"Kennedy Jr. suspended the Biden administration's multimillion-dollar contract to create a new COVID-19 vaccine...IMO, major methodological flaws with the Vaxart study that warrants it be terminated!
you cannot run a study like this when the baseline population risk is zero...how could you detect a difference less than zero? you would need to randomized the entire US population and still will not detect a difference. this study is bull shit, methodologically impossible, this is just grift
But they were testing against a control of mRNA transfected victims originally, which, in my feeble mind, would have been a no-brainer slam dunk for the vaxart pill.... but only if it was as inert as a placebo. :)
Now halt the rest! DO IT! I know someone who works in organ transplant and MANY donors have flu and have had flu shots or the combo flu and CV and whatever-else-they-can-stick-in-them shots. It’s all a FRAUD!
Yes! There are positive things happening under RFKjr's HHS: Stopping flu vaccine "wild to mild" ad campaign, meeting w USDA to help family farms and ranches survive and get back to more natural farming and stopping chemical fertilizers that are banned in Europe, cancelling the ACIP vaccine approval group meeting and will be asking for input, pausing this study. These are all steps in the right direction.
So do I. Why? Because he's very tied to the billionaires who have plans. He actually introduced the three of them and they're all part of Stargate. It is not good. Pay attention people!
Wait until you see what she's been working on next! Colonel Gerald W. Parker was Commander of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Trump tapped Gerald Parker to be new head of pandemic office as bird flu threat grows, which most people understand is another fraud and the birds are being killed to destroy our food supply. Do we really want a Ft. Detrick man from USAMRIID as head of a fake pandemic?
Yes, it's a "victory" and I'll gladly take it. HOWEVER ... ... ...
The **MOST** important task remains unmentioned and untouched. I'm referring to the task of holding accountable the criminals of "vaccine" # 1 to fullest extent of the law. I mean, unless *mass murder* has been legalized while I slept. Will Kennedy, Jr. and/or Trump ever get to that task?
I think we all have to understand that just before Biden left office he renewed the Emergency use authorization for the mRNA Covid injection until 2029!! My question is, can RFK Jr. revoke this authorization or not? Are these companies immune from prosecution due to them acting under the PREP Act (unless they committed fraud which I believe that they did but proving it in a court of law is a more difficult matter.)? Biden also pardoned Fauci and a lot of others just before he left as well. Will it take time to find and document all the fraud that went on? Is Kennedy's hands tied more than we know?....
Good questions. So you can understand my answer, let's focus on the main point that I brought up. I'm referring to the fact that *MASS MURDER* (numbering in the *millions*!!) was committed during this largest, most evil crime in all human history.
So my answer is this: If EUA's, immunity, pardons, and similar things cannot be overcome so as to go after and punish to the fullest extent of the law those that carried out MASS MURDER of men, women, children and the elderly at an unprecedented scale, then we are doomed as a species. Just the thought of it is dizzying.
Imagine not being able to punish MONSTERS that killed millions, stole trillions, and locked down the entire planet for months - destroying countless lives in the process - all because some of the SAME criminals that participated in the crime gave the other criminals "authorization", "Immunity" and "pardons". The mind boggles!!!
"Imagine not being able to punish MONSTERS that killed millions, stole trillions, and locked down the entire planet for months - destroying countless lives in the process - all because some of the SAME criminals that participated in the crime gave the other criminals "authorization", "Immunity" and "pardons".
Unfortunately this is the sick evil reality we are living in in this point in time. Horrific isn't it.
Shut down the weeds before taking on the big trees. Logical. You don't want them to pivot to 2.0 in response to you shitting down their 1.0. Also politically easy, since it was FJB's project.
I understand to a point, but how many millions of people have been maimed and killed by a Vaxart product compared to Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, &c., &c? RFK is gonna pick on a relative nobody versus known killers? Makes no sense.
This appears to be the same flawed mentality as the FDA's 510(k) rule where a device to be marketed is as safe and effective, that is, substantially equivalent, to a legally marketed device. We all know what happened with Lyme diagnostics. FDA approval of flawed serology opened the door to the perpetuation of faulty tests
My son mentioned moving to the USA and leaving this shithole and here is why, proof taken from the American Rifleman, the NRA magazine that reports the following in its April 2024 edition.
-Fayetteville N.C. distraught woman shot a 30 year old man forcing his way into her back porch window and called police who found the robber dead. END OF STORY!!!!
-four armed men tried to rob a 68 year old man but he pulled his handgun and shot one of the punks who died on the way to hospital END OF STORY
-woman in Houston was yanked out of her truck and aimed their guns at her but her friend shot one punk dead END OF STORY
There are 8 more true stories and several less criminals wasting good air and skin. Solution is easy. Shoot em dead and bury them.
you cannot run a study like this when the baseline population risk is zero...how could you detect a difference less than zero? you would need to randomized the entire US population and still will not detect a difference. this study is bull shit, methodologically impossible, this is just grift
But they were testing against a control of mRNA transfected victims originally, which, in my feeble mind, would have been a no-brainer slam dunk for the vaxart pill.... but only if it was as inert as a placebo. :)
Now halt the rest! DO IT! I know someone who works in organ transplant and MANY donors have flu and have had flu shots or the combo flu and CV and whatever-else-they-can-stick-in-them shots. It’s all a FRAUD!
we are pushing Gaye, we are...
Yes! There are positive things happening under RFKjr's HHS: Stopping flu vaccine "wild to mild" ad campaign, meeting w USDA to help family farms and ranches survive and get back to more natural farming and stopping chemical fertilizers that are banned in Europe, cancelling the ACIP vaccine approval group meeting and will be asking for input, pausing this study. These are all steps in the right direction.
I believe Trump won't allow RFK to stop all of the bioweopens
I agree with that too, you are smart
So do I. Why? Because he's very tied to the billionaires who have plans. He actually introduced the three of them and they're all part of Stargate. It is not good. Pay attention people!
Wait until you see what she's been working on next! Colonel Gerald W. Parker was Commander of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Trump tapped Gerald Parker to be new head of pandemic office as bird flu threat grows, which most people understand is another fraud and the birds are being killed to destroy our food supply. Do we really want a Ft. Detrick man from USAMRIID as head of a fake pandemic?
This is one democrat I was pleased to have appointed as HHS ... he knows this stuff upside down and backwards. ROCK ON Bobby!
Yes, it's a "victory" and I'll gladly take it. HOWEVER ... ... ...
The **MOST** important task remains unmentioned and untouched. I'm referring to the task of holding accountable the criminals of "vaccine" # 1 to fullest extent of the law. I mean, unless *mass murder* has been legalized while I slept. Will Kennedy, Jr. and/or Trump ever get to that task?
I think we all have to understand that just before Biden left office he renewed the Emergency use authorization for the mRNA Covid injection until 2029!! My question is, can RFK Jr. revoke this authorization or not? Are these companies immune from prosecution due to them acting under the PREP Act (unless they committed fraud which I believe that they did but proving it in a court of law is a more difficult matter.)? Biden also pardoned Fauci and a lot of others just before he left as well. Will it take time to find and document all the fraud that went on? Is Kennedy's hands tied more than we know?....
Good questions. So you can understand my answer, let's focus on the main point that I brought up. I'm referring to the fact that *MASS MURDER* (numbering in the *millions*!!) was committed during this largest, most evil crime in all human history.
So my answer is this: If EUA's, immunity, pardons, and similar things cannot be overcome so as to go after and punish to the fullest extent of the law those that carried out MASS MURDER of men, women, children and the elderly at an unprecedented scale, then we are doomed as a species. Just the thought of it is dizzying.
Imagine not being able to punish MONSTERS that killed millions, stole trillions, and locked down the entire planet for months - destroying countless lives in the process - all because some of the SAME criminals that participated in the crime gave the other criminals "authorization", "Immunity" and "pardons". The mind boggles!!!
"Imagine not being able to punish MONSTERS that killed millions, stole trillions, and locked down the entire planet for months - destroying countless lives in the process - all because some of the SAME criminals that participated in the crime gave the other criminals "authorization", "Immunity" and "pardons".
Unfortunately this is the sick evil reality we are living in in this point in time. Horrific isn't it.
We'll take it, and flawed is flawed, but I see Kennedy is picking on the small potato companies such as Vaxart. Hmmm.
Shut down the weeds before taking on the big trees. Logical. You don't want them to pivot to 2.0 in response to you shitting down their 1.0. Also politically easy, since it was FJB's project.
I understand to a point, but how many millions of people have been maimed and killed by a Vaxart product compared to Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, &c., &c? RFK is gonna pick on a relative nobody versus known killers? Makes no sense.
Positive news.
In other words it’s another scam. This one was shut down, fortunately.
Merely "postponed" for 90 days, I understand, "for further study." Did I read that wrong?
I'll be relieved when/if RFK Jr publishes Dr. Alexander's list of reasons why this study is irretrievably flawed from the get-go.
They might as well compare against a Pb injection via .22 caliber. That would give them great results for their new pill! Placebo be damned!
It looks like it was a pause. It should have been a FULL STOP.
That's what I read here. Merely "postponed" for 90 days, I understand, "for further study." At least it's halted for now.
This not a minor win, it is a very significant win.
This appears to be the same flawed mentality as the FDA's 510(k) rule where a device to be marketed is as safe and effective, that is, substantially equivalent, to a legally marketed device. We all know what happened with Lyme diagnostics. FDA approval of flawed serology opened the door to the perpetuation of faulty tests
My son mentioned moving to the USA and leaving this shithole and here is why, proof taken from the American Rifleman, the NRA magazine that reports the following in its April 2024 edition.
-Fayetteville N.C. distraught woman shot a 30 year old man forcing his way into her back porch window and called police who found the robber dead. END OF STORY!!!!
-four armed men tried to rob a 68 year old man but he pulled his handgun and shot one of the punks who died on the way to hospital END OF STORY
-woman in Houston was yanked out of her truck and aimed their guns at her but her friend shot one punk dead END OF STORY
There are 8 more true stories and several less criminals wasting good air and skin. Solution is easy. Shoot em dead and bury them.