Dr. Paul, This case goes way DEEPER than Rex Heuermann.

There were sex orgy parties in Gilgo Beach attended by high officials of Suffolk County and also attended by Suffolk County police. Not one but TWO prominent businessmen were found DEAD including one who owned a plant nursery business and another connected to a proposed aquarium on Long Island. Don't fall for the oversimplified version of these crimes as presented in the media that these crimes are solved now that Rex H has been caught. This case is FAR MORE COMPLEX. Current and former Suffolk County officials and police were involved in the sex parties where prostitutes were hired. These other sordid aspects are being hushed up to this day.

Do more research, and you will see!


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I agree but this animal must be put down...yes, the others involved too...no doubt.

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"Second Tragic Suicide of Aquarium Exec Reported"


As with the dangerous and ineffective jabs, the authorities in Suffolk County would have us believe that 'mistakes were made' or 'the investigation was bungled.' IMHO a coverup is the much more likely explanation of the 10-year delay, including the horrifying possibility of "snuff" films of prostitutes being murdered at the Oak Beach parties. Also, I am not implicating Bissett nor Lanieri in those vile parties. But I do NOT necessarily believe they were suicides. More likely murders.

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So the police have him? Well fine, but meantime we have a situation where the jabbers are at it again murdering, in this case, women selectively. Is this not the same scenario? Serial killers? Just like the criminals who murdered and are still murdering innocent men, women and children with the still experimental fake jab that evidence seems to indicate is the cause and not the cure for covid. But in the case of the HPV jab, the link indicates that jab causes serious adverse side effects? Are there any safe and effective jabs? Anywhere? Read the link!


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excellent sharing again, this is valuable

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Keg is correct. Japan Times and Bloomberg Press say the world has mysteriously gotten sicker from multiple viral and bacterial respiratory diseases in the past few years. The elephant in the room they're too cowardly to name has been known about for many years, as you well know: "Vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD) is an adverse event where an exacerbated course of respiratory disease occurs with higher incidence in the vaccinated population than in the control group." Anti-vax scientists predicted the covid jabs would cause VAERDS, and kill millions.

"Around the world, a post-COVID reality is beginning to sink in: Everyone, everywhere, really is sick a lot more often ... The post-COVID global surge of illnesses — viral and bacterial, common and historically rare — is a mystery that researchers and scientists are still trying to definitively explain. "

What's behind the post-COVID surge in communicable diseases?


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Thank you for highlighting these vile murders Dr. Paul. It's horrifying that so many of these depraved and misogynistic or misandristic sexual sadists have been able to operate for decades across the length and breadth of the US. However, Canada and other Western countries as well as Eastern European countries and Asian countries such as India are also producing these scum. In the US a disproportionate number appear to be RINOS and Democrats. Ted Bundy and Randy Kraft were RINOS. John Wayne Gacy and Dorothea Puente were staunch Democrats.

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When they go on a shopping spree, sometimes the women say no to the man for a date or look like an ex who broke up with him. It could have been a neighbor he abused when younger to get some experience in. The things of trans-gender trans-humanism are dividing people apart and instilling fear into them. There was no mention of torture of small defenseless animals or young children or stray animals. They like the gold stars they gave out at school to feel important when they lack social skills in essential communication and no logical ethics. Probably charming talks about self tells woman your garbage and leaves them or stalks them sometimes kills them. Sometimes, people are born without the brain or neurotransmitters functioning properly, which may lead to an inability of not feel emotions or pain. Many times in the spectrum level autism many times there is gut dysbiosis, many allergies, and an inability to articulate what is causing their pain verbally. There are some occasions heavy metal toxic overload to mold mercury and other toxins in the environment epigenetics. and once the barriers have been addressed their behavior issues goes away. Gluten can affect the behavior and the body prefers the gluten and sugar over other recreational drugs.

Sometimes, there are occasions where the family suffers from generational trauma. For example, the entire family was killed by blankets or killed by gas, killed by war, killed by gang violence, stray bullets, a child died after birth, or some children died before birth. The grief and disappointment everyone suffers until they get that trauma resolved; they never heal. Emotional trauma needs healing in all formats. Mind body soul spirit we are part of the Earth and universe. Love, healing, acceptance, forgive.

There was a psychologist who had a theory that depression could be genetically inherited down the line. Even with electric shock therapy, nothing worked and even damaged the brain even further. Lobotomy was the latest rage. If you don't want your daughter pregnant, take out half of her brain. For example, Rosemarie Kennedy never talked about her death or life.

So many complex issues make up a person. Even a priest once told me that there was a very negative energy spirit in an old man, and when he died alone, he terrorized the family that bought the house, and since it was never disclosed, the man died there of natural causes. The family sued, saying that the house was haunted and never disclosed.

They had the house on television, the most haunted show with medium one was there, and even the investigator, the former investigator, was there too during the investigation. They all had a ice cold chill go down into their bones and equipment malfunctioned rendering a few useless. Even the one guy who took possession of Bella Lugosi's mirror, allegedly his murderer, jumped into it. He didn't have a good feeling otherwise. Never buy used mirrors, porcelain dolls, or children's toys.

Two elderly-looking grandmother types took people into their homes, ensured their life insurance, then ran them over and dug a hole in the backyard, dropped them in, and put something on top of it. They targeted people who were elderly and didn't have any children. They slipped up with the last guy, who was her father, a retired Air Force officer. She, the daughter, was raised heck with the PD and VA until he was found in Los Angeles street with the women running him over with a car. All they wanted was an easy income from life insurance. They took ground-penetrating radar and could see the body outlines from at least 3 bodies below and brought a cadaver dog, which hit on all three bodies there was allegedly more in the crawl space below the house.

The profile of someone who may kill another looks like anyone else, not a green-eyed monster. Not what the devil looks like or some villain depicted by the media, especially negative stereotypes and discrimination. The woman who drowned in the Saine River in England, her killer, was never found. She is the face of the mannequin used in CPR training today. We have Ditszy portray a bad man in dark black skin; a good man with white skin is supposed to be the savior of it all. They portray knights saving a princess locked up. Cinderella, at the ball, escapes before midnight, leaves a shoe behind, and is forced to wear rags while her stepsisters are dressed immaculately. Sleeping beauty fairy tales are nowhere in reality, and little girls grow up expecting to have a prince to marry even if they have no money. Look at Diana and Charles. It looked like a real-life fairy tale wedding until after the 2 sons, she lost the reality of it all while Charlie goes out stepping out on her. At least she could have sued for alienation of affection and found freedom somewhere else instead of the forced divorce. Some have alleged that Di was in the way of Charlie having Cammy. The strangest Cammy thing was that her grandmother or great-grandmother was the side dish to the crown, and she told him and Diana what her intentions were before the marriage. she's the 1st adult to marry crown.

I can remember the guy said I just wanted to know what it felt like. I had to see the life leave her. I like killing people. They don't fight you; you can do anything with them you want, and they are still warm. I like my women cold and dead it gives me a thrill.

I just lost my multi-billion dollar job and can't pay anything, and we will lose everything. His solution was to kill the pets and humans, then himself.

Sex interest in someone, let me make you this or that, and they are beaming and ear-to-ear grin food poisoning. Take that activated charcoal and live longer. See a healthcare professional for antibiotics sometimes need hospital administration of multiple antibiotics or ecmo machine if very bad. I have heard some health professionals oh give too much insulin will shut them up forever. Give too many bananas, and that can cause them to go too. I can sedate you, and you won't know that you were raped. You weren't conscious of anything being pregnant when you aren't active, then kill the mother to get rid of the evidence of the crime. We can sedate too much. They won't know the difference when we put them on the vent and crank them up and blow out the lungs. Oh well. Didn't they die of covid? Hope we see some of that bonus instead of the management people only Can we sell some body organs? You know do your own diligence if there is any active disease cancer etc.

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Yes, they're not all white, especially the males. However, female serial killers, or at least those who are apprehended, are usually white.

Fresno State criminologist Eric Hickey – author of "Serial Murderers and their Victims" – interviewed 64 US female serial killers. These women had poisoned, shot and stabbed countless men, women and children. Most were white and typically killed between seven and 10 victims.

The female serial killers were more likely to murder family members than strangers and, even though the most prevalent motive for murder of female serial killers was money, most were middle or upper class and most had college degrees.

Other research has found that female serial killers often operate for longer than males and that nearly 40% worked in health-related fields as nurses or aides, and about 22% worked in direct caregiving roles (mother and babysitter).

Most female serial killers were married at some point. In fact, they tend to be serial monogamists – married, on average, twice, and as many as seven times. Nearly two-thirds were related to their victims, nearly one-third killed their significant others and about 44% killed their own biological children.

More than half of female serial killers killed children, and about one-quarter killed those who were elderly or infirm, those who had little chance of fighting back.

Male serial killers tend to stalk and kill strangers and female serial killers tend to kill those who love and trust them.

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Frig. Nurses? Killers?

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Frig. I have fallen ass over teakettle with every nurse who ministered to my wounds caused by car drivers who tend to not see motorcycles. I adore these gals. They are real characters too. I was warned by the anaesthetist gal named Rachel that she would be putting me out with ketamine and when I would come out of it to be careful as it was like a truth serum that would make me spill my guts. True to form I came out and looking down Rachel with her big beautiful eyes. Wow. Under the ketamine haze I said to her, "you have beautiful brown eyes" to which she leaned her pretty face over mine and said, "Edward, I do not have brown eyes. I continued, "I have an idea gal, I have lots of money so marry me." She grabbed the safety bars and leaned over my face again and said loudly, "YES YES YES." What a smart ass gal but I love smart ass gals like her who are nurses. Everyone laughed as they wheeled me out to the scan machine.

Nurses are so sweet and amenable I adore them. It is troubling to me to think that there are some who would murder patients aka MAID. I do have in the fridge some expensive imported chocolates (Belgium) of quantity to take there and give one box to every nurse in the ICU with one specifically for Jessie who removed my stitches when I slid down the road after taking evasive action to avoid a collision with a car not yielding me my right of way.

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Safe and effective?

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And auburn/redhead gals.

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Egads, I do love nurses.

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It seems I am an anomaly. As a conservative I treasure intelligent women and avoid those who make erroneous self destructive choices ad continuum though I do support those who err but fight to find the pathway of Truth. Conservative real women vs liberal woke wankers. I have no time for the latter but lots of attention, respect and cherishment for the former. I run from leftist women but towards intelligent conservative women. The mindset from the start of radfeminist ribaldry was for leftist women to function as the receptacles for the dirty plumbing of moronic males. Loony libbers enabled aborticide that gave males the "in" to be what radfems condemned, mere pieces of meat. Radfems thus pushed the destruction of their sisters. But fools cheered these radfem traitors as friends of women when in fact they were enemies...Bella bitch Abzug the carpet beetle, Betty Friedan the fool, and Gloria Stenheim the stooge, all enemies of women who lobbied for abortion, damned fools and women destroyers. Aborticide was never considered to be what I identified the process as being aside from the execution of a baby, but additionally the MENTAL, PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL DESECRATION OF WOMEN. Do not believe me? Look up WEBA (Women Exploited by Abortion} I know women that destroyed themselves. I meet them from time to time. I feel vindicated but it is not a victory, it is unpleasant to meet once vibrant and full of life gals now looking far older than their years because of the dead end lives they lived, destroyed by the womens' lib loonery.

It is never too late to turn back, but time has been cruel to such women deceived by their own. Sex objects. Used. Then rejected. Became what they condemned. In my life are women abused, hurt, betrayed, abandoned and deserted, fodder then for more low life males.

History repeats itself. Always did. Always will. I know strong women. One seeking my company again, hurt and abandoned but who fought back and now her day has come. Hard work. Disciplined. To keep her two daughters from knowing her emotional pain, she cried in the shower.

But her poise and focus and intelligence carried her up and up. I expect her patience has enabled her to double her pay. I told her once, she was lethal. Intelligence plus focus in a woman is deadly. Her mind is a weapon. Not to me.

I always told her the Truth. Encouraged her. Made the supreme sacrifice by the "one way" rule. I never touch any of them. If they want to be sensory with me (a form of communication many women use) and hug me, they are free to do so. I hate it but soldier on for their better interests in letting any of them hug the daylights out of me. I refuse to protest. I hate being hugged. (if you believe that have I got a bridge to sell you)

Seriously, my relationships are NON romantic. These have been hurt terribly in many ways. There is closeness but only one was inappropriate and I had to let her go. I am not a fool. I choose to not be put in the position where my will has to battle my emotions. Emotions usually win so best to avoid that dangerous situation.

Most are much younger than I but all are highly intelligent. A bad decision is not conclusive to labelling (libelling) a good woman as stupid. These are highly intelligent gals, with perseverance and intelligence that takes my breath away. All they need is encouragement, validation, respect and honesty.

Nothing sadder to me than to see a fallen woman with no hope, depressed and down. I will be candid on this. My best friend of over 28 years is the most beautiful girl inside (beauty in a woman starts on the inside) and out I ever met. I cannot speak on her hurt. Last time I did to my minister I broke. Imagine age three and the hurt that beggars description happening to a little girl through her life. I met her on a "Women and Abuse" bulletin board. Met her in person two years later. That was 28 years ago. We are very close, made the more so by understanding each the other. She trusts me totally. She can reduce me to tears at will by recounting her life. I never touched her but that did not/does not stop her when we are talking and I say something validating to her that warms her and like a little girl, she will take my arm in both hands and hug it, swaying back and forth like a little girl. So cute for a mature woman. Her mind and tuition and focus act synergistically and are deadly. Do not pretend with a woman like her. You will be outed and turned inside out in a moment. Then rejected.

I say all that to make a point. It is a broken world filled with broken people. Many people are really sheeple but all is never as it meets the eye especially with humanity. Most people have two presentations, the fake them and the real them. I am different. I have no time or energy to waste trying to pretend I am something and someone I am not. It is a "Take me as I am or let me go" situation. (George Jones) Be yourself and save a lot of wasted time.

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He sounds like a WEF attendee

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If you want serial killers, what about the fake jabbers and the mouthpieces for the jab like Tam. But what is a Tam? For that matter what is a biDUMB or Turdo whose ample ass and pie face is being flown all around the world to offer screwed up advice to screw up more things on the international stage.

So here is another ditty as we once again wonder what is going on? Insanity seems to be the real pandemic.


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Why in the world are these plans revealed to the public in such detail?! Copycat sickos will only salivate and expand on the intel. Horrifying to rrad what little I have done and abruptly stopped. Nightmares of the inhuman lunatic motivations out there now. GAH!

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Take a look at this pie faced peckerhead in the pic. And that is the ugly humungous fungus among us we need to be wary of. He is not a leader, he is an ample assed piefaced ugly mutha with his only ability being to function as a mud flap on the rear tires of a manure spreader. I bigger peckerheaded fool has never been spawned in the history of the world.


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Why are the majority of serial killers we catch, white, or am I missing something? Are they born this way or are they made? Have they always been a part of our collective human psyche? I remember Jeffrey Dahmer's father saying that he thought his sons obsession with killing was his fault, because he never dealt with his own fantasies of killing people...

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Color does not matter. Execute them all white, black, red, brown it does not matter. Death penalty for terrorists, drug dealers, pimps, human traffickers, etc BUT you will find leftists boo hooing and defending criminals but also supporting violent scum like ANTIFA, BLM, etc.

The USA has the death penalty in some states but it should be used more often.

Up here in Canuckistan we have almost all political parties opposing capital punishment. Police agencies like the OPP are corrupt, having in their ranks murderers, rapists, elder abusers, frauds, etc.

There is also much abuse of power, for example a case where a fake detective with two complicit criminal bureaucraps in the opinions of many committing among other things reckless endangerment, by what better minds than mine tell me was one of other illegal raids that during the covid period a few years ago exposed a 99 year old woman WW2 veteran to covid by way of cloth masked officers that are next to useless having but a 10% filtration rate. The stupid detachment commanders past and present plus the dozen or so that entered the property and of course an inept, imbecilic defective detective tavarres, committed reckless endangerment on multiple counts. Anyone knows that only N95 masks provide the best protection but the fools running what was referred to by an individual who filmed the "sh*tshow" as just that. Thus over a dozen OPP officers exposed themselves to serious criminal charges also on other counts.

The OPP are corrupt, but aided and ASSisted by bureauCRAPS, and in the opinions of legal minds as well as common sense people, two corrupt/inept JP's, two bureauCRAPs, and others to not be mentioned at this time.

The message I am belaboring is that the injustice CYSTem, according to officers of the court, is prejudicially biased. CORRUPT!!!!! I HAVE THE GOODS ON THIS PLUS WHAT I SEE AS HOPLOPHOBIC pigs of the OPP, also criminal.

Nobody in the USA knows the corruption here by way of a failed CYSTem and the roll of the KGB pigs doing the criminal will of turdo and the LPC. More proof?


Americans have no idea how the slide into corruption was enabled by a corrupt slime minister coward with the IQ and appeal of a frozen rabbit turd in January. The above link proves to me how pigs weaponized by the CYSTem were and are used to punish any who refuse the Orwellian ass wipe will of the boy king.

Note there is a groundswell of people leaving Canuckistan because of the turdo, the criminal abuse of people by the corrupt CYSTem, and high prices.

The joke about covid lockdowns is not funny. The damned CYSTem fools declared alcohol outlets as an ESSENTIAL service during the scamdemic. Does that tell you how freaked up the people are here? They cannot live it seems without being sedated by booze. And weed legalized by turdo.

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Unbelievable how world wide things are falling apart.

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Oddly, I am happy to hear this, being an equal opportunity kinda human.....😫

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