They are under occupation you moron. Do you think oct 7th happened in a vaccuum?
Israel has been terrorizing, raping, killing Palestinians while using Jewish settlers and kibbutz to shrink the size of Gaza and the West bank while expanding greater Israel
Go look at a map of that region since 2002 and youll see the never endin…
They are under occupation you moron. Do you think oct 7th happened in a vaccuum?
Israel has been terrorizing, raping, killing Palestinians while using Jewish settlers and kibbutz to shrink the size of Gaza and the West bank while expanding greater Israel
Go look at a map of that region since 2002 and youll see the never ending encroachment into Gaza and West Bank as Israel expands and they shrink
Rombios tells one lie after another. Israel terrorizing, raping, killing Palestinians? Where are all the Israeli suicide bombers? Why don't we ever see in any news about Israeli's raping and killing Palestinians? Look at the Israeli Torah and the Bible, they preach peace, kindness, 10 Commandments, turn the other cheek, love not war. Look at the Qur'an. It demands Jihad, killing, raping, torturing, their Allah tortures victims too. That's what Muslims do, exactly what their Qur'an says, and they've been doing it for hundreds of years. How did Israel encroach into Gaza when they gave the whole place to the Palestinians in 2005?
Not only gave it to them, unearned, but provided them with the means to become a flourishing state. They blew it all, because of *the dirty Jews*, cut their whiny stupid noses off to spite their medieval, barbaric faces. Much like they cut the water pipes supplying fresh water, to make housing for rockets.
It is very evident that you dont know the first thing about what's gone on in the area. But as usual the default position on not knowing anything is to weigh in like you're some kind of expert, while ignoring history and go along with a fake narrative that supports your fossilized ideological beliefs. And of course, namecall! That always strengthens your case.....
Lol. Send me something better than Jimmy Dore's pro Hamas propaganda. The clip from 1948 has been debunked earlier, and was the subject of a defamation lawsuit by vets. In JIMMY'S clip segment the viewer cant hear any of what the vets are actually saying in Hebrew: however Jimmy is reading in a loud voice the subtitles in English. Which proves exactly nothing except that he is a lying manipulator on this issue..
If you wanted to you could have chosen any of the well documented evidence of atrocities committed by Hamas at that time from other sources. But you didnt. You prefer to ignore all that in order to regurgitate one item from a questionable source like Haaretz.....but you would never attempt to quote something from Haaretz as a viable source unless it supported your chosen ideology. And again, you are depending on USEFUL IDIOT INFLUENCER Jimmy Dore for your source here. Give me a direct link to Haaretz on that: did you even check that out for yourself before you pressed SEND?
Israel was fully aware of the natural gas and oil fields of Gaza BEFORE they withdrew 20 years ago. What's your point? Why didnt they develop them then? I am just asking obvious questions here. Questions you ought to be asking yourself if you are at all interested in uncovering the complicated truth behind the current situation
Jimmy is a secondary or even tertiary mouthpiece put out there to propagandize people. Do yourself a favor and do are just taking whatever your favorite influencer has to say as the absolute Truth
Stop lying. It's tiresome, yet comical, in a way that inspires pity for your stunning illiteracy and or dishonesty. There is no historical *Palestinian* nation, state, country, ethnicity...uh...*you moron*. What part of the timeline from the British Mandate, onward, eludes your pitiful comprehension skills? The Brits got tired of the Arabs---there was no Palestine, so just stop the drunken Jew-hatred that drives you to embarrass yourself as the illiterate you are---dickering over EVERY SINGLE partition plan, even when the Arabs wound up with land that had been allotted to Israel. Your narrative is obscenely stoooooopid, to resort to your level of discourse. What a dimwitted coward to persist in denying history. Grow the hell up. Your ignorance is comical, but your Jew-hatred marks you as a vicious, d*ckless coward, since that coarseness is the only language that your brain, denuded of any but the few single digit IQ points remaining. Unless you are an 18-yr-old college freshman, there is no excuse for this illiteracy.
It's historically accurate. The date was 1000 BCE, my error. Many texts describe King David, the Bible and Jewish texts, he's even said to be a prophet of Allah in the Qur'an
Where do you get your misinformation? It was never the Palestinians. It might have once belonged to someone else, Jordan I believe, but not the Palestinians.
They had Gaza?
They are under occupation you moron. Do you think oct 7th happened in a vaccuum?
Israel has been terrorizing, raping, killing Palestinians while using Jewish settlers and kibbutz to shrink the size of Gaza and the West bank while expanding greater Israel
Go look at a map of that region since 2002 and youll see the never ending encroachment into Gaza and West Bank as Israel expands and they shrink
You are a heartless human being
Rombios tells one lie after another. Israel terrorizing, raping, killing Palestinians? Where are all the Israeli suicide bombers? Why don't we ever see in any news about Israeli's raping and killing Palestinians? Look at the Israeli Torah and the Bible, they preach peace, kindness, 10 Commandments, turn the other cheek, love not war. Look at the Qur'an. It demands Jihad, killing, raping, torturing, their Allah tortures victims too. That's what Muslims do, exactly what their Qur'an says, and they've been doing it for hundreds of years. How did Israel encroach into Gaza when they gave the whole place to the Palestinians in 2005?
Not only gave it to them, unearned, but provided them with the means to become a flourishing state. They blew it all, because of *the dirty Jews*, cut their whiny stupid noses off to spite their medieval, barbaric faces. Much like they cut the water pipes supplying fresh water, to make housing for rockets.
IDF admitting to raping women and killing hostages
Haaretz debunking lies about Hamas. No decapitated newborns
Gaza has 100b barrels under the sand and many thousands of cubic feet of off shore natural gas
Dore is a comedian, not a investigative journalist
Stay focused moron. Dore is not the issue. The issue is the information in Haaretzhe bring light to
It is very evident that you dont know the first thing about what's gone on in the area. But as usual the default position on not knowing anything is to weigh in like you're some kind of expert, while ignoring history and go along with a fake narrative that supports your fossilized ideological beliefs. And of course, namecall! That always strengthens your case.....
IDF admitting to raping women and killing hostages
Haaretz debunking lies about Hamas. No decapitated newborns
Gaza has 100b barrels under the sand and many thousands of cubic feet of off shore natural gas
Lol. Send me something better than Jimmy Dore's pro Hamas propaganda. The clip from 1948 has been debunked earlier, and was the subject of a defamation lawsuit by vets. In JIMMY'S clip segment the viewer cant hear any of what the vets are actually saying in Hebrew: however Jimmy is reading in a loud voice the subtitles in English. Which proves exactly nothing except that he is a lying manipulator on this issue..
If you wanted to you could have chosen any of the well documented evidence of atrocities committed by Hamas at that time from other sources. But you didnt. You prefer to ignore all that in order to regurgitate one item from a questionable source like Haaretz.....but you would never attempt to quote something from Haaretz as a viable source unless it supported your chosen ideology. And again, you are depending on USEFUL IDIOT INFLUENCER Jimmy Dore for your source here. Give me a direct link to Haaretz on that: did you even check that out for yourself before you pressed SEND?
Israel was fully aware of the natural gas and oil fields of Gaza BEFORE they withdrew 20 years ago. What's your point? Why didnt they develop them then? I am just asking obvious questions here. Questions you ought to be asking yourself if you are at all interested in uncovering the complicated truth behind the current situation
Jimmy is a secondary or even tertiary mouthpiece put out there to propagandize people. Do yourself a favor and do are just taking whatever your favorite influencer has to say as the absolute Truth
Pathetic straw man and ar hominem attack. Classic deflection.
You can see the sources right in the video itself.
Reread my comment
Stop lying. It's tiresome, yet comical, in a way that inspires pity for your stunning illiteracy and or dishonesty. There is no historical *Palestinian* nation, state, country, ethnicity...uh...*you moron*. What part of the timeline from the British Mandate, onward, eludes your pitiful comprehension skills? The Brits got tired of the Arabs---there was no Palestine, so just stop the drunken Jew-hatred that drives you to embarrass yourself as the illiterate you are---dickering over EVERY SINGLE partition plan, even when the Arabs wound up with land that had been allotted to Israel. Your narrative is obscenely stoooooopid, to resort to your level of discourse. What a dimwitted coward to persist in denying history. Grow the hell up. Your ignorance is comical, but your Jew-hatred marks you as a vicious, d*ckless coward, since that coarseness is the only language that your brain, denuded of any but the few single digit IQ points remaining. Unless you are an 18-yr-old college freshman, there is no excuse for this illiteracy.
Yes, the Palestinians are occupying land that never was theirs.
And Israelis are occupying land that was also never theirs
King David founded Jerusalem as the Jewish capitol in 2000 BC.
No he did not. No such person EVER existed. Its a myth YOU believe in
It's historically accurate. The date was 1000 BCE, my error. Many texts describe King David, the Bible and Jewish texts, he's even said to be a prophet of Allah in the Qur'an
Its all myth (for the feeble minded). No different from Asgard and Thor. Anubis and Ra. Gilgemish and Hercules.
These were the tales given people of that era to quell and subdo them.
I know it must hurt: the realization that you are nothing special, not the "chosen" of anything. Nothing more than a human being like the rest of us.
Were that not the case you wouldnt need fifth generation fighters and tanks from the United States to protect the lands you covet.
Would not god himself send a host of heavenly angels to intercede on your behalf?
Wake the fxck up.
More real evidence for King David than Muhammad
Where do you get your misinformation? It was never the Palestinians. It might have once belonged to someone else, Jordan I believe, but not the Palestinians.
Over and over again, the Israeli's left Gaza in 2005. The land belonged to the Jews 1000 years BC.