It has been shown that Glysophate destroys gut biome which can induce weight gain. GMO foods are filled with it. We spray crops like wheat with it to dry it out. The FDA is owned by the food manufacturers which have discovered the perfect combination of sugar and fat to light up the brain causing excessive eating. The food pyramid is upside down. Buy organic or at least buy low chemical vegetables and fruit. Learn to cook at home. If it’s in a box, don’t buy it. Reduce your carbohydrate consumption, it’s just sugar. Sugar is the worst thing you can put in your body.

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Great points Diane. I've been trying to avoid glysophate for years and won't buy bread or potatoes unless they are organic because they are being sprayed with it to hasten the drying process. I have also tried to avoid gmo' s as well but am furious they are drenching non gmo food with this poison.

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I’m a 20 yr cancer survivor, the cancer had become systematic. I spent hours and hours doing research, my kids were young and I wanted to live. Completely changed our lives. Went complete organic, no more chemicals on the lawn or in the house. I cook from scratch so I know what we are eating. I gave up all sugar and high sugar fruit. We do not eat any GMO foods. We gave up all seed oils which are mostly GMO. We became Keto before Keto was a thing. I am very healthy as is my husband who will be 70 in a few months. No medications and still working. I’ve lost a lot of friends with lesser stage cancers then myself. Nutrition in this country has it all wrong and very few Drs have a clue. I do not place all the blame on the obese. They are told to eat lots of vegetables and fruit and exercise more. Ha. No, instead get enough protein, natural saturated fats like butter, tallow and lard, yes, I said lard, and leafy greens, reduce consumption of high sugar fruits, they are the candy of the plant world. Make sure all your food is non GMO. Be blessed with a long life.

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Thank-you for your inspiring story. Much appreciated. It appears that you did what the majority of people fail to do. You questioned prevailing theory and did your own research.

I totally agree that doctors haven't got a clue about nutrition and their go to solution is prescription medications for the majority of health issues.

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I also revamped my diet and life after an "incurables" cancer diagnosis. The info is out there. Do your homework and make conscious choices about your health.

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We have a problem with insane use of glyphosate. I have a small farm, raise pastured fowl. But my neighbors use roundup. So it drifts if there's any amount of breeze. It also runs off into our stream. My ducks go in the stream. It a no win situation. I'm pretty sure even though I only eat organic, that there is still drift glyphosate on it. And likely my birds are affected (they only eat pasture in spring, summer fall & organic grain in winter). It MUST BE BANNED. We need to stop big industrial farming and go back to small local family farms that practice permaculture. Take a look at Polyface Farms...Joel Salatin lectures all over North America teaching farmers this natural method. His farm outproduces ALL his conventional neighbours!

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I wonder if that's why so many are gluten intolerant.

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I think that's a definite possibility. For the record gluten food tastes awful and is full of unhealthy ingredients.

I have, however, read that the amount of gluten in foods produced in North America have a higher amount of gluten in them compared to pasta produced in Italy for example.

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Just this morning I was visiting with a good friend of my daughter (both early 20s). The friend has chronic GI issues, it’s a constant struggle for her, it’s tough :(. She eats organic and very clean -cooks all her own food (fantastic cook). She just told me this morning that during a recent trip to Italy she was able to eat tons of pasta and whatever else she wanted, and had no bloating or stomach issues at all while she was there? She rlly couldn’t believe it.

Reading your comment just now, about the lower gluten content in foods produced in Italy (and likely other countries as well?) is very interesting - and helpful! Seems to fit her experience. Thank you!

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Italians don't spray their crops with round up.

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Its not the gluten, its the glyphosate. EU dies not use it far as I understand.

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Gluten free foods have more sugar.

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They are not gluten intolerant...they are glyphosate intolerant. The poisoning HAS to stop! Plus if you eat ANY SEEDS OR GRAINS, THEY MUST BE SPROUTED before consumption.

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I should have put quotes around "gluten intolerant."

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As a former athlete I can't agree more. I live in Colorado one of the, or is, fittest states. Traveling out of the state just amazes me, especially the further south you travel. The amount of fat, unhealthy obese bodies especially in tight clothing, it's sickening.

While visiting Kentucky I went into a local grocery store. The top shelf item are cans of lard. You don't even see these in Colorado only health oils. The culture is very different and the physical evidence of those cultural norms are stark, fat, oversize, obese bodies are everywhere.

BTW, unfortunately we are being invaded by other states as their residents move in. Colorado is losing it's fittest spot. California can also be fat depending on the areas. Oakland, Sacramento, and other cities are part of that problem.

It's a big fat problem. 😣

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Lard is just rendered pork fat and has a good omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. It’s significantly better for you than industrial seed oils like canola, sunflower, safflower, etc…

It’s not the lard… it’s ultra-processed, nutritionallly void foods that are hyper paletable. People are starving for nutrients. They over eat to get the nutrients and then take in endocrine disrupters found in the ultra-processed foods.

If one eats the same type and caloric intake of food today vs. the 70’s they will gain weight.

Meat, veggies and sweet potatoes cooked at home with some dark chocolate (70%+) for dessert will do wonders for one’s overall health.

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Ugh, as I pointed out to the gunslinger commenter below about the lard analogy. It was meant to show the vast difference between eating cultures between states. And BTW, lard is meant for small amounts only, it is a terribly bad fat when used for deep frying and clogs and hardens arteries. And, that's the problem, its application of deep frying that is a mainstay of southern cooking. That's why is comes in large cans.

Additionally, I knew I would get people triggered by that lard comment. You see even you are conditioned by your culture. There are plenty of southern folks who read my comment and got red-faced, I guarantee it. It is an attack on their way of life, I get it, it smacks.

In summary, lard is fine in moderation, but that is not what happens. Just like alcohol it is abused.

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Just like any food, drink or drug it gets abused. That is not the same as vilifying a type of fat.

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You're just triggered, Lard is not a good fat, as a matter of fact, no fat is really good, only moderate use is the key. The problem, and the reason I used the analogy, is because in the south they do a massive amounts of deep frying, particularly with lard, this is why they come in big ol' cans. This is the reason the fat is sold in the south, for the deep fryer. Olive oil and avocado oil is about the safest and they are actually okay to use in abundance. All animal, grain, nut, and highly processed oil should be used very carefully and in small portions only.

If you want a long thin life with silky smooth arteries you eat simply, small portions, raw vegetables or slightly cooked, small meat portions, little grains, olive or avocado oil only and zero sugars, processed that is. Meals should be minimum cooked. The Japanese have the right idea along with the Mediterranean area. It is simple fair.

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But if one HAS to deep fry (Tostones) it’s much better to fry with lard vs. vegetable shortening (Crisco). Vegetable shortening was originally industrial lubricant that was bleached to make it more palatable for human consumption.

If you have to fry… pick the right stuff.

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Lard is NOT the problem. It is the food pyramid and government guidelines which drive how many people eat-nursing homes, schools and the military. Check out the book Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz.

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A book everyone should read. Or watch any of her videos. If you want to destroy your health and waistline, just follow the government suggested diet and the food pyramid. Pfizer may still lose the deathcount race to Ancel Keys.

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Yeah I know, I was simply illustrating the culture difference of eating between states, therefore the massive size difference in waistlines.

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You are so right about the southern areas of the states. In the late 1970's my husband and I, with our two young daughters,drove from Montreal to Virginia Beach for a camping vacation. We ate in restaurants from time to time and couldn't get over the portion sizes. One day a family of four literally waddled in and between the parents and two kids ate enough to feed a small army! We were amazed and felt like miniature people sitting nearby. And this was 44 years ago!

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Haha you think lard is bad. That’s funny.

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Its about income-- it costs more to eat well.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Most people eat way too much. Switching to smaller quantities of better quality foods mitigates some of the cost issues. Growing your own food is another mitigation effort that I have learned to really enjoy. Tomatoes, kale, lettuce … easy to grow from a $2 packet of seed. I don’t even have a garden, just a few patio containers.

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I have a small hydroponic garden that yields lots of fresh herbs tomatoes arugula etc. Ceap, organic, fresh. The garden has been a worthwhile investment for me.

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I splurged and bought a grow light, which really extends the growing season for me. I can start things inside. It’s actually really fun! I will look into hydroponics. Might be a good next step for me. 👍

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I don’t believe that is entirely accurate. A whole roasted chicken, bag of green beans and two good sized roasted sweet potatoes can feed a family of four for less than 4 meals at Chic- fil-A.

Food deserts are an issue though…

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Quality? non-gmo, organic?

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Non-GMO/Organic are secondary… the primary goal is to get folks whole, non-processed foods that are cooked at home with simple and known ingredients. That’s always better than processed garbage.

Sure an organic pasture-raised, grass fed and finished steak is preferable, but any steak is better for you than a fast food burger.

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I'm morbidly obese and malnourished. Trying to eat more microgreens and take more supplements while avoiding grains and seed oils as well as (obviously) sugar.

I wonder how food shortages will affect the "body positivity" nonsense.

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Just eat steak for a month. You'll notice a difference in days.

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When I started waking up, when they started pushing the vax, I started changing the way I eat, cut soda, no High Fructose Corn Syrup, started intermittent fasting and kept active. I started taking the right vitamins and herbs and weened off meds. Still learning new stuff. Glyphosate is in almost every cereal or granola type food. Food Dyes are horrible too. It's been a slow battle because I have back issues but I've lost 60 lbs in about a year. I no longer take blood pressure medicine. The last time I was sick was one time with Covid in June of this year and before that I had pneumonia in January of 2020. I didn't take the vax or flu shots. Everybody is different and it's taken me years to even get this kind of progress, I've tried everything. The only thing that I changed this time was my way of thinking and making sure the body gets what it needs.

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Inspiring!!!! great stuff 😊

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40 years ago a chubby kid was 10 pounds overweight. Now, 10 pounds overweight is average for a kid.

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It gets even more complicated. Obesity is a vaccine-induced autoimmune disease.

Role of bovine adiponectin contaminated vaccine induced autoimmunity in the etiology of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis related coronary artery disease, cerebral infarction, obesity and polycystic ovarian syndrome; epicutaneous immunotherapy home remedy as a potential prevention or treatment approach


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Watch everything that goes into your body

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I listened to an interview recently with a Special Op’s guy. He said it was harder to meet their requirements than it is to get into universities because one must score high academically and be fit. With the obesity crises in the US, the pool to choose from is declining rapidly. The fear is they will have to lower standards for admission. Sad state of affairs

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Great link Dr. Alexander. I always seem to forget about Bill Maher and how funny yet truthful he can be. I've noticed lately in my Google news feed that almost all articles about weight lifting or exercising show a HUGE person. Not very inspiring to say the least. I'm certainly not putting down overweight people and know from personal experience how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to lose. There have been times during my 72 years of life where I have had to cut back and lose some weight. But I always did because it's a health issue and so important.

But now people are being encouraged to just give up and eat themselves into oblivion. I'm wondering why the change in messaging. I guess as a clothing manufacturer the profit and price points could be higher to make oversized clothes, needing all that extra fabric. And for restaurants and particularly fast food chains more is better for the bottom line. Thanks for the laugh. A much needed antidote to my constant covid reading.

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Its all about Pharma (uh I mean "Science") setting up the narrative-- look for the new "pill" next year.

They will never stop commodifying $$$ every human issue and behaviour.

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Kudos to him. BUT, part of the problem is that our food us toxified...much of it has hormone disrupting chemicals (pesticides and herbicides), etc. Our sugar mostly comes from GMO sugar beets, gmo corn etc. The residues from the herbicides damage the tight junctions in our gut causing leaky gut syndrome which damages our immune system and on and on and on. 60 years ago it was rare to see obese people, and I recall eating sugar cereals, homemade cakes and pies also usually only on a weekend. Pop was a treat not a mainstay. We were all skinny but our sugar came from actual sugar cane, and the cakes were baked from scratch not out of a box containing all kinds of chemicals. If you look at the ingredients on any cake mix or cakes even sold in the grocery store you would probably s*** yourself because there's more chemicals in it than flour! And I think that is the main basis for which we have an epidemic of obesity. Some of these chemicals turn off specific hormones that would stop you from feeling full. So people are constantly hungry! There's a whole lot going on that has more to do with this, than just simple gluttony. Also, tech has made us sedentary as a society. Woke culture wants to normalise everything that is abnormal. Wrap it all together and you have one huge disaster waiting to happen.

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Exactly right! That's why we do what we can to counteract their toxic foods. Nattokinase Serrapeptase is full of digestive enzymes. I learned about it from someone commenting like I am on Substacks. I take it everyday. Andrographis is an herb that is good for both Cancer and Covid. Good for lungs and liver and is a powerful antioxidant and antiparasitic, which is good since they will be putting bugs in our food full of parasites. I read somewhere that some products are already sneaking them in. I take it everyday. N-Acetyl-Cysteine assists the body in removing toxic metals from the body. They are trying to ban this one. This also helps the body make glutathione. Glutathione was given to my Father-in-law and he was a rare one to be taken off Hospice and lived another couple happy years. His health declined again when he stopped taking it. The facts are out there, the body will heal but not if injected or overrun with toxic substances. Big Pharma knows this. A customer cured is a customer lost. Look into the origins of western medicine, Rockefeller demonized natural medicine so everyone would be on board with vaccines and oil based medicines. Don't get me wrong, western medicine has helped many but in the last 2 1/2 years it's definitely getting the bad parts exposed. Natural medicine is beneficial and most medicines are derived from herbs just have chemicals and other stuff added and as you see from commercials loaded with side effects. IMO, western and natural medicine can coincide and both have.




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Yes absolutely....it all started with the "fake" flexner report! If ppl really knew who and what big pharma is, they'd 💩 themselves!

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Right?! If we could have someone hack into the news and show that, what could we accomplish? I wonder if they could even believe it. The great big lie that keeps this money train going.

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Know what? I have a sneaky feeling that exactly what you said, WILL happen! In fact, I have some precognition abilities.... and 2 years ago as I was reading the BS phase 1/2 trials of Pfizer, I knew that shot would be a shit show of death, & destruction. I also listened to expert voices who were very concerned as well of the data, and using relative risk#s instead of absolute risk#s etc etc... and I had a sudden overwhelming vision come over me, that these jabs would bring down the entire pharmaceutical industry and would spell the end of the also unsafe cancer causing regular vaccines. I was so overwhelmed and elated at this vision that I cried ...but this would be not be a win/ win thing. This win would be at the cost of millions of lives thru death & life changing injuries. And mankind must NEVER EVER allow his to happen again. Political class should never have the word "power" associated with them. We the people MUST be the "power" and we will choose good leaders to carry out OUR will...not theirs! There must never again be "powers that be". They must now be referred to as the "powers that were" and will never be again....

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Oh and this just showed up in my inbox: https://www.theepochtimes.com/vaccines-are-bringing-back-a-nearly-eradicated-deadly-virus_4650115.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe-ai&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2022-08-09-ai-25&est=27ycdxW9PPEE%2Fqq19wE4LTgoRzyA2FNZ50tmg6JZS4z7%2FXXgx%2F0RVcK2yAgN9g8fz430

So let's also recognize that the measles outbreaks over the last 10 years WERE VAX virus, NOT wild virus. And the cancer epidemic is due to contamination of polio vax with SV40. Plus other vax disregulate our beautiful God given FUNCTIONING immune system! The hubris of pharma & medical cartel to tell God that he erred, that he made a mistake and that we humans know better!!!???? And what's even worse to me is people falling for this crap! 😱

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Yes!! 😱 My heart just skipped a beat, I have felt ever since they pushed the shot that they needed to be stopped. I felt like it was God telling me to wake up about everything. You are reading my mind. I'm currently reading Dr. Mary's Monkey and it's about that exact thing, the SV40 and all the monkey business and how it's tied to Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK assassination.

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I sure wish I could figure out why I am overweight. I walk at least a mile or two everyday, eat 1200-1300 calories a day, sometimes only 1000. I don't eat snacks- no cake, no ice cream, no pop, no bread, no cereal etc. My diet is basically two hard boiled eggs, sometimes lean lunch meat, a few pieces of swiss cheese. Sometimes I will have triple zero greek yogurt, or cottage cheese. I don't go out to eat and I am not a big meat eater. I only drink water and unsweetened herbal tea.

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I just love mine. I actually waste less (esp salad greens) and having fresh dill and thai basil all year 😀👍👍👍👍👍 Am thinking about getting a larger model that would let me grow things like zucchini

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Before covid, I was following what was happening in the universities and sort of equivocating but when I heard about Fat Studies and how "nutritionism is white," I realized wokeness was genocidal. Reminded me of how CIA and government stock portfolios were invested in illegal drugs with Nancy Reagan spouting "Just say No," a Big Lie. Probably one of the reasons they want to take out the Boomers is that we've seen all this horsepuckey before, repeatedly.

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