Why are we inviting them to go there vs requiring it.

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Actually, they'd be thrown off roofs, but why argue? Tomato, Tomahto.

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We see these same actors jump on leftist narratives they know nothing about.

Shhhh, the globalists don’t want the alphabet people to find out what Islamic radicals do to Gays and transgender people.

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When he's right he's right.

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Dersh is a whack job, a constitutional law professor happy to vax us to death and deploy any argument to defend Israel (which I am happy to do before this year). No one should ever cite Dersh as grounds for anything. Give him a pacifier and a quiet room.

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Paul and all,

You might want to learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…


Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization…


Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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Alan's one to never mess around as sense contradictions in layers. :)

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After 9/11, I decided to check out what the Quaran said to some extent. While I am a Christian and plan to stay one, I found some interesting things. For instance, there is no right of revenge in the Quaran. Under it, if someone attacks you and then retreats, it's over and you are not allowed to go after that person. I haven't seen that in other religions. Unlike the Jews (who BTW were responsible for the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus), the Muslims believe in the teachings of Christ---although they just see him as a profit and not as the Son of God. Maybe it's time to come from something other than hate when dealing with Muslims. In Gaza, there are Christian chuches, hospitals and schools, which have been bombed and destroyed by the Israeli Government. Israel, not the Gazans, have attacked and killed Christians. Israel destroyed the U.S.S. Liberty and murdered American servicemen on board. Maybe, some of us are on the wrong side of this genocide of the innocent children of Gaza. Over two thousand children and babies have been murdered by the Israeli Government in the last week. Israelis have aborted the unborn babies of Christian women they have bombed and killed in the last week. Don't those lives mean anything? The Talmud says that we Christians are animals, not humans and that it is okay to rape and kill us. Read it. The people and children of Gaza don't feel that way about Christians. They welcome us. I keep picturing how I'd feel if my children were bombed and murdered. It's called empathy. How do you think the women feel in Gaza as they hold their dead babies who were killed in this genocide that our country has supporterr and promoted.? It's time Israel's Government was restrained from any further acts of terrorism and mureder.

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I agree . Just found out Freemasons and lions clubs are owned by Hammas . Very troubling. Makes me think the Rockefeller's and all the other Jewish elite are not actually Jewish since most are Freemasons .

A lot of trickery going on.


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It seems to me that I was taught that it was the Romans who killed Jesus.

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Pilot didn't want to kill Jesus and offered to execute a violent criminal instead. The Jews demanded Jesus be killed instead. Read the four gospels.

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Actually they would not be immediately murdered. Instead they would be very prominently used as human shields. Hamas would be amused to see the West in a lather when the IDF killed members of LGBTQIA+*%#

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That is funny.

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What you don’t know and will soon find out that AD and his ilk are happy to use you, and then spit you out like gum when they decide you’re past their use-by date. Wake up.

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Homosexuals get free flying lessons (thrown off rooftops) in many Muslim countries.

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Good for Dershowitz.

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I think they would be probably stoned to death.

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The only thing he's ever said that I can agree with.

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