'Biden administration discussing using Guantanamo Bay to process possible influx of Haitian migrants'; like I have been asking with all the Southern border illegals, why not just close the border? why
do we have to take any of these people in? why not just change the law CONGRESS? and to show how its a UNIPARTY, republicans control HOUSE and can pass a bill fast to change the law; they wont
Why not just say NO and why use Guantanamo? if the law is if they get to the US shore, then change the eff in law…shut it down…no one to get in now…not for 10 years…use the many ships we have in the NAVY sitting idle, place them in the Caribbean, stop any one headed to US shore and send them back…
and all the 40 million illegals who came in during the last 30 years, especially the 10 million under Biden, Trump must deport them first hour as POTUS…even children born in US…they will need to go to a US consulate and show their passport etc. or citizenship, and if legal and authentic (not like Obama’s birth certificate), and if they did not rape anyone while in US illegally, did not murder, are not pedophiles, then they MUST be allowed back in.
I hear that thousands of Haitians are coming in through Florida right now. I hope DeSantis doesn't allow them to stay.
I also hear people talking about how there are cannibals among them. The total chaos and breakdown of law and order in Haiti is a terrible thing, and the cause goes back to the CLINTONS. The Clinton Foundation raised hundreds of millions for Haiti after the earthquake there, but kept 99% of the money.
AND, the Clintons used Haiti for child trafficking, and you know what those children were used for.
They won't be using Guantanamo bay for Haitians, it's already probably full of traitors. biden isn't the CIC, Trump is. biden is only president of the bankrupt U.S. Inc. CIC Trump is President of OUR Restored Constitutional Republic. Right Now.