No doctors. No meds. Sensible diet. Sunshine, e exercise. Feel well. Repeat.

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Oh, my! Good to now be “top of mind” in the public discourse, BUT have you ANY idea how many decades Dr. Judy Mikovits has LOUDLY exposed this cancer-causing contaminant in vaccines?

Please. Credit where credit is due. This is not new.

Since she went to jail for her honesty

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see my comment here...

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Paul, please watch JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological.com October 18, 2024. Also previous video he made for Senator Ron Paul. Must watch. 🙏

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thanks Cynthia have added it to my watch list

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And don't forget the undisclosed proteins the jab makes: https://primerascientific.com/pdf/pssrp/PSSRP-03-096.pdf

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What an excellent stack. And, illegal immigrants, who are overwhelmingly unjabbed when they enter the country, should take note, and not come, if they don't want turbocancers, because a horror scenario awaits them once they enter, in that 81% of Americans are jabbed, and the other 19% are as good as jabbed, because they've been shed upon, and as noted recently by Kevin McKernan:

" ... small amounts of shedded plasmids could expand in the [shedding] recipients ..."

"Pfizer vaccine sequence can be detected 1 year after vaccination in a spike positive IHC colon cancer biopsy ... we are finding tissues that have similar CTs to the naked vaccine a year later. That can only happen if the vaccine DNA is integrating and amplifying or if the DNA is being replicated by these origins of replication as episomal plasmids ... If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells, then we don’t need self amplifying mRNA vaccines as the population was already given them with Pfizer vaccines ... small amounts of shedded plasmids could expand in the [shedding] recipients ..."

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When someone chooses not to hang around with genuinely ignorant people, their risk of becoming a shedding recipient is dramatically diminished. Now I understand why my Grandmother who had a 205 I.Q. wouldn't talk to some people but not many.

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Just watched this interview with neurosurgeon Jack Kruse about it. If true, our overlords have been culling and controlling the population for a long time.


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2nd Smartest Guy banned me from commenting on his stack for 100 years. The comment that got me banned was "is it possible to totally disappear comment so it doesn't show up at all? ".

The comment I made previously that disappeared with no trace and no explanation was just questioning whether fenbendazole could cause liver toxicity.

I personally cannot recommend or subscribe to any substack that bans commenting. Isn't this where we complain about censorship? It doesn't surprise me when this happens on obvious shills for the blue team, like Thomas Pueyo, but it is pretty unnerving to see it in the so-called medical freedom movement.

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Keep up the great work Paul!

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I've got some thoughts on this.

# 1 : Shooting us takes all the fun out of the extinction playbook.

'# 2 : The bad guys are looking for the right DNA mix for transhumanism to become the new normal.

# 3 : All of the elite are Batshit Crazy.

I'm vomiting for # 3 😁 😁 😁

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The laugh is on all those unjabbed illegals flooding across the border.

America is the end of the line. To misquote Jim Morrison:

No one here gets out alive, now

You get yours, baby (plasmids)

I'll get mine

The old get old

And the young get weaker

May take a week

And it may take longer

They got the guns

Well, but we got the mRNA

Gonna win, yeah

We're takin' over

Come on!

Your ballroom days are over, baby

Night is drawing near

Shadows of the evening

Crawl across the years

Yeah, walk across the floor with a

Shedding product in your brain

Trying to tell me no one understands

Trade in your hours for a handful of dimes ...

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This is all simply the Biopharma-medical Industrial Complex. Its been like this for a long time; in essence since to Allopathic co-opting of "modern medicine". Lives are readily horsetraded for ROI by the BMIC and compliance is maintained via extensive propaganda and "mandates", the latter of which are largely and purposely avoided by the courts.

The plandemic gave us all a glimpse behind the green curtain; something that the BMIC is desparately trying to memory hole.

I have posted many times in many places that "history" is THE most valuable commodity on the planet. Nothing else is even close. Not gold, oil, diamonds, nothing.

If you think I am wrong, then I ask you to consider how much time, money, and social-media resources are expended to capture the real history of Black Swan and similar type societal level events and twist it in order to use it for the propaganda means to whatever controling ends.... and I am not even including the redacted TS/SCI info that you will never see nor the Vatican Archives or National Archives to which you will never have access.

In some ways, Epstein's island was the intel agencies way to use history (capturing this VIP person in a compromising video) in order to control the VIP... how much succeeding history was altered by that one island?

The use of the island is no different than creating a societal level crisis and then providing the safe and effective solution that creates billions and billions in ROI for the BMIC.

Its a sick world ran by some truly sick people.... who has the cure?

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"Its a sick world ran by some truly sick people..." Identify?

Classic marxism to dialectic secular humanism as a hidden agenda to political correctness to wokist wankerism. Everywhere. Education and entertainment and religion and politics...FITHS

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