
The New Deal 1933 Roosevelt, Immigration Act of 1965 Ted Kennedy/LBJ, and The Great Society 1965 LBJ all 3 conspired to damage USA, hollow it out and render the black colored family into dependence...blacks were doing great 1865 to 1965 without the Federal government wanting to do good by it. democrats have destroyed the colored family, bred dependency and a modern day democrat plantation...blacks must get off of now.

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Boys raised by two gay males have a suicide rate 7 times that of a boy raised by a mom and a dad. Boys raised by two women do somewhat better. But not well. They have much the same outcomes, crime/drugs/education etc as a boy raised by a single Mom. The best outcomes is traditional. Mom and Dad at home. A person’s psychology growth requires masculine and feminine, in the form of a male and a female. Real ones.

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key is none of us writing here are experts (at least I am not in this area) and this is to share, debate, learn...I want to learn...so raise these topics that are part of our lives

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reality is that we know of 2 parent homes that are twisted and kids come from them and turn out badly...we know of 1 parent homes and kids do better than 2 parent and thrive even...while it is a disadvantage but advantage in some regards especially if reduced violence...we even know of no parent homes, adopted, raised by grand parents, guardians and kids do best, thrive, and do better than all...fact is that children are much more resilient than we give them credit for...they bring lots to the table and are very sophisticated and robust...they need love, understanding, stability...domiciled in one place...yet with predictability of access to the other parent...

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The nuclear family worked as the best model for the tens of thousands of years of modern human existence. It is the only model that works which is why the leftist demons strive to destroy it.

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Young women, girls under 16-18, pregnant, unmarried, welfare, & dropped out of high-school, then it's GAME OVER! Near IMPOSSIBLE to regain footing; education is critical; then hooked on the welfare

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Lyndon Bains Johnson was an evil SOB.

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Absolute truth Dr. Paul!! And the numbers are nearly as bad in white Fatherless families. Especially in the lower levels of income earners. We have to return to the Biblical teachings and then immediately fix the Public Schools or the country doesn't have a chance in hell of survival. None!!

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Yep. An involved father in every home, and bring back the kitchen table and family dinners!

I remember some study from a number of years ago showing that eating dinner as a family at the kitchen table, significantly reduced anger, depression and crime in youth. That study never gained traction and was almost immediately forgotten about. On purpose, it seemed to me. That made it no less true, however. But the elites definitely don’t want sane kids and strong families.

Bring back fathers in the home and family dinner time to bring back society. Oh, and sound money, too. Another thing the elites hate and fear. Basically, just do the opposite of what they want and we’ll be fine.

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The CIA flooding these communities with crack didn’t help either This was deliberate calculated destruction. Let’s focus on the perpetrators first and have compassion and understanding for the victims. I’m not advocating for wishy washy turn a blind eye to the problem but let’s keep important factors highlighted

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Trump: Biden is ‘100% on the Palestinians’ side; I don’t get how Jews vote Democrat


Trump brags about how Biden is Hamas and he is Netanyahu; Then P-Alex talks about 'blacks' being the problem in USA;

The problem is in USA is ZIONISM in Wash-DC and AIPAC running the country into the sewer


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Amen…. It has always been part of the plan to destroy America. As a teacher I recognized what was occurring in the 1970’s in my 20’s. As a young person, I was astounded at what I was seeing. The government was encouraging illegitimate babies born to teens. No one was taking care of the children. It was horrendous . I would cry over it … I truly believe that our planned USA destruction has been moving forward since 1945. Eisenhower knew it and Kennedy saw it but neither realized the depth of Evil. Demons have now possessed many of our politicians, for real— just like demon possession in the Bible. They are so evil that most of us can’t process this. They want us dead and they believe they are Gods. I am so sad. We have had the best country ever. Some people only look at America’s flaws. I ask them, “Why do you live here, if America is so bad?” They take all for granted. Our country was built on Christian values. So beautiful until many Americans spit at God, and turned away from God. They are destroying our beautiful country.

Satan has moved into the souls of many.

My only peace comes from knowing God will send all of these EVIL PEOPLE to the ETERNAL Lake of Fire. And I will be in beautiful Heaven with my Lord.

READ: 2Chronicles. 7:14 in your Bible

Do what it says today. URGENT

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The problem in the black community is the same as the problem in all other communities except it is magnified for several reasons. The increased poverty and the 'legacy of slavery' remains but it is not a direct effect. The 'legacy' weakened the family and "empowered" black women who are widely seen as the most unpleasant yougogirls in the universe. Other communities see a marriage deficit. Men of all races are increasingly refusing to 'settle down' and raise kids with ballbusting women who hold all the legal, sexual, and civil power.

Source: Divorce attorney for 10 years. I have seen the privilege and the court bias against men. Why would any man "settle down" and adopt a woman as his mistress? Given the anectodal reports of black women's behavior, I am not convinced we can blame black men for being irresponsible.

I don't think it is black men who are refusing to play a part in their children's lives- in most divorces i have seen it is the woman doing doing all of that, alienating the kids, and then bitterly blaming the man. Because nothing has changed since Eve eviscerated her husbands authority, ate the apple, and then somehow managed to blame Adam for not exercising his authority....

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Outstanding post Dr. Alexander. As you point out, the problem is not the black male, but rather the government programs that pay women not to marry a man, but rather marry the government who then fills the role of father-husband, providing food, clothing, shelter, medical care etc. If you were a young girl living in poverty, and knew that you would receive an apartment, food, medical care etc. in exchange for being a single mom, keeping daddy in the shadows, what would you do? Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted this when the "War on Poverty " began in the sixties.

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The jail/ prison system is a big industry! & there’s always a planned parenthood in the neighborhood. Many of

The traditional grandparents who raise the children have been jabbed injured or worse.

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Not mentioned in the commentary is black culture. For some perverse reason, these black fathers take joy in impregnating, then they brag about all the women they knocked up as if some big accomplishment. This is where the black community and black church's have to stand up and begin to properly shame these predators, condemn their foul behavior, to achieve a change. Our legal system also has to go after these deadbeat dads, extract child support out of their paychecks, and I would advocate, jail time for those who don't comply. I would also advocate for black females to shut down this process by withholding any sex, unless the male has committed to his responsibility, and marriage. The income support for dependent children fuels this crisis, since every kid that a female pops out without the fathers' support, gets cash monthly, so they willingly engage in this scam to enrich themselves, while the fatherless kids turn into criminals and gangsters from no parental guidance. This should end, but I won't hold my breath that any of these reforms will ever happen. Blacks demand equal rights, but their behavior is despicable and reinforces racial prejudice against them

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