BOOM: 'Would you like Plasmids with that? A bombshell finding implicates ALL recombinant vaccines in the DNA contamination scandal and requires urgent investigation'; 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
puts out this stunning stack on vaccines 'deliberately contaminated with the extremely cytotoxic & highly carcinogenic SV40 promotor, which is a simian viral DNA sequence that induces cells to
to multiply and burn out or mutate into cancers.
SV40 is destructive to humans, and serves no therapeutic benefits; this poison was first added into the wholly unnecessary and exceptionally unsafe polio vaccines and was also deliberately put into the slow kill bioweapon C19 “vaccines.”’
Support 2nd for this scholarship again reminds us about their acumen. This piece on DNA plasmids is worth the read and full sharing:
Would you like Plasmids with that? (
Would you like Plasmids with that? (
Start 2nd here:
‘Most BigPharma injectables are deliberately contaminated with the extremely cytotoxic and highly carcinogenic SV40 promotor, which is a simian viral DNA sequence that induces cells to multiply and burn out or mutate into cancers.
SV40 is destructive to humans, and serves no therapeutic benefits; this poison was first added into the wholly unnecessary and exceptionally unsafe polio vaccines and was also deliberately put into the slow kill bioweapon C19 “vaccines.”
Is it any wonder then that ever since the polio vaccine rollout the trend in cancer cases has been on an unrelenting upswing, and with the introduction of the PSYOP-19 “vaccines” oncology expenditures have gone parabolic?
This Substack has been exposing this scandal for well over a year now; to wit:
BREAKING HORRIFIC UPDATE: HIV-Infected Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- The Human Genome is Permanently Altered
July 29, 2023
ADDENDUM -- BREAKING HORRIFIC UPDATE: HIV-Infected Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- The Human Genome is Permanently Altered
July 30, 2023
There is a terrifying addendum to Friday’s article:
The PSYOP-19 DEATHVAX™ & Legacy Polio Vaccines Share The Same Cancer Causing Polyomavirus SV40 "Contaminant"
July 4, 2023
Yesterday’s article promised to detail the deadly Tumor Promoter mechanism of the mRNA “vaccine”:
Etc. & etc. & etc.
The following article is an absolute must read as it further exposes just what kind of murderous sociopaths are running the Medical Industrial Complex and their BigPharma partners-in-crime — we may conclude that no vaccines are safe and effective, and that all of them must be avoided like the bioterror plagues that they are.
Plasmids are DNA sequences used by laboratories to manufacture vaccines and biologics and contain elements that should never get to the human supply chain.
It turns out that this has been happening for decades, discovered following independent investigation into the COVID vaccines.
Revelations this week implicate every recombinant vaccine currently in use, in this major contamination scandal.
Two things have happened this week that - when combined - are going to shine the light on a decades-long scandal that the pharmaceutical corporations, particularly those making vaccines, appear desperate to suppress.
In fact, if they are unable to keep a lid on the information in this article, the floodgates may open to the largest pharma lawsuits in history.
The Port Hedland Incident
Note that Port Hedland council is not just
The Gardasil Incident
Yes, those are the same HPV vaccinations that you were told were safe when your daughter’s school sent out
I’ll just point out in passing that in that list is a
What the hell is a transfection agent?
Briefly, in order to get nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) into a cell you need to
Although human cells are generally protected from being “infected” with foreign nucleic acid there are methods that are used in labs to bypass these protection mechanisms to
So why does this matter?
It matters if you don’t want a lab-reagent plasmid transferred into your cells
So which other agents can be used for transfection, that are not commonly regarded as transfection agents?
And the strange thing is that
And here’s the very impressive graph of the transfection rates for Aluminium nanoparticles in HEK293 cells
In other words, Aluminium nanoparticles were as effective for transfection and binding of DNA as lipid nanoparticles.
The vaccine is created by recombinant technology (i.e. a protein or RNA vaccine derived from a plasmid coding for the viral or bacterial antigen of interest)
There is residual DNA from that plasmid in the vaccine
Which leaves us with a bit of an oops because, as mentioned above, the FDA
No biggie though, right? Aluminium is “just an adjuvant”.
And that Link et al. paper was not by an organisation unfamiliar with looking into this, because very conveniently the same university popped up with a paper a few years earlier that showed that the “vaccines did not transfect plasmid DNA”.
The lead author is Susanne Gonser, who was pretty much a one-hit wonder after
Furthermore, the chosen cell line is just
What’s a Plasmid Between Friends?
If you’ve got this far you might be asking yourself (prompted by
The plasmid contains DNA encoding the foreign viral spike protein (the red bit). That’s bad enough of course because this thing is asking you to continually produce spike protein from your own cells.
It does this partly because it has a
Tga Sv40 Alerts Medicine Polio Vaccine 041214
569KB ∙ PDF file
If you prefer a visual version of the story from someone who was on the ground at the time, here is a
So now you know about SV40 I’ll just recap the most important take-home message about the Cutter incident and SV40 polio vaccine contamination scandals, which is this:
The drug regulators who approve vaccines, and the vaccine makers who make them, have no liability for their decisions.
The liability rests with you, the recipient.
If you develop cancer as a result of a pharmaceutical which is designated as a vaccine, you cannot sue the manufacturers and you will not be able to prove it.
You’re on your own. Until you die.
Now don’t get me wrong. There may be valid reasons to accept these risks and essentially sign the most pervasive disclaimer of all time (mostly without your knowledge) - but that would rely on you being provided all the information.
That’s not all there was in terms of
From the world of “you can’t make this stuff up” this is what the MHRA actually said in response to the request, the full document of which is attached below
Just to summarise this section before the final bombshell in the next section, let’s recap:
Plasmids are a lab-based product intended to create excessive activation of genes, particularly when they contain SV40 promoters.
If those plasmids or gene products were to end up in vaccine products, they carry a significant risk of causing cancer or other severe disease.
Lab regulations and protocols prohibit the distribution of plasmids to the general public, but the governments and pharma corporations don't seem to care, simply taking the word of the pharma companies that their products are safe.
The regulators attempts to monitor contamination are woefully inadequate.
It’s Safe, Right?
So now we know what plasmids are and what they can do, we need to consider the final piece of the puzzle that will be necessary to make the world stop and take notice of what has been happening for decades - which is this:
COVID vaccines and lipid nanoparticles (transfection agent)
Gardasil vaccines and aluminium-lipid complex adjuvant (transfection agent)
Novavax and saponin adjuvant (transfection agent)
Each of those products bizarrely and coincidentally contains chemicals that can transfect the cells of the recipient leading to integration of the manufacturers’ plasmid DNA into the person’s cells.
In a super bizarre coincidence, Engerix contains
COVID vaccines and lipid nanoparticles (transfection agent)
Gardasil vaccines and aluminium-lipid complex adjuvant (transfection agent)
Novavax and saponin adjuvant (transfection agent)
Engerix-B and aluminium hydroxide and polysorbate 20
Shall we try another one?
Polysorbate 80 (transfection agent)
Saponin (transfection agent)
Cholesterol, Lipid A (lipid transfection agents).
You get the drift.
The information is portrayed as some “antivax crazy scare” in the headline and then a calm, but irrelevant explanation. There is however no issue normally with drugs containing separate parts because you just shake the vial, so the explanation is nonsense. It just a coincidence that Polysorbates happen to also be transfection agents, and that are
So what does this all mean?
If you’ve read this far, well done.
Luckily, there may be a means of reversing some of this SV40 damage (and associated turbo cancers) as well as attenuating the plethora of VAIDS symptoms as a result of the genetically modified humans being transformed into walking spike protein factories:
Possible SV40 DEATHVAX™ "Contamination" CURE: HIV-Infected Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- The Human Genome is Permanently Altered
October 27, 2023
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Oh, my! Good to now be “top of mind” in the public discourse, BUT have you ANY idea how many decades Dr. Judy Mikovits has LOUDLY exposed this cancer-causing contaminant in vaccines?
Please. Credit where credit is due. This is not new.
Since she went to jail for her honesty