July 4, 2020, Reverend Farrakhan knew early on what was going on. I'm not surprised at all. He remembered Tuskegee and I hope many Black people did too.

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I'm stunned when I hear any black taking this poison.

Farrakhan is off on much, but he hit A homer on this.

A black gentleman told us months before it came out... Don't take it

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I wouldn’t be “hesitant” if hadn’t seen three sudden deaths after the 💉, a case of turbo cancer in my family, and the near death and temporary paralysis of my friend’s 17 yo brother. It just pisses me off when people assume we are “hesitant” because we fell for some bullshit line. The ignorance of such a belief is astounding. Puhleez! Talk to the hand Shapiro. ✋

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We're not hesitant... We'll go homeless before taking it

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

Since I first heard that "vaccine hesitancy" crap, my response has been, "'Excuse me, but 'HELL NO!' is not 'hesitancy', fools."

And that was BEFORE the clot shots even began to be inflicted on the public, before one friend's father died suddenly soon after the jab, another friend's sister died suddenly soon after the jab, another person started having TIAs right after the jab another person's 29-year-old son developed rapid onset stage 4 metastasizing cancer....

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I had similar experience with a death and my wife a TIA. The crummy medical industry refuses to make the connection. Bastards! https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/i/41475074/findings-of-friends

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Went through Covid myself. Full hospital, coma, intubation and more. So...there's more here than meets the eye, and none of it is good. Not. One. Bit.

Yes, the vaxx is BS. Period. So is Remdisivir.

They murdered vast numbers of people...vast...

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Thank God you survived the hospital killing field! Were you able to avoid Remdesivir, or did it just luckily not destroy your kidneys or anything else?

So glad you're still with us, Dennis. God clearly wants you here.

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I’m glad you made it out Dennis. That’s a horrible ordeal to go through.

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Stay safe. I'm sorry for your trouble.

I had nasty canine bites, they healed good. I'm wondering if I had covid and didn't know it?

I'm 62, not sheltered. No protections except Vit D etc.

But no covid I noticed....

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I stopped listening to Shapiro almost as soon as I started, as he struck me as an elitist shill. But I understand that he is currently suffering from jab remorse, so I think this is an older clip.

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Shapiro pushed the jabs up until recently when he had a "come to Jesus" moment.

Farrakhan remembers Tuskegee Experiment.

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did not know the jab hurt him.

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Exactly, I was gonna say the same thing. He did an about face. Not sure why, do you know and if so, do you have the clip??

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I don't know why he did an about face. He really should explain.

Read somewhere his wife is a doctor who also was pushing the jabs.

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...and his wife is supposed to be a doctor.

Shapiro should have listened to the rest of us who warned about the covid death shots...for at least 2 years.

Shapiro never heard of VAERS...or his wife either?

Hard to believe.

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You NEVER listen to a Doctor during a crisis, that's healthcare 101!

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Oct/ 22 Shapiro states that if he knew then what he knows now...that for himself being a very low risk for covid illness or death...he may not have gotten jabbed. He is double jabbed...his wife triple. Regardless...Shillpiro is big pharmas best friend when it comes to pushing every fricken jab.

What he brings that is sensible is heavily jaded by his push forward of big pharma.

A very smart deluded person. Intoxicated by his own hubris.

He has expressed very pro viewpoints for vax mandates. In a nutshell....he can go to hell.

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This is old footage and MANY have come to change their mind on the topic, so please be fair if this opinion of Ben is out-dated.

I'm an aussie and I'm fully aware and fully horrified of the Tuskagee experiments - God only knows why any black person would trust the government on any "well meaning" medication, ever - I sure as hell wouldn't either!

However, I stand firmly in Ben Shapiro's space as well, as I KNOW what it must be like to be married to a doctor who tows the government propaganda lest she be out of a job!


All the doctors and scientists who have backbones of steel, spoke out EARLY, knowing they would come under some serious ridicule for their stance on injecting Experimental Gene Therapy. Many of them lost their esteemed positions and have been dedicated to educating the populous world-wide - if only they would listen. Think Drs Kory, Marik, Malone, and Uk cardiologist Asseem Malhotra, who has also come to CHANGE HIS MIND DUE TO EVIDENCE OF HEART DAMAGE - the bloody thing KILLED his dear father! that poor man / men / people / who have latterley come to relaise they were used to promote damage to other humans. How difficult would that be to live with?

I hope that Ben Shapiro, who I admire very much, has a wife who has moved away from denial, and come to her ethical senses - if only for their own children's sake.

From the outset, any doctor NOT PREPARED to walk away from their position, just put their little head down and SHUT the F8ck UP for fear of losing either much needed income and / or, possibly, also their self assumed prestige. Too freaking sad for words..........

It is not rocket science to work out that making human beings into spike protein factories - yes, self creating the very part of the virus that WAS KNOWN to be TOXIC! - would see detrimental effects at various stages post injection - the FACT that it loves to bind to ACE2 should have made any doctor advocate NOT accepting such a needle due to potential damages, including neurological as the lipid nanoparticle helps the mRNA to slip through the blood brain barrier to the brain.

Add the point that there is no "off" switch written into the needles, makes me wild as hell.

What could possibly go so bloody obviously, in-your-freaking-face wrong????

ALL of us who have had people we love accept this EGT needle (sorry, unable to give it the con-job name of 'vaccine') should be mad as hell that we were all LIED to - and many governments STILL LYING!

It's ok to change your mind - it's GOOD to see the truth and now speak out!

It's never too late to encourage others to STOP allowing injection of this trash and preserve sacred human lives.

I admire so very much every single person who changes their mind over the covid Gene Therapy and pushes back at government for all the blatant lies.

I do hope Ben Shapiro and his dear family have recognised the massive manipulation and do all they can to protect themselves and their children - and of course speak out as well.

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Suffering? Have you seen the luxury cars many of them tool around town in?

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This video must be old. Ben was pushing the jab early on but not so much anymore.

Fool Ben once, shame on Pfizer. Fool Ben twice, three times, four times, five times, shame on Ben. I’m not sure how many boosters he got but however many, it was too many. Everyone should have know after the first two failed that it was a fraud. (Or before they got any because “Operation Warp Speed” is a red flag for a rushed mRNA gene therapy)

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He’s had the first two, and he thinks that is sufficient. He discusses openly that they don’t protect from infection or spread but still believes they protect from serious illness. SMH, yes, his wife is a mainstream doctor. He agrees with natural immunity being the best protection and has not vaxed his children. So some hope he’s catching on. This must be an old clip. Yesterday, he said all of the above while discussing China lockdowns.

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I was a big fan of Shapiro until he started talking about how great the “vaccine” was. When I heard him talking about the cost/benefit analysis, I could tell he knew absolutely nothing about how fraudulent the data coming from pharma was and he didn’t take anything really important into account, like high rates of natural infection by the time the “vaccine” was pushed. It was nauseating.

I also believe his stance on the issue came from the fact that’s his wife was a doctor. She is clearly part of the medical industrial complex, as most doctors have to be to survive. Apparently, not many people make it through medical school with a healthy level of skepticism or critical thinking skills. Big Pharma donating to medical schools (and making up most of the medical journal funding etc) is no doubt a huge factor there. Seriously, who thinks an mRNA gene therapy injection that was sort of tested for about two months is a good idea? And then they refuse to release the raw data. And they have no liability. And they made billions of dollars with no investment. So many obvious red flags. Well, glad he finally saw the light. Or at least some of the light.

I saw him complaining that pharma lied to the public. After I stopped giggling my first thought was, ‘did you think they were telling the truth?’ Pharma telling the truth would be completely out of character, as their legal history shows clearly. Sad he fell for it. And more sad that his encouragement probably influenced other to take it.

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Louis Farrakhan took his advice over two years ago from top scientists and told his followers then, not to take the poisonous injections. Louis Farrakhan and his advisors were correct.

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However, he’s a poisonous individual on every other level. The problem with Shapiro is that he puts himself out there as some kind of expert.

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I am afraid I do not agree with you. Louis Farrakhan has preached for years for his followers to eat healthy, live a healthy life, ensure there is a father in each home where children are born. Okay, he does not like whites or Jews. I don’t like some people either. His overwhelming message is a good one. Wish we had more religious leaders like Mr. Farrakhan.

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So you listen to bigots who claim the word of God but hate people who look differently or worship differently? Farrakhan is not religious except uses religion as a cover for his nefarious but lucrative race baiting business. He did however figure out that the vaccines were harming people.

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Ben’s wife is a mainstream doctor; KoolAid in the house!

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That would do it.

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Shapiro shows himself to be the pompous ass-hat on this issue. It makes me question his other positions.

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As noted in comments, Ben pushed the jab. So did many other 'conservatives', eg Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt. I stopped listening with his "My wife is a doctor" schtick so take the jab. So it comes as news to me in reading comments that he has 'come to Jesus'😆 and is at least acknowledging the uncertainties, shall we call them. But he should also admit the possible harm that he and "My wife is a doctor" caused some of his listeners. Lesson learned that it is extremely dangerous to give carte blanche medical advice to a general audience whilst knowing it to be an experiment. on humanity.

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I agree with you on this Dr Paul, I just wouldn't use these two people as my example of correct and incorrect during these times of conflict. Early on, Shapiro got duped like most mainstream people. Candice Owens was smarter than Shapiro as well on this.

Thank you for your work - Asher

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Treachery. Descriptive and accurate word.

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He is right though that should have been a headline. It was not a headline exactly because the “vaccine hesitancy” was based on the facts. These viles are much more dangerous then the virus and they are ineffective as well.

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It takes a person with a small ego to admit that they were wrong. I have a higher opinion of him now. Now he needs to look into the harms that these so called vaccines are causing, that’s the real scandal.

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Ben is definitely wrong, boy does he have his head in the sand! Why hasn't he investigated and if he says he has I will never trust a word out of his mouth again, someone got to him! Farrakhan is a person I would not trust with a hair on my head, he is ruthless and very corrupt but give the devil his due, he hit the nail on the head with this one. He is aiming it towards his brothers and that is fine, am aiming it to all brothers and sisters, I do not care what color or religion you are, DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THESE SHOTS!!! And BE VERY CAREFUL about the FLU SHOT!!! ONLY 16% effective and GOVERNMENT added something that will hurt older folks! Some doctors( I HATE TO CALL THEM DOCTORS) are mixing covid with flu shot so make sure you find out before giving shot to kids or yourselves!!!

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Are you aware of the TUSKEGEE VACCINE EXPERIMENTS GIVEN TO BLACK MEN IN THE 1930S? THey injected them with syphillis but did not tell them what it was. These men took it home to their wives and children. It continued for many years.

Have you heard of THALIDOMIDE? Approved by FDA--RESULTING IN MANY BABIES BEING BORN WITH DEFORMED LIMBS IN THE 50’s. This FDA horror is not new but it is on a much larger scale.

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The Thalidomide deformities were babies in Europe where the drug was developed.

A drug reviewer and doctor at the FDA, Frances Oldham Kelsey, refused to authorize thalidomide for market because she had concerns about the lack of evidence regarding the drug's safety. Kelsey was the second woman to receive the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, awarded to her by John F. Kennedy in 1962. The drug was never sold in the US.

Despite pressure from thalidomide's manufacturer Grünenthal, Kelsey persisted in requesting additional information to explain an English study that documented peripheral neuritis,[9] a nervous system side effect.[4] She also requested data showing the drug was not harmful to the fetus.[9]

Kelsey's insistence that the drug should be fully tested prior to approval was vindicated when the births of deformed infants in Europe were linked to thalidomide ingestion by their mothers during pregnancy.[10][11] Researchers discovered that the thalidomide crossed the placental barrier and caused serious birth defects.[7] She was hailed on the front page of The Washington Post as a heroine[12] for averting a similar tragedy in the U.S.[13

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