Damn I’m 70 and this is straight out of my youth…still relevant ❤️thanks for sharing

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I am a big younger, but have great memories of this song

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Im 71 and I remember this, I have always loved soul music too, so much feeling in songs of the past.

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Own every album this gentleman made - it's what my sons heard the most of growing up.

They all play an instrument and two are musicians.

Thank you Dr Paul, 'Against the Wind' is a great song.



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thanks for the video! jason aldean is unjabbed!

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I Love music and some of these songs of my youth bring back a lot of memories of simplicity….no worries in life.

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Yep! I’ve heard it a thousand times. It alway brings the goods!

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Today I heard it 9 times atleast

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I listen to him when I want to know my husband is still with me, in a way. I can hear him singing it. His birthday is the 15th, and he would have been six decades, 60! He left too soon…at 58. Too soon for me. It will always be too soon to be apart from him. Nice to think of him driving a mustang 5.0 or a Harley with his music or ZZ Top, without a wheelchair anymore!

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Hear you. My ex passed away in 2022 with a cancer that gave him 5 weeks after diagnosis. Yes he and his wife went for the jabs. Back in 1977 when we met, the music was everything. Vinyl I still have to this day. My memories of those days are precious.

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In heaven

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Thanks for the time travel. Love it!

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Our music was the gold standard!

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That song is I. I have been sailing against the wind all my life.

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Great choice for your theme song

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Seger is underrated, he had many lyrically profound songs that are deserving of far more acclaim.

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It seems today, all proud and Patriotic Americans, who know, “America is the best country on earth”, are all running, as Bob Seger wrote, “Against the Wind”! Thanks to an entire army of “Devil Worshipping and God Hating Lunatics”, ruining America! And I mean lunatics in a literal sense! It’s no joke in my mind when I use these words to describe the “lunatic left”! They have literally been peer reviewed and proven to be “psychopathic, narcissistic, Borderline personality disorder WACKADOS”! I don’t think most Americans realize how dangerous these people truly are! Sensible people, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you’ve allowed yourself to be “boxed into”, left wing or right wing, center this or center that, is irrelevant at this point, we all need to look closely at how destructive this “illegitimate administration” is and continues to be! With all their cronyism and NGO’s, they have complete disregard for law and order, the constitution, the bill of rights and Declaration of Independence! I have always believed and said, I am NOT NOR DO I STAND, LEFT OR RIGHT, I STAND FOR “WHAT IS RIGHT”! I do believe most Americans realize America is being systematically destroyed! Intentionally, deliberately and with malice! We should know why this is happening because we were told what was confirmed !“WE THE PEOPLE” we told when BHO, the ultimate “SHEEP IN WOLVE SKIN” said he was going to “Fundamentally Transform America”! Well America, this is what “Fundamentally Transforming America” looks like!!!! And it isn’t pretty now is it? Actually it’s “PRETTY UGLY” and “VERY DANGEROUS and MURDEROUS”! The evilness of BHO and his “USEFUL IDIOTS”, (and not limited to) will continue to destroy America as long as “WE THE PEOPLE” keep allowing this corrupt, unjust government to continue! I’m certain “Against the Wind” with what America is facing right now, would be a cake walk compared to all the destruction these people have managed in the past three years!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Rocker Alexander rocks on ;))

If you're talking about this genre of music, nothing beats John Cougar:


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A lot of favorites-- thank you.

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Pleasure Arieh - enjoy ;)) xx


PS Swiss DJ Dim Zach does a lovely re-work of an Elvis classic:


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Yeah, we've all been at that point - at one stage or another - in our lives.

Leonard Cohen does some top social commentary about the way things work in this world of ours in this fabulous track:


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That was amazing. His voice is so perfect for the words…


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Ça va bien.

Last round, Arieh, with some decent cognac:


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Music has a way of catching one off guard, doesn’t it? Unless one is looking to relive certain emotions over and over again.

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Good morning Barry,

THAT was b e a u t i f u l ... captivating in fact.

Thank you for the time to share it.

Am enjoying your music repertoire.

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Yes, music really taps into something primal - across all cultures. It's a perfect form of expression, way better than language is to convey meaning and emotion.

And if you go back to your old favourites, you'll be transported right back to that moment in space and time.

Beautiful stuff.

Have a lovely Saturday, Arieh.


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Well of course.

Without a doubt, there’s no choice there Barry.

Probably because of my age and experience, I would say.

And what about you? Which do you prefer?

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Hello Arieh,

Well, the king will always be the king; but Pet Shop Boys took something beautiful and made it slightly different and more modern with full respect to the original which they never tried to copy. I like originality in art. Even if it borrows from other art.

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“Slightly”.... ?

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Seventy five here still runnin'.

Runnin' against the wind.

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great song, indeed, Dr. Paul, thanks for sharing.

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If you are not being shot at then you're probably not in the war... Have seen Rocking Robert Seger twice - Great Shows. Something to keep in mind He had a hit in early 60's and then His label went belly up. He kept going and didn't stop and all that persistence eventually paid off... In today's world The more resistance you are getting - chances are that you are real close to the truth. Rock On Doc!!!

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Cool, thanks, yes it seems like yesterday...........................cheers!

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