Biden is guilty of much more. Where are the 85,000 lost children? No one knows. “Muckraker” had a report just now on Jesse Watters on Fox. They tried finding these children from the open border. They had addresses. No luck. All the places where the children were supposed to be, there were abandoned homes. It’s a disgrace and this is squarely on the shoulders of Bribery Biden.

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He is a murderer as well along with Obama and Fauci!

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Just saw a report the other night that each of those kid's is worth 1 million dollars in the illegal child trafficking market. Crime like this never ends.

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yes, in our govn, our MPs, elites, congress, senate etc...we can find pedophiles...sick twisted people...

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yes, strong good post

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He’s not wrong. Biden is responsible and needs to go to jail for treason.

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On top of that he has a lot to answer for with his touching those he shouldn't be touching and doing other things that could put him in prison. He would not last long on the inside!

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Briefly hopefully until his Execution by lethal injection.

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They would have to inject all his doubles and clone sleeves. Quite a job if you ask me.

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Biden is a senile corrupt criminal career politician but, it’s Obama who is running the destroy America campaign.

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biDUMB is so stupid he could not even wipe his ample ass with a six foot square paper towel without getting sh*t on both hands. What a totally useless tool. A legend in its own mind, a fool of fools with an ample behind. The ovomit ass kisser, with lips that he did not get from just sucking prunes.

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Biden & his family are so criminal, it’s astounding. Our politicians & mainstream media keep repeating that No One Is Above The Law. It’s time they reap what they sow. They all need to pay for their crimes just like regular folk. No matter how much dementia is there. Biden’s been committing crimes well before now. For decades.

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Biden is not long for this earth, today he struggled to get in an SUV, almost like stiff person syndrome. Hillary is warming up in the batting cage.

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The 1 Key that is not being seen that *IS* in plain sight:

>> Obama is holding Biden's hand - Literally and Technically.

See it's Obama that is doing this - Through Biden.

> That way when the stuff hits the fan, it's Biden that will fall - NOT OBAMA.

I'm of the strong opinion that Obama is indeed running his 3rd Term of office and WE NEED TO START EXPOSING THIS!

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Bummer disappoints destroy children spirit along with the united nations. How could this group after world war two lead into insidious or the original intent of being or was this the intended of selling humans for profit whether alive or dead. Demented has lead to destruction yet the same group sees and refuses to accept the truth. It has to be the other group that has caused all the trouble. Let's burn them at the stake or drown them to death. Another witch hunt not located in Salem Massachusetts even bombarded with vile criminals that also want to kill us just because they are the other group even though innocent even before the trial occurs you are guilty and that's it yet go thru the motions of faking it.

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45 - Trump is 78

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Banana republic s let the evildoers keep going.

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