Biden should never have been there in the 1st place. It was all a criminal fraud - anyone honest with

half a brain knows that with full certainty. But in a LAWLESS country, none of that matters.

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Lady Macbeth Jill will not go quietly into the night.

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for sure

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Read that Jill read Obama the riot act when he suggested Joe withdraw.

She likes power and all its trappings far too much.

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I'll bet Jill has dirt on all of the players. She may be more dangerous than Hillary.

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All of these polyemics are useless if our representatives do not have the courage of their conviction and the loyalty to the republic to make a stand and take down that fucking rat bastard Garland--he is the lynchpin--for him to sand his ground t in effect say you to a legal subpoena and not be jailed with Bannon - ( i could just visualise Bannon busting his ass) means we have no equal representation under the law- and that there is no law or our congress is allowing an employee and RESPONDENT to answer a legal warrant- means we have NO GOVERNMENT

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True fucking story. The representative Republic, as it was intended, ceased to exist in 1913 with the invention of the "Federal Reserve" yet was hidden behind the illusion of freedom and choice. 50 years on from that event Eisenhower warned that the deep state Mafia was well entrenched and when Jfk tried to buck the system they murdered him. And then the murdered his brother Bobby who decided he was going to grab the presidency and try and do something about it.

Do you think it's a coincidence that Bobby Jr. Picked a CIA asset for his veep? He didn't want to get wacked. Like the Chinese Communist party the global Mafia will let people make waves around the edges but gain serious influence and try to fuck with their core operations and you'll get squashed like a bug.

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Excellent observation-but the country was actually sold down the river to the European Banking Empires in 1871-(History cites it as the Treason of 1871) Lincoln had overspent on the Union Army and needed to borrow Gold ( real money) to pay off the war debts-He actually mortgaged our country to the European Bankers why it was so easy in 1913 on jeykll island to make the transition as everyone was missing

for the vote so the real people lost the vote to crooked politicians -and Lincoln was to blame regardless of his gret prowess and statesmanship-As far as JFK is concerned,

it is hard to get “into the mindset of a long deceased ex-president” I.M.O.- He placed

Johnson ( Whom he did not like) as a “peace offering” to the CIA whom he correctly

recognized as an imminent threat to our nation “ I will break the CIA up into a million pieces” was the literal quote. -But Kennedy, was a shrewd mental processor I.M.O

he kept Johnson Close to be able to keep tabs on the CIA- There is no doubt that Johnson was a CIA asset, and that he was used by the CIA in the aftermath of the CIA staged assasination where the secret servicemen were infiltrated right in Kennedy’s midst- The very same CIA that has served the Deep State and to whom

we will struggle with to wipev the bastards off the face of God’s earth.

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Paraphrased from Wikipedia and turned into questions by me so that I may educate myself.

Wasn't the debt for the civil war funded by bonds and paid off by the children of that era through federal income taxes and other financial instruments? Didn't all but one of the European banks decline Lincoln's requests for funding?

Weren't he main British and French banks, including the Rothschilds, highly reluctant?

Didn't the Trent Affair of late 1861 anger the London bankers who saw the risk of war between Britain and the United States?

Wasn't the Barings Bank the only one that agreed to fund U.S. arms purchases?

Is this narrative in Wikipedia accurate?

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I sincerely appreciate your new presentation style, Milton.

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I have my courtroom robes on - i am told i need to “ mind my manners” so i have my .357 under the robes where it will not offend people

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Quoting Biden from Tuesday night:

"The fact is that you know, I wasn't very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple times, going through around 100 time zones ... before ... the debate. Didn't listen to my staff and came back and nearly fell asleep on stage," he said. "That's no excuse but it is an explanation."

Bieden fails to mention that was long before the debate since he spent the entire week before the debate holed up at Camp David "preparing."

(Someone should tell the utter fool there are only 24 time zones on the entire planet.)

Source: https://www.newsmax.com/politics/biden/2024/07/02/id/1171050/

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You mean to tell me he lied? I'm shocked! Here's my shocked face😳

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Good shocked face!

Would be more interested to see your grumpy emoji : )

(Your profile pic doesn't look grumpy at all.)

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I just read something... How bad could they replace Biden (not with Kamala), and bybass whatever law to get whoever they want as POTUS? : best candidate would be: Michelle Obama. Uh oh, could that happen?...

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When they make the rules as they go,anything can happen

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Have you seen them following any rules?

30,000 Deleted emails,

Spying on a presidential candidate and then President,

BRIBEN Presidents of other countries to protect the party bag man,

Cocaine in the White House,

Not just opening the Southern border but actively facilitating illegal migration of millions of Military aged males and families, losing at least 80,000 children and aiding and abetting the largest sex trafficking operation in human history,

To name a few...

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Like Darkstar said, anything can happen... They make up the "rules" as the wind changes direction. Heck I'm Canadian, and I just saw ¨they¨came up with a new document in June, a coalition of Canada, US and Mexico: ¨North American Preparedness for animal and human pandemics initiative"... Here we go again on that front. They won't leave us free.

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Sweet heart, we haven't been free for a long time. We've been tax slaves our entire lives. We were sold into indentured survatude in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve. We are the commodity.

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Grumpy Steve, I'm in Quebec Canada, and communism is well established here, but we can't mention the name. We are taxed (fed and prov), 51% (our paychecks are pathetic), and we pay another combined tax that totals 15% on goods we buy, exept food from the store. There is not much left, just for survival. Rents are getting horrible also. It's been pretty bad with Troodo, but the trouble is getting pretty global now.

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I thought invoking the 25th Amendment would be called for also, but then I read that the president's cabinet has to declare him not fit for the job.

I don't think that's going to happen.

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Since NOBODY wants Kamel Toe the Hoe to be president, not even for one minute, The 25th Ammendment isn't the right play. I say we do a follow up to all of the investogations done in the past 8 years and throw the book at the whole lot of CORRUPT CONS. #Remove388TraitorsFromUSgivernment

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Biden is a clear and present danger to the USA.

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the risk and risks to USA are too great now...our enemies know for sure

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BRIBEN is an empty suit. Take his clothes away and you'd see Obamas arm shoved so far up Briben's ass when Obama fingers twitch Briben's lips move.

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No he isn't. He has absolutely nothing to do with what is going on in this country or the planet. He is a real life Henry Blake for those who recall MASH.

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The ghost of Jimmy Hoffa is witnessing the ongoing treason of the Biden crime family. From their first stolen election against

Hale Boggs and throughout his entire career as representative of the corporate interests that have made him the evil thing that he is now . There are no valid excuses for his treachery.

He and his ilk must/will pay…in this world and in their next.

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I highly doubt he has Alzheimer's. Even though he screwed up in that debate and other times, if he had Alzheimer's he couldn't even put a real sentence together. My grandmother had a form of dementia NOT Alzheimer's and she would repeat everything she had just told you a minute after she had just told you it. She couldn't give a quick response, as biden did in that debate. There are different forms of dementia including Alzheimer's but I have a hard time believing he's got those conditions but rather something is being done to him. Idk. Believe me, he should be gone but ALL of these players, anyone involved in any and all of what's happened over the past 60+ years needs to be gone. The US government needs an overhaul and needs to go back to it's roots to heal. The citizens of this country need to come together (which isn't going to happen with the brainwashing and lies that have been put out there) to take back OUR government which the people have allowed to be stolen. Trump IS NOT the answer and most likely is a player, too.

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he is on the edges...he is there.

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Hey Dr. Paul, we've all been focused on what control they might have been giving him to help him present lucid. What if the cocktails they've been giving him were doing the opposite and were intended to incapacitate him in order to make it easier for those around him to control him?

It wouldn't surprise me one bit to learn that that's what they've been really doing here.

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"They" want Sleepy Joe gone; therefore, "we" should fight their tactic.

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he cant remain in his condition...if Trump was same I would say no way....find someone else...if Trump gets in and declines in 2 years...we remove him...we cannot leave someone not capable because we 'like' them ....this is about what is best and security....

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Dr. Paul, this baby sniffing, child molesting, women groping, traitorous piece of shit was never "capable" of being president... THAT'S WHY THEY INSTALLED HIM. Don't you get it?

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If it’s Kamala, so be it. Let the chips fall.

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I don't think anything has really significantly changed.

Just became more obvious to more people

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If that Amendment doesn't apply to that sad and confused man, it will never apply to any president. This tells me the members of the Cabinet do not want to "protect" or follow the Constitution.

That Amendment is a part of the Constitution.

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The 25 Amendment moved by any Republican is a TRAITOR TO THE USA!!! The 25th amendment would be a gift to the Democratic Party. I repeat ANYONE ASKING FOR THE 25th AMENDMENT is a TRAITOR TO USA. Let the Democrats try to do it on their own. THEY NEED TO OWN THEIR CONJOB AND SWALLOW IT WHOLE!! Time for MAGA TACTICS!!! FEED IT TO THEM!!

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Never interrupt ur enemy when they are making a mistake

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