you have to understand this bill, anonymous, can go back 25 years, if someone is offended, they can complain and anonymous, you can go to jail...can look at all your internet

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see the former Chief Justice of Canada, she is frightened by the bill, she is frightened as the former chief judge, she wrote:

'Beverley McLachlin, who retired from the Supreme Court of Canada in 2017, shared her concerns in an interview with journalist Edward Greenspon.

She noted that Bill C-63 creates a new hate law based on motivation, accompanied by increased sentences of up to life imprisonment.

“Life sentences for sending out some words. That’s heavy. And it will, I suspect, be challenged,” said McLachlin.

She added that this is just a bill and may not become law, but it will engender debate.'

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cross my fingers. If this is passed, would there not be big uprising and what about the charter of rights and freedoms?

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The Charter of Rights is not. It was written and made part of the Constitution. As part of it it explicitly overrides British Common Law!! Think about that. Why would it say that as the rights enumerated in it are qualified rights. British Common Law speaks of unqualified rights. Section 1 of our Charter of (non) Rights says the rights that follow are only allowed insofar as they don’t interfere with good governance. COVID? That is an existential threat!! Therefore all rights are suspended for the duration of the Emergency. Climate Change? OMG!! Another existential threat. All rights suspended until the end of that emergency. Which will never happen.

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…sorry for the garbled sentence….

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They will NEVER not have an emergency now.

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Her rise was meteoric. She had not been a lawyer long when she was made a Family Law judge, then after a brief stint she was moved to BC Supreme Court, then Appeals Court, Supreme Court of Canada then Chief Justice. A total diversity hire. But she was half decent. If she had worked her way up though likely she would have been better overall. I am glad she is speaking out.

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Absolute tyranny to the inth degree.

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You can be jailed for life, stripped of all your money in this Trudeau bill, if some anonymous persons, files a complaint not to a court where you face accusers, but to a tribunal...and they can go back 25 years if they wish of all your internet, mails, everything...it is rather insane...never seen anything like it

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Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" ... as conceived and written by Franz Kafka. "Rather insane"? It is absolutely psychotic!

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And headed by PeeWee Herman.

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It violates so many aspects of our legal system. One big one though is the accusation is proof. At that point we must prove our innocence. Rather than they have to prove our guilt. This is Stalin law. I fought a speeding ticket once on that. I protested a speeding ticket. The local RCMP station head called me and said ‘how can you fight this? We had you on radar.’ I said ‘So I am guilty, right? Unless I can prove my innocence?’ He agreed. I said ‘that upends our entire legal system. I should be able to go to court and not say a word and win if you can’t prove me wrong.’ He said ‘Right! Our proof is we had you on radar.’ I said ‘Prove that.’ ‘Our officer will go to court snd say that.’ ‘The accusation can’t be proof.’ He said ‘I want to talk to the prosecutor’. He called me back and said he would let me off that time.

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no habeaus corpus, this is in front of the corrupt insane tribunal

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This is the worst piece of legislation I have ever seen in a Western Liberal democracy.

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I just read it. It is really bad. And really tricky. Every section talks about stopping child porn. Which we already had. But included is anything that will lead to ‘detestation and vilification’ of any protected group. Those terms and how they will be regulated is to be determined by the commissioner. They are defined as ‘more than dislike’. We had hate as a category. Now included under ‘hate’ is anything that leads to detestation and vilification. They have the same authority as a Federal Court. They can jail people for life. They can fine a company up to 8% of its worldwide GROSS income. THEY NEED NOT FOLLOW RULES OF EVIDENCE!! You can be accused and you can’t question your accuser. Any statement that can lead to ‘psychological’ harm can be used against you. Psychological harm will be determined by the Commissioner. I wanted to scream at my MP and her aide. The aide made it clear they think it is great and it is being written to stop anti Trans rhetoric.

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"The aide made it clear they think it is great and it is being written to stop anti Trans rhetoric."? 😱

That idiot should be made to sit down and watch this: "The Transgender: Normalizing Mental Illness" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/hKQn8n0fZ4EL/ Something they don't mention about the so-called "Transgendered Community"? Something like 43 - 46% of successfully "gendered reassigned"... go on to commit suicide. Obviously these people are deeply, deeply mentally ill, and what they need is not indulgence, but intervention, compassion and treatment. But that viewing would probably a total waste of time; likely the only thing that would bring that MP and her aide to their senses would be electroshock therapy.

That said, too obviously this is not "anti-hate-speech" legislation -- already problematic enough. No, something deeply sinister is being implemented.. Or hopefully "attempted to being implemented". The Liberal Government of Justine Castreau and Her Merry Men, has to go. Jagmeet Singh and his support of same, has to end. And I don't know how that's going to happen, short of rebellion and civil war.

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The West must separate. I said during Trudeau’s first term ‘if he wins again after the disaster that his first term has been, it means the elections are being stolen. If so, he can be PM for 25 years. The West will have no choice but to separate.’ It seems obvious to me our only way out of this is to leave Confederation.

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These people are typical progs. They want full trans Canada. And they will jail or bankrupt anyone who stands in their way.

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There are so many draconian measures in it it portends the end of Canada.

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I've a sudden feeling this could be just the beginning. Read James Rogusky's "Read the Treaty" ... and the treaty itself of course... https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/read-the-treaty

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I went down that route actually. Try and get that info. But they should have had to bring that to court and prove their radar was accurate, and prove the radar blip was my car and wasn’t a rebound against another car. An RCMP officer told me to fight any ticket I ever received riding my sport bike. He said radar can’t get a proper bounce back against a sport bike.

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Mar 12
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Also sport bikes are all aerodynamic. There are no flat surfaces facing forwards to bounce back a blip.

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"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty"

Thomas Jefferson

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2nd Amendment Time! That will fix these compromised politicians...knock on my door and it will be the return of Bill Cooper.

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Unfortunately there is no Canadian equivalent of the 2nd Amendment.

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This WEF, WHO and UN minion won't rest until he totally destroys Canada! So far, he's batting 100. TURDeau must go!!! How many CRIMINAL scandals has he been involved in...I've lost count. Digital ID's and Digital Currencies are coming sooner than you might think! Then, these Luciferians will have total control.

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Isn't it obvious that those politicians (are their any actually left in Canada?) who vote against the Bill run the risk of being incarcerated or fined for doing so? /sarc

Australia and New Zealand coming next, unless people reject this outlandish assault.

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Vigilant Fox News is reporting that Canada is pushing a law to make "hate crimes" punishable with life in prison.

Who is running that country? Obviously Castreau Trudeau is a puppet of someone, since he was not elected fairly. Is the Monarchy calling the shots now?


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this is it...B-63

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greateful, I posted up in cue substack

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Thank you for the video link.

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jews are behind every so-called "Hate Bill" ever introduced. As they mercilessly call for the brutal deaths of little children, so they can steal their lands, and send more brownish folks here, angry and violent. To have such a large audience, and NOT recognize this obvious threat, to not see The Kalergi Plan (written by a jewish Count) writ large, is as criminal as their actions. Drumpf is a Zionist. Alexander is a Zionist. Biden is a Zionist. Nutjob Kamala married a jew. So did Ivanka. So did Joe's kids. Is it getting any clearer Dr. P? Do they pay you enough, is another appointment with 45 so important, you will not name the enemy?

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Canadian, Irish, French Government-Attempted Speech Regulations Appear Like Desperate Censorship Power Plays https://jeffereyjaxen.substack.com/p/canadian-irish-french-government

...what do all these govts have in common.......WEF......

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washington state bill b1333 is worse. snitches get paid https://www.washingtonpolicy.org/library/doclib/Liv-LM-SHB-1333.pdf

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It will get really crazy.

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My God! Enough is enough!

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This sounds like the former Soviet Union,Russia today, China, North Korea,Iran and other dictator countries. Looks l'll be in jail. This bil must NOT pass. Anonymous? The world as we know it is being destroyed. Dzvinka

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