
you have to understand this bill, anonymous, can go back 25 years, if someone is offended, they can complain and anonymous, you can go to jail...can look at all your internet

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You can be jailed for life, stripped of all your money in this Trudeau bill, if some anonymous persons, files a complaint not to a court where you face accusers, but to a tribunal...and they can go back 25 years if they wish of all your internet, mails, everything...it is rather insane...never seen anything like it

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It violates so many aspects of our legal system. One big one though is the accusation is proof. At that point we must prove our innocence. Rather than they have to prove our guilt. This is Stalin law. I fought a speeding ticket once on that. I protested a speeding ticket. The local RCMP station head called me and said ‘how can you fight this? We had you on radar.’ I said ‘So I am guilty, right? Unless I can prove my innocence?’ He agreed. I said ‘that upends our entire legal system. I should be able to go to court and not say a word and win if you can’t prove me wrong.’ He said ‘Right! Our proof is we had you on radar.’ I said ‘Prove that.’ ‘Our officer will go to court snd say that.’ ‘The accusation can’t be proof.’ He said ‘I want to talk to the prosecutor’. He called me back and said he would let me off that time.

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"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty"

Thomas Jefferson

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

The canuck spewing the most hateful rhetoric is the PM currently in office...

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2nd Amendment Time! That will fix these compromised politicians...knock on my door and it will be the return of Bill Cooper.

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This WEF, WHO and UN minion won't rest until he totally destroys Canada! So far, he's batting 100. TURDeau must go!!! How many CRIMINAL scandals has he been involved in...I've lost count. Digital ID's and Digital Currencies are coming sooner than you might think! Then, these Luciferians will have total control.

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Isn't it obvious that those politicians (are their any actually left in Canada?) who vote against the Bill run the risk of being incarcerated or fined for doing so? /sarc

Australia and New Zealand coming next, unless people reject this outlandish assault.

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I wish people would actually be discerning. I am so disappointed in my fellow Canadian citizens. Pierre Poilievre wanted jabs in more arms faster, lockdowns harder and border closures earlier. He is the same freak as Trudeau but the big difference between the two of them is that our psychotic Prime Minister doesn’t cloak his evil but Poilievre does. Nobody, I mean nobody seems to have basic literacy in Canada any more. Poilievre wants the online harm bill to proceed if it was in the courts, and not at an alternate bureaucracy. How gaslit can my fellow Canadians be?? The level of cognitive dissonance is beyond the pale. For the rabid sheep following Poilievre over the Cliff, please don’t attack me for calling you out to be fools. Poilievre voted for Bill C-4 where a child transitioning is hidden from parents by the system and if a parent objects to the chemical and surgical mutilation of their child they can be jailed for up to 5 years. The first massive child HARM BILL WAS BILL C-4 and now we are going to jail people for life for words. Imagine an anonymous mental health sufferer that is mildly schizophrenic got “harmed “ by your words. Is anyone picking up on the insanity yet??

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Vigilant Fox News is reporting that Canada is pushing a law to make "hate crimes" punishable with life in prison.

Who is running that country? Obviously Castreau Trudeau is a puppet of someone, since he was not elected fairly. Is the Monarchy calling the shots now?


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jews are behind every so-called "Hate Bill" ever introduced. As they mercilessly call for the brutal deaths of little children, so they can steal their lands, and send more brownish folks here, angry and violent. To have such a large audience, and NOT recognize this obvious threat, to not see The Kalergi Plan (written by a jewish Count) writ large, is as criminal as their actions. Drumpf is a Zionist. Alexander is a Zionist. Biden is a Zionist. Nutjob Kamala married a jew. So did Ivanka. So did Joe's kids. Is it getting any clearer Dr. P? Do they pay you enough, is another appointment with 45 so important, you will not name the enemy?

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Canadian, Irish, French Government-Attempted Speech Regulations Appear Like Desperate Censorship Power Plays https://jeffereyjaxen.substack.com/p/canadian-irish-french-government

...what do all these govts have in common.......WEF......

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washington state bill b1333 is worse. snitches get paid https://www.washingtonpolicy.org/library/doclib/Liv-LM-SHB-1333.pdf

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It will get really crazy.

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