Honestly Dr Alexander, every executive orders signed or decision’s made by Biden must be investigated!

Do you know what recourse,

if any, can legally be pursued, against the Biden Administration, because of Biden’s deteriorating cognitive abilities?

When I think about how many executive orders Biden or whoever, has signed off on, coupled with, the constitutionality of such executive orders, America has been taken down this road of no return, IMO.

Since becoming President Biden has executed the following:

As of July 8, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 139 executive orders, 190 presidential memoranda, 629 proclamations, and 129 notices.

Without digging deeper, who knows exactly what the above executive decisions impact will have on our Constitutional rights and freedoms? More over, have they already impacted, our nation and how?

It wouldn’t surprise me the negative impact the above executive decision’s have already had. Title IX is a one example.

Another example, equally devastating to all Americans that I’m aware of, was signed in Sept of 2022 regarding “informed consent”. Which says in part and I’m paraphrasing, all Americans can no longer refuse and or stand in the way of, any medical treatment’s, which advances the merging of “technology and human beings” or what I know it as“transhumanist”.

Any thoughts Dr Alexander regarding Biden’s mental degradation and literally every presidential orders Biden has supposedly signed is always appreciated.

Thank you Dr Alexander. You’re always “out-front” in the lead, many steps ahead of the pack!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Yours is a very informative and important post! I’m gonna put it on Twitter! I did not hear about that executive order on trans humanism I’m going to look into that now.

I’m also going to take time today to look through all these executive orders you mentioned, that’s a lot.

Yes, I agree. This is the best Substack and blog out there, he’s always steps ahead of the rest and telling the truth.

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@Biden signs executive order

designed to unleash

transhumanist hell on America

and the world”


I found the Executive Order I

Mentioned earlier today.

It was under New York Post but you still have to drill down. Obviously this “ illegitimate administration” IMO, doesn’t want anyone to find the facts!

Thank you again, I will send the entire article when I have more time today.


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Rhonda, I found part of the article I had sent to a few people 2 plus years ago. The New York Post originated the article if I recall correctly. There’s so much information today it’s difficult to keep up with. Below is the information:

Thank you Rhonda.


This is the snippet of Biden’s executive order I mentioned to you which was singed in September 2022, it’s self explanatory

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee who has been blowing the whistle on the experimental COVID shots, said, "Biden’s Sept 12, 2022 Executive Order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene editing technologies needed to merge humans with Ai."

The New York Post noted the order concerns COVID shots, genetically modified seeds and much, much more.

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Thank you Rhonda or should I say “help me Rhonda” help, help me Rhonda?

Absolutely please do! I have the article I’ve been trying to find it. It was originally written by “Karen Kingston” or she reposted it I forgot exactly.

When I find it I will send it to you. This is so critical Rhonda for as many people to understand.

Thank you again Rhonda.

Thank you so much!


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Pardon this heavily paraphrased quote, but it seems appropriate as we continually allow democrat lawbreaking to go unpunished: "Tolerance is the lube for the dildo of corruption "

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You could not be more right, Steve C. How very few people understand this concept.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Yep, Jorge. By allowing the English majors (I'm being kind) to re-word and redefine our most sacred gifts and abilities, our long past culture of excellence has devolved into.... whatever one wants.

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Correct. It's the logical principle of Ex Falso Quadlibet.

It's nothing short of a miracle that we remain standing.

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These same "systems" exerted their influence on the Chinese with the lead up to both Opium Wars... and the lease of Honkong to the Brits. They had the Chinese completely divided and vulnerable. This power began to be largely defeated from forces within and without. Lots of good people died. Is this about where we are now?

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The same thing is happening in most western nations as if on cue.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

As I wrote before the 2020 elections, WHO'S GOING TO STOP THEM? That was why I implored Trump to fight them tooth-n-nail, to not just hand over the country to a criminal Cabal. My words fell on deaf ears. Other than give us empty words, Trump waved goodbye, boarded his private jet, and handed over the country to the Globalist Cartel. We've been suffering ever since, with more to come.

Think whatever you wish, I hold DONALD TRUMP responsible for our present state. Neither you or I could declare war on the Globalist Cabal - that requires immense power, authority and resources that none of us have. But Trump DID have all of those things. Trump could have and should have declared war on the Cabal. He failed to do so ... he failed to do ANYTHING. Not even ONE Fat Rat criminal was held accountable or taken out of circulation under Trump. So here we are. Read 'em and weep.

Can we come back from this hell? Maybe. But I see no peaceful way of doing that. The criminals will NEVER go quietly, they'd rather burn the whole thing down before they relinquish power. Just look at France as an example. Therefore, prepare yourself for either more hell under the Cabal, or for a bloody conflict. I see no third option - do you?

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I think JFK tried...... I can only HOPE Trump learned just how evil this sht is....He's had 4 years to figure it out. I look at his family and can only hope they are the result of a decent father.

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Maybe JFK tried, but that was over 60 years ago. We need action TODAY!

If we don't get it then prepare yourself and your family for endless hell under a gang of criminal psychopaths. Realistically, there is nothing else that any of us should expect.

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....and they're accelerating.

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Yes, they are. And why wouldn't they? There's nothing stopping them and greed for wealth and power has no limits. So why would they stop? They're living in a criminal's paradise - free to do as they please without fearing any consequences.

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Dr. Alexander: Did you see the illegal aliens robbing a convenience store in Colorado. Very bad hombres. They were a Venezuelan gang. They were beating the female clerks over the head with

their guns (where did they get guns?) One actually pulled one woman by the hair and up the

steps. What's the great Leftist Governor of Colorado doing about it?

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The best theories I’ve heard on illegals voting is that they get automatically registered to vote through the DMV/ID/work visa programs and then the mail in ballot harvesting system will use their names to vote without them ever going to the polls. That’s how they plan to beat a Trump landslide. That and all the extra dead people they murdered with the jab.

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Maybe it is time for threats? Not for physical violence, but simply Joe you veto the bill you get 25th amendment thrown at you! You are not of sound mine, you broke your oath of office! You let terrorists into America, you are non campus mentus!

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We're long past the time for "threats". ACTION is the only thing that'll save this disaster.

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We all need to exercise our second amendment rights and get prepared. Did you guys see the video of the sheriff, warning us…?

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My way it is both, threats and action, get the bum out of office!

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Dr. Creole Gumble in the comments section of Dr. McCullough 's stack at the link below has probably correctly deduced what is wrong with Biden: Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. There are reports in the literature linking this condition to both SARS-CoV-2 infection and covid vaccination.

Biden's Neurodegenerative Syndrome Consistent with COVID-19 Vaccine Injury


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