This is why I proposed #RememberBabyAlex legislation in my letter to Ron Johnson 😢 We are looking at a global health crisis of catastrophic proportions with the contaminated blood supply. The uninjected are suffering the consequences of the poor decisions of others despite all our best efforts to avoid mRNA injections and wake up the sleeping.



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So sad! Someone should set up a clinic for the unjabbed blood to donate.

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There are some organizations starting to do that, as I shared in this update last year:


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There is a problem with hemifiliacs and AIDS and now the problem is receiving blood from the jabbed. What about donated organs. I’m sure that’s another one that people have to worry about from the jabbed.

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Contaminated blood is a major issue but the problem doesn't end there. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcia's (she's on substack and I receive her free emails) research has proven that all of the numbing injections used by dentists and dermatologists have graphene and other metals in them. I'm holding off on replacing 2 crowns and 1 filling seeking other options. I get recurring squamous cell skin cancer which is removed by MOH's surgery. I have some questionable places that are either actinic keratosis or squamous cell skin cancer but like with the dental I'm holding off because I don't want the contaminated numbing injections. Her research also found graphene and other metals in B12 injections, Botox and lip fillers, contact lens solution and budesonide inhalant. Our medical supplies are being deliberately contaminated to further depopulation. I saw a post a few weeks ago on Died Suddenly on Facebook that said bandaid are contaminated with graphene. Something has to be done to stop this. Crimes against humanity.

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Outrageous! Husband needs work on an old root canal. I found a biological dentist that uses Ozone to clear the bacteria. He’s too trusting or maybe it’s the $$. If he goes the traditional way, I’m going to give him glutathione before and after 🙏🏻

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I agree! I've found 3 dentists that use ozone and a special laser. I'm going to consult with one soon. I know it'll cost more but after losing a kidney to cancer a few years ago along with recurring squamous cell skin cancer which is 2nd deadliest after melanoma I'm not risking it. I pray some decent company will manufacture safe numbing agents. Best of luck to your husband.

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Sorry about your health issues! I’m still figuring out what to do and if husband will go along. Thanks

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I’ve been saying this will be a problem since they started the shots. 🤬

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This problem was expected. The whole illegal human experiment should be widely and significantly punished!

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Another trap set up by the CDC, THE RED CROSS! They did not forbid the tainted blood. I heard the Red Cross asking for only unvaxxed blood in 2 nd year of Covid. But no one, no one ever stated that vaxxed blood was no good. So now another perfect storm breaking, no blood transfusions unless you donate own blood for your own surgery, even with that I do not trust blood banks or Red Cross to keep it separate. All are going to want to infect the unvaxxed!

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Liars and murderers

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In July 2021 I was hospitalized and needed a blood transfusion. I adamantly refused vaxxed blood and hospital staff stated the blood transfusion was from unvaxxed blood except Vitalant could not verify or guarantee unvaxxed blood as I was told they don’t screen or label blood as vaxxed or unvaxxed.

Vitalant stated on Twitter/X on January 16, 2023:

The FDA, which sets blood safety standards in the U.S., allows people vaccinated with non-live vaccines to give blood without a waiting period. mRNA vaccines (currently Pfizer and Moderna) are not live vaccines and do not use an infectious viral carrier, so they carry no risk of causing disease or interacting with DNA in the person vaccinated or someone who receives their blood. As a result, the FDA does not require labeling to differentiate between blood donations from donors who have or have not been vaccinated. Thank you. - Tesia”

The American Red Cross stated on Twitter/X on June 1, 2021 and September 13, 2022:

“We don't label blood products as containing vaccinated or unvaccinated blood as the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream & poses no safety risks to the recipient. If you have safety concerns about potential blood transfusions, please speak with your medical care team.“

Which is absolutely ludicrous given the fact embalmers are pulling long, white clots out of the bloodstreams of vaxxed deceased.

The American Red Cross stated on Twitter/X on January 30, 2024:

“The safety of blood donors and the recipients who receive donated blood is our top priority. We're following all FDA regulations and safety protocols to help protect the blood supply and provide the safest possible blood products to patients.

There is no scientific evidence demonstrating adverse outcomes from the transfusion of blood products from vaccinated donors &, therefore, no medical reason to distinguish/separate blood donations from those who received a COVID-19 vaccination. Learn more: rdcrss.org/3WJHA7d”

The lies and deliberate misinformation continue as cover-up for the lack of safety and efficacy of the mRNA injections. There’s no doubt the US blood supply is contaminated following the roll-out of the experimental mRNA C-19 injections.

Today, this would be my trusted resource:


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To find unvaccinated blood via donor matching

I can speak from my own experience with this much needed service

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It's great that there are safe blood banks. Another being Blessed By His Blood. However, some hospitals can't be trusted. A woman donated her own blood prior to a scheduled surgery. Day of the surgery the hospital, doctor, nurses all seemed to conveniently "forget" she had banked her own blood and gave her the contaminated blood. She encountered blood clots fairly soon after surgery and didn't survive. Hospital statement was something like, there was a misunderstanding but we do our best for our patients and are not aware of any issues with donated blood. Sure.... all pays the same for them.

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Murderers. If that happened to me, that medical team would have a problem....

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Makes me livid!! How dare they! But the world is what it is

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F——-n clown show…

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The donors were not taking Nato kinase to thin things out so there are no clots. Can't remember about the blood taken out ozone to clean it up and filter it out does help out.

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Have you heard about Payseur family?

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Payseur is a made-up surname for the Lost Dauphin, son of Louis XVI, raised by George IV, and sent to America to extend the Old World's tentacles here.

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Note people are being told to take the jab before getting an organ transplant.

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——- nuts. Guaranteed death or injury…

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Yup. But it is a population reduction effort.

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