last stand! this is our 'Thermopylae, our 'HOT GATES', this is where we hold them, this is where they die! 45 must take DC to the studs; no time for a SHAMWOW guy contender; we need real STONES now
There is no question that the election was stolen. The lockdowns had no effect on the election whatsoever. It's mathematically impossible that Biden got 81 million votes.
There are over 100 ways the bad guys stole the election. Mail in ballots was huge but there were many other things going on like states changing election laws bypassing state legislatures in violation of the Constitution. According to Census data as many as 40+ million votes could have been added to bidens count.
Covid is very low on the minds of voters in the upcoming election. The media on both sides is working double and triple overtime to stir up the covid shit. Bottom line is Trump will cut funding for anyone who tries to force masks or mandates.
Everything else is pure noise.
On a side note, I hope that Dr Paul is a part of thr next Trump administration. His drive to hold the scumbags accountable is essential.
The scary thing is that if the Donald wins and does his good for the country common sense things for 4 years who's coming up behind him with the same ideology to carry on? It looks like America has a bunch of bozos in the country and no one with the traditional Conservative values that could win.
Canada has the same problem after we dump Trudeau to a dark basement forever. We have a smart Conservative candidate that will likely demolish Justin but I just learned this new guy is in favor of digital currency. Canada is going to be ruined no matter who wins late next year.
Take one stamp at a time. 4 years at a time. There are far many more Patriots that will follow in Trump!s steps so no worries there. Cross 1 bridge at a time? Stay frosty
I am so sorry. We are looking at El Salvador if Trump does not get in, then The USA IS doomed. Dr Jack Kruse (a true patriot and Neurosurgeon) moved there after El Salvador went though it's regime change. He feels safe there.
I agree with you Dr Alexander! We’ve already had some freedom taken away, which is how these people destroying anything and everything good and decent operate! People MUST and I MEAN MUST UNDERSTAND, this “Illegitimate Administration” and anyone who believe their moronic ideologies are also part of the problem! One simple question I have asked repeatedly is this; “why would anyone want or need to destroy the most free country on earth for something unknown”? After reading a Peer Reviewed psychological study and I never have read one nor heard of any psychological study about the so called “left wing” surmised and I’m paraphrasing, “the left wing political party are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from mental disorders”! Yes you read that right, 2.5 times more!! This should be of huge concern for any sensible, good and decent person! “Literally the nuts or running the asylum”! It’s no wonder Americans are shaking their heads and asking why are they doing this? Or, how can they do this? Well now we know! They’re literally MENTAL! Astonishing NO? This is why China is the main money peddler and is incentivizes MSM, Owns TikTok, etc. I’m convinced and I recently read how Zuckerberg is still peddling his BS ideology which aligns with the direct collapse of America! Dr. Alexander, you’re so correct in your assessment of where does / who does America turn to if these people are successful? Answer, where we shouldn’t have left or be driven from and that’s GOD! Certainly our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is looking down on America with distain over these people tearing down “GOD” from every corner! I do pray there won’t be a total collapse of our society but add up the score, look how much damage has been inflicted so far in 3 short years (of what we know about). Plus, how much more damage is already waiting for the next order to implement / execute? America needs all “KNEES ON GROUND”! May God Bless America and The Entire World!
They (the idiots) have minds that have been captured. They are owned by the media propaganda machine. We cannot turn that 10-15% - they are walking dead in my book. Concentrate on keeping your mind sharp , faith strong, and health healthy. We go together through this storm knowing some of us will be sacrificed for the win.
That is what we mean when we say we are One in this fight
Very good point Claire and you’re assessment of the MSM is also accurate. Either way, “we the people” are being lead blindly with the overwhelming level of “SHTF” at the wall, “Takedowns”! There isn’t anyone to turn to which is why nobody inside, “the Washington Stink Pool” hasn’t and won’t do anything to “STOL THE MADNESS”! Oh there’s a couple of “throw the pions a bone” takedowns we can watch, read or converse about with like minded people” but nothing is being done to stop the inevitable. Nothing! May God Bless America and The Entire World@
You know how you feel when you hear people talking about vaccines as though they are safe and effective or masks as being something we all should wear, or those who don't get vaccines ought to be jails? Well that's the way it feels to hear people talking about a savior especially politicians. Yes the majority of people still believe that rubbish, but we have to come clean here. Truth is not about winning a popularity contest, it's about being real and speaking real. Nothing about politics is worth saving. We need to make a whole new template from scratch. We can do it while this one crumbles or we can wait till it crumbles and then again, leave that barren ground for the detestables to again take root. It's up to us. As long as this old fashioned, irrelevant idea of having someone represent you (why?) continues, we will always remain under the thumb of the power hungry. We now have a window of opportunity to be truly free. But who is asking what we should do? Instead most people keep talking about repeating the same motif as if that is going to do anything to change things.
My solution is so simple that I bet you'll ignore it although I apologize if I'm mistaken. It's just that everyone ignores it. It's like everyone is looking for some magical being to come with golden wings and save them or some magical story that they can again fall for. Anything to bring stars in their eyes. However the solution is plain and simple and not many people are up to that. It's realizing that it's up to us and that nobody is going to do it for us. It's taking initiative and seeking and then getting onto a local currency. It's imagining that the currency you now use, the banker's currency is poison and you have to instill a feeling in yourself that you must get off it because your life depends upon it. That would entail looking in every corner you can find, for someone who is talking about it. At the root of all our problems is the banker's money system. The world gives bankers the power because bankers make money from nothing but you have to work for it to pay it back. Here is a 23 minute explanation of the fraud that is banker's currency. As long as people remain hooked to it, we cannot be free. But if we start looking at alternatives and use them while we are still on banker's money, we will learn to wean off and that would totally transform the world and without shock waves. The first step you can do is seek. This video is called How the global monetary system actually works:
Biden was meant to piss us off setting the stage for Trump blindness.
Phase l
No matter how many times people rant and rave Biden’s administration is unfazed. He’s following the agenda, giving a middle finger to anyone that doesn’t like it. Doing exactly what he was installed to do. American’s opinions mean exactly, squat.
Phase ll
They’ve sown the seeds of discontent on purpose. They’ve gone after Trump on purpose. They want you to rally for Trump. Because when Trump is reelected his purpose is to candy coat a pill far more bitter than Biden’s. Except you’ll swallow willingly it because you’ve been made Trump-blind.
You think you’re smart. You think you have a good bead on things. You think the picture being painted is real. Ha! You know nothing of the deception going on. It is deep, complex and well-planned. We are being led.
Ask yourself has Trump spoken out against anything woke? Transitioning children? Or, Fauci? Big pharma? Seems to me that’s why 99% of you are here. On this and most other Substacks that’s all anyone goes on about. And everyone is rah! rah! over Malone, and the multiple horsemen of the apocalypse. Sure, right.
In the next breath you say, Trump’s the man! Yeahhhhh!! He’s gonna fix everything. Really? Wouldn’t it be nice if he said something to that effect? Because not only is he saying NOTHING he’s also championing the got him kicked out of office and fucked up our lives! But he doesn’t have to say anything because you’ve been led to worship the ground he walks on.
But, I know. I know. There are “reasons” (Insert programmed excuses here.)
did you read a prior stack where I wrote I will turn on Trump if he turns out 2nd term like first...many of us will, I imagine his base would...his base is strong, but not stupid...the 2nd term is to fix his name and legacy, he has a chance to and do the right can only go downhill for him if he fails...if he loses his base.
Why the attack upon myself? I just said what I think he needs to do to reach even more but there are a great many who think he is just as complicit as the rest; just another stooge like the rest. What doesn't help matters is when he says things like 'I gave you three beautiful vaccines'. That doesn't sit so well with a great many folks. Regards timetable? Every is in God's timetable; not mine or anyone else's.
Absolutely. Anything he says or does now, as a candidate/ private citizen, is guaranteed fodder and ammo for the Dems. To wit, yet again, the Dems' mass choreographed lies and *outrage* about the 'bloodbath'. GIVE THEM NOTHING on the issue of the jab, NOTHING, until he is safely elected.
The mere wishing that someone else is gong to do it is actually the syndrome that ails us. It's up to us to do it and no more of this ridiculous and juvenile hero worship. We have to work together and build a whole new world. And it will be wonderful that way because that is organic and not fake.
Don't even deign to condescend to us as if you are indelibly enlightened with the light of cosmic divination, while we minions are gullibly blinded. He has, in fact, spoken out about opposing *gender-affirming care*...
Perhaps were you not so blinded by some nebulous bitterness, you wouldn't need the self-puffery of *I can see what you can't*, and you would be motivated to do some due diligence before attempting to edify the *gullible hoi polloi*?
The “covid experiment” was a masterclass in the use of authority to coerce, intimidate, and compel the ignorant masses into conforming to made up rules and regulations regarding lockdowns, masks, social distancing, the use of safe and effective medicines like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and ultimately forcing an unsafe, untested, dangerous gene altering toxin to be injected into their bodies.
The totalitarian regime which inflicted this global horror show upon humanity has no hesitation in faking data in order to further their evil agenda and, the asshole you worship as your savior ushered it all in on Friday the 13th of March 2020. And continues to defend it to this day.
Not a word is spoken. The church bells all are broken.
Pointing out how utterly vacuous you are isn’t condescending. You just don’t like it when people reject your shit sandwich. Too bad so sad you’ll have to dine alone.
I also provided you with the third-party refutations of the bald-faced lies you devolved into. That is what triggered your rage. Being exposed as a liar, hun, is triggering, understandably. Don't lie, do your due diligence, and you won't need as many meds to control your rages. Shalom.
You think playing battling links makes you a big man on campus? Think again. I can, but won’t waste my time, compiling lots of countering links. There are tons of seemingly compelling links supporting Biden, Fauci, big pharma, masking, remdesivir, illegal immigration, and tons of links indicating your boy Trump ain’t all he appears to be. I’d suggest you stop being such a mewling quimm and use the brain God gave you to think for yourself. But I figure you’re the type that always learns the hard way. Enjoy the Trump teat. Nom nom nom.
Are you really an imbecile, or just a cretin? Sweetheart...YOU made false claims, and rather than me simply typing out that you lied, I backed that reality up with attributions for your petulant azz to have an adult READ to you. These are facts impermeable to your tantrums. You had the opportunity to not beclown yourself by digging in deeper and harder, but, alas, self-respect is not a thing for you. Not my problem. You name a game, hun, and I will play that game and win. Such a gluttonous masochist that you end your tantrum with a not-so-veiled revelation about you wet dreaming to visions of Trump's teats. Not the flex you thought, hun.
Looks to me like your comment was made in error to me. Hello, reading comprehension skills. I'm very much on the covid-hoax train, hun. However, few here need your GED-level dissertation on *what it really was*.
However, I did respond to your Psychopathic Rant, Part 1,' in which you postured yourself as stratospherically and comically narcissitically *enlightened* about Trump, whereas the *vacuous* hoi polloi would respond to you in 'programmed excuses'. Now in The Psychopathic Rant:The Sequel, you self-implode again with comedically unhinged spittle-flying rage, enraged that a self-perceived low caste useless eater such as myself, dared to challenge you and burst your self-deified canonization as patron saint of *knowledge*. Funny, re: *vacuous* just made yourself Exhibit A.
Trump got over 12 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. No president ever lost having that percentage increase in votes. And in PA alone, he increased his vote total percentage by a higher number than DeSantis did in his re-election. No way Biden got 80+ million votes. Enough analysis has been reported on in the past three years to show that. To continue to make it seem like Trump did not win is not based in reason. Stop caveating.'re just here for the therapy of bitching and kvetching and pontificating like a high priestess, while offering no suggestions for all these things that offend your free-floating rage. Alll righty.
There is no question that the election was stolen. The lockdowns had no effect on the election whatsoever. It's mathematically impossible that Biden got 81 million votes.
There are over 100 ways the bad guys stole the election. Mail in ballots was huge but there were many other things going on like states changing election laws bypassing state legislatures in violation of the Constitution. According to Census data as many as 40+ million votes could have been added to bidens count.
Covid is very low on the minds of voters in the upcoming election. The media on both sides is working double and triple overtime to stir up the covid shit. Bottom line is Trump will cut funding for anyone who tries to force masks or mandates.
Everything else is pure noise.
On a side note, I hope that Dr Paul is a part of thr next Trump administration. His drive to hold the scumbags accountable is essential.
There is also no question that the covid scam was pre-planned.
Trump walked into a shitstorm that he could not have known about.
He was advised by the very traitors who created the virus.
I pray Dr Paul is involved in the next Trump administration.
Though your statement is quite graphic I have to support it as being 100% correct. It is Trump or the cliffs of Dover. No other option. Louis
The scary thing is that if the Donald wins and does his good for the country common sense things for 4 years who's coming up behind him with the same ideology to carry on? It looks like America has a bunch of bozos in the country and no one with the traditional Conservative values that could win.
Canada has the same problem after we dump Trudeau to a dark basement forever. We have a smart Conservative candidate that will likely demolish Justin but I just learned this new guy is in favor of digital currency. Canada is going to be ruined no matter who wins late next year.
Take one stamp at a time. 4 years at a time. There are far many more Patriots that will follow in Trump!s steps so no worries there. Cross 1 bridge at a time? Stay frosty
I am so sorry. We are looking at El Salvador if Trump does not get in, then The USA IS doomed. Dr Jack Kruse (a true patriot and Neurosurgeon) moved there after El Salvador went though it's regime change. He feels safe there.
I follow Dr Jack! His work is amazing.
dark basement forever
Hell, I take it?
100 % the lizards stole it.
I agree with you Dr Alexander! We’ve already had some freedom taken away, which is how these people destroying anything and everything good and decent operate! People MUST and I MEAN MUST UNDERSTAND, this “Illegitimate Administration” and anyone who believe their moronic ideologies are also part of the problem! One simple question I have asked repeatedly is this; “why would anyone want or need to destroy the most free country on earth for something unknown”? After reading a Peer Reviewed psychological study and I never have read one nor heard of any psychological study about the so called “left wing” surmised and I’m paraphrasing, “the left wing political party are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from mental disorders”! Yes you read that right, 2.5 times more!! This should be of huge concern for any sensible, good and decent person! “Literally the nuts or running the asylum”! It’s no wonder Americans are shaking their heads and asking why are they doing this? Or, how can they do this? Well now we know! They’re literally MENTAL! Astonishing NO? This is why China is the main money peddler and is incentivizes MSM, Owns TikTok, etc. I’m convinced and I recently read how Zuckerberg is still peddling his BS ideology which aligns with the direct collapse of America! Dr. Alexander, you’re so correct in your assessment of where does / who does America turn to if these people are successful? Answer, where we shouldn’t have left or be driven from and that’s GOD! Certainly our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is looking down on America with distain over these people tearing down “GOD” from every corner! I do pray there won’t be a total collapse of our society but add up the score, look how much damage has been inflicted so far in 3 short years (of what we know about). Plus, how much more damage is already waiting for the next order to implement / execute? America needs all “KNEES ON GROUND”! May God Bless America and The Entire World!
They (the idiots) have minds that have been captured. They are owned by the media propaganda machine. We cannot turn that 10-15% - they are walking dead in my book. Concentrate on keeping your mind sharp , faith strong, and health healthy. We go together through this storm knowing some of us will be sacrificed for the win.
That is what we mean when we say we are One in this fight
Very good point Claire and you’re assessment of the MSM is also accurate. Either way, “we the people” are being lead blindly with the overwhelming level of “SHTF” at the wall, “Takedowns”! There isn’t anyone to turn to which is why nobody inside, “the Washington Stink Pool” hasn’t and won’t do anything to “STOL THE MADNESS”! Oh there’s a couple of “throw the pions a bone” takedowns we can watch, read or converse about with like minded people” but nothing is being done to stop the inevitable. Nothing! May God Bless America and The Entire World@
You know how you feel when you hear people talking about vaccines as though they are safe and effective or masks as being something we all should wear, or those who don't get vaccines ought to be jails? Well that's the way it feels to hear people talking about a savior especially politicians. Yes the majority of people still believe that rubbish, but we have to come clean here. Truth is not about winning a popularity contest, it's about being real and speaking real. Nothing about politics is worth saving. We need to make a whole new template from scratch. We can do it while this one crumbles or we can wait till it crumbles and then again, leave that barren ground for the detestables to again take root. It's up to us. As long as this old fashioned, irrelevant idea of having someone represent you (why?) continues, we will always remain under the thumb of the power hungry. We now have a window of opportunity to be truly free. But who is asking what we should do? Instead most people keep talking about repeating the same motif as if that is going to do anything to change things.
What's your solution
My solution is so simple that I bet you'll ignore it although I apologize if I'm mistaken. It's just that everyone ignores it. It's like everyone is looking for some magical being to come with golden wings and save them or some magical story that they can again fall for. Anything to bring stars in their eyes. However the solution is plain and simple and not many people are up to that. It's realizing that it's up to us and that nobody is going to do it for us. It's taking initiative and seeking and then getting onto a local currency. It's imagining that the currency you now use, the banker's currency is poison and you have to instill a feeling in yourself that you must get off it because your life depends upon it. That would entail looking in every corner you can find, for someone who is talking about it. At the root of all our problems is the banker's money system. The world gives bankers the power because bankers make money from nothing but you have to work for it to pay it back. Here is a 23 minute explanation of the fraud that is banker's currency. As long as people remain hooked to it, we cannot be free. But if we start looking at alternatives and use them while we are still on banker's money, we will learn to wean off and that would totally transform the world and without shock waves. The first step you can do is seek. This video is called How the global monetary system actually works:
Thank you. I'll watch it.
Biden was meant to piss us off setting the stage for Trump blindness.
Phase l
No matter how many times people rant and rave Biden’s administration is unfazed. He’s following the agenda, giving a middle finger to anyone that doesn’t like it. Doing exactly what he was installed to do. American’s opinions mean exactly, squat.
Phase ll
They’ve sown the seeds of discontent on purpose. They’ve gone after Trump on purpose. They want you to rally for Trump. Because when Trump is reelected his purpose is to candy coat a pill far more bitter than Biden’s. Except you’ll swallow willingly it because you’ve been made Trump-blind.
You think you’re smart. You think you have a good bead on things. You think the picture being painted is real. Ha! You know nothing of the deception going on. It is deep, complex and well-planned. We are being led.
Ask yourself has Trump spoken out against anything woke? Transitioning children? Or, Fauci? Big pharma? Seems to me that’s why 99% of you are here. On this and most other Substacks that’s all anyone goes on about. And everyone is rah! rah! over Malone, and the multiple horsemen of the apocalypse. Sure, right.
In the next breath you say, Trump’s the man! Yeahhhhh!! He’s gonna fix everything. Really? Wouldn’t it be nice if he said something to that effect? Because not only is he saying NOTHING he’s also championing the got him kicked out of office and fucked up our lives! But he doesn’t have to say anything because you’ve been led to worship the ground he walks on.
But, I know. I know. There are “reasons” (Insert programmed excuses here.)
did you read a prior stack where I wrote I will turn on Trump if he turns out 2nd term like first...many of us will, I imagine his base would...his base is strong, but not stupid...the 2nd term is to fix his name and legacy, he has a chance to and do the right can only go downhill for him if he fails...if he loses his base.
He needs to fix it by jettisoning all things '
the jab'.
My theory is he will straighten the jab controvery AFTER he is elected and positioned as POTUS.
First get in, then peel the onion
Too bad if you don’t like the timetable. You are not in charge
Why the attack upon myself? I just said what I think he needs to do to reach even more but there are a great many who think he is just as complicit as the rest; just another stooge like the rest. What doesn't help matters is when he says things like 'I gave you three beautiful vaccines'. That doesn't sit so well with a great many folks. Regards timetable? Every is in God's timetable; not mine or anyone else's.
Absolutely. Anything he says or does now, as a candidate/ private citizen, is guaranteed fodder and ammo for the Dems. To wit, yet again, the Dems' mass choreographed lies and *outrage* about the 'bloodbath'. GIVE THEM NOTHING on the issue of the jab, NOTHING, until he is safely elected.
The mere wishing that someone else is gong to do it is actually the syndrome that ails us. It's up to us to do it and no more of this ridiculous and juvenile hero worship. We have to work together and build a whole new world. And it will be wonderful that way because that is organic and not fake.
GLK. ….. Stop the black pilling.
Go someplace else with your shit. You are not with us so that make you and what you say irrelevant
Don't even deign to condescend to us as if you are indelibly enlightened with the light of cosmic divination, while we minions are gullibly blinded. He has, in fact, spoken out about opposing *gender-affirming care*...
Ditto Big Pharma...
Ditto Fauci ...
Perhaps were you not so blinded by some nebulous bitterness, you wouldn't need the self-puffery of *I can see what you can't*, and you would be motivated to do some due diligence before attempting to edify the *gullible hoi polloi*?
The “covid experiment” was a masterclass in the use of authority to coerce, intimidate, and compel the ignorant masses into conforming to made up rules and regulations regarding lockdowns, masks, social distancing, the use of safe and effective medicines like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and ultimately forcing an unsafe, untested, dangerous gene altering toxin to be injected into their bodies.
The totalitarian regime which inflicted this global horror show upon humanity has no hesitation in faking data in order to further their evil agenda and, the asshole you worship as your savior ushered it all in on Friday the 13th of March 2020. And continues to defend it to this day.
Not a word is spoken. The church bells all are broken.
Pointing out how utterly vacuous you are isn’t condescending. You just don’t like it when people reject your shit sandwich. Too bad so sad you’ll have to dine alone.
I also provided you with the third-party refutations of the bald-faced lies you devolved into. That is what triggered your rage. Being exposed as a liar, hun, is triggering, understandably. Don't lie, do your due diligence, and you won't need as many meds to control your rages. Shalom.
You think playing battling links makes you a big man on campus? Think again. I can, but won’t waste my time, compiling lots of countering links. There are tons of seemingly compelling links supporting Biden, Fauci, big pharma, masking, remdesivir, illegal immigration, and tons of links indicating your boy Trump ain’t all he appears to be. I’d suggest you stop being such a mewling quimm and use the brain God gave you to think for yourself. But I figure you’re the type that always learns the hard way. Enjoy the Trump teat. Nom nom nom.
Are you really an imbecile, or just a cretin? Sweetheart...YOU made false claims, and rather than me simply typing out that you lied, I backed that reality up with attributions for your petulant azz to have an adult READ to you. These are facts impermeable to your tantrums. You had the opportunity to not beclown yourself by digging in deeper and harder, but, alas, self-respect is not a thing for you. Not my problem. You name a game, hun, and I will play that game and win. Such a gluttonous masochist that you end your tantrum with a not-so-veiled revelation about you wet dreaming to visions of Trump's teats. Not the flex you thought, hun.
Looks to me like your comment was made in error to me. Hello, reading comprehension skills. I'm very much on the covid-hoax train, hun. However, few here need your GED-level dissertation on *what it really was*.
However, I did respond to your Psychopathic Rant, Part 1,' in which you postured yourself as stratospherically and comically narcissitically *enlightened* about Trump, whereas the *vacuous* hoi polloi would respond to you in 'programmed excuses'. Now in The Psychopathic Rant:The Sequel, you self-implode again with comedically unhinged spittle-flying rage, enraged that a self-perceived low caste useless eater such as myself, dared to challenge you and burst your self-deified canonization as patron saint of *knowledge*. Funny, re: *vacuous* just made yourself Exhibit A.
Bwahahahaha. Sticks and stones and all that…
The Zionists have all of their bases covered, with US Presidential Cuck idates.
You are so right doc..!!!!!!
Trump got over 12 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. No president ever lost having that percentage increase in votes. And in PA alone, he increased his vote total percentage by a higher number than DeSantis did in his re-election. No way Biden got 80+ million votes. Enough analysis has been reported on in the past three years to show that. To continue to make it seem like Trump did not win is not based in reason. Stop caveating.
I'm looking for Gilligan's Island're just here for the therapy of bitching and kvetching and pontificating like a high priestess, while offering no suggestions for all these things that offend your free-floating rage. Alll righty.