He’s a corrupt, belligerent, sexual predator and pedophile who betrayed his country for money and covered for his drug addict son and sexually abused his own daughter, cheated on his dying wife, A..

and that’s just what we know about

He deserves to be buried in an unmarked grave.

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Oh and his corrupt family needs to pay back every penny that he swindled from the US taxpayers.

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Biden has been corrupt since BEFORE his first government job. Biden's been lying, cheating, and stealing for well over 50 years. Only the Clintons surpass Biden in criminality.

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You are right, I forgot about his cheating in school among others.

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For Biden, it's a sordid trail of criminality going back as far as he's been recorded.

I never once referred to Biden as "President", as I never did for Obama, or ever will.

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Both illegitimate for different reasons.

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You absolutely nailed it Doctor! Biden is nothing but a grifter and he sold America out to our adversaries!

Combine the fact that he’s a nasty pedophile who completely screwed up his kids! Especially his daughter! Her diary is devastating! I feel for any child molested by perverted sickos such as Biden!

He’s an absolute disgrace! He’ll meet his maker and the flames of hell will cook him alive! As he should be!

Thank you Dr for speaking the truth about a “deep state plant” who was simply a blind for all the damages done to America!


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Thank you for that confirmation.

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You’re welcome Dr.

Most welcome Sir.


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Biden quit because Trump turned his head.

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After being attacked by a fanatical Biden supporter?

Trump gunman Thomas Crooks likely had a Gab account that he used to ‘support’ President Biden, site’s CEO says


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We will never know what ties Crooks had to the deep state and/or the administration. It was an inside job.

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Corruption works until it doesn’t. No, it wasn’t truth and right that conquered it either. Self implosion from an accumulation of half-truths allowed the people to see what they didn’t want to seek out for themselves.

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Yeah, yeah, we already know that they are filthy criminal lying scum. We've known that since 2000.

The important question is, will they be held to account and to pay for their crimes?

When Trump was at the helm, he *could* have done something about it. Trump did *NOTHING*!!

Now, like toddlers, we're expected to swallow the fable that "**This time** Trump will come through".

Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice, shame on ME!

LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE!!! Who is Trump already considering for some highly important posts?

Try this one: Jamie Dimon for Treasury Secretary. Are you FREAKING kidding me??!!!??

Trump isn't going AFTER the swamp, he's going to replace the current swamp creatures with new ones!

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I personally don’t give a damn what the stupid demoncrats say about Biden. He was and is the biggest failure in history. They can praise all they want, WE HAVE AND ARE LIVING IN THE DAMAGE THAT A SENILE DEMENTED OLD MAN DID TO THIS USA! Let them talk, WE WILL POINT OUT THE FACTS, HE DID NOTHING GOOD OR GREAT, HE STUNK THE WORLD UP!

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How many Ukrainian men were forced into throwing away their own lives because of this evil man?

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If he hadn't been so stupid he would have never run for President in 2020. He could have walked away to his dementia with many Americans (many of them dumb as a block of cow manure) believing him to be "regular Joe from Scranton." But instead he showed the world what he really is. Now there's still some Americans that believe him to be "Joe from Scranton" and they have IQs of less than cow manure.

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Biden isn't even Biden... C'mon man...

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Biden has not been respected his entire career - and for good reason. Other than being conniving and corrupt, he has no good personal attributes. Let's stop acting like he had/has. Remember Biden is a politician that was forced to withdraw from the 1988 Democratic Nomination due to plagiarism and lying. He has never been credited with any good original ideas and has been caught lying repeatedly about fantasies that is illogical brain conjured up. It has been blatantly obvious that Biden has been controlled since at least 1988. And the fact that they stole both the 2020 Democratic Nomination and the POTUS election proved that fact. A man with no fanbase, no platform, and no original ideas got pushed through the entire election process. Outside of his abilities as a liar and conniver, Joe Biden has never been anything but a failure as a human, a "Catholic" and a politician.

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Also...Biden was the ONLY Democrat politician willing to demean himself so thoroughly as to play second fiddle to someone as phony, corrupt, and America-hating as Barack Hussein Obama. Biden saw the vice presidency as the next rung on the ladder to influence-peddling for enhanced personal gain.

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True - and I am one of the few Americans who saw right through Barry from day One. I was stunned at his popularity. I kept asking people why the supported him. And I asked what had Barry done to deserve any consideration for POTUS. Nobody had a good answer because Barry has never done anything to be considered for POTUS. But like Biden, Barry is corrupt and conniving.

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But he was a community organizer! What better preparation for steering the most powerful nation in the world could there be?

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All good comments. Every one true.

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He's a baby sniffing, child molesting, women raping, treasonous, racist.

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If the Dummy is your hero, you have dementia and an aspiration to be a sociopath and a sadist.

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Dr Paul, this Biden is a fake, the real Biden was killed by Obama back in and around 2013. Sarge has the true story on https://rumble.com/v582sab-the-biden-setup-who-will-take-the-blame-for-a-unalived-biden.html Let's not be fooled by who is running this show

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A useful tool, a manipulative fool, this pos never did a days work in his whole life, just was a leech off the public weal, a legend in its own mind, the IQ of a pigs behind. Pos. Almost as bad as Jackass Justie. Every political party in Canuckistan except the CPC, the Peoples Party and the CHP are useful as tits on a boar, wasters of tax dollars and corrupt kooks.

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In less than 4 years America turned to Bidentistan to Bidensburg to escalate into the beginning of WW2 of 1933 nazi Germany. Anyone still supporting democrats are mentally retarded føcknuts.

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