Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

This is so stupid she asks "HOW did we get COVID + mRNA?"

It's out there but do you think this HANA would ever look at anything other than her big-pharma talking-points??


COVID was deployed to upset the western world, CIA/DOD via Trump/Pompeo unleashed COVID on the world in 2019, Cov-19 had been around in labs & patents since 1980's.

The mRNA was always the 'shield' they now call, it was a bio-weapon since birth, also from 1980's; They wanted guinea pigs in 2020 and vast data on determining a mRNA 'shield' that would protect troops from COV, so they dump covid on the world, many different variants and then dumped mRNA vaccines many different variants, only in the west on Anglo/US-Colonys, then they collected VAERS reports and studied the effects;

Note all VAERS reports were first sent to DOD/CIA, and they only released a few to the public later and now say the reason for few reports is the doctors didn't file;

I always liken this to the 'henrietta lacks' experiment where johns-hopkins infected 1,000's of black women with ovarian-cancer cells to find a cell that was 'immortal'

Its the same goal here with COVID & mRNA they first dumped 100's of COV strains around the world, and then deployed various mRNA formulations to find people ( vaers reports ) that were immortal to the COV, once the immortal cell lines are found then they 'disappear' or put that person on a ventilator and harvest their cells;

Sound crazy? Not at all think about organ-harvesting or elite human vampires doing IV infant blood? Super common today.


In 2017 mRNA bio-weapon delivery was shifted from gain-of-function research to 'directional-evolution' where the current DOD/CIA work today is contracted out to Big-Pharma.


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Doc, you are a certifiable beast!

Dr. Malone replied to me yesterday in Meryl Nass's substack, correcting me on him never having worked for DARPA. I listed 3 damning articles on him and asked if the facts in those we also "fake" and he dared not reply. That spoke volumes.

Screen cap: https://imgur.com/zihhURC

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Meryl Nass MD says that was a fake tweet by “Malone”. She knows him and apparently asked him straight up. No, I’m not defending Malone nor his Breggin attack nor him. I’m not in a “follower” camp on this one. I respect the Breggins integrity and respect Malone’s knowledge. I’m not happy about Malone’s suit attacks. I think it is uncalled for and frankly seems malicious but I do not know enough details to be sure I’m defending the correct people. So no one please attack me for simply passing along information. I would however like to know how Dr Breggin is. Praying for him.

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Paul and all,

Do we agree ALL this Genocide was completely planned and executed by our illegal, unconstitutional government and their friends? BIOTERRORISM 101?

How do we know? Mountains of evidence provable beyond any reasonable doubt?

Says all you need to know today…


P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Sage has tied together the blue check and his other account. Brilliant.

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Jokes on him

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No one could have stopped the preplanned gain of function steam roller going down hill to hell! Deep dive on Moderna and Biotech and learn the truth!

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

Thanks for posting her stuff here, where we can comment, all of her team bans people who are on their list, I know this because all of her share substack friend lists all have the same response to commenting "U R banned 100 years", and not have I ever commented at her site, so they clearly harvest lists of persona-non-grata people and ban their from their honey-pot ; Me thinks its a 'woke' issue all these 'hana sites' are 100% woke & cuck'd; They cannot tolerate non-woke comments they want a safe-space; A Mushroom place;

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In "Lies my Government Told Me" Dr. Malone says that the mNRA technology that he was involved with at the time was still strictly experimental, none of it was tested on people, it was just a technology that they were exploring with. Logic would dictate that when the shots came out, Malone must have assumed that the bugs were properly worked out, otherwise why would he take the shot? Then as we now know, he himself was vaccine injured and he knew the shots were deadly. In retrospect, Malone should have called some of the individuals who developed the "vaccines" and asked them the inside true story. Maybe he did, we'll never know.

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i noticed the first one had a blue check mark and the one you ask is it real doesn't so i think it maybe fake. jmo

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Paul and all,

How about this for a great Sunday message…one of Truth/Light?

Truth/Light will set you free!


Ready to finally unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction, especially the COVID19 NANOTECHNOLOGY theatre? See Lex below…

P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Such disingenuous questions. It's very easy to see if it's real. Look up the tweet. If you can't find it, it's either not real, or it's been deleted. The one from March 27 should be trivial to find, and yet, it's not there.

If you don't have a link then you should not claim it's real, nor should you speculate on the matter until you've verified it, especially if it's already been denied and you have zero evidence it was real.

Misinformation indeed.

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Dr Malone - Has anyone tried the combination of C60 Purple Power with Ivermectin for the COVID garbage? I was recently experiencing serious neurological symptoms that began soon after exposure to some nasal swabs used for COVID testing. I did not use the swabs but soon after I inspected a box of these nasal swabs I became ill. I took C60 in combination with Ivermectin and the results were startlingly great.

Are there any studies on Ivermectin/C-60 treatment protocols.

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A friend of mine sent me a message recommending the following site: https://maloneinstitute.org/wef . Seems like the good doctor is really able to see which way the wind is blowing, but at least he *seems* to be batting for our side.

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Paul and all,

Truths from Lex Greene as I cannot say this any better observing the continuing WAR and The People who have refused to unite YET…

We must begin with two points of agreement…

The American left is totally insane now, and totally destructive of our beloved country, and therefore, they cannot be allowed to remain in power over this country.

Our strength rests in our numbers and unity, nowhere else. So, we either work together to put an end to the evil insanity, or we perish together.

Every American will make a choice, whether they want to or not. Every American will also pay the consequences for those choices.

If you think the future does not depend upon the choice you make today, you’re wrong. But if you have already surrendered, believing there is nothing we can do, then you will be right. You have created a self-fulfilling prophecy of death and destruction by simply refusing to unite for the fight of this century.

The future is in the hands of evil insane immoral and unethical miscreants today and it will remain in their hands, unless we remove it from their hands.

Only the American Citizens themselves hold such power. But they must use that power or lose it forever! Today is the day! There will be no participation trophy’s when freedom is lost forever!


P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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