'At the time I (Sasha Latypova) had zero social media presence, and I owe her (Dr. Jane Ruby) gratitude for this. She called out Dr. Malone as a bullshit artist approximately a full year before I
came to the same conclusion.'; BOOM! This is why I love Sasha, she calls con artists like Malone out, fraud he is & he can sue me anytime; Malone is not good, evil; excellent discussion Jane & Sasha
Will Trump Admin remove mRNA Bioweapons from the market?
This is our battle, to keep POTUS Trump focused on stopping mRNA technology and vaccine. We have to keep up this fight. I support POTUS Trump but mRNA technology and vaccine will damage our futures.
Sasha Latypova and Dr. Jane Ruby askes very important questions.
Excellent interview with Jane Ruby and Sasha Latypova…incidentally both women were smeared and attacked by Robert Malone in media as he usually does, IMO he is a misogynist woman hater…from all I have heard.
Will Trump Admin remove mRNA Bioweapons from the market?
Sasha’s reply to Malone in media:
I don't think Mr. Trump will have any alternative but to remove the mRNA shots from the market. There has to be a ground swell of opposition to the technology now that Dr. Naomi Wolf and her team of 3,250 researchers have revealed what Pfizer and the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years.
Please take a few minutes and listen to this interview with Del Bigtree and Naomi Wolf. At the 11 minute mark of this interview Dr. Wolf discloses that Pfizer knew within three months of rollout that the shot didn't work. At the 13 minute mark she also reveals that Pfizer and the CDC etc. knew the shots caused heart problems by April 2021. At the 19 minute mark she talks about the major concerns for reproduction and since over 70 percent of adverse events were from woman they may have been targeted. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/dr-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers-2/ I may be misinterpreting the information revealed at the 19 minute mark but if I was a woman I would feel abused and violated by what the shots might be doing to me. Similarly the new self-replicating vaccines are they also likely to head to the ovaries? Why are the women's groups so silent?
Indeed, I second the question: "Will Trump remove ALL mRNA bioweapons from the market?"
This is one of several areas that I personally am anxiously waiting to see what Trump does.
What Trump does, and fails to do, will be VERY revealing. Stay tuned ...