extremely critical of PSYOP-MUSK, who is nothing more than a corporate welfare queen military contractor for the Deep State and the CCP, as well as the recently ousted Vivek Ramaswamy...'
I've mentioned in multiple fora that I don't trust Musk. He is part and parcel of the military-security establishment/complex. Nobody sends up spy satellites for the USG without being a part of that swamp.
Just my opinion but the alternative to not trusting him is to trust him and if one starts doing that blindly. with anyone (except of course President Trump, whom, as your critics say, one should always trust blindly), then the next thing you know is you'll find yourself standing in line with 81% of Americans, bleating "baa, baa," rolling up your sleeve for a beautiful Trump-Malone vaccine, forgetting everything you've ever learned, believing it's safe and effective and saved 100s of millions of lives.
And then, " ...you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack - And you may find yourself in another part of the world - And you may ask yourself, "Am I right, am I wrong?" - And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done?" (Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down - Letting the days go by, water flowing underground - into the blue again, into the silent water - Under the rocks and stones, there is water underground - Same as it ever was, same as it ever was ..)"
Better, in my humble opinion, to adopt the attitude to your detractors of Eminem in "Bitch Please II," i.e., "And you don't really wanna fuck with me - Only **** that I trust is me - Fuck around and make me bust this heat - That's the devil, they always wanna dance ... Gotta love it 'cause I expose the façade ... So who do you trust? They just not rugged enough - When things get rough, I'm ... shootin' ... Bitch, please! You must have a mental disease - Assume the position and get back down on your knees - Come on"
I don't know why politicians and military members take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution..." as the Constitution is so egregiously ignored that it's ridiculous.
The right to sodomy enshrined in the US consitution (Lawrence v Texas (SCOTUS, 2004)) is not egregiously ignored at all. Constitutional conservatives, although not their catamites (because, being minors, they cannot consent) celebrate and defend this right every day. Celebrating and defending what the constitution enshrines is, to them, central to what it means to be an American.
10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Sodomy is not my bag, but we either have a Constitution or we don't.
Agreed, but the Federal Government was only set up to provide common defense and regulate interstate commerce. So I am good with Military Industrial Spending.
This is just total bullshit. Musk has no love for the deep state and the swamp or the CPC. Musk is nobody's girl. The deep state and the swamp and the CPC are Musk's enemies. Not even Bibi owns Musk. Musk is frustrated that the US Constitution, at least at this point in time, renders him unable to be the de jure president. He cannot be president officially, yet,, and can only be a de facto president. That is a difficult obstacle to get around. However, Musk's ambitions likely exceed the presidency. Remember, he thinks, based on solid empirical data that he is correct, that the US is a nation of low IQ retards. Why would he want to be "King of the retards," or president of the retards? Musk wants to be an Emperor, not just a mere president. He wants to rule high IQ countries too, as well as to rule the US. I would not call him a megalomaniac but there is every indication that Musk aspires to rule the world. This could probably be most readily achieved by entering the UK House of Commons in a by-election as a Reform candidate then taking over Reform and assuming the Prime Ministership. His first action would be to declare a state of emergency. He could then consolidate his powers and eliminate opposition and would have a seat on the UN Security Council, with veto power and a nuclear arsenal. Musk would rapidly revolutionize and increase the power of the UK Armed Forces. He would supply them with advanced military technology probably still under wraps and never shared with anyone and enter into new international military alliances, including with Russia, China and North Korea. His goal would be to attain military supremacy over the US. He would take all of Europe then Africa and then Asia and make himself Emperor. Next he would turn on Russia, China and North Korea. That's what I would do if I was him anyway. The idea that he would serve the swamp and the deep state or zChina is just ludicrous.
"2nd Smartest" is welcome to his opinion. But I take issue with his use of the word "queen" in describing Musk. Entirely unnecessary, inaccurate, and highly derogatory.
It must be added that *2nd Smartest* bans everyone who doesn't fall in lockstep with his self-appointed role of High Oracle, thus proving that he lacks the courage of his convictions and is un-smartly closeminded.
In other words he has no respect for the principle of freedom of speech and instead operates a fascistic Zuckerberg or Fauci style censorship regime and presides over an echo chamber, the complete opposite of what Paul does.
What a brilliant young man Barron Trump is. Elon level smart, off the charts! Good genes!
Not a typical retarded "American Idiot."
Check this out Kathleen, from the latest Kingston Report:
"It was all ILLEGAL!" - Barron Trump* Calls for Fauci to Go to Prison"None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything. Those who coordinated this (i.e. Fauci) need to go to prison." KAREN KINGSTON JAN 27, 2025
Barron posted on X yesterday:
Department of Health Admitted:
-Anthony Fauci was ILLEGALLY APPOINTED along with 14 other people
- Those 14 people were in large part responsible for sweeping mandates of control issued from December, 2021 to March of 2023
- These are people who were not supposed to have control, taking control and telling the whole country what they had to do during this time
- They spent $26 billion when they didn't have the legal right to If people were adversely affected by the choices of the Department of HHS, this should open up a lot of lawsuits against the United States government. This includes businesses that had to close, people that had extreme distress, whether it be physical or emotional. None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything, those who coordinated this need to go to prison
The idea that the world's richest man subscribes to the tenets of Marxism on which the CPC was founded, including the nationalization of the means of production, distribution and control and the redistribution of wealth from elites to the plebeians is laughable. "2nd Smartest," who is often very sane, is off his meds here. Musk does not subscribe to these tenets, although neither does the CPC. Musk almost certainly subscribes to the notion, held by many former Soviet bloc residents, that the US, exposed to the world for what it is by Snowden, i.e., a totalitarian mass security secret police surveillance state, is the most communistic regime in history, far surpassing even China where the spirit of entrepreneurship and free enterprise is thriving, in contrast to the US.
Welfare Queen is just a term that was used during the Reagan era, I think, to disparage any individual who was on welfare. No sexual innuendo was involved.
If I'm not mistaken the term is still in use to describe a woman, often a generational "legacy," who "supports" her numerous children of unknown male parentage by collecting government checks funded by the U.S. taxpayer. The more children, the bigger the check.
It isn't used to describe a man on welfare.
"Queen" disparages a certain flaming sort of gay man, and is sometimes used "proudly" by that man himself, if applicable. 2nd Smartest is certainly aware of this. And I'm calling him out on it.
Good to see certain others *finally* starting to catch up. Until we have three things: (1) lengthy prison sentences for many, most especially for Fat Rats; (2) confiscation of ALL wealth obtained via their crimes; and, (3) summary executions for the more heinous crimes - such as mass-murder and treason to the nation and its people ---- until those three things happen, there is NO HOPE of escaping the hell we presently find ourselves in. Don't delude yourself by thinking otherwise.
Why oh why do you suppose TRUMP and MUSK are working together?? Why oh why could he be that close to our President? Hmmm, I wonder if things are just not up to your level of information, hmmm? WHAT IF YOU JUST DON'T KNOW??? I am very soon to unsubscribe from this drivel, just as I left Ben Fulford behind. There's information, yes, but I feel DISTINCTLY led by the nose down a path which I believe is speculative at the very best, while highly charged in opposition to President Trump.
If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
Musk IS the g0vt, fully entrenched. Make no mistake about that. What is it that Musk has "supplied" to the people. Everything he's done has been bought and paid for by the American taxpayers, with Baphomet Boy as the "front man" for these operations, just the same way Zuckerberg is the "front man" for FB. Neither of these characters "developed" what they're "credited" with developing. Due diligence is required on your part to understand what ALL these programs are, who they're REALLY "owned" & run by, and why.
Really? Where did you get that notion? A Ouija Board? So why did Musk exit California and Silicon Valley? You seem so knowledgeable on what Musk is doing.
Stargate Project: The CIA’s Covert Plan to Deploy an Army of Super Spies With Psychic Powers to Uncover Enemy Secrets
Ray Kurzweil allegedly invented "Remote Viewing" by citing Nikola Tesla's Remote-Control Patents. VR Glasses using "Virtual Encounters" w/ TeleAutomation cites Nikola Tesla (TeslaLeaks.com)
No-one can trust a once child that has been bullied to the extent that Musk has, has a mother who is a model that is part of the One-Eye Club, whose father was a complete narcissistic or psychopathic misogynistic arsehole and both physically and psychologically abused Elon throughout his childhood, and then as a result hooks up with nutters and names their kids X blah blah blah. Let's get this straight. In Psychiatry, we know that family violence is perpetrated by mysogynistic, damaged, either narcissistic or psychopathic parents 99% of the time due to their own abuse as children. This is called inter-generational family violence. If you think Elon has grown up "normal" with no narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies and unaffected then you are all fools.. Notably narcissism is characterized by lack of empathy and grandiosity - because the ego has to desensitise to survive therefore lack of empathy or no empathy is the result, and children learn by what they see and how they are treated. That goes for Trump also. Here, I'll make it wasy. It is high time EVERYONE starts to look at the Elite using the actual diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder and for psychopaths/sociopaths (interchangeable terms that mean exactly the same) ie "Antisocial" Personality Disorder. But remember, both are on a spectrum of severity and not necessarily fulfilling all of the criteria required. But just like Autism, they are ON THE SPECTRUM somewhere between 'normal' and actually fulfilling all the diagnostic criteria. There are also many nuances for both disorders that are 'on the spectrum' that include "High functioning Psychopaths" and there are also covert/vulnerable narcissists.
Here are the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-TR that Psychiatrists use -
You make a lot of good points. Thanks for posting them for people here. Intergenerational violence is important. I'm not disagreeing with you that it's important. It definitely is. But it might not have had a great effect on Elon. Gene-environment coevolution/gene-culture coevolutionary theory can explain any narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies that Elon may have without resorting to your purely "nurture" hypothesis. Obviously he is high on "psychoticism" as a dimension of normal personality, the same as Trump is, but in Elon's case that reflects his (possibly subclinical) Aspergers or high functioning autism, which Trump doesn't have. Interestingly, neither Trump nor Elon seem to have ICD-11 Anankastic PD (OCPD in the American classification system), which is often worse than psychopathy (although can be comorbid with it) and appears to be the disorder of many of those who mandated the jabs, and particularly the subtype "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." It's related to "enforcing sadism with compulsive features" and is quite often comorbid with high functioning autism/Aspergers. There is a very low level of mental health "literacy" for anankastic PD/ OCPD. You also have to throw intelligence into the mix. Narcissistic, psychopathic, compulsive and autistic characteristics manifest differently depending on IQ.
Trump has many of the hallmarks of genius: laziness, tardiness, use of profanity, occasional outbursts, good bullshit artist etc. Elon shows many of these characteristics too
What do you think of Trump's scores on the psychopathy component factors of Oxford University psychopathy researcher Kevin Dutton's assessment measure, as shown in this report by the Daily Mail back in 2016?
Donald Trump has more psychopathic traits than Adolf Hitler, while Hillary Clinton shows 'machiavellian egocentricity': Scientists conclude BOTH presidential candidates may be psychopaths – but claim that could be a good thing. Researches compared presidential nominees to historic leaders.Found Trump scored high in area linked to successful presidencies. He also scored higher in the negative group 'self-centered impulsivity'
Hillary ranked highest for Machiavellian Egocentricity, but below Trump
(As an aside, as a layman I'd never before come across the term "Carefree Unplanfulness" for a potentially problematic point on a spectrum concerning "difficulty planning ahead and considering the consequences of one's actions," although I can understand its relevance.
Not to make light of a serious matter, I'd hope for a better term since, on the face of it, it sounds like a lovely, relaxing vacation.)
It does sound like a lovely, relaxing vacation yes, and I'm sure it beats the heck out of debate preparation when you can "wing it" and still defeat your opponent.
By the way, I was able to watch about half of Dogville yesterday, up until the turning point Fourth of July conversation on the bench where Tom failed to kiss Grace after they revealed their feelings.
The movie is deeply absorbing. I'm bracing myself for what happens next.
So Rothschilds at number one - weird how Jason omits them - then REDACTED (rhymes with Fibi, starts with 'B'), and then Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Altman, Ellison, in roughly that order, then Musk?
Can they all be placed at the same "worst" spot? You can't possibly pick which is worst (there is no best, here) since they're all players for a different part of the muti-faceted agenda.
Musk is not to be trusted, especially in the military sector. Why do the people sign allegiance to the Constitution and every step trying to dismantle it. It's bad enough that the patriot act and many others are taking our freedom away inch by inch. Give an inch, and they will take a mile. He acts like a goofy clink on Hogan Heroes or The Three Stooges. Trust must earned once destroyed. It's hell to gain it back.
Here, if you don't yet know about the One-Eye Club (aka Black Eye or Eye of Horus) it is high time you swallow these Red Pills. "Symbolism will Be There Downfall"
It's a BIG CLUB and YOU are not in it. Be grateful.
Now, do you really believe in the Moon landing? Perhaps they landed on the Moon decades before 1969. That is my conclusion. But Buzz Aldrin is also part of the One Eye Club.
Do you really trust someone that shows this taste in women? FFS. Seriously, run the other way. What would you do if your son/daughter brought them home to dinner?
A lot of interesting ideas and statements in this post. Some outrageous and lacking in any substance. Possibilities but far short of any actual proof of anything nefarious. So far. Emperor of the world is likely a physical impossibility at this stage even with a couple trillion dollars backing.
Anyone see the brilliant film "Fracture" with Anthony Hopkins? All chickens with their heads cut off until the last 5 minutes. Be patient everyone, there is a plan and it is going to work. Y'all sounding more like the deep state at the moment.
I've mentioned in multiple fora that I don't trust Musk. He is part and parcel of the military-security establishment/complex. Nobody sends up spy satellites for the USG without being a part of that swamp.
I dont trust Musk either. I have my own mind. I am MAGA but my head is not up my ass or anyone else's.
Just my opinion but the alternative to not trusting him is to trust him and if one starts doing that blindly. with anyone (except of course President Trump, whom, as your critics say, one should always trust blindly), then the next thing you know is you'll find yourself standing in line with 81% of Americans, bleating "baa, baa," rolling up your sleeve for a beautiful Trump-Malone vaccine, forgetting everything you've ever learned, believing it's safe and effective and saved 100s of millions of lives.
And then, " ...you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack - And you may find yourself in another part of the world - And you may ask yourself, "Am I right, am I wrong?" - And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done?" (Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down - Letting the days go by, water flowing underground - into the blue again, into the silent water - Under the rocks and stones, there is water underground - Same as it ever was, same as it ever was ..)"
Better, in my humble opinion, to adopt the attitude to your detractors of Eminem in "Bitch Please II," i.e., "And you don't really wanna fuck with me - Only **** that I trust is me - Fuck around and make me bust this heat - That's the devil, they always wanna dance ... Gotta love it 'cause I expose the façade ... So who do you trust? They just not rugged enough - When things get rough, I'm ... shootin' ... Bitch, please! You must have a mental disease - Assume the position and get back down on your knees - Come on"
The Federal Government was set up to provide a common defense and regulate interstate commerce. That is all.
I don't know why politicians and military members take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution..." as the Constitution is so egregiously ignored that it's ridiculous.
The right to sodomy enshrined in the US consitution (Lawrence v Texas (SCOTUS, 2004)) is not egregiously ignored at all. Constitutional conservatives, although not their catamites (because, being minors, they cannot consent) celebrate and defend this right every day. Celebrating and defending what the constitution enshrines is, to them, central to what it means to be an American.
excellent post
10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Sodomy is not my bag, but we either have a Constitution or we don't.
Agreed, but the Federal Government was only set up to provide common defense and regulate interstate commerce. So I am good with Military Industrial Spending.
Common defense is quite clear. Congress not declaring a war since WWII (e.g., having uninvited US troops in Syria) is not cool.
You think Congress needs to declare war? What pretext should the US fabricate for the casus belli?
This is just total bullshit. Musk has no love for the deep state and the swamp or the CPC. Musk is nobody's girl. The deep state and the swamp and the CPC are Musk's enemies. Not even Bibi owns Musk. Musk is frustrated that the US Constitution, at least at this point in time, renders him unable to be the de jure president. He cannot be president officially, yet,, and can only be a de facto president. That is a difficult obstacle to get around. However, Musk's ambitions likely exceed the presidency. Remember, he thinks, based on solid empirical data that he is correct, that the US is a nation of low IQ retards. Why would he want to be "King of the retards," or president of the retards? Musk wants to be an Emperor, not just a mere president. He wants to rule high IQ countries too, as well as to rule the US. I would not call him a megalomaniac but there is every indication that Musk aspires to rule the world. This could probably be most readily achieved by entering the UK House of Commons in a by-election as a Reform candidate then taking over Reform and assuming the Prime Ministership. His first action would be to declare a state of emergency. He could then consolidate his powers and eliminate opposition and would have a seat on the UN Security Council, with veto power and a nuclear arsenal. Musk would rapidly revolutionize and increase the power of the UK Armed Forces. He would supply them with advanced military technology probably still under wraps and never shared with anyone and enter into new international military alliances, including with Russia, China and North Korea. His goal would be to attain military supremacy over the US. He would take all of Europe then Africa and then Asia and make himself Emperor. Next he would turn on Russia, China and North Korea. That's what I would do if I was him anyway. The idea that he would serve the swamp and the deep state or zChina is just ludicrous.
"Not even Bibi owns Musk."
Whom DOES Bibi own?
Whom doesn't he own?
"2nd Smartest" is welcome to his opinion. But I take issue with his use of the word "queen" in describing Musk. Entirely unnecessary, inaccurate, and highly derogatory.
It must be added that *2nd Smartest* bans everyone who doesn't fall in lockstep with his self-appointed role of High Oracle, thus proving that he lacks the courage of his convictions and is un-smartly closeminded.
In other words he has no respect for the principle of freedom of speech and instead operates a fascistic Zuckerberg or Fauci style censorship regime and presides over an echo chamber, the complete opposite of what Paul does.
Some answers in song plus free coffee break entertainment!---https://rumble.com/v5d4805-mask-by-roy-mcintosh-video-banned-on-youtube-and-facebook..html
Thanks, Roy! That must be you singing?!
ROCK STAR ROY ho ho ho
What a brilliant young man Barron Trump is. Elon level smart, off the charts! Good genes!
Not a typical retarded "American Idiot."
Check this out Kathleen, from the latest Kingston Report:
"It was all ILLEGAL!" - Barron Trump* Calls for Fauci to Go to Prison"None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything. Those who coordinated this (i.e. Fauci) need to go to prison." KAREN KINGSTON JAN 27, 2025
Barron posted on X yesterday:
Department of Health Admitted:
-Anthony Fauci was ILLEGALLY APPOINTED along with 14 other people
- Those 14 people were in large part responsible for sweeping mandates of control issued from December, 2021 to March of 2023
- These are people who were not supposed to have control, taking control and telling the whole country what they had to do during this time
- They spent $26 billion when they didn't have the legal right to If people were adversely affected by the choices of the Department of HHS, this should open up a lot of lawsuits against the United States government. This includes businesses that had to close, people that had extreme distress, whether it be physical or emotional. None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything, those who coordinated this need to go to prison
His parents are deservedly proud.
There has been some negative things said about the 2nd Smartest Guy.
Don't miss this: Watch Elon sing, play guitar, drums and more!! Must see!
If this is what's to come, we are in BIG trouble :-)
The idea that the world's richest man subscribes to the tenets of Marxism on which the CPC was founded, including the nationalization of the means of production, distribution and control and the redistribution of wealth from elites to the plebeians is laughable. "2nd Smartest," who is often very sane, is off his meds here. Musk does not subscribe to these tenets, although neither does the CPC. Musk almost certainly subscribes to the notion, held by many former Soviet bloc residents, that the US, exposed to the world for what it is by Snowden, i.e., a totalitarian mass security secret police surveillance state, is the most communistic regime in history, far surpassing even China where the spirit of entrepreneurship and free enterprise is thriving, in contrast to the US.
Welfare Queen is just a term that was used during the Reagan era, I think, to disparage any individual who was on welfare. No sexual innuendo was involved.
If I'm not mistaken the term is still in use to describe a woman, often a generational "legacy," who "supports" her numerous children of unknown male parentage by collecting government checks funded by the U.S. taxpayer. The more children, the bigger the check.
It isn't used to describe a man on welfare.
"Queen" disparages a certain flaming sort of gay man, and is sometimes used "proudly" by that man himself, if applicable. 2nd Smartest is certainly aware of this. And I'm calling him out on it.
Good to see certain others *finally* starting to catch up. Until we have three things: (1) lengthy prison sentences for many, most especially for Fat Rats; (2) confiscation of ALL wealth obtained via their crimes; and, (3) summary executions for the more heinous crimes - such as mass-murder and treason to the nation and its people ---- until those three things happen, there is NO HOPE of escaping the hell we presently find ourselves in. Don't delude yourself by thinking otherwise.
HOPE 151 Bible results for “hope” from
New King James Version
and perseverance, character; and character, hope.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%205%3A3%2D5&version=NKJV | https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%205&version=NKJV | https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Romans%205%3A4
Why oh why do you suppose TRUMP and MUSK are working together?? Why oh why could he be that close to our President? Hmmm, I wonder if things are just not up to your level of information, hmmm? WHAT IF YOU JUST DON'T KNOW??? I am very soon to unsubscribe from this drivel, just as I left Ben Fulford behind. There's information, yes, but I feel DISTINCTLY led by the nose down a path which I believe is speculative at the very best, while highly charged in opposition to President Trump.
You are not alone. Panic porn must make for good monetization.
SCOTLAND/UK has it's own evil ones and one can only hope they are exposed at THE SCOTTISH PEOPLES MURDER ( COVID ) INQUIRY!---https://youtu.be/o61mSO93_UM?si=-UxKh7pY9L9GgRbg
If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
" Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
Looks like? Eugenicists with fortunes do their job.
Those on welfare don’t produce products nor are they in a position to help government. You are misusing the term welfare. Musk has supplied much to the American people that government would not. https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4911419-musk-starlink-help-north-carolina/
Musk IS the g0vt, fully entrenched. Make no mistake about that. What is it that Musk has "supplied" to the people. Everything he's done has been bought and paid for by the American taxpayers, with Baphomet Boy as the "front man" for these operations, just the same way Zuckerberg is the "front man" for FB. Neither of these characters "developed" what they're "credited" with developing. Due diligence is required on your part to understand what ALL these programs are, who they're REALLY "owned" & run by, and why.
Your entirely self-perceived psychic divination of the character and motivations of others is very Salem witch accuse-y.
Really? Where did you get that notion? A Ouija Board? So why did Musk exit California and Silicon Valley? You seem so knowledgeable on what Musk is doing.
Here is a hint Lizz, https://www.newsweek.com/elon-musk-company-leave-california-spacex-texas-gavin-newsom-1926014
Herding Humanity Jan 22 34:47
CERN Euro Nuclear Rsrch study dev quantum tech quantum comput
CERN Quantum Tech Initiative (QTI)
Open Quantum Institute (OQl)
270 characters for X.com/planttrees Twitter
Episode 408: STARGATE TO HELL? 1:54:08
Stargate Project: The CIA’s Covert Plan to Deploy an Army of Super Spies With Psychic Powers to Uncover Enemy Secrets
Ray Kurzweil allegedly invented "Remote Viewing" by citing Nikola Tesla's Remote-Control Patents. VR Glasses using "Virtual Encounters" w/ TeleAutomation cites Nikola Tesla (TeslaLeaks.com)
No-one can trust a once child that has been bullied to the extent that Musk has, has a mother who is a model that is part of the One-Eye Club, whose father was a complete narcissistic or psychopathic misogynistic arsehole and both physically and psychologically abused Elon throughout his childhood, and then as a result hooks up with nutters and names their kids X blah blah blah. Let's get this straight. In Psychiatry, we know that family violence is perpetrated by mysogynistic, damaged, either narcissistic or psychopathic parents 99% of the time due to their own abuse as children. This is called inter-generational family violence. If you think Elon has grown up "normal" with no narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies and unaffected then you are all fools.. Notably narcissism is characterized by lack of empathy and grandiosity - because the ego has to desensitise to survive therefore lack of empathy or no empathy is the result, and children learn by what they see and how they are treated. That goes for Trump also. Here, I'll make it wasy. It is high time EVERYONE starts to look at the Elite using the actual diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder and for psychopaths/sociopaths (interchangeable terms that mean exactly the same) ie "Antisocial" Personality Disorder. But remember, both are on a spectrum of severity and not necessarily fulfilling all of the criteria required. But just like Autism, they are ON THE SPECTRUM somewhere between 'normal' and actually fulfilling all the diagnostic criteria. There are also many nuances for both disorders that are 'on the spectrum' that include "High functioning Psychopaths" and there are also covert/vulnerable narcissists.
Here are the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-TR that Psychiatrists use -
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ie 'psychopath/sociopath')
Now, reflect on these criteria when you are thinking about FAUCI/GATES/MUSK/BOULA AND TRUMP et al.
You make a lot of good points. Thanks for posting them for people here. Intergenerational violence is important. I'm not disagreeing with you that it's important. It definitely is. But it might not have had a great effect on Elon. Gene-environment coevolution/gene-culture coevolutionary theory can explain any narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies that Elon may have without resorting to your purely "nurture" hypothesis. Obviously he is high on "psychoticism" as a dimension of normal personality, the same as Trump is, but in Elon's case that reflects his (possibly subclinical) Aspergers or high functioning autism, which Trump doesn't have. Interestingly, neither Trump nor Elon seem to have ICD-11 Anankastic PD (OCPD in the American classification system), which is often worse than psychopathy (although can be comorbid with it) and appears to be the disorder of many of those who mandated the jabs, and particularly the subtype "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." It's related to "enforcing sadism with compulsive features" and is quite often comorbid with high functioning autism/Aspergers. There is a very low level of mental health "literacy" for anankastic PD/ OCPD. You also have to throw intelligence into the mix. Narcissistic, psychopathic, compulsive and autistic characteristics manifest differently depending on IQ.
Trump has many of the hallmarks of genius: laziness, tardiness, use of profanity, occasional outbursts, good bullshit artist etc. Elon shows many of these characteristics too
What do you think of Trump's scores on the psychopathy component factors of Oxford University psychopathy researcher Kevin Dutton's assessment measure, as shown in this report by the Daily Mail back in 2016?
Donald Trump has more psychopathic traits than Adolf Hitler, while Hillary Clinton shows 'machiavellian egocentricity': Scientists conclude BOTH presidential candidates may be psychopaths – but claim that could be a good thing. Researches compared presidential nominees to historic leaders.Found Trump scored high in area linked to successful presidencies. He also scored higher in the negative group 'self-centered impulsivity'
Hillary ranked highest for Machiavellian Egocentricity, but below Trump
An interesting and informative post.
(As an aside, as a layman I'd never before come across the term "Carefree Unplanfulness" for a potentially problematic point on a spectrum concerning "difficulty planning ahead and considering the consequences of one's actions," although I can understand its relevance.
Not to make light of a serious matter, I'd hope for a better term since, on the face of it, it sounds like a lovely, relaxing vacation.)
It does sound like a lovely, relaxing vacation yes, and I'm sure it beats the heck out of debate preparation when you can "wing it" and still defeat your opponent.
Love your example! Thought the same : )
By the way, I was able to watch about half of Dogville yesterday, up until the turning point Fourth of July conversation on the bench where Tom failed to kiss Grace after they revealed their feelings.
The movie is deeply absorbing. I'm bracing myself for what happens next.
I am glad you are enjoying the movie. I won't say anything about what happens so as not to spoil it.
Stay sheep, my friends.
So rank who is worse in order from least to most dangerous…
Musk, Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos…
Chatham House (UK), Crown, then Rothschilds who are in the running higher up. They supply orders to be carried out worldwide.
So Rothschilds at number one - weird how Jason omits them - then REDACTED (rhymes with Fibi, starts with 'B'), and then Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Altman, Ellison, in roughly that order, then Musk?
It was not meant to be an exhaustive list but that at which are currently seen connected one way or another to Trump administration.
Can they all be placed at the same "worst" spot? You can't possibly pick which is worst (there is no best, here) since they're all players for a different part of the muti-faceted agenda.
That Musk is an enemy of Altman is interesting.
Musk is not to be trusted, especially in the military sector. Why do the people sign allegiance to the Constitution and every step trying to dismantle it. It's bad enough that the patriot act and many others are taking our freedom away inch by inch. Give an inch, and they will take a mile. He acts like a goofy clink on Hogan Heroes or The Three Stooges. Trust must earned once destroyed. It's hell to gain it back.
Here, if you don't yet know about the One-Eye Club (aka Black Eye or Eye of Horus) it is high time you swallow these Red Pills. "Symbolism will Be There Downfall"
It's a BIG CLUB and YOU are not in it. Be grateful.
Elon Musk's mother is part of the One-Eye Club -
May Musk -
Now, do you really believe in the Moon landing? Perhaps they landed on the Moon decades before 1969. That is my conclusion. But Buzz Aldrin is also part of the One Eye Club.
And are you really going to trust the son of May Musk dressed like the Borg?
Do you really trust someone that shows this taste in women? FFS. Seriously, run the other way. What would you do if your son/daughter brought them home to dinner?
This is absolutely 💯 👌 🔥
A lot of interesting ideas and statements in this post. Some outrageous and lacking in any substance. Possibilities but far short of any actual proof of anything nefarious. So far. Emperor of the world is likely a physical impossibility at this stage even with a couple trillion dollars backing.
"at this stage" but Rome wasn't built in a day and nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Anyone see the brilliant film "Fracture" with Anthony Hopkins? All chickens with their heads cut off until the last 5 minutes. Be patient everyone, there is a plan and it is going to work. Y'all sounding more like the deep state at the moment.