Meanwhile Trump still thinks operation Warp Speed was a great achievement. When is he going to wake the f up?

And, to preempt all the 'Trump can do no wrong' contributors. Even if he regains the Presidency, if he doesn't come to his senses on the vaccines, no one will be held to account.

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Just can’t support DeSantis. Too many RHINOS in his corner sending lots of money. He will be beholding to RHINOS-bad idea. That’s how we got where we are; in a totalitarian/ Marxist government.

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The criminals that run Washington are nuts, they elect a guy who is so brain dead he couldn't find his pajama drawer if you opened it for him and they arrest a fellow who knows how to open the drawer, he knows how to find his red hat. Notice, no mask. So what was his sin? He apparently gave a payment to a female from the wrong account. That might be a misdemeanor but it doesn't hold a candle to murdering over a million Americans with a mandated poison concoction and locking them up for two years.

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https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/28/ron-desantis-israel-trip-00089153 DeSantis drinks the same filthy shekel juice as DJT. We will NEVER be a decent, white, christian nation until we break all ties with this ancient enemy. That includes the first step, removing the Federal Reserve (98% privately owned by jewish bankers).

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It was all just part of the plan to exterminate us:

The PLAN revealed


Bill Gates' depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


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In Trump's defense he was among the first to advocate early treatment, hydroxychloroquine. He was lied to by big pharma, Fauci, Birx, about the vaccines.. It's essential for Trump to now condemn the vaccines as a failed experiment

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DeSantis can always put Dr. Joseph Ladapo before the cameras if anyone challenges about any aspect of Covid-19. Was a game changing move.

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Tomorrow we will see just how bad it is going to be going forward . Country’s starting to boycott US currency and they are trying to put the only guy in there way in jail, it won’t be a good day

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I want them charged with crimes against humanity including genocide BECAUSE THAT IS WTF THEY DID!!! This was not a mistake THEY WERE NOT “wrong” because of an “error”

They LIED!!! They LIED ON PURPOSE! They knew they were breaking the law with that GoF research that is the reason they beefed up the labels in wuhan to get it out of here & moved it during the last admin... to deploy it during the last admin

They were not in error about any of the LIES THEY TOLD U.S. ON PURPOSE!


I will never ‘trust’ a bureaucratic institution in my life much less believe they are not LYING THROUGH THEIR CORRUPT CROOKED TEETH!

From now on? if you are in power? YOU ARE SUSPECT

& the burden of proof that you are not a human trafficking monster like the Nazis & stalinist pedovores who perpetrated these crimes upon u.s. & the previously free world...

People who are awake?


raise your own kids home school them become self employed grow your own food try to move off grid

What needs to happen NEEDED TO HAPPEN YEARS AND YEARS AGO & until that does happen?

We are nothing but victims of Genocidal global cabal perpetrating ongoing genocide with a pack of ongoing lies...

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So where is it, Ron? Speak up! Don’t just ask rhetorical questions. That’s not leadership. That’s fence sitting, holding your finger in the air. Best stay out till ‘28 if you’re still a thing.

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They did it on purpose, it was job well done for them...so there will never be accountability. Instead they were rewarded handsomely...

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Yes, WHO will be held accountable, and when,if ever?

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Thank you for your work helping to grow the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION that will hopefully unite people to ACTION ASAP!

I have been working with Lex Greene for 15 years and this is my general message going out everywhere today…

I think writer, Lex Greene says it all at this moment in America’s history!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need to know!


Ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction? Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

P.S. Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Well, Governor DeSantis, I have written Attorney General Ashley Moody directly on this topic of accountability. It would be an attorney general who would have the authority to hold the criminals to account, yes, for the crimes committed against the people of Florida???

My first correspondence delivered to AG Moody (cc'ing you of course) via FedEx with signature proof of delivery contained a binder full of evidence -- 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕 evidence of felonies committed by Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, et.al. This evidence came to us from David E. Martin. Among other items in that binder was Martin's 200-page "Fauci Dossier." Is AG Moody working through this, Governor?

My second correspondence to AG Moody contained 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕 evidence of criminal malfeasance on the part of ScarfLady™ sent once again with signature proof of delivery -- copying in you, of course.

That correspondence I posted on my Substack if you're interested in reading it, Governor -- unless you have??? It details the specific instances of chargeable malfeasance on the part of Birx mainly, but also Redfield and others. I merely used Birx's book to spell out in black-and-white her crimes which she herself spells out in book!

These treasonous doofuses (They're actually not very smart at all -- 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚.) "worked" behind the scenes to set up the basis for what oath-breaking governors like yourself would use to unlawfully shutdown lives and economies while limiting the free movement of free people about Planet Earth.

So, Governor DeSantis. When 𝒂𝒓𝒆 those responsible for their part in this greatest of crimes against humanity going to be held to account? When indeed?

The answer is in the mirror, Governor.

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I'm not 45's biggest fan but he is the best president we've had in my lifetime. I came across this article on stopworldcontrol.com. It gives a different perspective on DJTs position on the clot shot. Check it out.


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