Biden says what? That White Supremacy most dangerous terrorist threat in US? What? Not rapists & murderers you are allowing at the border POTUS Biden? Not them? Not the jihadist islamist among them?
Not the islamists like Tashfeen Obama and you Biden allowed in during Obama's 8? Oh shucks, I got it all wrong then, my bad; I guess not Obama's brown shirts like BLM and antifa? I guess!
Not you Biden allowing Chinese spies to film US military stations with balloons? Not that? Crap, I am so wrong on these matters. Not Fang Fang?
Biden's Act I: race-baiting, fear creating, and hate spewing divisive rhetoric. Act II: facilitating the destruction of what remains of the moral fabric of our country. Act III: corruption of everyone and everything else in order to continue the destruction of America. Act IV: sign away our Federalist Republic and healthcare sovereignty to the U.N./W.H.O/W.E.F.'s goal of one-world order, while flooding our borders with illegals and future trafficking victims to fund Act's I - IV.
I know quite a few who literally hated Trump. I didn’t pay attention one way or the other because I insulated myself from mainstream media and wasn’t programmed that way. But Biden is so bad, so divisive, I honestly think he doesn’t care at all that he’s selling the US down the river and into communism to boot! How could Trump be perceived worse than this terrible trader we have in office? The guy is just self serving evil. No wonder his son is so messed up.