A few appear to be genetically immune to covid and don't catch it but there's increasing evidence that for those who do it stays in the body and hides while causing ongoing damage including neurologically.

It's a risk factor for dementia and repeated bouts seem to increase the risk.

Jabs also appear to increase the risk.

Thus it's best if Joe stays in the race so he can be even more of a dribbling idiot by the time he faces Trump in the next debate.

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I doubt it has much to do with genetics - rather metabolic/immune system health prior to infection.

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Hmm. What do you think killed more kids in America - gun shots or Pfizer shots?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

It's been over for Biden for a long time. I mean, go all the way back to the campaigns for the 2020 elections. Why else was Biden kept locked-up in his home 95% of the time? Biden was then already cognitive-impaired. Over the past 4 years, his mental state has degenerated greatly, to the point where it cannot be hidden any longer. The only revelations is that most people are now waking up to that fact.

The 64-trillion-dollar question is, what's next for 'we the people'? Will we get what we NEED -- Lady Justice for *everyone* -- or will we get another 4 years of Fat Rat criminals getting away with all manner of crimes, as they've done for the past 30 years?

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When I heard today that stepford biden has covid again, I thought about CVS or Walgreen's running over a couple of pharmacists to give him a few half dozen covid shots(the safe and effective shot per CDC, Mika and Joy Reid). Yep, we want Joey to get well enough to fall down the stairs a few more times before eliminated by the deep state for not following their orders to leave the office.

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Who cares if Biden steps down. He is a proxy president. The people who pull the strings are still in power.

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Dems eating their own. And this time it’s the big fish. Kick him while he’s down. What are they afraid of? Just weeks ago he was on top of his game!

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First,give the dagger 🗡

to Lady Macbeth

She'll know what to do.

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No Biden, more American children are not dying of gun shots, they are dying from rape and murder…

As much as they are (and going to) die from the genetic injections? Or are going to be sterilised?

Or their children are going to die/be sterilised. And their children. And their children...

Nothing can compare to this.

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of course, I understand this too, but I am making a point that now we have a rape murder crisis and want him to know since his argument is keeping it in the violence arena...but if we talk gross deaths, numeric, then the Malone Bourla vaccine is the great killer now and future

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Yeah, Dr P - I know you do, and I really appreciate your writings. Not trying to be a as*hole - it just gets me so much; the enormous damage they have done, to the whole world.

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They’ll take him out one way or another.

Stand by for Big Mike, Widmer, Brasher, Newsome, or even Hillary as VP.

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yes, he will need step down, either willingly or they will openly tell him...still they trying to do it behind the scenes but now Chuck has broken

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Perhaps the Covid positive test, is a way to coerce the Bidens to drop out. If he is admitted to a (DNC approved) hospital, he’s not coming back out.

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There isn't and never was a COVID test. Oh, you mean, if JOE enters the hospital

he will experience the protocols other patients received and died. Good... serves

him right.

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Or let him keep talking, or release his interview tapes, or withhold his meds.

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Totally agree. I read on another site that the possibilities are Newscum, Witmer, JB Pritzker or Big Mike. Supposedly one of them will run as VP with Harrris (yeah sure). JB Pritzker is the governor of Illinois and he has destroyed Illinois with the highest taxes, made IL a sanctuary state and several bus loads of illegals are still arriving daily, highest gas tax in the USA, helped destroy Chitcago, Illinois had a mask law until May 2023 (we didn't wear them though), he is bestie with Gates, just pushed through a Chinese EV factory in Manteno, is a WEF member, Hyatt billionaire baby, his sister Penny worked to get Obama elected (selected). What I'm saying JB Pritzker is as bad as Obama.

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I live in Florida. I heard this man visiting from Chicago saying that they can't even go

to a park. People are getting robbed there all the time. He lived in a nice area, too.

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It's terrible with the gangs plus illegals. I had to stop going to my specialist at Northwestern because it's not safe. It's not safe on the commuter trains either. If you look at Guns Save Life website there's a story of a man & his pregnant wife walking to their apartment in Streeterville (pricey area-$4500/mo apt rent) after dinner. Thugs grabbed him& beat him up, grabbed her kicked and stomped her, pulled her hair out...she lost her baby. Chicago mayor & Soros funded Kim Fox, SA didn't do anything!

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OMG....That's horrifying. I'm sorry you can't get to your specialist. That's totally unacceptable. I will check out the website. I never realized it was that bad.

Please take care. Thanks for sharing. GOD BLESS +

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Awwwwful. Do you live there? Oh gosh, leave asap. Sell your house and come to Northern Virginia. It is kind of nice here

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Really. I would say years ago, but not now.

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It seems the deepstate are adding that pressure for Biden too go. Will it be Shapiro, Newsom, or who. I believe it will be a super progressive evil thug

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remember too a common cold can take down a 10 year old normally healthy child, its the way it goes

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Shapiro is running Pennsylvania into the ground. He's incompetent. He wouldn't do one debate. He was voter frauded in.

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maybe Mark Warner? I am trying to think of someone that is .... less evil?

I do not like Mark Warner, I live in Virginia. He is a creep

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Kamala’s their gal!

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They will have a super bad time trying to beat the new improved Donald.

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I thought it really good he's started to talk about Pharma and their deleterious effects on the US citizenry.

I know you agree he has to (must), for once, admit he was duped. It is a hard thing to do, but much better than continuing the lie that he was a part of warp speeding on the planet.

The mRNA poison events will never be forgiven - he must come clean on his first day.

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I remember the despicable things They were saying when Trump had a "Covid " diagnosis......

And that is the difference between 'us' and 'them'.

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The Leftists infected Trump with the virus at that debate.

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"How should we get rid of Biden?" Let's say he has COVID....looong COVID

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Another JOE lie. He has a viral infection better known as a cold. COVID another made up

viral infection.

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Combined with a FAKE PCR test. Always knew those swabs were a danger to your health.

Plus, just to think of it is GROSS.

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So the democrats will continue to lie and distract.

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Schumer should have forcefully told Obama to go. After all he's pulling the strings of puppet Brandon.

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No Joe, more children die daily from an elective procedure called abortion. Over 1,700 per day in America. And in the world? over 200,000 children a DAY murdered in the womb. That is 73 million a YEAR. By the time you have read just my post, 138 children will have been killed. Democrats are sick, sick, sick. They put murder in to their platform. How can anyone trust a person who has no problem with abortion up to the moment of birth? There is no line they won't cross to justify whatever they want. We see what that has wrought with the Dems. Sin corrupts the soul and the ability to reason. And the more people marinate in it, the more their hearts harden, making it more unlikely they will reach for God's mercy when their time is up. Sadly, in Joe's case, he may mentally be past that point of no return.

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