And good riddance to him. He was a petty tyrant doing the bidding of the global cabal against the will and freedom of the Canadian people.

I hope Canadians call for a spontaneous week long celebration, speeches, parades, fireworks. Maybe even send Turdeau into exile.

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yes yes yes, I love this post Dave

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Trudeau should be send to exile in the countries he love, China or Cuba

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there is a process in the Westminster system, now the party finds a new leader, can take hours or days etc.

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How about hanged like a criminal

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In a just world, yes for the crime Trudeau did when it comes to the "vaccine", thousands died because he mandate that time bomb weapon, yes he is a criminal , unless he is too dumb and did not know what damage the shot can do.

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many died due to what he and his freaks did

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Jan 6Edited

He knew. He didn't take the


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You correct, he did not take the bioweapon, the videos show it

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That means he knew what he was doing, he is a criminal

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I'm sure that's the least of his crimes. He probably wasn't even legally elected. I'm sure canadian elections are as fake as american elections. They all knew, which is why "they" didn't take it, probably exempt like US politicians.

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sure do have fake elections in Canada too

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You can't vote in Canada without ID, in the U.S its possible in many states

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Right. But the process itself is fake. The rules around it really don't matter. All of that is just political theater. I can't really speak as to candian elections but I'm assuming since it's a big north american countey included in the globalist plan it's probably the same. Even roosevelt said presidents are selected, not elected.


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Probably could get brought up on charges of treason against the Canadian people as well.

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He's a mensch

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Yes, exile him to Cuba where his relatives are.

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Yes! Just so long as he doesn't come here. WE DON'T WANT HIM!!

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There will be many (non-working) well-paid positions on boards to welcome him.

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did you know he ordered 10 mRNA shots per person in Canada, now they have to flush it into lake Ontario...people dont want it

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AMEN, I couldn’t be more thrilled! Best Monday morning news I’ve had in a while!

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lets hope libs pick new leader fast who will be the PM until the election

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Well, it’s not quite what you think he’s resigning, but he’s going to remain leader while they pick a liberal leader, a new one and do fundraising, but that could be for some time, in the meantime he’s going to possibly poroque Government which means nothing can get done and so I believe this is just another tactic. We really need an election, check out Michelle Rempel Garner’s video on YouTube. She explains what’s going on. Also check out Nortern Perspective on YouTube 🥹

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I AM RIGHT!!! The sob is still leader! (*^&*_*)(&^*&*)(+)+(*^&+(&*)_(*_(^&*+)(*(^&*(+)*& You caught it Rhona!!!!

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but Edward, he has stepped down, like a POTUS, there is process, he will not be running, will not be PM and the party knows they got to move him now, so we may learn a new leader very very soon. but he is gone.

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Let's not assume celebration just yet. So much can happen now with him still as PM until Mar 24th. I don't trust a thing they do. They always have lots of shenanigans left to play. And to think of Freeland and Carney as possibilities is frightening.

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Well I am sure he will continue to do as much damage as he can until he is gone!!

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Time will tell. I do not trust the lying bastard. And the new leader may appoint him to the new cabinet. All kinds of shit can happen still.

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And who's to say the next "leader" will be any better. Canada appears to be part of the big globalist plan so I doubt it will be a leader for the people of canada. Look what happened in the US.

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Yes. Not being melodramatic. Players come and go but the time passes and the plan goes on. It has already entered the prophetic realm.

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I agree.

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It is clear now he did not resign...he only said he would when a new leader is chosen.

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Unfortunately the devil can still do a lot of damage.

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Yes for sure

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Yes Ann for sure.

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Goodbye to the governor of the great state of Canada.

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Time to celebrate. What Trudeau did to the truckers and those who donated, freezing their accounts , that guy needs to be jailed. He forced all doctors to receive the jab and as a result the "Vaccine" killed hundreds of doctors. No punishment is big enough for what that guy did to Canada

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yes, him and Freeland were monsters.

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He was following the globalists' script, same as in Australia, New Zealand, no backbone.

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Maxime is a good option but behind the ball at this time.

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She scares me more! This was planned, I’d bet 💰she stepped down so she could run in the leadership race

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she does scare me more too

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Me too

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Most likely.

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OF COURSE SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, so is Trudeau in handcuffs right now? Will he be in handcuffs any time soon? If not, then he's off to enjoy a life of luxury after having gotten away with more crimes than is possible to list. In other words, we have yet *ANOTHER* miscarriage of justice, with a Fat Rat criminal not paying for his crimes. I'm sorry but I see NO reason to rejoice over Trudeau's "stepping down" - NOT until he PAYS!!!

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you are correct Jorge, but step one...let us move on these...but you are 100000% right.

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I'm anxiously awaiting the (supposed) day - 20 Jan - when they turn a "new page".

It had *better* happen 'immediately'. Patience is exhausted. Excuses are verboten!

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With the backstabbing Freeland defensestrating herself, we observe her bestial cunning as being more refined than Trudeau's.

Freeland saw what was coming after her ongoing betrayal of Canadian citizens, and knew that she could be held accountable for it. Within a system devoid of positive rights like the Commonwealth countries have, that accountability can be draconian indeed.

Never fear; Trudeau and Freeland, both, will prosper and return to renewed attacks on Canadian's rights and freedoms, in other roles. It's the way of such things always, eh?

One supposes that fairness dictates an acknowledgement that Trudeau is bound by a corrupted parliament. One need only recollect the falsehoods uttered in passage of bill C-16, to admit the unholy influence. No sympathy for Trudeau or Freeland, though; they are both extremists who never caviled at anything increasing their dictatorial power.

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boom: "Freeland saw what was coming after her ongoing betrayal of Canadian citizens, and knew that she could be held accountable for it. Within a system devoid of positive rights like the Commonwealth countries have, that accountability can be draconian indeed."

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Their replacement is always worse. Failing up is their motto. Glad to see soy boy momma’s boy leaving in disgrace.

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Maybe Trump will give him a job driving his golf cart, as long as he doesn’t speak unless spoken to.

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You should reconsider this move as a prolifically motivated move… What is Castro Trudeau possibly gaining by this move? Think!

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He did not resign he created a Condition precedent that permits 3 plus months to go by.

One area doesn't shut down.

Private Members bills.

Bill c293 continues.

We need a podcast friend!

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Kinda makes me wonder exactly what Trump told Trudeau in their meeting at Mar-a-logo week ago’

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