Only the clot shot loving US recorded over a million deaths. Countries with much bigger populations than the US like India and China which largely eschewed the American shots recorded far fewer deaths. China recorded less than 6,000 deaths.

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Excellent point! BTW I like Sage better when he's not "behaving"; so much "behaving" got us into this mess in the first place because it meant blind compliance and suspension of both independent and critical thought; medical charlatans with their self-serving enablers have been with us for the past 200 years and the historical evidence to prove this has been revealed time and time again; unfortunately for all of humankind we, as usual, learn nothing and resist enlightenment; there has been and are rare individual exceptions but the masses continue to be ruled by the "collective stupidity" that Bonhoeffer described; we give Nobel prizes and ethics awards to the very same psychopaths who have committed the worst crimes against humanity and whose chief claim to fame was and is that they are the most convincing liars on the planet; Pasteur was the Fauci of his time and still celebrated world-wide to this day...a mediocre chemist and a plagiarist who falsified the results of his own experiments! even worse was the fact that he knew his germs of the air theory was wrong and never the direct cause of disease states; that lie did nothing less than establish the birth of allopathic medicine and even greater lies and deception by today's nefarious actors and Frankenscientists; welcome to our world that Erich Fromme once characterized as an "existential failure."

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So Trudeau worked with or for the Chinese communists' People's Liberation Army and his lackies passed on national security iinformation from.a Canadian biolab and then tried to cove it up? That happens every day in the US.

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Someone commented recently they get worried if Sage doesn't write for a week...I have to agree.

My weekly shot of REALITY. So needed in this world at this time.

And, BTW, there has NEVER been a successful vaccine for any respitory RNA virus...for 2 reasons.

1) The mucusol system is closed off...you cannot transfect the blood/muscle and have it come out in the muscosal system where you are first infected...they never ever meet.

2) They KNOW RNA viruses mutate so rapidly, they are not pandemic material...you can't vaccinate fast enough, and the RNA mutates so fast through so many people,, it doesn't get around the world....

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Your a paid actor dude. Thats it thats all. You and your pal malone and Steve kirsch and all other paid actors finally stepping forward far to late

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With one of the biggest voices. I AM THE MOST RELENTLESS CANADIAN ALIVE

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Funny as I always state. Your never invited nor involved with the lawyers against the who. I am. I will be there tomorrow 4pm conference. And you act as if your some hero. The true heroes have been behind the scenes well over 4 years dude. I am one of many leaders

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I am not convinced they can gain of function like they say they can....I think they have no clue, and they cannot permanently make a gain of function in anything....mother nature will mutate it and break it down.

Maybe one day, but I don't believe they can, and have them replicate.....even in the clones

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Where is this "THEORY" of "MUTATION" coming from?

Using common sense, critical thinking, and logic... Let's begin with the first building block of understanding of so-called "VIRUSES"... First of all, a so-called "VIRUS" that does NOT exist in nature, CANNOT do anything, let alone "MUTATE".

The theory, so-called "MUTATION", only serves to perpetuate the FEAR MONGERING PROPAGANDA of the Owners of this planet of the purported existence of an elusive, evasive, and constantly mutating and transforming BOGEYMAN so-called "VIRUS" (that does NOT exist in nature) which has enabled all of the so-called PANDEMICS (PLANNEDemics) to be imposed upon the gullible masses throughout the history of mankind.

Such parroting discussions of ever-changing and mutating so-called "VIRUSES" are an exercise in mythology and theory and only serve to perpetuate the MYTH of Pandemics (PLANNEDemics) which all INDOCTRINATED journalists (mainstream and independent), medical professionals, microbiologists, scientists, vaccinologists, and virologists literally feed upon because their economic financial livelihood depends on such b.s. criminally fraudulent nonsensical GERM THEORY PANDEMIC PROPAGANDA. FULL STOP!

As for the "GAIN OF FUNCTION":


The GOFLWOGs are TOXIC FORMULATION SOLVENTS/VECTORS created from lab-weaponized synthetically recombined genetically modified organisms such as recombinant bacterial/protein dna sequences such as SV-40 combined with toxic chemicals and heavy metals that are incorporated into our air via aerosolization chemtrail spraying and laced into our beverages, crops, fruits and vegetables, hygiene products, livestock, pharmaceuticals, processed foods, water supply, and particularly into VACCINES.



Additional Note:

Not to mention the WEAPONIZATION of ELECTROMAGNETIC WIRELESS RADIATION which can cause a human's red blood cells to malfunction and abnormally coagulate leading to all of the autoimmune cancers, diseases, disorders, and deaths currently experienced and suffered epidemically by mankind on a worldwide scale.

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Well you forgot to mention DNA plasmids...been making them for over 20 years.

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Yes, thank you.

DNA plasmids are part of it all... "ALL" of the LETHAL LAB CREATED and LAB WEAPONIZED SYNTHESIZED TOXINS.

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