Stop lying. Do you never tire of being rebuked for such lazy cowardice? A *cursory look at the map" only PROVES that your claim is a lie. The only land stolen was from Israel, as a *cursory look at the map*, from 1920 onward, proves that Israel conceded to every demand, hoping for peace. The hell you looked at any map, but that from the …
Stop lying. Do you never tire of being rebuked for such lazy cowardice? A *cursory look at the map" only PROVES that your claim is a lie. The only land stolen was from Israel, as a *cursory look at the map*, from 1920 onward, proves that Israel conceded to every demand, hoping for peace. The hell you looked at any map, but that from the KKK Little Golden Coloring Book for
Antisemite Dummies. They didn't have to do that. In retrospect, they were far too optimistic that a people from a cult that is literally built upon the demand for the obliteration of Jews, would ever honor their end of the deals.
Stop lying. Do you never tire of being rebuked for such lazy cowardice? A *cursory look at the map" only PROVES that your claim is a lie. The only land stolen was from Israel, as a *cursory look at the map*, from 1920 onward, proves that Israel conceded to every demand, hoping for peace. The hell you looked at any map, but that from the KKK Little Golden Coloring Book for
Antisemite Dummies. They didn't have to do that. In retrospect, they were far too optimistic that a people from a cult that is literally built upon the demand for the obliteration of Jews, would ever honor their end of the deals.