Biden must be 25th amendment NOW! It's over, he lacks the mental acuity & capacity to remain POTUS even for the next 7 months! He is elderly, it is life, he has dementia, some Parkinsons, Alzheimer's,
with stages of senility, it's ok, he is elderly, it is life & it happens to all of us; some at 82 (he will be in November) are more functional, he is NOT; now today 25 democrats are calling for Biden
to step down…25 Democrat House elected officials, house members…
Biden had 10 days to prepare for the debate and could not step up…yesterday they sent out the press secretary KJP to bullshit and lie to us and spin…you want to respond to her fraud but you are constrained for she checks 3 woke and special interest boxes media psychotic boxes, that they would tell you that ‘hey, you can’t do that, you can’t question her, she is black, GAY, and a woman, oh you are so offensive, oh you can’t do that, oh you should be cancelled’ and so she gets to lie openly to the nation…KJP must be fired even if it’s her job to lie, as she does, but she must know that she is pure lying to the nation and the stakes are too high. We are talking about national security to Americans. She lies more smoothly than Psaki who was a smooth bullshitter and liar on the podium. No doubt, Trump’s chief of staff "Reince" Priebus, folk like him, lie smoothly and bull shitted us too…it’s their job.
Trump must insist on 2 more debates, do not let democrats get out of debates, and the last one must be 2 weeks before the election, townhall style and with friendly moderators….NOT CNN like.
The legacy media are criminal in this for the lies to the American people. Their trust is now gone, it was done in the modern era with what the media did with COVID, but the lie they fostered for Biden is criminal for America was placed in danger.
Speaker Mike Johnon is also a waste of time and traitor for what he did with the foreign aid $ money for he lied to the USA and sold us out and could not find one dollar $ for US national boarder security but importantly, he could initiate the 25th, he could use the power of the purse, could have, but this is all staged, a game even by the Speaker.
…it is ok, no shame to get older and your mental acuity to decline, it is ok, but CRIMINAL to place USA in danger and this is what is happening; is Biden and the democrats forcing this due to potential legal troubles? Is this because of the legal jeopardy Hunter is in and I do not mean the meaningless gun charges? That the Biden administration is in?
Is the shift now to VP Madame Giggles and Cackles? Kamala? Remember, she polled near ZERO, zero, in her primaries, she had to drop out first for not even democrats wanted her…she is in worst shape than Biden…
We have 2 major issues now:
1)it is either Biden is actually running America and that is a dangerous very troubling matter for it is clear he is non compos mentis (not of sound mind), he CANNOT do it, he lacks the ability and what he and Obama have done to the US with the border is criminal and they on its own, must face serious accountability for the rapes and murders of Americans
2)someone (other persons) are running America and making all the policy decisions and deciding what is done within USA and internationally…this second option we fear most for that person would be making decisions based on their ideologies and would be unelected and this is a crime itself and we need to get to the bottom of this for in the last 4 years, certainly the last 2, it was NOT Biden. Biden showed us he is NOT making any decisions. Biden cannot speak about a topic unless he is reading it off a teleprompter. We learnt now that the fund raiser they say he attended AFTER the disastrous debate the day after is an example of his competence, BUT he spoke for a few minutes and had to read off a teleprompter.
I need you to understand this again, it is as if you get invited to your family or friend’s social house function and people need to set up a teleprompter for you to read, to answer any questions etc. That you cannot form sentences or begin a train of thought unless you are reading it. How bad must your mental fitness be for that to happen. Is that person the one you want at 3 am answering the call that the USA is under attack? Nuclear war? Some crises? We have heard by his inside aids he is ONLY functional between 10 am to 4 pm daily, that 6 hour window and in it, he must have a sleep nap…do you understand that we are dealing with our elderly parent here who in many instances is already in MANAGED care, some sort of facility.
And for you to really understand the lies, CNN (and Trump agreed to this and Trump et al. were wrong to do this) designed the first debate where no cameras were allowed to show when the breaks happened to see how Biden moved physically and was handled…go back and watch when the breaks happened and see how FLOTUS Jill had to help Biden move one inch, just one inch, even move down one step off the stage and look at Biden step down one step. It tells the story.
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Biden should never have been there in the 1st place. It was all a criminal fraud - anyone honest with
half a brain knows that with full certainty. But in a LAWLESS country, none of that matters.
Lady Macbeth Jill will not go quietly into the night.