Biden's Act I: race-baiting, fear creating, and hate spewing divisive rhetoric. Act II: facilitating the destruction of what remains of the moral fabric of our country. Act III: corruption of everyone and everything else in order to continue the destruction of America. Act IV: sign away our Federalist Republic and healthcare sovereignty to the U.N./W.H.O/W.E.F.'s goal of one-world order, while flooding our borders with illegals and future trafficking victims to fund Act's I - IV.

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I know quite a few who literally hated Trump. I didn’t pay attention one way or the other because I insulated myself from mainstream media and wasn’t programmed that way. But Biden is so bad, so divisive, I honestly think he doesn’t care at all that he’s selling the US down the river and into communism to boot! How could Trump be perceived worse than this terrible trader we have in office? The guy is just self serving evil. No wonder his son is so messed up.

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The biggest threat to the republic is those still identifying as democrats and progressives.

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WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM AN ILLEGAL POS AND Regime of pedo, trans misfits all HELLBOUND.... UNITE FOR JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, MORALS TRADITIONAL FAMILY VALUES, THE BIBLE. Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable. It can be considered synonymous with "rightness" or being "upright". It can be found in Indian religions and Abrahamic traditions, among other religions, as a theological concept.

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Evil, pure and simple.

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Well, good. I hope that with each event and statement like this, that more and more people wake up. This system is out of control. We are headed into a very serious situation. But for crying out to God in Heaven, do not accept quietly people around you responding by becoming anxious, or shrugging their shoulders, or offering faint, impotent agreement.

Demand that they be as angry as you are --- and I hope that you are angry. It is serious time for this to end. We need to demand that Congress remove Biden, A.S.A. P. This has to be over --- now!

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Biden includes himself in that statement? Ridiculous stupidity!!!

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White supremacy is Zionist propaganda.

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Has he looked in the mirror lately, he is WHITE. He must be talking about himself and the Biden Family.

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Funny. The way I see it is that the old white liberals of the (former?) Democrat Party are the white supremacists they are trying to label the non-liberals as. Of course, one does need to toss in those of the Uniparty and RINOs that meet this standard as well. And it should go without saying - #FJB the traitor.

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I had read on the c19d group that now medical school is all about race and putting low score people who are black equal with high score people who are white. The medical profession is headed for major fail if we don't bring all of these morons propagandizing our country out of positions of influence and authority.

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Good work

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Which group in the world, hates whites the most, owns central banks, and 96% of our media? 80% of the Biden White House?

Yeah, them again. Oh yes, they CREATED Communism, Feminism, open borders and drag queen story hour. 10x more likely to be pedophiles or LGBTQ++++. NOT our greatest ally.

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The biggest terrorist threat is surely the insanely rich corporations/maniacs behind the global cull. It is an Act of War on nearly every country on the planet,. Do not jihadists etc. pale in comparison?

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But he is what 🧐?

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