BOOM, Dershowitz is on the money, why? Because islamists jihadists, strick adherents to islam, kill gays and transgender people, suffer them and brutalize them! It is no secret so he says go there,
see how it works out, or did Linda Sarsour not whisper it to you! Gays are deranged in this, they are the number one target with non-believers in islam...go there, in a few hours will be hanging
‘On Wednesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz urged the students who have blamed Israel for the Hamas terrorist attacks against it to go volunteer in Gaza, especially members of groups representing gay and transgender students for Palestine. He also argued that the willingness of these groups to overlook Hamas’ treatment of women, gay people, and transgender people is the “best proof that this is all antisemitism” because “these protestors are willing to give them a pass on these core issues, as long as they also hate Jews and the nation-state of the Jewish people.”
Why are we inviting them to go there vs requiring it.
Actually, they'd be thrown off roofs, but why argue? Tomato, Tomahto.