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Everything that is allowed into Gaza, food, fuel, goods, is totally controlled by Israel. Hamas got money from Israel, Bibi is on vid talking about it, how good it was to divide Palestinians so Israel could control them better. I watched a video about the tunnels in Gaza, no doubt arms brought in, but predominant use was bringing in necessary foods, and other short supply stuff - similar to Warsaw ghetto. Or people took risk to get out to see family members. In West Bank, there are the Israeli illegal settlements, Palestinians forced out of their homes and new Israeli homes and roads built which only Israelis use. Their vehicles have distinctive yellow plates. The Palestinians have to use old roads and tracks, lots unsuitable for vehicles due to Israeli damage or non repair. Lets get this clear, I am for humanity. I am against crazy people, war, genocide. Has everyone forgotten BiBi offered up all Israeli people to be lab rats for Pfizer? Much death and injuries, still ongoing. He doesn't care about Israeli people either. He's carrying out globalists agenda just same as our politicians. Genocide and total eradication from the land is the objective. All but 2 countries of UN voted for ceasefire. The 2 who didn't were UK which abstained and US who was only one voting against a cease fire. They set up UN in first place, surprisingly with Nazi leaders too! Supposedly set up to prevent wars and punish those who break international laws on warfare. I'll let you guess which country has broken the rules every time! Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Is this being done to bring about a bigger war, to coax an alleged enemy to come to aid of Palestinians? Is it another 9/11 situation to bring this about?

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Why do you bend over backwards to defend the Palestinians? Everything you come up with is stretching it like a rubber band. "Divide Palestinians to control them" How did Israel control them when they built hundreds of miles of tunnels, have their own Hamas government, come up with hundreds of weapons? Food came in just fine to Gaza before Israel left in 2005 and there weren't tunnels. Maybe there are disputed Israeli settlements in West Bank, that's another discussion to argue about. What about the 10,000 Israeli's forced out of their homes in Gaza when Israel GAVE GAZA to the Palestinians? Nothing Israel did came within a light year of deserving the Oct 7 attack. It's always the Israeli's continual giving to the Palestinians. Like allowing Palestinians to come work in Israel, only to find out they were spies. Israel is the only country on earth that tries to protect civilians in war, leaflets, phone calls. They only target the military, while Hamas and the Muslims target civilian targets in Israel. War crimes, look to Hamas, Muslims, Russia, even the USA, but not Israel. You're whining about a "cease fire". There was a "cease fire", but Hamas broke it, over and over.

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I am speaking out for the innocent peoples caught up in this, from both sides, old, women, children. Can you imagine Northern Ireland being raised to the ground by the British in order to get all the IRA terrorists? Only US voted against cease fire with it's partner in crime, UK abstaining. You must be the only one not seeing genocide. Plenty Jews written open letter to stop genocide and find out what really happened on 7th Oct as to who actually killed the Israelis. Most buildings wrecked by tank fire, with hostages in them, helicopters attacking music festival people fleeing. All reported by soldiers and Israeli surviving witnesses.

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You want a cease fire? Then why did Hamas break the cease fire, several times?

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Every. Single. One. In. History.

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Israel broke the cease fire. The goal.is to depopulate Gaza and get access to the 100b barrels of oil underneath the sands

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Your falsehoods are legend. The only genocide going on is that of Islam attempting to wipe all Jews off the earth. I dare you to watch the video. You don't have the guts.

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IDF admitting to raping women and killing hostages


Haaretz debunking lies about Hamas. No decapitated newborns


Gaza has 100b barrels under the sand and many thousands of cubic feet of off shore natural gas

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1948, there were atrocities on both sides, you can't paint 2023 Israel with what happened 75 years ago. Again, why doesn't Gaza use the oil and gas? Israel isn't wiping out Hamas to get this "oil and gas", it's called self defense after Hamas brutally murdered 1200 innocent people.

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How convenient pointing at 1948 as if the same rapes and brutalization aren't still occurring. Those veterans weren't under a gag order, the current IDF are

Gaza can't use the oil and gas because they are under occupation.. anything that land through traditional routes must be vetted by the occupying force.

That's why the first thing the IDF did on Oct 8 was cut off all GAZAs electricity, food and Internet access.

For you to ask that stupid question shows how heartless you have become

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Now wait a minute. You say huge oil and gas deposits off of the coast of Gaza. So Israel left Gaza in 2005. Why didn't the Gazans develop the oil and gas, they had over 20 years. I think the oil and gas story is all a made up lie. When the Oct 7 attack came with the atrocities, including rape, torture, burning, of innocent people the entire world found out. If the IDF was doing the same, the entire world would find this out right away too. Hamas would be shouting from the rooftops about this, and no, we don't hear a peep. Because IDF doesn't do atrocities like Muslims.

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Yet when the Israeli's accidently kill three Israeli hostages, the news was out immediately. "Media censors uncomfortable stories about the IDF" Then how are these 5 postings you have here possible?

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Because of the PRESSURE of social media. We heard it from Al Jazeerah and Hindustan times hours before the IDF fessed that they killed shirtless jews waiving a white flag yelling in hebrew

Imagine what they must do to Palestinians

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They are not *Jews*, writing those letters. They are secular, leftist atheists who reject their Jewish provenance. *Innocent people* in Palestine? You mean the 90% who voted for Hamas, knowing full well of Hamas' STATED SOLE MISSION to eradicate Israel, and exterminate every Jew, not *just* those in Israel. And they still overwhelmingly support Hamas. Got that? ALL JEWS. Everywhere on the earth. USA voted 'no' to ceasefire, because Palestine has broken every single ceasefire that has been brokered---including the one that was in effect on 10/7. And that massacre of Israeli Jews was aided by *innocent Palestinians*, who accompanied the thousands of Hamas killers. Their kids are stewed in murderous Jew-hatred, from birth. And, no, no *Jewish helicopters* attacked, raped, and killed the Israelis at the Nova festival. These blood libels are revolting and make it far too easy to see how cowardly, hateful humans devolved into the same evil as the *good Germans* of the WW2-era.

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You are SO full of crap. Where did you get this *education*? The predominant use of those tunnels was for the storage of caches of weapons and armaments and fuel. What does the placement of those tunnels tell you, hun? They were built under hospitals, schools, apartments, for what? Altruism? If that were true, they could store all that *food* in the modern, sanitary warehouses that Israel left them. To compare terrorists openly, publicly committed to the extermination of Jews, to the Warsaw ghettos is just profane. Do you really have no grasp of history? That comparison isn't even subtly nuanced, it's indecently stupid.

You also clearly have no idea of what genocide even is, or who has PUBLICLY, EXPLICITLY COMMITTED TO THE EXTERMINATION OF ALL JEWS. You are most certainly not for *humanity*. Not for Jewish *humanity*. What you wrote is abhorrently a bastardization of history and facts.

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Here's a typical Palestinian mother proud of her murdering son. This is how Gazan people brainwash their children to do nothing in life except to hate.

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Explain why you think flying the flag of an enemy state publicly vocal about its goal of eradicating your country and exterminating your citizens is not punishable under aiding and abetting the enemy laws. Hamas has declared war on Israel. Your whataboutisms are typical of one who can defend his own argument.

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HAMAS is not capable of making war on Israel.

Only one side is

* Occupying the other

* Raping and Brutalizing the other

* Fielding first generation weapons from America

* Nuclear arm

This isn't any where close to a fair fight. Hamas is David and Israel is Goliath

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Your series of illiterate lies is so absurd as to invite nothing but laughter. Worse yet, you know you are lying. Hamas massacred well over a thousand Jew in one day. Obviously they are capable of making war, because they have, and been transparent about it. No one is occupying Gaza. That is a patently stupid claim, even on the surface. There are no Jews or Israelis in Gaza. Nor is Israel *occupying palestinian land*. Clearly you have no interest in the history of the partitioning of the region, or regard for facts. You exert a great deal of energy in verbally fellating other Jew-haters. Find another hobby.

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As if Israeli don't brain wash their kids. See how the threat Hassidics that are anti zionism

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Really? And are they committing acts of terror against Palestine? No analogy there at all. Just come out and admit you hate *them Joooos*.

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Yes they are. On a daily basis long before Oct 7. It's only thanks to social media and the courage of Arab reporters that we get a glimpse of the violence, brutality and rapes of young women committed by the IDF..

Am neither Jew nor Arab. Which allows me an unbiased view of this event

Notice that any criticism of Israel by non Jews is labeled anti semitic even though Palestinians are semites.

But any criticism of Israel by Jews is labeled self hate.

Somehow Israel believes itself above criticism

The gall!!!

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You are such a truly cowardly and unhinged liar. Please save your raucously slapstick *I can't be biased* lunacy for amateur night at the comedy club. And, hun bun, Semite refers to language, not race or nationality, of which, btw, *palestinians* are neither. The term *anti-semite* was coined in the late 1800's by a German Jew-hater whom I'm certain you are familiar with, i.e., Wilhelm Marr, who coined the word to refer to Jews, and only Jews. But you know this.

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No where does it say any of them are anti Zionism

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See my video, all the way at bottom of discussion.

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Thanks, I'm bookmarking to watch

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This iis how Zionists treat non zionist jews

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Nobody knows what started the argument.

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