If Biden bows out then the Dems should nominate Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She hasn't

been dead all that long. They could dig her up. She couldn't do much worse.

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last debate was a train wreck for the demorats, just shows how evil they are putting a brain dead old man in front of the world. Donald Trump felt sorry for him and took it easy on the old fool. 45 is still in command but had to let the population of the U.S. see with their own eyes how the Demos are trying to destroy the country from within. GOD WINS IN THE END.

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I was wondering how they were going to remove him… now I know. Last night I turned on a few of the MSM channels for commentary which normally I cannot stomach. Last night was no different. In fact, the whole show was infuriating as I listen to the talking paid whore puppets seemingly open their eyes in utter dismay disbelief outrage and surprise as to the new revelation that THEY have been lied to. I thought to myself ahhh so this is how they are going to take him out. The debate from the onset was yet another manipulative setup for the American people and the globe. THEY called for the debates. Early. Got him as ready as a severe dementia patient could possibly be. Abused him publicly. And then openly declared him unfit. After 5 years of dismantling this country. There will be no second debate. Accordingly, MSM continues to trash Trump. They are obliged to in order to leave space for the replacement. Tada… Last minute new candidate. THEY will be the saving grace of the party (they hope) no matter who they are or what they have done. Their baggage will be less disgraceful and illegal than JB Inc or as drama filled as Trump. They will be propped up as an angel from heaven all while continuing to manipulate the minds of so many who don’t care to question anything. It’s going to be a bumpy ride for the next few months. Continue to pray for our country and the world. 🙏🏻 🇺🇸

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“So this is how they are going to take him out.”

What did you imply by “this?” Do they ( the DNC) not need to establish grounds for taking Biden out?

I posit they will resurrect the 25th Amendment…you remember…the one originally intended to take out President Trump?

Now, since partisanship can’t be called in an intra-party action, it should sail through!

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Well said, I was going to say something pretty similar, this debate is all part of the plan, and there really is no way out for us. The system is corrupt, broken and beyond repair. I saw a few clips on X, and I was like how can anyway, act like they are surprised and just saying JB's state. I feel like I live in an alternative universe.

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I wonder who's most qualified to run the USA: Biden or Kamala? Any way, a fairdebate would have included Kennedy. This would have been a real debate in my opinion. I'm Canadian, I will not comment any further on what my neighbour is/ or should be doing, but if my neighbour starts a majors fire from his BBQ and the wind turns my way, yes, I'd be very worried. I don't think Troodeau would be a qualified fireman for sure!

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The dement will be out of the race well before the convention in August. It will be a nominating convention to announce the replacement nominee.

That is, unless the regime succeeds in goading Russia into a shooting war, as they are doing, poking the bear by shipping Zelensky advanced missiles the Ukrainian dictator is presently launching towards Russia. In this event, martial law will be declared and the coup will have permanently installed itself as our first post-constitutional government since 1789.

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I kept saying to my husband last night that there is no choice, he has to go and they will look for a replacement before the DNC, but today it's like nope, they're gonna push that ol geezer all the way through to the election 🤮. Now what, because I thought for sure they're gonna Usher in Big Mike!

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He won’t have much say in the matter the Party is above all. Pelosi will visit him and read him the riot act. Will happen before the convention so it’ll look decorous.

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Biden needs to either resist these attempts to remove him and hang on to the bitter end slobbering and dribbling or else endorse Kamala to replace him. Getting defeated in a landslide would be the best thing he or Kamala could do for the country and Biden owes it to the Dems who voted for him in the primaries.

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FWIW: According to Newsmax, CNN reports Biden is not stepping aside

"NEW, as just reported on @CNN: Not only does @POTUS not plan to drop out, Biden remains committed to a second debate in September, an adviser tells me," CNN's Kayla Tausche posted Friday morning on Twitter."


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He's set expectations so low that if he only needs to keep control of his bowels and not fall over during the second debate in order to be perceived as having delivered an unexpectedly strong performance. The fake news can then say that doubts about his fitness have been put to rest. That may swing enough voting intentions back in his favor for him to be able to be reinstalled before his dementia worsens more noticeably.

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That's a legitimate concern.

Also, despite acknowledging Biden's "rapid" decline into a state of incapacity, some Dem pundits are stating they will nonetheless vote for Biden if he remains the candidate "to save Democracy from Donald Trump." This looks like another falback (yet indefensible) 'strategy' to explain away a second stolen election in Biden's favor.

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Yes it's looking that way.

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Since every damn act this imposter regime has done since 1/20/2021 has been AGAINST the USA, what makes you think biden or Kamala WOULD do anything FOR the country?

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In answer to your question, they are both self-interested enough to want to be the Dem nominee. If they are then that could be good for the country because they both are weak and unappealing.

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I repeat: what possible act by these two commie Marxist insurrectionists would drive them to do anything FOR this country?

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Taking bribes.

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The only bribe offered will be to drop out.

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Dropping out would not be good for the country.

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Kackmala could be their best pick to deliver the biggest blow to the USA. Pun intended.

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Shame on Jill for putting the country and Biden through this. Just won't give up...

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OF COURSE "BIDEN WILL WIN". The Voting Machines are ready and China like the 2020 Election are ready to push the buttons. AND, YOU will sit around like before and doze off to sleep. "HO HUM!!!!!

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It is not one person; Americans are and were asleep. Americans are easily controlled. I believe these events are orchestrated, and Americans are playing their parts.

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The Military has it all, one of the reasons Trump created Space Force! 😉

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Biden's entire presidency is being used as a humiliation ritual.

A Humiliation Ritual is a deliberate act designed to embarrass, demean, or degrade an individual or group, often in a public or communal setting. These rituals can serve various purposes, such as increased behavioral compliance and can be used to break down an individual's sense of self, making them more malleable and easier to control. The long-term impact on individuals can be damaging, leading to issues such as decreased self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Destroy the country and demoralize the citizenry.


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So we're still pretending Obama is not the acting president?

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Bitter has demented the whole life and now our country. Time to remove the demented, bummer, and clint. If someone else took demented place it could be a lot worse. Let's hold those accountable for this mess going on at the moment, get rid of who, un, nato, agreement with france immediately. get rid of the un building in new york forthwith. payment of death and or injury to the people cover health care for the remainder of their lives. Deport those whom are here not in legal fashion and any children birthed to their origin country let them fight there to make change. Take out the criminal elements nationally around globe that would be a good start. No more vaccines required for anyone. Bring back the balance of energy sources. Whomever gets into office needs to correct even more issues. Let's get everyone back to work not lazy on the dole expecting hand outs that's not going to happen all it does is breed hate and discontent nothing to be proud of nor a purpose in life.

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How do the deceased decline rapidly?

Remove the embalming fluid?

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He isn't that much worse now than when he campaigned in 2020, they just can't hide it anymore. He said from the start that he was a transition president. I believe he'll step down or at least he never planned to be in office for more than one term if that long.

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Biden INC. has devastated USA (inflation, rapes, murders, illegals, WW III etc.)

Well, that's what happens when you vote for the minions of the World Economic Forum.

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With Biden gone and no other candidate being responsible for the killer Covid shots, Trump better get his shit together on his role in this catastrophe or he will be hung on a cross of Covid.

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Trump was wise not to mention the covid jabs last night. Better to concentrate on the economy and the border at this point.

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in looking again at your reply, I would note, to massive numbers of Covid injured or dead, that is probably a much bigger issue than jobs or the border. I have a friend going through a Covid Turbo Cancer. I doubt his first worry every morning are those issues.

Even worse, by his silence,Trump has abandoned those people. That's heartless.

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I suppose it all depends upon who you want to win the election, Vic. Whose policies you support.

I personally believe President Trump had no foreknowledge that the DOD/CDC/FDA covid jabs would be deadly and disabling. Biden DID know that when he mandated them.

I trust that Trump will address all aspects of the covid disaster after the election. Biden will NEVER do that. Biden would likely mandate bird flu jabs.

I like Trump's domestic and foreign policy. He's my preferred candilate. I will vote for him.

But that doesn't mean that I'm not still deeply concerned about covid tyranny, the proliferation of mRNA gene manipulation, and the danger they could again be forced upon the population. That danger is much greater under Biden, as is the risk of central bank digital currency tied to social credit scores, and continued radicalization of schoolchildren by "woke" and sexually depraved teachers and doctors.

I choose Trump whether he mentions covid jabs before the election or not. I knew better than to risk my life and health by taking such a risky, untested injection. I protected my family and friends from them and did my best to discourage others from succumbing to the rhetoric and threats.

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Other than some mystic insights, why would you think Trump would ever do the right thing with regards to the Covid shots? He still loves them.

Whether you love Trump or hate him, the mRNA shots have been the greatest assault on the human genome in history, with completely unknown future damage. Trump’s view on Covid Shots damage is not like anything else he will do in office. He owes it to us and, the victims, to tells us what he is going to do before we vote.

While you may want to believe that Trump will do the right thing on vaccine safety, look at his actual record.

He learned in 2017 Fauci et Al are untrustworthy scum and did less than nothing for 4 years.

Even knowing they were scum, he killed an investigation into them.

He let them run wild on his watch and shows no signs of any position other than the Shots are great.

Which of those gives you confidence he will do anything about the Covid Shots? Honestly, I truly would like to know. All I have to go on is his past actions, and they are terrible.

I am truly glad you and loved ones avoided those killers.

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Thank you, Vic. I have the impression from your post that you also avoided them. ("He owes it to us and, the victims, to tells us what he is going to do before we vote.")

I'm not sure what a "mystic insight" is...but I entirely agree with your negative characterization of the covid jabs. Fortunately my background does not predispose me to seek medical advice from politicians. I believe I did as much research as any other layman before I entirely rejected covid shots as dangerous and experimental. I was also aware of previous failures of mRNA technology.

That doesn't mean that I wasn't terrified by all the intentional lies before I discovered the writings of Dr. Alexander and Dr. Kory which convinced me not to fear covid or to gamble with my good health.

I blame doctors and public health functionaries for the tyranny. They should never have participated in the covid and covid jabs scam. That's where the rot is. All I expect from politicians in this matter is a commitment never to mandate a medical procedure or to finance dangerous medical research.

Regarding my decisions on voting, I do my due diligence and also trust my instincts and judgment of character.

I appreciate your empathy for your friend suffering from turbo cancer. What happened to him or her is reprehensible. But I honestly do not blame President Trump for that. I do hope he takes Dr. Alexander's advice to direct a thorough investigation and punishment of those involved be undertaken.

(I'm writing on a cell with a small window and have had so many interruptions over the past couple hours, I hope this reply is coherent.)

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thanks for your kind response. The reason we were attracted to Paul was his knowledge and his heart. I always come back to if people like you (and I mean that in the most positive way) could figure it out, why couldn't Trump? We shall see, but with potentially 5 Billion people's health permanently altered, I can't see anything more important. Take care and live a good life.

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when Trump is running against Biden, they both are exposed on the Covid shots issue so the MSM is not going to bring it up. If Trump is running against someone else, only Trump has the baggage of creating the Shots and pushing them. Anyone else, even if they mandated shots, can say they were just following the Federal government guidelines.

While Trump may want to claim a mea culpa that he never mandated shots, he created them and promoted them (as of the SOTU speech, still did). Over half the country got the shots long before there were mandates (with the possible exception of some healthcare workers). What does Trump say to those people?

I am waiting to hear his reply.

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First, that’s not Biden, ( refer to Trump video telling US “Joe doesn’t know he’s dead” “ Joe’s shot” “He has half a brain”….2nd this performance was planned and now they will try to fix Ohio rules so they can insert Newscum and Michael ( Bottom Barry’s Top) in their purposely late date convention…. ToreSays told US months ago and now her 2022 run for SOS in Ohio and Court WIN will come into focus while the Dems try their tricks…..

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