End the garbage statements, stop the insults, Canada has a relationship with USA unlike any & John Kennedy said it best (below) & you are arguing against your own USMCA; is Lutnick insane?
Canada doesn’t treat us at all like a best friend .. hasn’t for decades! Good on Trump for forcing them to grow up! Canada is more like a badly spoiled child who demands a quarter of a billion in charity from US in order to survive and keep up their CCP style government! Glad Trump is whipping them into shape! Maybe they can become a free nation again under God! I’m surprised you cannot see Canada being 10x harder on lockdowns censorship, shots and arresting dissenters! They are part of the British Crown and controlled at this point by the Globalists & CCP!!! They have the biggest CCP drug lab operation in the world .. directed at US! Killing out children. Even Mexico now pales in comparison as they are cooperating with Trump & Hegseth to clean out the cartels .. kudos to them. Canada just temporarily (let’s hope) installed a globalist freak to try to fight Trump. It won’t work only make things worse for Canada. Grow up!!
You should follow Canadian Viva Frei who escaped to Florida not too long ago! He is brilliant and super knowledgeable about Canada & history. You are gonna find you’ve got this situation ALL wrong!!!
I got this just right...and please check what you are saying, I am and was the tip of the spear with select colleagues against the lockdowns, it was I who Trudeau moved to arrest in Ottawa with my colleague Hodkinson etc. for speaking outside Parliament...for the truckers...do a little reading
I didn’t say you weren’t against lockdowns etc… Canada was awful!!! Your work on covid is not what you got wrong.. it’s why I followed you. Re-read all I said Re Canada & USA and what is happening now! You are totally upside down on that! So your beloved Canada tried to arrest you? And you are still shilling for that government vs Trump? Come on! So WRONG!!! Are you a fan of the “free” healthcare system in Canada — that’s actually death care .. helping people suicide themselves? Mutilate themselves? Force Vax. I as US taxpayer don’t want to subsidize that death culture anymore via a 250B a year trade deficit! Canada is the dystopian view of what our future would be under Harris / Walz and without the GOAT Trump!
This reply just demonstrates what I said about Canada… not a free country anymore. Fully a puppet of the Globalist Communists. Trudeau the one who tried to arrest you was not brutal enough (soy boy) so they bring in more brutal dictators to fight Trump! Cannot you see you are way wrong about seeing Canada as some “victim”? Many more Canadians than you think agree with me, not you on this current situation! You said before election Harris/Walz would be fine and not a communist puppet.. that was obviously false! But you’d be blindly happy now as both US and Canada would fall deeper into the abyss. Kamala forced deadly vax on all members of her campaign & staff — in 2024?! Yet you think Trump is a vax pusher?! He never ever wanted to force anyone to take anything they did not want. So so wrong headed not to see the difference! Biden forced and tried to FORCE the vax on everyone! It was already developed & ready since 2015! It was coming out!! But when & how was the only question. Fauci opposed OWS & vax coming out in 2020 right away!! Why???? You’ve never answered! Can’t you see there was no way for Trump to stop any of it ..and it was not given or forced on public his last 2 months. He made hard decisions which in the end I believe will be understood as the best ones given the circumstances.
We operate under our signed trade agreements, Einstein. The current (broken) one, USMCA, was signed by President Trump in 2019.
I'm getting sick and tired of ignorant Americans regurgitating bull shit talking points in support of the bull shit narrative.
Canadians aren't your friends, eh?
We work our asses off harvesting our resources to deliver them to you for your insatiable consumption ... and for what? For your US Fed fiat ass-wipe digits conjured right out of thin fucking air!
Canada needs US more than other way around. Canada is going to hell faster than the US that Trump is trying to save. Canadians live under censorship and only get BS globalist media crap that’s allowed. We will see how this works out!! I have done all my research & homework & I can see Godless Globalism & Marxism that’s growing like a cancer in Canada via the masters of EU, British Crown, and the CCP! I see it with my own eyes and ears! Wake up and grow up if you want to do business and be friends with the US! STOP taking Chinese Fentanyl and manufacturing deadly drugs to kill Americans for a fast buck! That is the heart of the issue .. Canada brought this all on themselves getting in bed with China & globalist evil and I am glad we have a President with courage to confront it head on & cut it off for good!
If you had done yet more research, Einstein, perhaps you'd've ran into the fact that fentanyl seizures across our longest border on earth was 0.2% of your total fentanyl seizures. 1/500th! Maybe then you'd realize that you are misled and downright lied to 24x7.
I live under censorship? You don't say. What can you read that I can't read? Name one thing. We get your propaganda PLUS other bull shit. We get more info (not less) than do self-absorbed you.
See, it's a weird accusation (and a real strange trade war motive/justification) given that Trump has proven that it was actually the USA living under censorship (Big Gov & Big Tech) these past five years.
You spew bull shit talking points for their bull shit narrative like a parrot that's done his research. C'mon. You're better than that! God made you better than that.
The heart of the issue is that Trump is in on it. These wrangling are theatre while, really, Trump:
1) instigates trade wars to destroy economies (including yours, dumbass - Hint: research Smoot-Hawley) to
2) do what he does best: administer a bankruptcy (of the fiat US$) and
3) smash Greenland, Canada and USA into a "beautiful" "union" as per the Club of Rome.
You are totally clueless! The USA is on a cliff but Canada has fallen over it.., not the people but the government. The smart Canadians and there are many know it better than anyone. They arrested pastors and cut off credit & banking to anyone who supported the hardworking truckers.. Don’t tell me that’s a sign of health and righteousness. There is indeed a huge fentanyl lab up there and as many Chinese and Islamic Terrorists than what Biden & co “welcomed” into the US the last 4 years. If you don’t know that it’s your problem. Canada is almost 100% dependent on the US to survive. It’s silly for such a country to kick the hand that feeds them. Trump is right and will win this “trade war” hands down so get used to it! I did think of Canadians as kind caring people but people like you give them a bad name., Your taking points are total BS and you are obviously brainwashed! Thus is the last second I’m gonna waste on you. Good luck!
“Friends” don’t to try to strangle their friends, economically. Massive tariffs that Canada puts on aluminum and a 240% tariff on milk. ! The US has been shown to be the country that charges the Lowest tariffs in the world..we need to bring all of our tariffs equal to other countries and stop being chumps.
Ummm ... it's the US putting 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum.
The 240% tariff on US dairy is far more complicated than your bull shit talking point. It is a complex formula vis-a-vis escalating levels (and tariffs) on Wisconsin dairy. The exact terms were agreed to and signed by all three countries (incl. Trump) in 2019.
Americans a parrots.
Please provide a link to source your claim that "The US has been shown to be the country that charges the Lowest tariffs in the world." Thank you.
Canada is like that neighbor who doesn't want to own a gun themselves, but benefits from having a big 2nd Amendment neighbor next door in times of real trouble. The world knows the U.S. would never allow Canada to go communist, so China and Russia won't pick a fight with Canada. So 'little brother' Canada walks around knowing 'big brother' USA will defend them. So Canada got reckless with its economics. Reckless with its progressive commentary and bragging about how great their 'social justice' and social contract' is compared to the USA. Well, that time is over. Trump is speaking up for those of us tired getting slammed by Canadians who live off the protection of the big brother. Time to pay up Canada.
Are you sure? I ask because I believe that it is far more likely that TPTB in both countries are acting all belligerent towards one another (like Pro Rasslin) while, really, they are instituting these post-WWII plans:
Club of Rome NWO Map
Regionalized Adaptive Model For The Global World System
Region 1 - North American Union (NAU)
Region 2 - European Union (EU)
Region 3 - Japan European Union (JEU)
Region 4 - Pacific Union (PU)
Region 5 - Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD)
Region 6 - South American Union (SAU)
Region 7 - Arab Customs Union (ACU)
Region 8 - African Union (AU)
Region 9 - Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Region 10 - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
Sorry, Lil Trumpsters, but yesterday your hero was waxing poetic on how “beautiful” a “union” of Greenland, Canada And USA will be.
Canada has always, all my life , hated the USA. Running scams, tariffs galore, using US resources, Arrogance!!!.
No, they have NOT been a "good neighbor". They grow more communist by the year for over 50 years. The USA props their failing economy up. They come to The US for medical interventions their socialist system cannot get them. Their college students get jobs here that pay.
There are no advantages for our nation..Canada is a cheat.
why is it ok for other countries around the world to charge the USA huge tariffs but when the USA attempts to level the playing field everyone freaks out
So why is it OK for other Countries to impose unilateral Tariffs on the USA but when the converse occurs everyone loses their mind?
This is a good for goose good for gander issue.
I do not think the USA should be the world police force nor subsidize the economies of every other country.
Reciprocal tariffs are like the Walmart effect....
When Walmart wants to eliminate local businesses they sell similar goods at a loss if necessary. Walmart can absorb the losses better than the local businesses so over time the competition dies off and then Walmart raises the costs of goods and over time re-captures the initial losses AND there is no longer any local competition.
Im good with the Tariffs. The rest of the World will need to stop sucking off the USA tit and produce their own milk...
Our trade deficit with our “friendly” neighbor is ok with you? Last time I looked, our economy dwarfs theirs many times over… he is striving for fair trade, and yes the USMCA was a significant improvement over NAFTA, but it needs to be re-written for balanced trade and tariffs! Hence… increased tariffs and reciprocal tariffs.
agreed trade could be fair...should be but not this way and Canada will never be part of USA...nor USA part of Canada...a lot of this is hubris and arrogance and misunderstanding of relationships and that not all is about meme coins...and respect when it is gone, is gone...remember, it was USA who asked Canada to help defend it 9/11...do not forget that and Canada lost 170 soldiers when it was not attacked...
Read Trumps Deal books again to understand how he operates in negotiating and final agreement goals. Amazon just put his "The Apprentice" show on Prime for free again. I'd never seen it before, but you get to see his thinking from 20 years ago, and how consistent he is in his approach to working the best deal. He is transactional. Dan Bongino's podcasts talk about this a lot. Once it's understood, there will be less angst by people. And I don't think that the 9-11 references are as helpful as you think they are. Many of us view that now as the start of the Five Eyes and supercharging the Deep State and military industrial complex. Lots of unanswered questions there. Allies and interests change over time. Look at Japan now versus 100 years ago. History is in the past. Trump looks at everything from an opportunity standpoint for the American people. We are not conquerors. (If that was the goal the American flag would already be flying in Quebec.) If Canada wants to arm up ($$$$$$) go for it. But status quo is unacceptable at this point. The free lunch for many in Canada is going to end in one way or another. Just a plain and simple observation.
We work our asses off to harvest our resources to deliver to your insatiable demands in exchange for your phoney-bologna fiat ass-wipe US$ conjured out of thin fucking air and WE are the ones with the free ride?!!!
Huh? We had signed trade agreements. Then include protocols and procedures to renegotiate as necessary. As one would expect, unprovoked trade wars accompanied by existential threats of annexation are contrary to them.
A) It is in our USMCA Trade Agreement signed by Trump in 2020!
B) It is nothing more than a bull-shit talking point. Wisconsin dairy dominates trade with Canada. There is a line-item clause in our now-broken trade agreement (to protect Canadian dairy farmers) where 240% tariffs kick-in IF the imbalance becomes greater than a prescribed, agreed-upon threshold. But it never has passed that prescribed, agreed-upon threshold. Ever. So, that 240% tariff that you're so indignant about (because your tv told you to be) has never, ever actually been charged ever but yet still you want to destroy our economy because the clause (that you agreed to) simply exists? Would not a simple renegotiation of this be in order? I mean: as opposed to this lose-lose trade war causing "one beautiful union"?
Americans do not think, reason. They are giving their bs talking points for the bs narrative from their brainwashing devices and then they spew them like parrots.
With all due respect, I don't think that you're grokking exactly what's afoot.
Trump is destroying Canada's economy to annex it into a "beautiful" "union" as the Club of Rome has called for since, at least 1942. Throw in Greenland and we will be NWO's Region 1 - North American Union (NAU).
Trudeau, Trump, Carney, Polievre ... it's all just Saturday TV Rasslin' while they really further their evil agenda.
I want Canada to remain Canada . Its in Canada's best interest to remain such...
Until USA gets its house in order we have zero business even dreaming about a 51st State... we cant even take care of the 50 we have...
The NWO ideology (fantasy?) of having Canada, USA, Greenland, Mexico and the "cap" of S. America as a combined "North America Economic Zone" is exactly the type of ideology that prompted the writing of US Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc...
The NWO ideology is simply that only "one" can benefit the "many" and thus the one must be the source (and control) for everything...
The NWO antithesis is free people and free chouce/will (far more than the illusion we in the USA currently "enjoy"). For free people to be truly free there must be independent nations.
We learn nothing and gain nothing from a "single source" providing life and livelihoods via contribed world wide economic zones. Its our differences, our collective ability to agree to disagree, and most importantly our abiliity to coexist through the disagreements that provide a world wide mechanism for gainful life and livelihood.... its the teach a man to fish is better than just giving himfish concept...
Ive been to Canada on several occasions a LONG time ago... Lake of the Woods (Myles Place) just North of International Falls, MN... beauriful place. Wouldnt want it to be part of the USA for all the raw earth elements in Canada... Its perfect just where it is....
If the end game for the the MAGA movement is more centralized power (Canada Greenland USA as a single country for example) then Trump was simply the leader given to We the People at the time when a leader (by design) was most needed to "save us" from the NWO... which ironically MAGA will not only NOT save us, but will be the vehicle used to deliver the last big pieces required for the full establishment of the NWO...
All the nations of the world need to unite under their OWN flags and reject the NWO system of generational control. That is the path to prosperity for all nations.
Understood… I have witnessed some intense negotiations in my life and when someone is trying to get the best deal possible, you might hurt some feelings along the way… it’s a tactic he uses better than anyone I have ever seen… he has no intention of taking over Canada, nor do they want to be a part of us. But when the dust settles, we will have a fair deal that puts us on par with the rest of the world! Cheers!
"I no longer like the deal that I negotiated, agreed to and signed so now, instead of renegotiating our deal, I will destroy your economy with an unprovoked trade war and then annex ya."
In many circles, people speaking like that are often referred to as "assholes."
As a fellow Canadian, I would council you to consider that maybe just maybe there is more to this than meets the eye.
Are you not paying attention to what just happened in Ottawa? The coronation of a Globalist Trojan Horse? Did you not even stop to ponder the ramifications?
Do you understand the great conflict that is ongoing; Globalists vs. Populists? Can you not see that the Globalists talk a good game when it comes to "Democracy" yet when push comes to shove, when their candidate is losing they tend to just "cancel" the elections? Yep happening right now in Romania and the UK
But I digress; are you not worried about the Damage Carney could do? Do you think our confederation is safe under his parties tutelage? I certainly hope not. B/C he is a DAVOS Mother WEFer FULL STOP, nothing more nothing less - you will own nothing and you will be happy.
Trump is going after the Globalists, they are in full panic mode. That is a good thing, b/c those mf'ers are doing their best to provoke WW3, Here's the punch line; Trump is the only thing that stands in the way of the Globalist Ah's from having their way in Canada, better a 51st state than stuck in a globalist digital gulag full of 15 min cities.
IMHO - you need to study what's happening in Geo Politics, B/C if you understood the actual stakes, you would never post something like this
Globalists vs. Populists is their theatre while they swing the pendulum back and forth in one hand and perform magik with the other.
Trump & Carney will give us Saturday tv Rasslin' drama before they smash Greenland, Canada and the USA into NWO Region 1 - North American Union (NAU).
WEFers are too powerful and too cocky to have their entire plan of evil world-domination resting on 50/50 outcomes in free and fair elections. That's silly.
The WEF is cocky because there are 33-degree masons everywhere.
Please: Canada was charging these tariffs IF the quota had been reached, which in never does (USA will stop ordering under that quota). Canada exported a little over 300 millions dollars of dairy products to the USA, while the USA shipped for 1.6 billion of dairy products to Canada. There is clearly a smudge campain against Canadians. This said, I don't agree with communism. I always hated Trudeau. And the unelected Liberal party replacement is worse in terms of globalism, boot licking WEF puppet. He once was at the head of the UK bank, and he left England in a dire chaos. This said, I just wonder why Trump's sudden fury, changing-day-to-day policies, ready to kill Canada's economy in a matter of months with no negotiations, realist time-lines. The fury is really about annexing Canada as the 51st state. And that's called majors bullying. Exactly when the country was without a decent leader. Anyways, as I'm Canadian and waiting to be trashed right now, Trump's speeches has ignited a real hate towards Canadians who are just appalled. I wonder who cares I'll be soon loosing my job because of those policies. I'm a Canadian widow, barely paying my stuff and it's still too early to take my pension. Who knows if if the pension plan will still be effective anyways.
Brilliant comment. Thank you! American propaganda is bitching about a complex 240% that is purely theoretical (and agreed to and signed!) because ... their tv told them to parrot that ad nauseam. Americans sure are good little parrots.
I am sorry to hear that you have been thrust onto the front lines of this stupid trade war. God bless you!
You are correct. Trump and Carney's mandate is to smash Greenland, Canada and USA into one "beautiful" "union" - the Club of Rome's NWO Region 1 - North American Union (NAU).
As a Canadian I must say that I feel Trump is only trying to expose how corrupt and globalist our government truly is. Canada cannot win a trade war and we should not be subsidizing as many goods like dairy as we do. We cry when the other guy wants more fairness. We as citizens would be better off in the long run if we did have true free trade. It would hurt our dairy for a while since Canada would have to pay back all the dairy farmers that get charged I believe about $10,000.00 a Jersey cow. Was a problem as far back as 12 years ago when the conservatives tried to change the system and stop the 300% markup of Canadian dairy. They used to dump boat loads of butter into the ocean. We are far from innocent in this situation. I know there are more things and goods than Dairy industry, but if we are friends we should act like it now. We always talk about what we used to do for the USA. World wars being one of them. We were involved before the US in these wars because we followed Britain into them. The USA when the population finally voted as a democracy to come help joined us to bring victory.
We did not join them to bring victory.
Most of the time in the last 80 years Canada has taken a neutral position sitting on the fence pointing fingers, not truly helping, only helping if we could supply goods of some kind for profit without getting involved. When we have gotten involved it was at the behest of NATO or UN.
No were are not. We haven't the military to defend our borders, and we are utterly reliant on the US economically and militarily. There is nothing "strong" about those indisputable facts. Canada hasn't met a NATO spending commitment in forever. We spend a pile of that money on health care that produces increasingly poor results. Half the country wanted to imprison the other half, or take their children away, for opposing vaccine mandates or honking their truck horns. The people are more divided than ever, our leadership has never been weaker, our economy never so threatened or at risk. Our currency is at its lowest in almost 25 years. We needlessly accept an ever increasing carbon tax. Our media is hopelessly biased.
Statements like Joly's are the problem. Like those who stupidly profess "we don't need the USA".
Absolute nonsense. The sooner Canada comes to appreciate its actual position and eschews this kind of nonsense, the sooner things can get better.
Ford backtracked yesterday in an effort to save face and half-apologised to the American people in a TV interview I saw in passing (either BBC America or American PBS).
(Most) Canadian politicians should apologise to Canadians for treating them like abused lab animals and beasts of burden and then trying to turn them against their American friends.
In the end, citizens of both countries should benefit from a tariff "war." (Are Canadians 'citizens' or merely considered subjects of the Crown to be ordered around by Canadian leaders happy to demean them for their own selfish goals?)
I like to see both nations act in their own best interest as these issues are worked out. But engaging the citizenry of both nations in minimally informed internecine animosity only serves the needs of U.S. Democrats and Canadian globalists.
Canada doesn’t treat us at all like a best friend .. hasn’t for decades! Good on Trump for forcing them to grow up! Canada is more like a badly spoiled child who demands a quarter of a billion in charity from US in order to survive and keep up their CCP style government! Glad Trump is whipping them into shape! Maybe they can become a free nation again under God! I’m surprised you cannot see Canada being 10x harder on lockdowns censorship, shots and arresting dissenters! They are part of the British Crown and controlled at this point by the Globalists & CCP!!! They have the biggest CCP drug lab operation in the world .. directed at US! Killing out children. Even Mexico now pales in comparison as they are cooperating with Trump & Hegseth to clean out the cartels .. kudos to them. Canada just temporarily (let’s hope) installed a globalist freak to try to fight Trump. It won’t work only make things worse for Canada. Grow up!!
You should follow Canadian Viva Frei who escaped to Florida not too long ago! He is brilliant and super knowledgeable about Canada & history. You are gonna find you’ve got this situation ALL wrong!!!
I got this just right...and please check what you are saying, I am and was the tip of the spear with select colleagues against the lockdowns, it was I who Trudeau moved to arrest in Ottawa with my colleague Hodkinson etc. for speaking outside Parliament...for the truckers...do a little reading
“ I got this just right...”
You did? What, for example, have been Canadian tariffs on US dairy?
No, doc, you got this left. Understand the issue before screaming leftist talking points.
I didn’t say you weren’t against lockdowns etc… Canada was awful!!! Your work on covid is not what you got wrong.. it’s why I followed you. Re-read all I said Re Canada & USA and what is happening now! You are totally upside down on that! So your beloved Canada tried to arrest you? And you are still shilling for that government vs Trump? Come on! So WRONG!!! Are you a fan of the “free” healthcare system in Canada — that’s actually death care .. helping people suicide themselves? Mutilate themselves? Force Vax. I as US taxpayer don’t want to subsidize that death culture anymore via a 250B a year trade deficit! Canada is the dystopian view of what our future would be under Harris / Walz and without the GOAT Trump!
This reply just demonstrates what I said about Canada… not a free country anymore. Fully a puppet of the Globalist Communists. Trudeau the one who tried to arrest you was not brutal enough (soy boy) so they bring in more brutal dictators to fight Trump! Cannot you see you are way wrong about seeing Canada as some “victim”? Many more Canadians than you think agree with me, not you on this current situation! You said before election Harris/Walz would be fine and not a communist puppet.. that was obviously false! But you’d be blindly happy now as both US and Canada would fall deeper into the abyss. Kamala forced deadly vax on all members of her campaign & staff — in 2024?! Yet you think Trump is a vax pusher?! He never ever wanted to force anyone to take anything they did not want. So so wrong headed not to see the difference! Biden forced and tried to FORCE the vax on everyone! It was already developed & ready since 2015! It was coming out!! But when & how was the only question. Fauci opposed OWS & vax coming out in 2020 right away!! Why???? You’ve never answered! Can’t you see there was no way for Trump to stop any of it ..and it was not given or forced on public his last 2 months. He made hard decisions which in the end I believe will be understood as the best ones given the circumstances.
You seem to be out of your lane when it comes to Geopolitics. The post WW2 " rules based" World Order, has ended.
Exactly!! Paul is way out of his lane!
I am wondering if you read Matthew Ehret.
I don't think you two agree on what Canada is?
We operate under our signed trade agreements, Einstein. The current (broken) one, USMCA, was signed by President Trump in 2019.
I'm getting sick and tired of ignorant Americans regurgitating bull shit talking points in support of the bull shit narrative.
Canadians aren't your friends, eh?
We work our asses off harvesting our resources to deliver them to you for your insatiable consumption ... and for what? For your US Fed fiat ass-wipe digits conjured right out of thin fucking air!
Grow up yourself!
Canada needs US more than other way around. Canada is going to hell faster than the US that Trump is trying to save. Canadians live under censorship and only get BS globalist media crap that’s allowed. We will see how this works out!! I have done all my research & homework & I can see Godless Globalism & Marxism that’s growing like a cancer in Canada via the masters of EU, British Crown, and the CCP! I see it with my own eyes and ears! Wake up and grow up if you want to do business and be friends with the US! STOP taking Chinese Fentanyl and manufacturing deadly drugs to kill Americans for a fast buck! That is the heart of the issue .. Canada brought this all on themselves getting in bed with China & globalist evil and I am glad we have a President with courage to confront it head on & cut it off for good!
If you had done yet more research, Einstein, perhaps you'd've ran into the fact that fentanyl seizures across our longest border on earth was 0.2% of your total fentanyl seizures. 1/500th! Maybe then you'd realize that you are misled and downright lied to 24x7.
I live under censorship? You don't say. What can you read that I can't read? Name one thing. We get your propaganda PLUS other bull shit. We get more info (not less) than do self-absorbed you.
See, it's a weird accusation (and a real strange trade war motive/justification) given that Trump has proven that it was actually the USA living under censorship (Big Gov & Big Tech) these past five years.
You spew bull shit talking points for their bull shit narrative like a parrot that's done his research. C'mon. You're better than that! God made you better than that.
The heart of the issue is that Trump is in on it. These wrangling are theatre while, really, Trump:
1) instigates trade wars to destroy economies (including yours, dumbass - Hint: research Smoot-Hawley) to
2) do what he does best: administer a bankruptcy (of the fiat US$) and
3) smash Greenland, Canada and USA into a "beautiful" "union" as per the Club of Rome.
You've much to learn.
You are totally clueless! The USA is on a cliff but Canada has fallen over it.., not the people but the government. The smart Canadians and there are many know it better than anyone. They arrested pastors and cut off credit & banking to anyone who supported the hardworking truckers.. Don’t tell me that’s a sign of health and righteousness. There is indeed a huge fentanyl lab up there and as many Chinese and Islamic Terrorists than what Biden & co “welcomed” into the US the last 4 years. If you don’t know that it’s your problem. Canada is almost 100% dependent on the US to survive. It’s silly for such a country to kick the hand that feeds them. Trump is right and will win this “trade war” hands down so get used to it! I did think of Canadians as kind caring people but people like you give them a bad name., Your taking points are total BS and you are obviously brainwashed! Thus is the last second I’m gonna waste on you. Good luck!
“Friends” don’t to try to strangle their friends, economically. Massive tariffs that Canada puts on aluminum and a 240% tariff on milk. ! The US has been shown to be the country that charges the Lowest tariffs in the world..we need to bring all of our tariffs equal to other countries and stop being chumps.
Ummm ... it's the US putting 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum.
The 240% tariff on US dairy is far more complicated than your bull shit talking point. It is a complex formula vis-a-vis escalating levels (and tariffs) on Wisconsin dairy. The exact terms were agreed to and signed by all three countries (incl. Trump) in 2019.
Americans a parrots.
Please provide a link to source your claim that "The US has been shown to be the country that charges the Lowest tariffs in the world." Thank you.
Canada is like that neighbor who doesn't want to own a gun themselves, but benefits from having a big 2nd Amendment neighbor next door in times of real trouble. The world knows the U.S. would never allow Canada to go communist, so China and Russia won't pick a fight with Canada. So 'little brother' Canada walks around knowing 'big brother' USA will defend them. So Canada got reckless with its economics. Reckless with its progressive commentary and bragging about how great their 'social justice' and social contract' is compared to the USA. Well, that time is over. Trump is speaking up for those of us tired getting slammed by Canadians who live off the protection of the big brother. Time to pay up Canada.
Are you sure? I ask because I believe that it is far more likely that TPTB in both countries are acting all belligerent towards one another (like Pro Rasslin) while, really, they are instituting these post-WWII plans:
Club of Rome NWO Map
Regionalized Adaptive Model For The Global World System
Region 1 - North American Union (NAU)
Region 2 - European Union (EU)
Region 3 - Japan European Union (JEU)
Region 4 - Pacific Union (PU)
Region 5 - Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD)
Region 6 - South American Union (SAU)
Region 7 - Arab Customs Union (ACU)
Region 8 - African Union (AU)
Region 9 - Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Region 10 - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
Sorry, Lil Trumpsters, but yesterday your hero was waxing poetic on how “beautiful” a “union” of Greenland, Canada And USA will be.
It’s not Canada vs USA. It's us vs. them.
Canada has always, all my life , hated the USA. Running scams, tariffs galore, using US resources, Arrogance!!!.
No, they have NOT been a "good neighbor". They grow more communist by the year for over 50 years. The USA props their failing economy up. They come to The US for medical interventions their socialist system cannot get them. Their college students get jobs here that pay.
There are no advantages for our nation..Canada is a cheat.
What happen to you doctor? You moved to the left.
Stop your hysterics. Understand an issue before screaming.
why is it ok for other countries around the world to charge the USA huge tariffs but when the USA attempts to level the playing field everyone freaks out
The globalists are a bunch of ass clowns. Secure the border and remove all the ridiculous tariffs and trade barriers on US goods……
So why is it OK for other Countries to impose unilateral Tariffs on the USA but when the converse occurs everyone loses their mind?
This is a good for goose good for gander issue.
I do not think the USA should be the world police force nor subsidize the economies of every other country.
Reciprocal tariffs are like the Walmart effect....
When Walmart wants to eliminate local businesses they sell similar goods at a loss if necessary. Walmart can absorb the losses better than the local businesses so over time the competition dies off and then Walmart raises the costs of goods and over time re-captures the initial losses AND there is no longer any local competition.
Im good with the Tariffs. The rest of the World will need to stop sucking off the USA tit and produce their own milk...
Our trade deficit with our “friendly” neighbor is ok with you? Last time I looked, our economy dwarfs theirs many times over… he is striving for fair trade, and yes the USMCA was a significant improvement over NAFTA, but it needs to be re-written for balanced trade and tariffs! Hence… increased tariffs and reciprocal tariffs.
agreed trade could be fair...should be but not this way and Canada will never be part of USA...nor USA part of Canada...a lot of this is hubris and arrogance and misunderstanding of relationships and that not all is about meme coins...and respect when it is gone, is gone...remember, it was USA who asked Canada to help defend it 9/11...do not forget that and Canada lost 170 soldiers when it was not attacked...
Read Trumps Deal books again to understand how he operates in negotiating and final agreement goals. Amazon just put his "The Apprentice" show on Prime for free again. I'd never seen it before, but you get to see his thinking from 20 years ago, and how consistent he is in his approach to working the best deal. He is transactional. Dan Bongino's podcasts talk about this a lot. Once it's understood, there will be less angst by people. And I don't think that the 9-11 references are as helpful as you think they are. Many of us view that now as the start of the Five Eyes and supercharging the Deep State and military industrial complex. Lots of unanswered questions there. Allies and interests change over time. Look at Japan now versus 100 years ago. History is in the past. Trump looks at everything from an opportunity standpoint for the American people. We are not conquerors. (If that was the goal the American flag would already be flying in Quebec.) If Canada wants to arm up ($$$$$$) go for it. But status quo is unacceptable at this point. The free lunch for many in Canada is going to end in one way or another. Just a plain and simple observation.
We work our asses off to harvest our resources to deliver to your insatiable demands in exchange for your phoney-bologna fiat ass-wipe US$ conjured out of thin fucking air and WE are the ones with the free ride?!!!
You're none too bright. Sad but true.
“ agreed trade could be fair...”
Then STFU!
Huh? We had signed trade agreements. Then include protocols and procedures to renegotiate as necessary. As one would expect, unprovoked trade wars accompanied by existential threats of annexation are contrary to them.
Maybe it is you that should STFU, eh?
What is Canadian tariffs on the US dairy, clown? 🤡
Was it in the agreement? Who, when, and how put it there?
Get the facts and sense of humor before opening your mouth and removing any doubt of who you are 🤡
A) It is in our USMCA Trade Agreement signed by Trump in 2020!
B) It is nothing more than a bull-shit talking point. Wisconsin dairy dominates trade with Canada. There is a line-item clause in our now-broken trade agreement (to protect Canadian dairy farmers) where 240% tariffs kick-in IF the imbalance becomes greater than a prescribed, agreed-upon threshold. But it never has passed that prescribed, agreed-upon threshold. Ever. So, that 240% tariff that you're so indignant about (because your tv told you to be) has never, ever actually been charged ever but yet still you want to destroy our economy because the clause (that you agreed to) simply exists? Would not a simple renegotiation of this be in order? I mean: as opposed to this lose-lose trade war causing "one beautiful union"?
Americans do not think, reason. They are giving their bs talking points for the bs narrative from their brainwashing devices and then they spew them like parrots.
C'mon! Surely you are better than that.
With all due respect, I don't think that you're grokking exactly what's afoot.
Trump is destroying Canada's economy to annex it into a "beautiful" "union" as the Club of Rome has called for since, at least 1942. Throw in Greenland and we will be NWO's Region 1 - North American Union (NAU).
Trudeau, Trump, Carney, Polievre ... it's all just Saturday TV Rasslin' while they really further their evil agenda.
I want Canada to remain Canada . Its in Canada's best interest to remain such...
Until USA gets its house in order we have zero business even dreaming about a 51st State... we cant even take care of the 50 we have...
The NWO ideology (fantasy?) of having Canada, USA, Greenland, Mexico and the "cap" of S. America as a combined "North America Economic Zone" is exactly the type of ideology that prompted the writing of US Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc...
The NWO ideology is simply that only "one" can benefit the "many" and thus the one must be the source (and control) for everything...
The NWO antithesis is free people and free chouce/will (far more than the illusion we in the USA currently "enjoy"). For free people to be truly free there must be independent nations.
We learn nothing and gain nothing from a "single source" providing life and livelihoods via contribed world wide economic zones. Its our differences, our collective ability to agree to disagree, and most importantly our abiliity to coexist through the disagreements that provide a world wide mechanism for gainful life and livelihood.... its the teach a man to fish is better than just giving himfish concept...
Ive been to Canada on several occasions a LONG time ago... Lake of the Woods (Myles Place) just North of International Falls, MN... beauriful place. Wouldnt want it to be part of the USA for all the raw earth elements in Canada... Its perfect just where it is....
If the end game for the the MAGA movement is more centralized power (Canada Greenland USA as a single country for example) then Trump was simply the leader given to We the People at the time when a leader (by design) was most needed to "save us" from the NWO... which ironically MAGA will not only NOT save us, but will be the vehicle used to deliver the last big pieces required for the full establishment of the NWO...
All the nations of the world need to unite under their OWN flags and reject the NWO system of generational control. That is the path to prosperity for all nations.
You are correct.
"Christians! Vote this one last time. After this, you won't ever need to vote again!" - DJT
Trump acted all anti-deep state while really being a double agent working for the clampdown.
Understood… I have witnessed some intense negotiations in my life and when someone is trying to get the best deal possible, you might hurt some feelings along the way… it’s a tactic he uses better than anyone I have ever seen… he has no intention of taking over Canada, nor do they want to be a part of us. But when the dust settles, we will have a fair deal that puts us on par with the rest of the world! Cheers!
"I no longer like the deal that I negotiated, agreed to and signed so now, instead of renegotiating our deal, I will destroy your economy with an unprovoked trade war and then annex ya."
In many circles, people speaking like that are often referred to as "assholes."
Screw Canada and their Chinese Fentanyl
You are a victim of propaganda. Fentanyl seizures along our largest border on earth is 0.2%! 1/500th. Statistically zero.
Chinese Fentanyl labs are this decade's Usama bin Laden's high tech Afghan mountain cave complexes.
Try watching some news produced in Canada for a little balance (and a better understanding that you are brainwashed living under propaganda).
Here, start with this:
As a fellow Canadian, I would council you to consider that maybe just maybe there is more to this than meets the eye.
Are you not paying attention to what just happened in Ottawa? The coronation of a Globalist Trojan Horse? Did you not even stop to ponder the ramifications?
Do you understand the great conflict that is ongoing; Globalists vs. Populists? Can you not see that the Globalists talk a good game when it comes to "Democracy" yet when push comes to shove, when their candidate is losing they tend to just "cancel" the elections? Yep happening right now in Romania and the UK
But I digress; are you not worried about the Damage Carney could do? Do you think our confederation is safe under his parties tutelage? I certainly hope not. B/C he is a DAVOS Mother WEFer FULL STOP, nothing more nothing less - you will own nothing and you will be happy.
Trump is going after the Globalists, they are in full panic mode. That is a good thing, b/c those mf'ers are doing their best to provoke WW3, Here's the punch line; Trump is the only thing that stands in the way of the Globalist Ah's from having their way in Canada, better a 51st state than stuck in a globalist digital gulag full of 15 min cities.
IMHO - you need to study what's happening in Geo Politics, B/C if you understood the actual stakes, you would never post something like this
Thank you for that on Mark Carney. Well done.
Now ... you're halfway there.
Globalists vs. Populists is their theatre while they swing the pendulum back and forth in one hand and perform magik with the other.
Trump & Carney will give us Saturday tv Rasslin' drama before they smash Greenland, Canada and the USA into NWO Region 1 - North American Union (NAU).
WEFers are too powerful and too cocky to have their entire plan of evil world-domination resting on 50/50 outcomes in free and fair elections. That's silly.
The WEF is cocky because there are 33-degree masons everywhere.
Who started it? Right, now it has to play out. Hope Trump can finish *favorably* what he began.
Please: Canada was charging these tariffs IF the quota had been reached, which in never does (USA will stop ordering under that quota). Canada exported a little over 300 millions dollars of dairy products to the USA, while the USA shipped for 1.6 billion of dairy products to Canada. There is clearly a smudge campain against Canadians. This said, I don't agree with communism. I always hated Trudeau. And the unelected Liberal party replacement is worse in terms of globalism, boot licking WEF puppet. He once was at the head of the UK bank, and he left England in a dire chaos. This said, I just wonder why Trump's sudden fury, changing-day-to-day policies, ready to kill Canada's economy in a matter of months with no negotiations, realist time-lines. The fury is really about annexing Canada as the 51st state. And that's called majors bullying. Exactly when the country was without a decent leader. Anyways, as I'm Canadian and waiting to be trashed right now, Trump's speeches has ignited a real hate towards Canadians who are just appalled. I wonder who cares I'll be soon loosing my job because of those policies. I'm a Canadian widow, barely paying my stuff and it's still too early to take my pension. Who knows if if the pension plan will still be effective anyways.
Brilliant comment. Thank you! American propaganda is bitching about a complex 240% that is purely theoretical (and agreed to and signed!) because ... their tv told them to parrot that ad nauseam. Americans sure are good little parrots.
I am sorry to hear that you have been thrust onto the front lines of this stupid trade war. God bless you!
You are correct. Trump and Carney's mandate is to smash Greenland, Canada and USA into one "beautiful" "union" - the Club of Rome's NWO Region 1 - North American Union (NAU).
As a Canadian I must say that I feel Trump is only trying to expose how corrupt and globalist our government truly is. Canada cannot win a trade war and we should not be subsidizing as many goods like dairy as we do. We cry when the other guy wants more fairness. We as citizens would be better off in the long run if we did have true free trade. It would hurt our dairy for a while since Canada would have to pay back all the dairy farmers that get charged I believe about $10,000.00 a Jersey cow. Was a problem as far back as 12 years ago when the conservatives tried to change the system and stop the 300% markup of Canadian dairy. They used to dump boat loads of butter into the ocean. We are far from innocent in this situation. I know there are more things and goods than Dairy industry, but if we are friends we should act like it now. We always talk about what we used to do for the USA. World wars being one of them. We were involved before the US in these wars because we followed Britain into them. The USA when the population finally voted as a democracy to come help joined us to bring victory.
We did not join them to bring victory.
Most of the time in the last 80 years Canada has taken a neutral position sitting on the fence pointing fingers, not truly helping, only helping if we could supply goods of some kind for profit without getting involved. When we have gotten involved it was at the behest of NATO or UN.
Joly: "...and we are a strong country."
No were are not. We haven't the military to defend our borders, and we are utterly reliant on the US economically and militarily. There is nothing "strong" about those indisputable facts. Canada hasn't met a NATO spending commitment in forever. We spend a pile of that money on health care that produces increasingly poor results. Half the country wanted to imprison the other half, or take their children away, for opposing vaccine mandates or honking their truck horns. The people are more divided than ever, our leadership has never been weaker, our economy never so threatened or at risk. Our currency is at its lowest in almost 25 years. We needlessly accept an ever increasing carbon tax. Our media is hopelessly biased.
Statements like Joly's are the problem. Like those who stupidly profess "we don't need the USA".
Absolute nonsense. The sooner Canada comes to appreciate its actual position and eschews this kind of nonsense, the sooner things can get better.
Ford backtracked yesterday in an effort to save face and half-apologised to the American people in a TV interview I saw in passing (either BBC America or American PBS).
(Most) Canadian politicians should apologise to Canadians for treating them like abused lab animals and beasts of burden and then trying to turn them against their American friends.
In the end, citizens of both countries should benefit from a tariff "war." (Are Canadians 'citizens' or merely considered subjects of the Crown to be ordered around by Canadian leaders happy to demean them for their own selfish goals?)
I like to see both nations act in their own best interest as these issues are worked out. But engaging the citizenry of both nations in minimally informed internecine animosity only serves the needs of U.S. Democrats and Canadian globalists.