I hear that thousands of Haitians are coming in through Florida right now. I hope DeSantis doesn't allow them to stay.

I also hear people talking about how there are cannibals among them. The total chaos and breakdown of law and order in Haiti is a terrible thing, and the cause goes back to the CLINTONS. The Clinton Foundation raised hundreds of millions for Haiti after the earthquake there, but kept 99% of the money.

AND, the Clintons used Haiti for child trafficking, and you know what those children were used for.

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And bush as well

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boom, dont ever think Bush was not hollowing out America

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Bush dad and CIA...that is where serious debate must take place

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I called DESantis' office yesterday and today. You couldn't leave a message today, because the

mailbox was full. I wonder why ?

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They won't be using Guantanamo bay for Haitians, it's already probably full of traitors. biden isn't the CIC, Trump is. biden is only president of the bankrupt U.S. Inc. CIC Trump is President of OUR Restored Constitutional Republic. Right Now.

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Can you explain further? Sometimes, we see a man carrying a bag around Trump. Is that

the football?

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That could even be a body double of Trump. I would imagine that the football is safe, it may be in Cheyenne Mountain with Trump. I just read all this stuff and use my best discernment. I don't know everything, and the battle between good and evil is very complex.

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Why would the football be in Cheyenne Mountain? It sounds like you know a lot. :-)

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You are absolutely correct Lynn.

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Why are they doing this? Because they can. You never vote out a coup.

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Let em drown.

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They will be nothing but a burden on our system at taxpayers expense!

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Is that "Why" a rhetorical question, or you really ask?

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Let's send the Clinton's down there to fix things instead, then Hillary can at last be president of something

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Haiti is not the responsibility of the U.S. Let them settle their own problems as an internal matter. And close our border to all Haitians. We don't need to import their savagery.

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American has an Embassy there. There are Americans working there. What happens is they are rescuing children from child traffickers?

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Your views are very controversial, so are mine. Slap me five.

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