Biden's announcement today was the OPPOSITE of what the American people want, proving he and the Obama criminal regime are totally lawless traitors, and must be swiftly dealt with the appropriate sentence.

AND we will deport all the illegals they imported.

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boom, lawless traitors, I had shared a stack couple days ago on this that was coming, seen on blaze...but as you say Dave, this has one way now, we mass deport, each and all. 45 said he would, we hold him to it.

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border must be sealed.

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“Swiftly dealt with?”

I agree with your statement Dave, the problem is, not one single action this administration has done against American citizens and our values,

has not only,

1. not been dealt with,

2. nothing will be done!

3.Not today, not tomorrow, not until?

Certainly not swiftly.

There is no way in hell

1. anyone will

2. nor has anyone dealt with ,

An Entire non-elected bureaucratic exposed agenda driven acts of unconstitutional governance, Obama has pushed upon all Americans!

Something is deeply troubling and disturbing to say the least! I’ll continue to say, we will not have an election in November!

There will be some kind of domestically and or internationally driven occurrence which will allow, legally or not, this illegitimate president and administration to force “martial law”!


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AJR, something you are saying here is troubling for it may be true...They may and will move to stop the election if it is clear 45 wins...we must be prepared

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point is, they cannot trust 45 now as he will clean house so now its balls to the wall for either side, 45 must get back to clean them out to protect his kids when he is gone, and they must get in to kill Trump and his children....thats the battle and to finish the destruction of USA

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death fight...we chose a side.

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Absolutely, a death fight! Everyone must choose a side for this a war between

“Good vs Evil” !

Think about what you would do if your goal was to takeover / takedown America?

What would you do?

On one side we have, for the most part, good and decent people. On the other side, evil and destructive people.

I’ve never imagined, as most people are could imagine and are witnessing, this level of offensive, intentional and deliberate, aggressive behavior, each on a level, designed to chip away at the core of every decent man, woman and child, of these “United States of America”.

Think about how many people are required, must be involved. Think about any current or past communist nation. China for example. China would never allow “Open Borders” without any restrictions? Absolutely not!

This is only one, the most important one, which all countries fail to survive when they overwhelmingly impose such utter chaos upon their own people!

A sovereign nation must “Protect its Borders” and its people within these borders! This is only one example mind you, of a minimum, of at least 100 socially detrimental, “self inflicted injuries”!

Each, not allowed to heal, before another “self-inflicted” injury is, well inflicted!. As we begin to heal, these evil people continue “picking at our scabs” of these wounds, they’ve inflicted upon all Americans.

Americas foundational wounds, for which we have been building upon, over the years. Though not perfect, we’ll placed and firmly sound building blocks, for nearly 250 years. Remember,

“A Divided Nation Cannot Stand”

To which, any nation will crumble and eventually buckle under its own weight. Another way to look at this is,

“Death By A Thousand Cuts”!

“This is as obvious as looking at your own reflection in the mirror.”

Each time “We the People” pours peroxide on the “wounds of society”, attempting to heal the last wound, someone else inflicts us with another and another and as we’ve seen over the past few years, Covid was the supposed to be the “fatal wound”!

Possibly all things “Covid” haven’t completely played out, though it’s certainly plaguing us, there’s a level of fear and anxiety which the “evil forces” will never allow to heal and continue to use against us.

Still, “We the People” keep trying to “heal the ills” we’re challenged by. Still all these societal pressures and abnormalities which plague us, day after day continues and as we try to heal the last. As we try and bandage and heal from the each wound inflicted upon us, someone else inflicts another. These same evil people have once again “Self-Inflicted” another injury which they continue to plague us with.

Life support systems, have never been so fragile, so weakened for as soon the “American Patient” begins to breathe or stand for a moment, bang, another “shot is heard” and these “self-inflicted” injuries never relent.

“We the People” hold on to hope, and prayer and yes Obama, our “guns and bible”, for you are one of the “evils” which all “good and decent” Americans are fighting back against! You and your anti-America, evil-cult, hate filled belief system!

Your hatred and your contemptuous and deranged “dereliction of duty” as a former president of these United States has been nothing short of disgraceful and shameful!

All Americans know this!

“We the People” are far bigger, far more powerful than you can ever hope to be! Then you ever will be!

These United States of America and the American people are suffering because of you and your “band of thieves”who seek revenge, to completely destroy, a belief system, where as,

“All men are created equal” and who have taken an oath to protect and defend this sovereign nation called America!

Many men and women have shed their own blood to protect us all. Each have stood and respected, recited their oath in alliance to the United States of America for they all,

“Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which It’s stands, One Nation Under God, Indivisible With Liberty and Justice For All” Amen!

You’ll never understand, more importantly, you’ll never be but a speck, in this universe of life, for which, “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” shed His own Blood for all mankind!

All Mankind!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I know the odds are not in trumps favor. Too many ways to rig the election.

Also the NWO boys know we won't fight.

So the game is on them.

They will promote the action that promises the biggest reaction.

What ever that action is our reaction will be the same.

A destabilizing internal war.

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They've already been deported from their source countries to the world's dumping ground. The source countries are not going to allow them to come back and risk them raping and murdering there.

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we will put them somewhere....they are leaving.

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They will self deport when all the goodies are stopped. The people who seriously want to become citizens will fall on line with a government plan to achieve citizenship. All must meet background checks. Of course many bad people will go underground, so this will be a huge undertaking. Self deportation and voluntary departure will naturally come about as the Biden economy inflation rises food gets to be an even bigger problem. It is going to take a lot to turn this Biden mess around.

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The facts are most of us Latinos are tired of these lowlifes giving us such a hard time. It effectively makes living peacefully and safely difficult for all.

I just want to remind you these guys won't go home peacefully.

They are going to fight

And this administration seems to not care.

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anyone who poses a problem, not just Latino, whites, blacks, anyone, we want out...I know there are many good people seeking a life...we find a way to vet that properly legally via the proper way not via the border...

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Good thoughts, let's remember that Mr Biden signed a new act today, basically letting these people vote for the election this November.

Also remember the last election and see how that came out.

President Biden in the White House.

What makes us think that will change?

We are betting a lot on Trump winning.

If he does and kicks these losers out, be ready for some tough times.

Does anyone have an idea on what will happen if Biden wins?

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These criminals and others brought here by the Obiden regime, and the Soros NGO's will have to be sent back to where they came from. This will take a special military operation using the National Guard and local Sheriff's and LEO's in major cities. They can choose to fight if they want to die.

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We must never forget that the Biden administration is inviting them to come to Amerika. Biden is offering his new plan “parole in place.” I’m not kidding you! The government has done nothing to stop NGOs supporting the illegals as they break our laws. The Border Patrol is hampered from doing what they were hired to do which is to keep illegals out.

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These criminals and others brought here by the Obiden regime, and the Soros NGO's will have to be sent back to where they came from. This will take a special military operation using the National Guard and local Sheriff's and LEO's in major cities. They can choose to fight if they want to die.

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Hi Dave, your comment doubled.


While I agree with you,I believe they will fight.

I'm not trying to scare people. I want them to prepare for it.

Better safe than sorry.

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Joined by Soros’ Antifa darlings of course.

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And the fact that they can buy gun without a background check

Plus they have plenty of money to buy guns with, makes one doubt they will leave peacefully.

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No plane carrying them will be permitted to land and no ship carrying them will be permitted to dock where they came from.

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Then we absolutely cut these countries off financially forever! And still force their people back into in their country using our military

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The American majority can want it but the American minority don't and it's minority rule. Plus where are they going to be deported to? Hispanics have the highest rate of conversion to islam of any ethnic group but not even jihadist countries will accept them. Why would they want them raping and murdering in their countries?

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There are enough people here already who rape and kill right? We don't need anymore.

The issue is larger though - just letting illegals come in and supporting them financially is like shitting on the faces of Americans and taxpayers. The government is showing how contemptuous it is of its own people. Just get the immigration system to come up toe the standards of the 21st century. It's so antiquated and time-wasting. I've been through it so I know. I'd like to see America got smart instead of being so dumb.

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Yes, a difficult decision for MOST in America.

Understandable in that when faced with an uncomforting situation of choices DENIAL is the easiest psychological path to take. It requires nothing.

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They need nothing but cowardice to turn their heads away.

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It hasn't mattered what the citizen wanted since the Civil War.

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Ha no chance I’m afraid. In the UK millions have been spent on getting illegals out. There is a long chain of Human Rights laws that parasitic lawyers can use. The most obnoxious one is the ‘right to a family life’. If they have a family in the UK they can’t be kicked out. Period. One Jamaican Yardie said some chick he hadn’t seen for months was his family. I think he’d bred a child with her. He stayed.

Then on top of that you have the Left will kick up a huge stink for EACH illegal. Plus the Church. ( One stayed in a Church for months saying the opposition would kill him. Churches in the UK can legally offer sanctuary.

Then woke passengers on a plane have successfully stopped a deportation.

But the biggest obstacle is the woke media and most of all the civil service. They are institutionally woke and will create havoc.

It’s a great idea, but the Left will fight each INDIVIDUAL CASE through the courts. The media will love producing sob stories of Sanchez has a young family in school and the community loves him. Blah blah.

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I find all of this crazy making…

Personally, I had a way to become an American citizen from Canada. It had to do with my grandma that was born in Minnesota in late 1800’s. My Dad was born in Canada, but also wanted to end up in the US. He married in Canada and had twins. I am one of those twins. I applied for US green card based on my Dad being born before a certain year. I think the threshold was 1934. Anyways, I got an immigration lawyer and made the necessary applications. They said it would probably be 3 years…it ended up being 8 years and my Dad still had to be alive to ‘sponsor’ me…he died in July 2015, I got my letter for my US Immigration interview in Montreal the next month, believe it or not. But my Dad died the month prior. Now after all that, I was no longer eligible. I didn’t go to the interview stating that my Dad had just passed…they said, send us his death certificate, which I didn’t…why do that at this point…

Anyway, thousands of US dollars spent on the application and lawyer. Nothing came from it at the end of the day.

Now I see this bull shit of literally millions just walking in…I did everything right to no avail…it was during the Obama administration…it is beyond belief…but a straight laced hard worker could not enter after 8 years of doing it the right way…

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