overpower you; those who eat your bread will set a trap for you, but you will not detect it." Obadiah 7 NIV

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In the meantime in Quebec we're busy crying out loud about an E-coli emergency that killed one person, coming from a source of organic carrots. Oh yeah, we pulled out the contaminated carrots from shelves really quickly ! Bad bad carrots!! We intervened on time! I'm so appalled by the hypocrisy concerning those deadly cov shots, people dying left and right and not a peep... I'll eat carrots anytime over succombing to the lie...

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You're spot on Dr A, as usual and this was another great conversation between two of my favorite female freedom fighters. Just one thing I think many people might be missing or just not recognize. It's almost impossible to miss the fact that President Trump is certainly a confident person. Many would say too confident and therefore unable to admit that he got shnookered. I don't know this to be true but it seems to me that joining with Kennedy and putting him in charge of HHS is close to an admission of his part in the mistake of Covid. Time will tell but I think we're going to see that their are no constraints on Bobby but the ones he self imposes.

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I'm a fond supporter of dr Jane Ruby, but she censors on her Telegram account. I've been blocked and I've never been rude or condescending.

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Whether it’s Malone-Lapping-Shills, or the our own “CDC” this entire Covid-Scam worries me more than anything else.

There’s a list I believe of

“117 Horseman” as Dr Alexander has written about and who must be brought to justice.

As I listen to Congressman Gaetz & Jordan interrogate Secretary Mayorkas about the “Wide-Open” Southern Border, Mayorkas has the gall to do exactly what everyone in this “illegitimate Govt” does..“Lie & Deflect”!

My concern today is how “deafening & silent” this newly selected President Elect has been about the deadly mRNA “Bioweapon Injection’s”.

There’s been an exuberant amount of “death & disabling”reports, documenting how many people have been killed by and disabled by these forced mRNA BIOWEAPONS!

This current administration is solely responsible. Forcing people to take such an experimental “Bioweapon Injection” is murderous! This is beyond anything humanity has ever been subjected to furniture peacetime.

I think we can all agree the Biden / Harris Scam of our lifetime has been installed to allow a “Deep State” shadow government to inflict as much damage upon America as possible!

We know this, we’re living this, those of us who survived the forced “Bioweapon”!

I’m not sure anything will ever be done to “Right-the-Wrong” in regard to an entire


This is exactly what’s happened! From every corner of the government.

A “Rogue-Nation” cannot survive! One way or another they will continue to undermine our President Elect Trump’s newly appointed cabinet members.

I do pray for a peaceful transition. I believe we must all “Keep Our Eyes” on the target’s. Plural and many!


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Communists always label truth tellers as mysogymists women haters li

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I’m not sure President Elect Trump will remove the most deadly mRNA, debilitating and extremely dangerous failed miserably “Genetic Modifying Therapy know. To man! Which has been a been an absolute nightmare, life altering abomination, to put it mildly!

The failures of the mRNA technology were seeded from its inception. From “uncontrolled inflammation””Blood Clotting” and many other, now known detrimental side effects including death, cancer, thrombosis to name a few.

Yet they pushed, they forced, they colluded with business, they even changed the definition of what a “vaccine” truly is, silently and clandestinely, was more than enough obvious corruption and evidence, to lock them all up!

Then there’s the two doctors who received a Nobel Prize for “modifying” what I now call the “Shot to the Heart” shot! For doing just that, making the shot “target the Heart” of recipients! AYFKM?

It gets worse, much worse and the simple fact these corrupt politicians / scientists / Malone-itcians / continued to tout “Safe & Effective” have caused the deaths of “Millions Mr. President Elect Trump”!

Yes millions worldwide, we may never know the full extent of “Misery” which was solely / wholly “MANMADE”!

For what?

Money, possibly money is part of it.

The nature at which this “Illegitimate Government” went “around” good, outstanding and worldwide renowned scientists / doctors / virologists is quite shocking!

Award winning science journals were changed through what has to be

“$$ Compensation” to alter the “truth & facts” about the dangers of such DNA altering, gene therapy treatments so quietly and under the cover of darkness!

I’m not a doctor nor a scientist and certainly not an expert regarding anything remotely related to “mRNA”!

And I’m not “STUPID” either! This is exactly what these “Three Letter Agencies”, with their heads completely up their “REAR ENDS” want us to believe. What’s more troubling is their


If something isn’t done to

1. Stop these shots immediately!

2. Change the immunity clauses protection.

3. Review & repatriate those who lost their loved ones, etc.

I’m sure there’s an entire chapter which needs to be written about this “Manmade” agenda driven, depopulation driven narrative!

I’ll leave that for the experts for I am just a simple / stupid man who needs to

“sit down & shut up”!

My response to all you

“Ivory Tower” Illiterates, yes illiterate,

“Find a new, not so progressive way, to respect & treat each and every stupid American”!

“We know more than you think & one day, may be the one to save you Ivory Tower Ass”!

(Excuse my profanity please, some topics get the better of me. This is one of those times).

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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