not in agreement & the entire academic community is NOT in agreement with RFK Jr.'..."I have heard many statements he has made in the past & clearly, I am not in agreement, he is wrong"!
If nor prosecuted questions surface on DJT. Everyone should view Katherine Watt's presentation! She is absolutely correct in stating "WHO is a military operation."
WHO is a Rockefeller- Wellcome Trust creation, now 80% funded by Gates. It’s a vaccine pushing investment org. DOD did finance Covid & vax research. US pays for its own demise.
I can't say whether this is true or not, but what proof do you have that it is true? Convince me with hard data. I agree Big Pharma is corrupt but that corrupt? I need proof.
Oh ok. What companies have paid out the biggest criminal liability fines in history? How long did it take for Thalidomide to be taken off the market after the first whistleblower warned of serious birth defects? Read Empire of Pain for a highly detailed description of 50 years of unbridled corruption that led to literally hundreds of thousands of deaths with the Oxycontin/Fentanyl scandal. Even pharma shill Paul Offit wrote a book on the Sackler polio vaccine scandal. And if you really want an eye opener, read Vaxmania or Dissolving Illusions. Happy reading 🧐
Dr David Martin has reams of it. Documents of patents going back decades. Try Goggle. Great speaker. He’s got slides showing his proof. He’s a former bioweapons inspector for the gov.
What the hell is wrong with Trump? We all wanted RFK because we want mRNA jabs to end and people need to be held accountable. Why is Trump so stupid??? We all need to get our voices heard and back RFK!!!
Trump said: "We also have the head of Pfizer here so I want to thank him, one of the great people, one of the great businessmen, thank you Albert, thank you."
I'm sure they struck a deal when Trump met with Pfizer and Eli Lily at Mar-a-Lago. Now he's chummy chummy with Big Pharma. It couldn't be any more obvious.
If so then I’m done with Trump and will no longer go to battle for him. He will be another worthless POS who sold their soul to the devil for greed over lives.
Exactly what the devil wants you to do! Margaret has TDS issues and is just speculating. Trump doesn’t need money from Pfizer and isn’t getting any— and if he did he surely wouldn’t make Bobby his HHS Secretary! Keep supporting Trump - you won’t be sorry! Don’t let them sway you with lies!
Did you miss all the boos and Trump not saying a word to defend him and then looking down with a sideways smile.. as to say.. thanks for walking into the trap. Trump cannot stand big Pharma that’s for sure.
This is a rope-a-dope on a massive scale. There needs to be a critical mass of public opinion pushing to take on Big Pharma, USAID, Washington based "Federal Government" and, despite reams of evidence pointing to decades of corruption and nefarious activity, the majority is still completely brainwashed by historical narratives, "education" and propaganda. You can lead donkeys to water but you also need to make them drink.
Yes in a way I do think Bourla was set up for the crowd reaction at the WH - yes. Trump is good at trolling and sending messages in this kind of way. Bourla had to feel a bit uneasy getting boo’d like that. Trump extended the booing by introducing him again once the booing started. We got s second round.. then the sly smile while letting the crowd rip again!! Loved it! You better believe Trump knows MAGA hates the shots and the reasons. His own sons are not big fans .. for 4 years they have been going on anti-shot peoples podcasts and events like Clay Clark’s Reawaken Tour. Bannon is against these shots, Kash Patel, Peter Navarro is too.. pretty much most or all of them .. some from the start.. others after taking the initial one or two then learning.
Even though the data clearly showed it was very dangerous - he kept bragging about his warp speed. A project that was startet well before his precidency.
Simply untrue & false. If you were right NO WAY RFK Jr. would be anywhere near Trump esp not as HHS Director. TDS can be very disabling and blinding to reason.
"He knows that they got approval based on months of data and not the multiple years it needs to properly assess adverse effects, rare events, harms etc."
This was, like everybody knows, the goal. Trading speed for safety. To cut the approval process of biomedical products to mere hours or weeks. It was always the hindrance for VCs and investors.
Leadership under this Trump administration? AI, quantum computing and BIOTECHNOLOGY.
I like Trump lots, really do, he to me is a character, a clown, a good man, good things, bad things...and he is right many times but dangerously wrong many times
Not many times. And we have to realize, Trump is not deep state, he is not a member of the criminal syndicate than was running this country, and he does not hate America. There is no other single man on the face of the earth who could do half what he has done to help people and save our Republic. Without him America would have ceased to exist already.
I don't agree. Some see thru all ofvthis, others dont.
He/they are driving us all into ai governance --- under the guise of cleaning house and the rest of the "show", doge, cuts, lay-offs, all that we WANT. Look at the technocrats he's surrounded by. Cold hearted greedy evil characters.
if 'many' is the wrong term, ok, will pull that back but he is wrong. and is unwilling to admit so but we can argue about that another day...I am trying to say that many seek for me to disparage him and come against him...I cant...I am angered by his failure on OWS and the mRNA but am still giving him chance to redeem himself and fix the wrongs. on balance, I judge by the arc...I dont know him in his life to make aspersions and judgements...I loathe many around him. and they fail to school him.
He's dangerously wrong more than he's right. And a lot of those EOs have not been implemented. It was all planned to soothe his worshipers. They aren't doing NOTHING!!!
I think you are wildly misunderstanding. Bourla is worried and trying to get out there that HE for one fully believes they are safe etc like the “scientists”… because FRAUD wipes out all his protection. He knows it’s coming and he wants to play innocent and act like only RFK Jr & far fringe believe otherwise.. so he wants to work with him on other things where he can. It’s a BIG COVER!! I think this is good news for us actually! If he wasn’t getting really freaked out he wouldn’t have said any of this! That’s my take.
Not 5D from me just a logical intuitive mind and some common sense & intuition thrown in! There are too many things Trump has said and done & not done over 5 years… that don’t add up to him being pro-Vax & lockdowns, and big Pharma. Even ones that look like they might if you analyze further and deeper there are many more likely things going on. Common sense would say if you loved Fauci or at least agreed on Covid handling & vaxes, loved big Pharma and Bourla etc… even slightly .. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU NOMINATE RFK Jr of all possible people to run the show?! Then tell him specifically not to touch the covid Vax etc. You wouldn’t, he wouldn’t. Makes no sense in any way! I don’t claim to know exactly what is going on but when I put all the clues together I’m feeling pretty darn encouraged!!! In contrast.. The covid & big Pharma criminals are feeling pretty disturbed & desperate..and vulnerable to make mistakes in that mode. Look at the hideous evil scarf lady covering her tush! And the Gates blather… to make a few. We have no reason to be desperate so THINK THINK THINK … at least 2D!!!
No I’m thinking quite logically & clearly.. And you have TDS Stage 5 so that produces a quite major break from reality or truth regarding anything even remotely related to Trump.
The rest of the world is catching up .. this takes time not to screw it up and maximize accountability on those who deserve it most. I cannot stress enough.. it CANNOT BE TRUMP directly taking these people down. We who saw this right away cannot just get impatient and want Trump to one day issue bans & arrests! It would not work. The worst thing we can do is point our fingers at Trump because that’s all the evil behind this scam want us all to do! Support Trump. Support Bobby. Speculation is fine usually but we can not know what’s going on exactly right now. And this is too important. Let the US data get out that’s been hidden… then we will see progress.
Bourla does not believe the injections are safe. The Pfizer Cumulative Analysis Report dated February 28, 2021 for 42,086 trial participants 39 pages shows ON PAGE 7 -3% dead and 27% SEVERELY DISABLED ‼️THAT's 31% DEAD OR SEVERELY DISABLED ‼️ THAT 14,000 people. Is Bourla blind or he just didn't read the report ?🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦❤️
Oh yes you better believe he knows AND has known all along! We all know! There is written evidence & data too all over the world. That’s a main reason why I think he’s trying to COVER in the way he is at this particular time…. so he can try to claim he didn’t really know when he’s charged with FRAUD. What else could he do at this point as he feels the walls closing in? Deny deny deny! Make it clear you & all the scientists believe in the safety & virtues of his product? It’s not gonna work in the long run.. but what else does he have??
I believe the harmaceutical companies are not the originators of the whackzines. They are the non-liable scapegoat coverup of the real machine behind the bioweapons—our very own dee-oh-dee. Propaganda fed to US citizens is lawful under the re-enacted Smith-Mundt act, as evidenced in our news programming stations and social media information platforms, just to name a few. We are unwitting participants in this bread and circus clown world we are living in. There is a lot to uncover and the things I don’t know are greater than what I have come to understand. I saw an excellent video of Katherine Watt breaking down the legalities and legislation being passed over the years and she lays it out for eyes to see and ears to hear. If interested, I think it is titled Katherine Watt, in her own words.
You might want to check out investigative journalist Kelly Cassidy's take on all this. If you're correct on the military's role (and I have no doubt that you are), you clearly would not be able to take them head-on like a bull in a china shop (aka Trump's first presidency). Ask yourself how you would play it if you knew that virtually every institution has placed DS operatives conspiring against you and not just on a national level. Interesting exercise 🤔
Trump actually announced on public media during the end of his first term that the DOD was contracted for distribution of the "vaccines". I saw that myself. It was on live video. Search it up.
Well that's what "I have no doubt that you're right" means. Now, in hindsight after a presidential term during which you were outplayed and betrayed beyond belief, how would you play it?
I would tell the truth to the people. I would admit I was wrong, and ban ALL mRNA "vaccines" and do everything I could to hold those who did the damage responsible. But Trump's continued support of mRNA, and bringing people who support it into his administration make him complicit. He had his chance to own up, but he blew it. He's a FRAUD!!!
And I don’t have any info to base this on, but my thought is that the different pharma corporations probably did do the mass producing of the whackzines under strict supervision. It’s all one big Industrial complex of coordination amongst the established corporate and private and military sectors. Well oiled machines and all.
I’m starting to wonder if Trump is tunnel focused on too much or clueless. Why isn’t he stopping China from buying all our farms and land. So now I hear they bought EZ Pass! What the hell else are they buying and why isn’t he stopping this or even talking about it!!!
Because apparently people like you are just waking up to the realities of unbridled globalism. Fun fact: in 2006 already, a report stated that at least 80% of American ports and terminals were foreign owned, principally by Chinese, Indian and Singaporean companies. Research who owns most US debt (spoiler: Japan, China and UK).
Im not just walking up here. I’ve been researching this crap for years. But some of it is hard to prove. I really pushed after reading the Conspirators Hierarchy. So much has happened since then. Still wonder why no one is pushing for answers to this topic. If more of us make noise.
These are well dressed criminals meant to deceive by their looks. But they are worse than criminals that steal and loot on our streets. Arrest them all forthwith!
I've been cautiously patient with the Trump/RFKjr process. Some good actions by RFKjr have happened...but I'm ready for one of the "Alternative/New media" (being allowed into press briefings and Trump's own admirably open access to media questions)--to start asking some hard (but fair) questions. The rubber needs to hit the road.
Funny how after decades of noone here or anywhere else doing anything tangibly effective against the cabal, everyone's expecting miracles after a month!
If there is no isolated virus, and this is a bioweapon, WHY are we still talking about safety results, and time needed to approve, and ALL OF THE REST OF IT?? You know like the definition of insanity ....😡😡😤
HOW MUCH TIME does it take to make a bioweapon??? And WHICH agency has to "approve" it???!!!
it is time for RFK jr. to schlong this puke
e, if it is so very ‘safe and effective’ and how come you still want indemnity and LIABILITY PROTECTION under PREP Act’?
"The UN has even suggested that aging populations in developed nations should be “replaced” by immigration. Sound familiar? []"
Why is that? Is the birth rate low?
Wait, isn’t this the charlatan who refused to take his own medicine?
Yes, The UN, WHO, WEF are all together with the main globalists with same goals for 2030, 2050. One big party for the new world government.
Bourla makes me sick to my stomach. I guess he can consider that a victory in his quest to make everyone on the planet sick.
RFK Jr is so obviously correct about big pharma and the mRNA jabs. He should call this scumbag out on the carpet for live dress-down and arrest.
he should call Bourla out.
If nor prosecuted questions surface on DJT. Everyone should view Katherine Watt's presentation! She is absolutely correct in stating "WHO is a military operation."
WHO is a Rockefeller- Wellcome Trust creation, now 80% funded by Gates. It’s a vaccine pushing investment org. DOD did finance Covid & vax research. US pays for its own demise.
I can't say whether this is true or not, but what proof do you have that it is true? Convince me with hard data. I agree Big Pharma is corrupt but that corrupt? I need proof.
If you were sincerely interested in proof, you would go looking for it. And you would find it rather quickly, because it's everywhere.
Oh ok. What companies have paid out the biggest criminal liability fines in history? How long did it take for Thalidomide to be taken off the market after the first whistleblower warned of serious birth defects? Read Empire of Pain for a highly detailed description of 50 years of unbridled corruption that led to literally hundreds of thousands of deaths with the Oxycontin/Fentanyl scandal. Even pharma shill Paul Offit wrote a book on the Sackler polio vaccine scandal. And if you really want an eye opener, read Vaxmania or Dissolving Illusions. Happy reading 🧐
Dr David Martin has reams of it. Documents of patents going back decades. Try Goggle. Great speaker. He’s got slides showing his proof. He’s a former bioweapons inspector for the gov.
Bourla is an expert at lieing and NOTHING else. He is also guilty of crimes against humanity.
Thank you for continuing to cover this!
What the hell is wrong with Trump? We all wanted RFK because we want mRNA jabs to end and people need to be held accountable. Why is Trump so stupid??? We all need to get our voices heard and back RFK!!!
He is not stupid. He is obeying his masters.
Trump said: "We also have the head of Pfizer here so I want to thank him, one of the great people, one of the great businessmen, thank you Albert, thank you."
I heard that was crushing made me understand the game more, we are being fucked and played
By Trump?? Is he getting money from
Trump also let Bourla get heavily booed by the whole crowd …saying nothing to stop them or change the subject
I'm sure they struck a deal when Trump met with Pfizer and Eli Lily at Mar-a-Lago. Now he's chummy chummy with Big Pharma. It couldn't be any more obvious.
If so then I’m done with Trump and will no longer go to battle for him. He will be another worthless POS who sold their soul to the devil for greed over lives.
Exactly what the devil wants you to do! Margaret has TDS issues and is just speculating. Trump doesn’t need money from Pfizer and isn’t getting any— and if he did he surely wouldn’t make Bobby his HHS Secretary! Keep supporting Trump - you won’t be sorry! Don’t let them sway you with lies!
Yeah .... and he let the roar from public booing him and he looked up and smiled.
5 D again?
Did you miss all the boos and Trump not saying a word to defend him and then looking down with a sideways smile.. as to say.. thanks for walking into the trap. Trump cannot stand big Pharma that’s for sure.
so you mean he was set up? hhhmmmm interesting
This is a rope-a-dope on a massive scale. There needs to be a critical mass of public opinion pushing to take on Big Pharma, USAID, Washington based "Federal Government" and, despite reams of evidence pointing to decades of corruption and nefarious activity, the majority is still completely brainwashed by historical narratives, "education" and propaganda. You can lead donkeys to water but you also need to make them drink.
Yes in a way I do think Bourla was set up for the crowd reaction at the WH - yes. Trump is good at trolling and sending messages in this kind of way. Bourla had to feel a bit uneasy getting boo’d like that. Trump extended the booing by introducing him again once the booing started. We got s second round.. then the sly smile while letting the crowd rip again!! Loved it! You better believe Trump knows MAGA hates the shots and the reasons. His own sons are not big fans .. for 4 years they have been going on anti-shot peoples podcasts and events like Clay Clark’s Reawaken Tour. Bannon is against these shots, Kash Patel, Peter Navarro is too.. pretty much most or all of them .. some from the start.. others after taking the initial one or two then learning.
You are all on something Trump did no such thing. He's totally in on it with Big Pharma.
Even though the data clearly showed it was very dangerous - he kept bragging about his warp speed. A project that was startet well before his precidency.
Simply untrue & false. If you were right NO WAY RFK Jr. would be anywhere near Trump esp not as HHS Director. TDS can be very disabling and blinding to reason.
"He knows that they got approval based on months of data and not the multiple years it needs to properly assess adverse effects, rare events, harms etc."
This was, like everybody knows, the goal. Trading speed for safety. To cut the approval process of biomedical products to mere hours or weeks. It was always the hindrance for VCs and investors.
Leadership under this Trump administration? AI, quantum computing and BIOTECHNOLOGY.
will hurt us, subvert us for they think in money only...we think in lives
I like Trump lots, really do, he to me is a character, a clown, a good man, good things, bad things...and he is right many times but dangerously wrong many times
Not many times. And we have to realize, Trump is not deep state, he is not a member of the criminal syndicate than was running this country, and he does not hate America. There is no other single man on the face of the earth who could do half what he has done to help people and save our Republic. Without him America would have ceased to exist already.
I don't agree. Some see thru all ofvthis, others dont.
He/they are driving us all into ai governance --- under the guise of cleaning house and the rest of the "show", doge, cuts, lay-offs, all that we WANT. Look at the technocrats he's surrounded by. Cold hearted greedy evil characters.
Connect the dots!
Hoping I'm wrong
if 'many' is the wrong term, ok, will pull that back but he is wrong. and is unwilling to admit so but we can argue about that another day...I am trying to say that many seek for me to disparage him and come against him...I cant...I am angered by his failure on OWS and the mRNA but am still giving him chance to redeem himself and fix the wrongs. on balance, I judge by the arc...I dont know him in his life to make aspersions and judgements...I loathe many around him. and they fail to school him.
He's dangerously wrong more than he's right. And a lot of those EOs have not been implemented. It was all planned to soothe his worshipers. They aren't doing NOTHING!!!
Yep. That was Trump. I saw that. Totally clueless.
When was this?
Shameless liars like Bourla should not be in the President's ear.
Trump has to come clean on this.
Let Kennedy do his job.
Exactly. We all need to speak up and show our support for RFK. Trump needs to know the public wants this.
Trump knows what the public wants. He just doesn't care. He's just in it for himself. Power, fame, and money.
I think you are wildly misunderstanding. Bourla is worried and trying to get out there that HE for one fully believes they are safe etc like the “scientists”… because FRAUD wipes out all his protection. He knows it’s coming and he wants to play innocent and act like only RFK Jr & far fringe believe otherwise.. so he wants to work with him on other things where he can. It’s a BIG COVER!! I think this is good news for us actually! If he wasn’t getting really freaked out he wouldn’t have said any of this! That’s my take.
more 5 D?
Not 5D from me just a logical intuitive mind and some common sense & intuition thrown in! There are too many things Trump has said and done & not done over 5 years… that don’t add up to him being pro-Vax & lockdowns, and big Pharma. Even ones that look like they might if you analyze further and deeper there are many more likely things going on. Common sense would say if you loved Fauci or at least agreed on Covid handling & vaxes, loved big Pharma and Bourla etc… even slightly .. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU NOMINATE RFK Jr of all possible people to run the show?! Then tell him specifically not to touch the covid Vax etc. You wouldn’t, he wouldn’t. Makes no sense in any way! I don’t claim to know exactly what is going on but when I put all the clues together I’m feeling pretty darn encouraged!!! In contrast.. The covid & big Pharma criminals are feeling pretty disturbed & desperate..and vulnerable to make mistakes in that mode. Look at the hideous evil scarf lady covering her tush! And the Gates blather… to make a few. We have no reason to be desperate so THINK THINK THINK … at least 2D!!!
I hope you are right.
I dont think Jdt is full yon the money but somewhat.
on this but right on lots
I think Jdt has a vivid imagination. He's clueless about reality.
No I’m thinking quite logically & clearly.. And you have TDS Stage 5 so that produces a quite major break from reality or truth regarding anything even remotely related to Trump.
The rest of the world is catching up .. this takes time not to screw it up and maximize accountability on those who deserve it most. I cannot stress enough.. it CANNOT BE TRUMP directly taking these people down. We who saw this right away cannot just get impatient and want Trump to one day issue bans & arrests! It would not work. The worst thing we can do is point our fingers at Trump because that’s all the evil behind this scam want us all to do! Support Trump. Support Bobby. Speculation is fine usually but we can not know what’s going on exactly right now. And this is too important. Let the US data get out that’s been hidden… then we will see progress.
some good sage in this post JdT
Yes yes yes
Bourla does not believe the injections are safe. The Pfizer Cumulative Analysis Report dated February 28, 2021 for 42,086 trial participants 39 pages shows ON PAGE 7 -3% dead and 27% SEVERELY DISABLED ‼️THAT's 31% DEAD OR SEVERELY DISABLED ‼️ THAT 14,000 people. Is Bourla blind or he just didn't read the report ?🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦❤️
Oh yes you better believe he knows AND has known all along! We all know! There is written evidence & data too all over the world. That’s a main reason why I think he’s trying to COVER in the way he is at this particular time…. so he can try to claim he didn’t really know when he’s charged with FRAUD. What else could he do at this point as he feels the walls closing in? Deny deny deny! Make it clear you & all the scientists believe in the safety & virtues of his product? It’s not gonna work in the long run.. but what else does he have??
I believe the harmaceutical companies are not the originators of the whackzines. They are the non-liable scapegoat coverup of the real machine behind the bioweapons—our very own dee-oh-dee. Propaganda fed to US citizens is lawful under the re-enacted Smith-Mundt act, as evidenced in our news programming stations and social media information platforms, just to name a few. We are unwitting participants in this bread and circus clown world we are living in. There is a lot to uncover and the things I don’t know are greater than what I have come to understand. I saw an excellent video of Katherine Watt breaking down the legalities and legislation being passed over the years and she lays it out for eyes to see and ears to hear. If interested, I think it is titled Katherine Watt, in her own words.
Can you post a link please?
Here is the link.
You make a great point.
And even after all this time ....I'm confused.
Dont you think big pharma mass produced it??
Yes they did. And they were in contracts with the DOD to distribute it all. It's all one big cabal.
Okay. One big bad evil one!
You might want to check out investigative journalist Kelly Cassidy's take on all this. If you're correct on the military's role (and I have no doubt that you are), you clearly would not be able to take them head-on like a bull in a china shop (aka Trump's first presidency). Ask yourself how you would play it if you knew that virtually every institution has placed DS operatives conspiring against you and not just on a national level. Interesting exercise 🤔
Trump actually announced on public media during the end of his first term that the DOD was contracted for distribution of the "vaccines". I saw that myself. It was on live video. Search it up.
Well that's what "I have no doubt that you're right" means. Now, in hindsight after a presidential term during which you were outplayed and betrayed beyond belief, how would you play it?
I would tell the truth to the people. I would admit I was wrong, and ban ALL mRNA "vaccines" and do everything I could to hold those who did the damage responsible. But Trump's continued support of mRNA, and bringing people who support it into his administration make him complicit. He had his chance to own up, but he blew it. He's a FRAUD!!!
Check out this link
And I don’t have any info to base this on, but my thought is that the different pharma corporations probably did do the mass producing of the whackzines under strict supervision. It’s all one big Industrial complex of coordination amongst the established corporate and private and military sectors. Well oiled machines and all.
I’m starting to wonder if Trump is tunnel focused on too much or clueless. Why isn’t he stopping China from buying all our farms and land. So now I hear they bought EZ Pass! What the hell else are they buying and why isn’t he stopping this or even talking about it!!!
Because apparently people like you are just waking up to the realities of unbridled globalism. Fun fact: in 2006 already, a report stated that at least 80% of American ports and terminals were foreign owned, principally by Chinese, Indian and Singaporean companies. Research who owns most US debt (spoiler: Japan, China and UK).
Im not just walking up here. I’ve been researching this crap for years. But some of it is hard to prove. I really pushed after reading the Conspirators Hierarchy. So much has happened since then. Still wonder why no one is pushing for answers to this topic. If more of us make noise.
A mass killer, a monster, a devil in a suit, pure evil, those are partial descriptions of this monster Bourla, He ia a mass killer and beacon of evil.
In ways beyond the Nazi cartel he kills more and hides more, and 47 calls him a great businessman and friend.
Paul this will not improve until they are no longer breathing.
These are well dressed criminals meant to deceive by their looks. But they are worse than criminals that steal and loot on our streets. Arrest them all forthwith!
What else can the PRICK say? He has to say it or else arrivederci
I've been cautiously patient with the Trump/RFKjr process. Some good actions by RFKjr have happened...but I'm ready for one of the "Alternative/New media" (being allowed into press briefings and Trump's own admirably open access to media questions)--to start asking some hard (but fair) questions. The rubber needs to hit the road.
Funny how after decades of noone here or anywhere else doing anything tangibly effective against the cabal, everyone's expecting miracles after a month!
WHile I remain optimistic about the Death Cult gloabalists have had their day, I will not feel safe until I start seeing arrests.
If there is no isolated virus, and this is a bioweapon, WHY are we still talking about safety results, and time needed to approve, and ALL OF THE REST OF IT?? You know like the definition of insanity ....😡😡😤
HOW MUCH TIME does it take to make a bioweapon??? And WHICH agency has to "approve" it???!!!
I disagree.
I think they're going to roll it back but slowly. Can't do this as a band aid rip. Too many brainwashed people would lose their minds.
Bobby paused the oral mRNA trial. Prediction: he finds out the trial sucked (he already knows) and cancels it.
Trump EO's colleges forbidding covid shot mandates.
A dozen states have legislation pending to ban mRNA shots.
Bourla gets booed at the WH while Trump smiles. Message received.
Let's see how this plays out
nice "Bobby paused the oral mRNA trial. Prediction: he finds out the trial sucked (he already knows) and cancels it."
I mentioned this yesterday
thank you for your sage
hhhmmm Bourla gets booed at the WH while Trump smiles. Message received.
you mean daddy set him up?
He didn't cancel it, he PAUSED it for 90 days. Just watch. They'll find some excuse to bring it back. I don't trust ANY of them.
A 'rocky turn', right!
ha ha