I doubt that big pharma knows jack about vaccines and mRNA injections other than they harm and murder people (their intended purpose?)...all the while garnering gigantic profits. What, these clowns are up to 3-4 boosters (after the initial 2 injections) with never having conducted any real testing and trials to discover the risk of endless multiple injections? How many variants are there...a million? What is different from one variant to another? Are the PRC tests re-calibrated to find new variants? It's all a huge pile of big pharma cowflop. The seasonal flu is rebranded as covid and more serious flu complications the same. It's all fear driven nonsense.

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I contacted a vaccine lawyers for my husband’s passing.

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Sorry for your loss, Most definitely get a lawyer. An FDA virologist who gave EUA approval for these vaxxes died. Won't say what killed her. She lied stating the covid vaccines were probably safer then any other vaccines yet the data indicated otherwise and FOIA indicates 18 million people suffered adverse events in six months . This is the most vaccine injuries ever recorded and thats vs 30 years of all the other vaccines combined. That's only the short term. Long term issues to come. Pretty much fools out there. A novel experimental platform for a novel coronavirus is safer then the others. What fraud.

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Gert Vanden Bosshe was shouting this from the rooftops from the beginning of this abomination.

Stop getting “boosted”!!

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I got this variant from my vaccinated husband 🤦‍♀️

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It would have been nice if you would have included portions of the article. I no longer have a subscription to WSJ. I used to have one with them and Washington Times. I still have FOX nation, Epoch Times and and many substack publishers. It is too much to keep up with so many subscriptions. Not everyone has unlimited funds.

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God bless you Dr Paul Alexander. You've been warning from the beginning but you were kept from communication with the President who needs to come clean so the jabs and stop.

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no offense but "who cares" (lol). We've EVOLVED.

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Following Dr. Vanden Bossche for some time....get on board people, for a real education. https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org

As amazing as it is to contemplate, the governments really are killing us off with these shots ON PURPOSE. Consider this....why were the first rounds of death cases in 2020 presenting as respiratory illnesses??? Remember the lung pictures? Since early 2021 and the "inoculations" began, the deaths are now cardiovascular, thrombolytic (clots), heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes, etc.? A virus doesn't changes its modus operandi. But a Government does. Frighten the populace of a cold virus and then herd them down the chute for the real grand prize, The Death Shot. I'm going to wear a red dress the day we hang these fuckers on the Mall for genocide. Sorry, God. Just feeling a bit human and persecuted here.

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This was always a bio weapon .

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Are any of these new variants a danger to the unvaccinated?

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No they are not. That's the misconception. Remove fear. Ignore these so called public health doctors, Use your brains and use what you have in the past for colds and flu but also try quercetin zinc vit D3 and elderberry as these are proven vitamins that do work. They are therapeutics which these covid vaccines are too.. They are not a real vaccine or a sterilizing shot . Therapeutics with lots of side effects . Vitamins dont have side effects like blood clots or neurological like Bells Palsey Guillaine Barre. What is the smarter way to deal with the virus. You decide. I know I choose the natural proven stuff.

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Hello Dr. Alexander! These new variants, are they seeing any different symptoms from the last two? If so, could you please let us know about them? Are they still remaining relatively mild? Thank-you so much for all the info you put out to keep us abreast of things going on around us! I pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family.

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Nope the same. They try to twist saying it has stomach flu symptoms. No it's probably like the Shanghai flu or Hong Komg flu which was not a coronavirus. So I would be weary of the whole coronavirus covid story if they try to make it look like the stomach flu and call it a variant. Call it out.

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👍 Thank-you for taking time to answer my question. They tell you there's new variants, but don't tell you how to tell the difference, so to me that's just the same crap renamed. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss. 🙄

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Nov 23, 2022
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Did you get colds 2x a year which was considered normal pre covid. Then you can get covid 2x as well. Natural immunity means our bodies recognize viruses and we can still get them and can be miserable for a few days but we dont die. The very sick can die from any coronaviruses and have in the past not just during covid. That's the point of viruses like influenza rhinoviruses and coronaviruses. You can stop getting sick by vitamins like vit D3 quercetin zinc and elderberry so maybe you will only get 1 cold in a year of none. But regardless you won't die. The difference is the vaccinated might be getting sicker more frequently and longer periods and if unvaxxed they wouldn't have. Thats why we need to stress to the vaccinated to take the vitamins I listed here to try and help them to fight any virus whether influenza or the coronaviruses. The answer isn't boosting with these vaccines. It's taking these proven vitamins and detoxing from the vaccines. The Canada Health website talks of the dangers of nanoparticles in the body and people literally injected 2 3 or 4 or even 5 of these covid MRNA shots with the lipid nanoparticle. What havoc is it doing in the body as Canada Health stated.

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