One can imagine someone being angry at that MF Garland for the obscenity at the heart of this "election threat task force" creation and Gestapo mentality that goes into it. Fucking traitor.

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Garland is the modern day Lavrentiy Beria...'show me the man and I will show you the crime' para

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His job has long since expired. He does not represent "We the people".

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The Gestapo indeed… lmao !!!

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The Gestapo dressed better.

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yes, very true.

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So to say anything in a failing empire is dangerous. Let's all applaud Nero, as he plays his Lyre.

Nostros Mortium.

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very very insightful post

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For those whose Latin is rusty:

My comment means - literally - : "your princes fuck and kill young boys".

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Barry, welcomed but lets be nice, lets be respectful...but as always, welcomed here...I learn from all of you and I hope you learn something from me...maybe not learn, but we get to share...some here a bit loony too...maybe one can say I am loony too...ha ha....but the key is to talk and share for we live in dangerous desperate times and the music is slowing and there are just only enough chairs...so who will get a chair come November 5th

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Principes tui amant cum pueris pueris concumbere et eos necare.

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Sorry folks, it's been a while since I've studied Latin

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We have the right to peacably protest. In fact, it's our responsibility when we see governments or agencies gone awry.

He is wrong. He needs to be removed for saying that.

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Since they already have me On the TSDB.. here is my opportunity to become a terrorist… I’m voting Kennedy this year

Go Team Kennedy 2024.!!!!

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Can anyone trust be trusted who preemptively censors the truth, and weaves a web of "logic" to arrive at a conclusion that a person exercising ordinary discretion would not arrive at? Such a person should never be in a position of power, and is truly evil. The line of thinking ascribed to Garland is that of a serial psychopath, rapists and child molesters. Cut off any means of recourse or defense before the victim can raise an alarm. Truly demented criminal mind.

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Alarmingly Marxist behavior by the Garland. He is the biggest danger to our election process by his own actions.

Will his task force be directed at those on both sides of the isle? Of course we want poll workers to be safe as they do their patriotic duty of overseeing the vote of what will hopefully be a free and fair election in 2024. Not that of a country such as Venezuela or the like. My God, the last thing we want to see are gestapo tactics and spying on we the people that just want our votes counted fairly, transparently and accurately.

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In-person voting with ID using paper hand-counted ballots is the only way. Anything else is designed to allow fake results. I don't trust anyone who advocates for other methods.

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correct, thank you for reminding

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There’s no force more evil than a leftard narcissist deprived of a SCOTUS appointment by President Trump. Garland is convinced he - not Gorsuch - deserved that nod.

Garland now is executing his personal vow to go the the ends of the Earth to destroy Trump for this perceived injustice.

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