None of this research was done with “good intentions “. It was always the plan to use this as a bioweapon against humanity. Fear, chaos, control and never ending injections. So evil.

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There is quite simply no benign explanation.

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It almost reads like...Bioweapons research and development.

In plain sight.

For nearly a decade.

But for 3 years the majority in western nations have believed that a bat and pangolin exfiltrated a Murderna FCS and spliced the Chimera together. Anything less was a dark/dangerous conspiracy theory.

Talk about mind control!

They did tell us: 'They would know their (Bernays, Mockingbird et al) psyops efforts were successful when everything the American people believe was a lie'. We're not far from that, though I think they miscalculated and the trend is now opposite their desired goal.

I hope you keep beating the drum, Dr. Alexander.

The simple facts condemn them, no matter how they try to misdirect.

People are waking.

And their rage will know no bounds, as we collectively wash away the tyrants like grains of sand on the beach.


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Murderna... "good" one!

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I'd say we are already there. Trump is a lie. His persecution is a lie. His conservative rhetoric is a lie. He is the Uniparty Blowhard set forth to wrangle would be TEA Party thinkers back into thw Uniparty fold.

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And considering his voters are 60% jabbed, his lies have a 60% efficacy rate.

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Face reality Anna. If DeRinoSoros doesn't endorse Trump, he's history. There are already stories that DeSantos offered underage males money to let him perform oral sex on them. Nikki Haley has no hope. Trump never mandated the jab. Biden did

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Desantis outlawed mandates for Trump's Depop Shots... Mandates that Donny Blowhard paved a big beautiful, I mean beautiful, runway for Joe Dotard to land mandates on...

Question, what did Donny Blowhard do to prevent his Depop Shot from being mandated?

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A significant proportion of people still believe the jabs saved millions of lives. Unfotunately Trump appears to be, or to have been, one of them. The DS released the virus to bring him down and he was so sick with it that it neatly killed him

Small wonder that he would believe in the jabs. The DS want DeSoros in.

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Yeah...where has Wreck It Ralph been lately??

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Thank you so much for the diligence of investigations.

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All of these bioweapons labs must be completely destroyed and many virologists thrown into Gitmo prisons worldwide. I believe they are far more dangerous than ICBMs and so-called global warming put together. I can't imagine what AI will do with bioweapons.

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Dr. Paul, no disrespect. This by design is a Bioweapon. The intent is murder. Period. Wrangle all these heinous evil doers to the Firing Squad. No need for a gun. A good shot to the arm the way they killed my loved ones. Then stick them on an island. They can eat bugs.

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i love YOUR plan!

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Thanks Daniel. I will check it out tonight. Just so angry with this evil bull shit. Hope your day is sunny.

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Yes, very interesting and all happening under Barry Hussein. Why were they working on this also in Ukraine biolabs funded by Hunter? What was he really doing in Burisma? Looks like even being there was a cover story. Why are there HIV inserts in the spike? It is clear that infection and disease progression are facilitated by the gene injection shot but when will the first cases of the full blown disease emerge? COVID-19 increasingly appears to be merely a prodrome, much like in other viral diseases like HIV. HIV also has a mild prodrome which most people infected with it don't even notice. Then shit happens a couple iof years down the track. I don't think anyone has yet experienced full nlown SARS-CoV-2 disease. Everyone who has ever had covid has only had a mild prodrome. They are all still incubating the full blown diseas. It looks like everyone who has ever had COVID is going to get AIDS and the jabbed are going to get it first. That seems a more plausible endgame than the idea that weapons scientists worked to create a mild, respiratory virus.

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Here's some of your answers and a Smoking Gun bt Fauci and Baric

It was created at UNC in 2014-15 as Dr Paul shows

Pure Gold! 🪙


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Thank you Daniel.

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there are NO INFECTIOUS "VIRUSES". you best be watchin Dr Tom Cowan

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Infectious clones

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Well that's great news for America, Victoria. The first son can share a needle with a junkie with hep C when he has his next hit of fentanyl, share his crack pipe with POTUS when he's got cold sores and none of those transwoman hookers in the photos on his laptop need to wear a condom next time he bends over and they stick it in him. All these hygiene measures are unnecessay and there's no risk of him catching anything nasty and then infecting the First Lady or POTUS.

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Look at all the patents. almost as if GatesOHell prophetic Ted talks were laying out a scheme of tremendous but simple proportions.

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You are doing God's work. I hope some less broke person donates while i am out spreading the word instead of earning my rent.

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Zev Zelenko and David Martin spoke about this 2 years ago!!

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Hey Doc, you and Dr David Martin should compare notes

Worth its weight in Platinum or Gold...


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While we try to sort out the Wuhan origins they are preparing for another bioweapon release!! I applaud those sniffing this out but it won't matter if we're going to be buried in another attack!!!

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Dr David Martin has laid all of this out.

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Indeed - the more the merrier, although we really could use a LOT more people discussing and outraged by this. ALL would just about cover it nicely.

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I agree...I just wish more people gave Dr Martin a platform because he has brilliantly laid this out for the past two years. I still don't understand why people like Steve Bannon haven't had him on. I know Steve is a truth teller.

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YES! All planned and in our face. The son of a b****** need to be imprisoned.

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All lifelong criminal democrats involved...it was well known years ago

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The first version (V1) of the BioNTech vaccine quite properly omitted the N-Terminal Domain of the spike. The second version used the entire spike, and thus generated ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement.) This second version was chosen purely for marketing reasons -- fewer (trivial) side-effects.

The use of the entire spike (which almost all the vaccines included) was criminal, violating every tenet of Rational Vaccine Design. Most importantly, it is the spike that causes all the damage done by the virus, and thus, most of the damage done by the vaccine. Rational use of selected parts of the spike, and perhaps other parts of the virus, would have been effective (BioNTech's V1, for example) and far less deleterious.

All involved should be executed by Attila and Our Huns.

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