In a just world, yes for the crime Trudeau did when it comes to the "vaccine", thousands died because he mandate that time bomb weapon, yes he is a criminal , unless he is too dumb and did not know what damage the shot can do.
I'm sure that's the least of his crimes. He probably wasn't even legally elected. I'm sure canadian elections are as fake as american elections. They all knew, which is why "they" didn't take it, probably exempt like US politicians.
Right. But the process itself is fake. The rules around it really don't matter. All of that is just political theater. I can't really speak as to candian elections but I'm assuming since it's a big north american countey included in the globalist plan it's probably the same. Even roosevelt said presidents are selected, not elected.
And good riddance to him. He was a petty tyrant doing the bidding of the global cabal against the will and freedom of the Canadian people.
I hope Canadians call for a spontaneous week long celebration, speeches, parades, fireworks. Maybe even send Turdeau into exile.
yes yes yes, I love this post Dave
Trudeau should be send to exile in the countries he love, China or Cuba
there is a process in the Westminster system, now the party finds a new leader, can take hours or days etc.
How about hanged like a criminal
In a just world, yes for the crime Trudeau did when it comes to the "vaccine", thousands died because he mandate that time bomb weapon, yes he is a criminal , unless he is too dumb and did not know what damage the shot can do.
many died due to what he and his freaks did
He knew. He didn't take the
You correct, he did not take the bioweapon, the videos show it
That means he knew what he was doing, he is a criminal
I'm sure that's the least of his crimes. He probably wasn't even legally elected. I'm sure canadian elections are as fake as american elections. They all knew, which is why "they" didn't take it, probably exempt like US politicians.
sure do have fake elections in Canada too
You can't vote in Canada without ID, in the U.S its possible in many states
Right. But the process itself is fake. The rules around it really don't matter. All of that is just political theater. I can't really speak as to candian elections but I'm assuming since it's a big north american countey included in the globalist plan it's probably the same. Even roosevelt said presidents are selected, not elected.
Probably could get brought up on charges of treason against the Canadian people as well.
He's a mensch
Yes, exile him to Cuba where his relatives are.
Yes! Just so long as he doesn't come here. WE DON'T WANT HIM!!
There will be many (non-working) well-paid positions on boards to welcome him.