Yes, now for Germany! Free Reiner Fuellmich!

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One at a time! Now for Germany to follow!

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And Australia

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Yes Australia has to break the Fascist Yoke that is around its Neck .

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French President Emmanuel Macron's "Wife" Brigitte is actually a much older MAN.


3m [hilarious ... ENJOY!]

"From Jean-Michel to Brigitte Trogneux, lies at the Elysée"


The brother could end the mystery *immediately* by appearing side-by side with his "sister" Brigitte at a presser or by granting a brief interview withe her at his side, but he CANNOT appear at the same time as she, because he has now become his "sister," the First "Lady." Like Clark Kent/Superman, etc.

The research is very well done:


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After Germany, comes the US.

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After the US and Trump , then Brussels!

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it wiil. net zero and mirgration has done them both

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I’ll celebrate when I see his replacement, what that replacement actually does. This is a good step, but we’ve seen this movie before, and Europe keeps circling the drain.

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circling the drain, I love it

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Micro.n will never resign. He's still clinging to power. He's still the president and is just replacing his PM.

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France needs Ms LePen.

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Nazi Germany second and release political prisoner freedom fighter Reimer Fuellmich

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Guess his parliament and citizens not fond of him wanting to send troops to Ukraine and start global war.

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Let's hope the (WEF) EU collapses like a house of cards now.

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A much Hoped for Day when Klaus and Co will be gone .

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I'm stunned. Wonderful news!

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sure is

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The French people wanted LePen over Macron anyway. Maybe Trudeau will fall also.

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I dearly hope Trudeau is next, not only for the sake of Canadians but for decent people the world over.

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Yes that Parasite need to go .

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Micro.n is still clinging on. He has over 2 years left in his term.

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One can only hope

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Viva la France!!! We need more of that - MUCH more. How about right here in the USA?

At this moment, the USA has *the most* corrupt government in the entire world - that is demonstrable. We can't even say "in the entire FREE world" any longer because our rights and freedoms have been smashed and erased by things like Bush's "Patriot Act", Obama's "NDAA" and the 3-letter agencies that target Americans daily, while "pardoning" and giving free passes to mega-criminals like the Biden Crime Family, Obama, Bush, Jamie Dimon, Bernanke, Clinton, and thousands of others. I'll say it again: THE most corrupt country on Earth! It's time for a do-over.

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Will Trump Drain the Swamp Properly.

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You mean like he did during 2017-2020? If so, we are is SERIOUS trouble!

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Macron is indeed hated, especially for his Corona stance. You cant treat humans like dirt forever.

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The pedo and his husband are outed. Am i referencing Macron…. Or Obama????

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Matt I think the answer is both. Just saying.

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Both would be welcome news

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I wonder if/when it will be publicly acknowledged that "Brigitte" Macron is a man.

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When it's publicly acknowledged that Michelle is a man! Michael!

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Let them fall like dominos or House of Cards. They should have never left them in their country; radical Islamist jihadists ruined the countries, but the EU said they had to take them in and have that country conform to their rules. Do you think this is going over well in the host countries? There is no way in all hell to it. send them back, let them fix their country problems. People in France don't like Macron very well.

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Reap what you sow

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Take a good look at this useless fool who has the IQ of a bruised pomegranate and the appeal of a broken public toilet still in use.

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FY macron you treasonous sob...you need to be tried and hung. Ditto for turdo, merkel, ovomit and biDUMB ...add Singh a song and May the drunk.


One of the final songs Waylon sang was on the mark...(Its the World's Gone Crazy Cotillion)

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something in this post give me hope...

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I will remind you that all around on every side lies the evil machinations of men, be they red or yellow, black or white. Equality...all races are guilty of horrendous acts. We live in an age where damned fools take little girls, cut off their upper assets, shoot them full of steroids and hormones, and introduce them as boys but more aptly put, "fake boys."

Fake men run sex trafficking rings, sell illicit drugs that kill, commit terrorist acts and perpetrate rape on women. I could detail the evil that men do but need to say there are worse spawn of women, who dress in suits, occupy high places, are elected to political power and run hugely profitable businesses.

These latter are the worst, hiding behind the corrupt CYSTem, office doors and women's skirts. These are cowards, damned as in Revelation Chapter 21 verse 8 and are the first and worst category listed of vile men. There is only one thing, one action that is worthy of these...it is justice at the end of a rope, or an innoculation of life destructive drugs on death row.

Names? Ovomit, biDUMB, Turdo, and the behind the scenes elite who are wealthy beyond the pale. Evil exists because wicked men commit evil. People need to know and support the one thing that these vile ones understand, and that is their own ultimate deaths imposed by the "state" will set us free.

There are many things to happen in the times we live in and evil things that have and are happening now. The problem can be described in seven words why evil reigns, "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." So it has been and so it is and so it will be into the future until opposition and punishment is imposed on evil people.

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Hey doofus Macron: The solution is right in front of you. Marine Le Pen!

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