I heard Dr. Malone the other day say that he will send cease and desist letters to those who are attaching video clips of his therapeutic experience with Nattokinase to Ads of any dietary supplement products, which is consistent with his tweet from January about so called “grifters” promoting dietary supplements to treat the c19 jab injured. My response to his tweet as well as a DM to him below remains unanswered.

“If greed by deception is “grifting” as you have just defined it, then Big Pharma lobbying FDA to ban OTC sales of NMN, NAC & a long list of other vitamins & dietary supplements (& hints of future OTC bans on certain probiotics & their therapeutic actives, like nattokwinase), is guilty of “fascist grifting” which is far more egregious than physicians selling their own brand of “over priced” vitamins. In the ladder case, the consumer is still FREE to find a more reasonably priced product, while the former case involves criminalizing the sale of a product by merely renaming it “a drug” in order to monopolize its market share. Wouldn’t you agree, Dr. Malone?

After all, if we are encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health by trusting and thinking for themselves, then we should decriminalize therapeutics across the board including those now only available by prescription. We must abolish the institutionally constructed delusion that if you can grow it in your backyard or buy it OTC, then it’s not effective, or worse, so dangerous to use without paying a doctor to ordain its personal use for us that we must submit to the dictates of the State while relinquishing our God giving inalienable right to determine what goes into our own bodies.”

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023



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Praise MALONE for he is the ORACLE of BIG-PHARMA and paymaster for all the minions who as of yet did not get a horse-ranch.

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Two “T”’s or people might think you’re starting wars or something

“Natto” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natt%C5%8D

Which you can get at most asian groceries, and even maintain sort of like a sourdough starter. Rather funky smelling though.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023


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Well, Jane Ruby is over on her Rumble channel bashing Dr Paul, Steve Kirsch and Meryl Nash. I don't know how she keeps her channel going with all the people she's bashed but wow, what a joke that woman is. Im sorry for saying all this but I just ran across it and I'm appalled by the things she says about good people. Malone has allot to answer for and I really hope he does that, and soon because for all the crap he's done with his mRNA technology, he really should be ashamed. I read Karen Kingston and she talks about his invention and why if she knew the truth by reading one patent in May of 2021, why hasn't he figured it out yet, Hmm.

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My concern is the dose of nattokinase is not adequate enough. I would think close to a gram once or twice a day would be a better dose.

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I keep seeing posts, comments about Nattokinase, how about purely isolated Lumbrokinase much higher fibrolytic effect. Used for centuries in China. RNA Canada sells pure Lumbrokinase, most brands are NOT the purely isolated enzyme. For that matter Salvia Miltterozia SP? Dan Shen in Chinese has had phenomenal success. It’s not just the spike protein it’s also cardiac endothelial damage done by the Spike Protein. Many ways to repair this in given individuals. Just as genomes differ from person to person, so does their immune proclivities. There is no one size fits all answer to this problem. That’s our current medical system. I’m a TCM/Functional Medical Practitioner of 30years. I applaud Drs MuCollugh, and all the other freedom fighters. They are angels of truth seeking. Just like Vax reactions are different so are the answers. Please allow the voice of functional medicine to cut through the Fog of War here as well as the others.

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I wonder if anyone knows if freshwater " seaweed" has any of the nutritional benefits of the many dietary seaweeds.

Parts of the Lake Michigan shore are well covered, and I wonder if it could be nutritionally valuable, especially with the food supply concern.

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KK says there's no spike. Why detox from something that's not there? What's the truth, Dr. Paul?

I'll wait on Jessica Rose, Kevin McKernan, Ryan Cole and other pathologists

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I thought you had an issue with Malone not being open about inventing MRNA as you told Tenpenny.

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In addition to Nattokanise and Nigella Sativa, I've also read good things about Artemisia Annua aka Sweet Wormwood as it relates to anti-viral, blood thinning, and anti-inflammatory properties.

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I ordered the Spike Formula exactly ONE MONTH ago. Two weeks later, I received an email from Wellness Co, & from DHL that my order was delivered. It wasn’t. I have security cameras. Nothing was delivered.

The response from Wellness Co has been abysmal. I’m still waiting for the product I ordered. At this point, nothing short of a full refund will suffice. I doubt I’ll get one. In my opinion, Wellness Co is engaged in a bait & switch. They admit having a shortage of product, but to keep money flowing in, they offer “free” Krill Oil or Vit C when you order the Spike Formula. Spike Formula never arrives, so customer is paying $75 for 30 tablets of Vit C... complete rip off. I’m furious.

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Isn't it true that after the injections that your cells are altered so that they continuously produce spike proteins ? DNA transcription changes our cells forever ? If this is so, I'm glad that Nato and other product provide some relief... but it seems that the fundamental problem still exists ? Namely, that spike proteins and nan0-tech modification continues unabated. We can't get rid of the tainted cells. And in fact, it would appear that the altered cells take over the whole body. Which leads to the question: Are those who are vaccinated still Human... or Human 2.0 ? And what about the shedding aspect of the nanotech that causes this alteration ? Shedding or communicating these infectious change agents to others ? I wear a personal negative ion generator when I'm out in public.

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